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近年来,从古地貌-沉积组合与油藏关系的角度进行油气远景评价成为研究热点。针对古地貌的复原研究,提出一种建立三维古地貌模型的方法,将二维平面古地理图通过对资料的整理、挖掘与转换,并结合GIS技术生成了三维立体模型,补充了区域地形地貌的相关信息。利用该方法,建立了青藏高原油气资源潜力最大的区域——羌塘地体在三叠纪和侏罗纪的一系列三维古地貌模型,进而对其古环境和演化过程进行分析,这对于该区域的沉积矿产资源的预测与评价有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   
地质体中主要生物分子的研究方法及应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
杨洪  程安进 《地质论评》1998,44(1):44-51
现代分子生物学,生物化学及有机地球化学等领域的发展,为古生物研究者在发子水平上探索地质生物世界提供了新的概念和技术手段,本文着重讨论了可用于分子古生物学研究的生物分子,例如,维管植物的木质素等稳定生物聚合物,古生物细胞内的类脂化合物,碳水化合物,蛋白质及氨基酸和含遗传信息的核酸,分子古生物资料可用于探讨化石埋藏学,古生物分子系统学,生物演化模式与机制,分子演化速率,古生态环境再造等问题,本文较详细  相似文献   
Comparing with lithofacies palaeogeography of several great plains, the authors analyzed four great plains in Quaternary diastrophism, the sedimentary facies, sedimentary environment and their evolution from the independent embryonic and river system of ancient Heilongjiang finally to the Halar highland, Songnen Plain, Sanjiang Plain, the Xingkai Lake Plain and various river systems, collected the unification outside the system of Heilongjiang River to release into the sea, south ancient Xialiao River finally piracy Dongliao River, Xialiao River had released into the sea the ancient water law vicissitude and the evolved rule.  相似文献   
The microprobe EDXRF equipment was used for analysis of the major and trace elements in glaze layer-transitive layer-body layer of the celadon from the Altar Yao (Kiln) and Laohudong Yao in the Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279 A.D.), Zhejiang, China. The K values of the discriminant factor for the celadon wares are larger than 8, which means the celadon of the Altar Yao and Laohudong Yao are different from that of the Longquan Yao. The former two belong to the Guan Yao system (the Chinese imperial kilns), but the latter to the Min Yao system (the Chinese popular kilns). The principle component analysis shows their relationship between the Altar and Laohudong wares with provenance postulation. The thickness of the transitive layer in the Altar and Laohudong wares is obviously different, which reveals the microstructure characteristics of the celadon even though both kinds of wares belong to the imperial kiln system.  相似文献   
The upper reaches of the Minjiang River are in the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau, where active faults are well developed and earthquakes frequently occur. Anomalous climate change and the extremely complex geomechanical properties of rock and soil have resulted in a number of geohazards. Based on the analysis of remote sensing interpretations, geological field surveys, geophysical prospecting and geological dating results, this paper discusses the developmental characteristics of the Gamisi ancient landslide in Songpan County, Sichuan Province, and investigates its geological age and formation mechanism. This study finds that the Gamisi ancient landslide is in the periglacial region of the Minshan Mountain and formed approximately 25 ka BP. The landslide initiation zone has a collapse and slide zone of approximately 22.65×106–31.7×106 m3 and shows a maximum sliding distance of approximately 