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Prestack depth migration is a key technology for imaging complex reservoirs in media with strong lateral velocity variations. Prestack migrations are broadly separated into ray-based and wave-equation-based methods. Because of its efficiency and flexibility, ray-based Kirchhoff migration is popular in the industry. However, it has difficulties in dealing with the multi-arrivals, caustics and shadow zones. On the other hand, wave-equation-based methods produce images superior to that of the ray-based methods, but they are expensive numerically, especially methods based on two-way propagators in imaging large regions. Therefore, reverse time migration algorithms with Gaussian beams have recently been proposed to reduce the cost, as they combine the high computational efficiency of Gaussian beam migration and the high accuracy of reverse time migration. However, this method was based on the assumption that the subsurface is isotropic. As the acquired azimuth and maximum offsets increase, taking into account the influence of anisotropy on seismic migration is becoming more and more crucial. Using anisotropic ray tracing systems in terms of phase velocity, we proposed an anisotropic reverse time migration using the Gaussian beams method. We consider the influence of anisotropy on the propagation direction and calculate the amplitude of Gaussian beams with optimized correlation coefficients in dynamic ray tracing, which simplifies the calculations and improves the applicability of the proposed method. Numerical tests on anisotropic models demonstrate the efficiency and accuracy of the proposed method, which can be used to image complex structures in the presence of anisotropy in the overburden. 相似文献
静校正技术在近地表条件复杂地区的地震资料处理中具有重要意义,其校正的准确性直接影响后续的处理和解释工作。在众多静校正方法中,无射线追踪层析静校正法兼具稳定性和灵活性的优点。这里对无射线追踪层析静校正的原理和主要参数进行了分析;而后将其应用于鄂尔多斯盆地某工区黄土塬地区地震资料的处理,把处理效果与其他几种不同静校正方法进行了对比。结果表明,该方法可使单炮记录和叠加剖面的质量得到较大改善,地震记录同相轴的连续性得到增强。 相似文献
一种基于规则格网的等值线生成方法 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
随着规则格网数据的获取手段不断发展,规则格网数据趋于海量化,而现有的一些软件对于大数据规则格网追踪等值线无法应对。针对传统方法较为占用内存问题,文章研究并提出了一种基于规则格网数据的逐行追踪等值线的方法:通过编程实现,与传统方法对比,该方法在处理大数据规则格网时的速度优于传统方法,在算法执行时,逐行追踪等值线方法对于计算机内存占用与传统方法相比大大减少;为了解决传统的等值线光滑与精简方法中出现等值线交叉的问题,文章提出采用规则格网插值与抽稀的方式来完成。 相似文献
地下水温度示踪理论与方法研究进展 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
对地下水温度示踪理论与方法的相关研究做了评述,介绍了当前地质体中温度场与渗流场耦合作用模型、数值模拟技术和渗流参数反演方法,并从温度示踪方法的两个主要应用领域:地表水与地下水交换和工程地下水渗漏探测(以堤坝为例),说明地下水温度示踪的应用研究.在地质体中温度场与渗流场耦合模型方面,裂隙介质、非饱和带、复杂边界条件和非D... 相似文献
Bedrock erosion due to hoeing as tillage technique in a hilly agricultural landscape,southwest China
Tillage on hillslopes may not only induce severe soil erosion, but may also cause bedrock erosion under certain conditions. Yet, little is known about bedrock erosion by tillage in a hilly agricultural landscape, southwest China. The aim of this study is to quantify the translocation of rock fragments derived from bedrock fragmentation by hoeing under different conditions, including slope gradient, hoeing depth and soil-covered thickness using a gravel tracing method. The reliability of the gravel tracing method was confirmed by the bedrock dyeing tracing method. Hoeing depth is a significant factor affecting the translocation rate of rock fragments (Qr ). Meanwhile, under the condition of overlying soil layers (0.06−0.10 m thick), the values of Qr were significantly smaller with a reduction of 20.7−25.6%, compared with rock fragmentation by hoeing for bare bedrock. However, slope gradient was found to have insignificant effects on Qr . Fractured bedrock moved as individual small fragments, which was mainly controlled by the hitting force of the hoe, while soil moved in the shape of lumps, which was dominated by both drag force of the hoe and gravity. This study suggests that hoeing into soil-covered bedrock can diminish bedrock erosion while providing soil matrix for shallow soil layers. Our work presents a quantitative assessment of bedrock erosion by hoeing and an underlying insight into characteristics of bedrock erosion by tillage operations in hilly agricultural regions with mudstone and shale, southwest China. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Near-bankfull floods in an Alpine stream: Effects on the sediment mobility and bedload magnitude 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
