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海底控制点的GNSS-A定位精度受到测量船相对于海底控制点的航迹影响,本文针对圆形测量模式垂向几何结构较弱的问题,给出了一种新的基于嵌套圆的直线测量模式的分析方法,研究了直线测量模式的参数可估性,并给出了直线测量模式得到唯一解的条件.同时,详细分析了圆形测量模式下要增加十字航迹的原因,推导出圆加十字测量模式下获得海底控制点最优三维点位精度的走航半径约为1.15倍水深.理论分析表明,在圆形测量模式下增加直线航迹能够有效增强其几何结构,提升定位效能.此外,针对是否存在唯一的最优航迹进行了思考,并给出了相应的见解.最后,利用深海实测数据验证了理论推导的结果,圆加十字测量模式较圆形测量模式对海底控制点定位的精度提升可达1.4 cm.

Detailed real-time road data are an important prerequisite for navigation and intelligent transportation systems. As accident-prone areas, road intersections play a critical role in route guidance and traffic management. Ubiquitous trajectory data have led to a recent surge in road map reconstruction. However, it is still challenging to automatically generate detailed structural models for road intersections, especially from low-frequency trajectory data. We propose a novel three-step approach to extract the structural and semantic information of road intersections from low-frequency trajectories. The spatial coverage of road intersections is first detected based on hotspot analysis and triangulation-based point clustering. Next, an improved hierarchical trajectory clustering algorithm is designed to adaptively extract the turning modes and traffic rules of road intersections. Finally, structural models are generated via K-segment fitting and common subsequence merging. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method can efficiently handle low-frequency, unstable trajectory data and accurately extract the structural and semantic features of road intersections. Therefore, the proposed method provides a promising solution for enriching and updating routable road data.  相似文献   
居民就医时空特征与空间格局反映了医疗设施的服务能力与布局合理性.本文以厦门岛为例,采用出租车轨迹数据,探讨了居民就医的时空特征和空间格局.论文提出了基于道路中心线的研究单元划分方法;提出OD轨迹偏移算法,更精细地提取出三级医院的就医OD数据,改善传统的缓冲区分析法中精确度较低的问题;对居民就医行为进行时空特征分析;基于...  相似文献   
在位置服务领域,用户轨迹在较大程度上体现了用户的日常行为模式,以及个人生活习惯等。利用GPS终端收集用户行为轨迹数据并加以挖掘分析,对于位置服务实现智能化推送有积极作用。用户行为轨迹的停留点分析是轨迹分析的常见手段之一。本研究首先将用户个性化信息,与轨迹点相关的地标名称等语义信息融入常规用户行为轨迹,形成“位置-语义”一体化的用户语义轨迹。然后,过滤原始轨迹错误点,提高数据精度,并在此基础上采用一种新的加权方法计算轨迹停留点坐标。最后,利用停留点坐标结合用户的兴趣、职业等个人信息,在扩充的POI信息库(包含营业时间、优惠信息等)中检索匹配,并智能化匹配出用户停留点周围的POI,主动向用户推送符合个人兴趣或职业需求的POI详情位置服务。  相似文献   
轨迹在地理空间中相对一条有向线移动时,可能发生多次进入、离开、穿过、相遇、折返、停留等拓扑关系。针对轨迹-有向线的时空关联特征,提出语义关联的轨迹-有向线移动过程模型:基本思路是将轨迹-有向线的复杂拓扑细节描述为若干局部拓扑关系的组合,从拓扑和语义的角度描述轨迹相对于有向线的移动过程。最后设计并实现了面向该模型的关系模式,并以两类典型请求为例,分析了轨迹-有向线移动过程的纯SQL查询分析技术。  相似文献   
行车轨迹是一种时间序列的地理空间位置采样数据,而传统的轨迹—路网匹配方法主要以全局或局部寻优的方式建立轨迹—路网匹配关系,影响了时空场景中数据的匹配计算过程的相对独立性。针对这个问题,本文基于粒子滤波(Particle Filter,PF)原理建立行车轨迹与道路网络之间的匹配关系。首先,沿轨迹中车辆运动方向在道路网络中搜索邻近道路节点,在与道路节点拓扑邻接的道路弧段上初始化随机生成粒子,根据轨迹中车辆运动模型将粒子沿所在道路弧段移动;然后,基于PF原理计算各时刻粒子运动状态及与行车轨迹采样点之间的距离误差,根据高斯概率密度函数计算粒子权重并利用随机重采样方法进行粒子重采样,迭代更新粒子运动状态;最后,计算与搜索到的道路节点拓扑邻接的每条道路弧段中累计粒子权重,通过各道路弧段累计权重计算轨迹—路网匹配关系。以行车轨迹进行实验表明,利用本文方法可以通过粒子时空变化反映采样点的移动,行车轨迹—路网匹配结果的正确率大于85%,能够实现行车轨迹和路网的准确匹配。  相似文献   