1.42 km, with an elevation difference of approximately 310 m between the back wall of the landslide and the leading edge of the accumulation area. The landslide movement was characterized by a high speed and long runout. During the sliding process, the landslide body eroded and dammed the ancient Minjiang River valley. The ancient river channel was buried 30-60 m below the surface of the landslide accumulation area. Geophysical prospecting and drilling observations revealed that the ancient riverbed was approximately 80-100 m thick. After the dam broke, the Minjiang River was migrated to the current channel at the leading edge of the landslide. The Gamisi ancient landslide was greatly affected by the regional crustal uplift, topography, geomorphology and paleoclimatic change. The combined action of periglacial karstification and climate change caused the limestone at the rear edge of the landslide fractured, thus providing a lithological foundation for landslide occurrence. Intense tectonic activity along the Minjiang Fault, which runs through the middle and trailing parts of the Gamisi ancient landslide, may have been the main factor inducing landsliding. Studying the Gamisi ancient landslide is of great significance for investigating the regional response to paleoclimatic change and geomorphologic evolution of the Minjiang Fault since the late Pleistocene and for disaster prevention and mitigation.  相似文献   
张良 《地质与勘探》2023,59(6):1250-1259
鄂尔多斯盆地南部旬邑-宜君地区直罗组古层间氧化带具有明显分带特征,通过对不同分带砂岩主量、微量、稀土元素及环境敏感参数特征对比研究,将旬邑-宜君地区古层间氧化带发育的水-岩作用过程划分成两个阶段:古层间氧化带形成和大规模成矿阶段、二次还原改造阶段。(1)古层间氧化带形成和大规模成矿阶段:含氧水进入目的层砂体,使砂体中Fe2+氧化成Fe3+(Fe2+含量最低,Fe3+最高);砂体中的U被氧化为U6+,形成铀酰腐殖酸盐络合物发生迁移(U、Corg、S含量最低、Th/U比值最高);长石高岭土化使Si发生流失(SiO2含量降低);携带大量U的氧化流体运移至氧化还原过渡带(Corg、∑S含量最高、Fe2+含量仅低于灰绿色砂体),还原剂(有机质和黄铁矿等)将U6+还原成U4+,形成沥青铀矿;U4+与SiO44-发生反应形成铀石(Th/U比...  相似文献   
第四系是与人类生活关系密切的地层,山区地带的第四系主要由河流沉积物组成,这些沉积物的表面风化程度具有重要的环境意义。四川省雅安市地区发育了中更新统砾石层构成的古冲积扇名邛冲积扇和丹思冲积扇,现今废弃于岷江与青衣江之间,遭受了不同程度的侵蚀风化。对两个冲积扇不同位置采集样品,尝试利用主量元素分析冲积扇的风化程度。经过实验发现,主量元素分析可以很好地应用于第四系的测试,砾石间填充的基质砂能够合理反映沉积物经历的风化过程。实验结果表明,沉积物主量元素中长石矿物元素Ca、Na大量流失,而稳定矿物元素Si、Ti等偏高,说明冲积扇经历了长期的风化淋溶作用。A-CN-K图解体现出冲积扇经历了早期的斜长石风化,已经进入以钾长石和伊利石风化为标志的中期阶段。Pettijohn图解表明名邛冲积扇样品含有更多的石英砂岩,沉积物的成熟度较高。这些指标说明名邛冲积扇相比丹思冲积扇经历了更强的风化作用。结合冲积扇的年龄发现,风化速度随年龄的增长呈现减速的特征,体现了风化作用的阶段性.  相似文献   
本文主要根据年代学资料和金活化迁移的地球化学属性,探讨了滇黔桂三角区微细浸染型金矿床成矿热液的演化途径。多种定年方法揭示,该区金成矿初始流体(古流体)的年龄为260Ma左右;金成矿年龄约为140~75Ma。考虑到该区燕山晚期岩浆岩富含Cl,本文认为古流体(260~140Ma)向成矿流体(140~75Ma)的转化,可能主要是通过燕山晚期岩浆活动产生的富氯流体加入原已存在的贫氯古流体,从而使这种新的混合流体具有浸取金的能力来实现的。  相似文献   
与古遗址相邻的江、河由于后期的工程活动,如水库、大坝的修建和蓄水,水位上升,将对遗址区地下水的运动规律及渗流场产生较大影响。在其影响下,古遗址可能产生各种环境地质灾害并对其发掘安全产生不利影响。论文以国家重点文物——湖南里耶秦代古城遗址安全发掘深度研究为例,在分析水库蓄水诱发的环境地质灾害的基础上,对遗址在不同库水位下的安全发掘深度及发掘方案进行了研究,提出了保障发掘安全的工程措施。研究成果为国家重点文物的保护和进一步发掘提供了科学依据。对类似文物工程的保护和发掘具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   
三台地区下白垩统营城组一段岩石类型有隐爆角砾岩、角砾熔岩、熔结角砾岩、珍珠岩、流纹岩和凝灰岩,所属岩相为火山通道相、侵出相、喷溢相、爆发相。厘定古火山口位置的依据主要是通过分析隐爆角砾岩和珍珠岩的岩性岩相及其分布。整个火山机构划分为中心相组、近源相组和远源相组。中心相组即火山口相,主要包括火山通道相和侵出相,近源相组主要包括喷溢相,远源相组主要包括爆发相。相序(以火山口为基点)为火山通道相隐爆角砾岩亚相-侵出相中带亚相-侵出相内带亚相-喷溢相下部亚相-喷溢相中部亚相-爆发相热碎屑流亚相。近源相组较中心相组储层物性优越。其中喷溢相上部亚相是储层物性最好的岩相带。  相似文献   
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