In a mountain environment, the transport of coarse material is a key factor for many fields such as geomorphology, ecology, hazard assessment, and reservoir management. Despite this, there have been only a few field investigations of bedload, in particular using multiple monitoring methods. In this sense, attention has frequently focused on the effects of “high magnitude/low frequency floods” rather than on “ordinary events”. This study aims to analyze the sediment dynamics triggered by three high-frequency floods (recurrence interval “RI” between 1.1 and 1.7 yr) that occurred in the Rio Cordon basin during 2014. The flood events were investigated in terms of both sediment mobility and bedload magnitude. The Rio Cordon is an Alpine basin located in northeastern Italy. The catchment has a surface area of 5 km2, ranging between 1763 and 2763 m above sea level. The Rio Cordon flows on an armored streambed layer, with a stable step-pool configuration and large boulders. Since 1986, the basin has been equipped with a permanent station to continuously monitor water discharge and sediment flux. To investigate sediment mobility, 250 PIT-tags were installed in the streambed in 2012. The 2014 floods showed a clear difference in terms of tracer displacement. The near-bankfull events showed equal mobility conditions, with mean travel distance one order of magnitude higher than the below-bankfull event. Furthermore, only the near-bankfull events transported coarse material to the monitoring station. Both events had a peak discharge up to 2.06 m3 s-1, but the bedload transport rates differed by more than one order of magnitude, proving that under the current supply-limited condition, the bedload appears more related to the sediment supply than to the magnitude of the hydrological features. In this sense, the results demonstrated that near-bankfull events can mobilize large amounts of material for long distances, and that floods of apparently similar magnitude may lead to different sediment dynamics, depending on the type and amount of sediment supply. 相似文献
基于MIKE21的HD模型,通过模拟得到胶州湾的潮流场,胶州湾在涨急时最大流速1.04m/s,落急时最大流速约为0.96m/s。胶州湾余流总体较小,平均为0.03m/s左右。并在湾内不同位置释放自由粒子,以MIKE21的Particle tracking模型计算出其在潮流作用下的运移轨迹,结果表明粒子大多数运移到湾内近岸区域,少部分在湾口区域附近;在潮流场基础上计算了欧拉余流场,并和粒子运移结果进行对比,表明欧拉余流场在区域流向比较一致时可以表示粒子运动的趋势,为物质迁移、控制污染等方面提供了一定的参考借鉴意义。 相似文献
大地震等诸多激励均能激发全球自由振荡现象,通常表现为驻波形式的全球整体振荡.现有的地震波数值模拟方法多为非保结构方法,无法压制长时程计算中的积累误差.本文采用优化的三阶辛格式谱元法,对地球自由振荡及全球尺度的地震波传播进行了长时程模拟.通过与传统的基于Newmark算法的谱元方法结果对比分析,明确验证了本文所得优化的三阶辛格式谱元法在模拟地球自由振荡等大规模长时程问题上的优越性和准确性.上述进展在方法论层面为今后探测、刻画全球尺度地球非均匀结构的驻波数值方法奠定了部分基础,并为相关研究领域提供了新的选择. 相似文献
地震射线追踪是地震定位、层析成像、偏移等领域的重要正演环节.随着这些领域研究的深入,针对传统的网格结构和层状结构在描述复杂地质模型遇到的很大困难,我们采用大小不等、形状各异的地质块组成的集合体来描述三维复杂地质模型,并用三角形面片来描述地质块之间的物性间断面,理论上可以描述任意复杂的地质模型.为适应任意非均匀速度分布的地质模型,基于费马原理,本文发展了与之相适应的逐段迭代射线追踪方法.该方法属于弯曲法范畴,对路径点采用一阶显式增量修正,相对于传统的迭代法,高效省时.数值试验表明,联合逐段迭代法和伪弯曲法的射线追踪扰动修正方案在三维复杂非均匀块状模型中有适用性和高效性. 相似文献
在线高分辨率示踪技术以其精度高、成本低的特点在岩溶地下水文系统研究方面得到较为广泛的应用。重庆市黔江区鱼泉坎岩溶泉的污染问题导致蓬东乡、五里乡及其周边3 000居民饮水困难,为了确定水源地主要的污染源,选取荧光素钠、天来宝2种示踪剂,应用在线高分辨率示踪技术确定了重庆某畜禽养殖有限公司的化粪池与鱼泉坎泉之间存在水力联系。两种示踪剂的回收率均较低,分别为:荧光素钠3.51%,天来宝2.56%,且两回收曲线存在一定差别,可能与天来宝的水溶性较荧光素钠低有关。基于荧光素钠初现时间和首个峰值出现时间计算的地下水最大流速与平均流速分别为27.09 m/h、22.32 m/h,反映鱼泉坎岩溶孔隙、裂隙较小,化粪池污染渗漏缓慢、运移时间长。示踪剂质量浓度历时曲线表现为多峰型,推断化粪池至鱼泉坎泉段至少存在4条较大的径流通道,表明示踪段表层岩溶泉裂隙发育的相对均匀性。欲恢复鱼泉坎泉的水质,须对该养殖场进行防渗处理或勒令关闭。 相似文献