The population distribution grid at fine scales better reflects the distribution of residents and plays an important role in investigating urban systems. The recent years have witnessed a growing trend of applying the nighttime light data to the estimation of population at micro levels. However, using the nighttime light data alone to estimate population may cause the overestimation problem due to excessively high light radiance in specific types of areas such as commercial zones and transportation hubs. In dealing with this issue, this study used taxi trajectory data that delineate people’s movements, and explored the utility of integrating the nighttime light and taxi trajectory data in the estimation of population in Shanghai at the spatial resolution of 500 m. First, the initial population distribution grid was generated based on the NPP-VIIRS nighttime light data. Then, a calibration grid was created with taxi trajectory data, whereby the initial population grid was optimized. The accuracy of the resultant population grid was assessed by comparing it with the refined survey data. The result indicates that the final population distribution grid performed better than the initial population grid, which reflects the effectiveness of the proposed calibration process.  相似文献   

The increasing popularity of Location-Based Social Networks (LBSNs) and the semantic enrichment of mobility data in several contexts in the last years has led to the generation of large volumes of trajectory data. In contrast to GPS-based trajectories, LBSN and context-aware trajectories are more complex data, having several semantic textual dimensions besides space and time, which may reveal interesting mobility patterns. For instance, people may visit different places or perform different activities depending on the weather conditions. These new semantically rich data, known as multiple-aspect trajectories, pose new challenges in trajectory classification, which is the problem that we address in this paper. Existing methods for trajectory classification cannot deal with the complexity of heterogeneous data dimensions or the sequential aspect that characterizes movement. In this paper we propose MARC, an approach based on attribute embedding and Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) for classifying multiple-aspect trajectories, that tackles all trajectory properties: space, time, semantics, and sequence. We highlight that MARC exhibits good performance especially when trajectories are described by several textual/categorical attributes. Experiments performed over four publicly available datasets considering the Trajectory-User Linking (TUL) problem show that MARC outperformed all competitors, with respect to accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score.  相似文献   
现有时空同现模式挖掘方法因其在空间和时间频繁阈值等参数值的设定上存在困难且缺乏客观依据的问题而难以被应用到犯罪地理研究中。为此,本文通过引入时空状态同现模式和最小时空参与率等概念对现有挖掘方法进行了重新建模,并结合广义Grubbs异常值检验提出了一种点模式分布下的犯罪嫌疑人时空同现模式挖掘框架。基于该框架对中国某省部分犯罪嫌疑人的真实移动轨迹数据的实验分析结果表明,本文所提出的方法能够有效地挖掘出嫌疑人间显著的时空同现模式,且这些模式的时空分布特征不仅与犯罪活动易发生在非农业生产区这一共识基本相符,还与日常活动理论的基本观点相适应。本文拓展了时空同现模式挖掘在犯罪地理研究中的应用,研究成果对公安机关等执法部门在重点监控某些犯罪嫌疑人以及合理分配和部署警力资源方面具有重要意义。  相似文献   
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