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Fluorescence lifetime provides a third independent dimension of information for the resolution of totalluminescence spectra of multicomponent mixtures.The incorporation of this parameter into theexcitation-emission matrix(EEM)by the phase modulation technique results in a three-dimensionalexcitation-emission-frequency array (EEFA).Multicomponent analysis based on the three-dimensionalEEFA brings a qualitative change for the resolved spectra,i.e.individual spectra can be uniquely resolved,which is impossible with any two-dimensional analysis.In this paper we present a method for analyzingthe EEFA.We show mathematically that with the three-dimensional analysis of the EEFA individualspectra and lifetimes can be obtained.Our algorithm is developed in mathematical detail and isdemonstrated by its application to a two-component mixture.  相似文献   
线性最小二乘估计在对非线性函数进行线性近似的过程中会产生模型误差,而一些非线性参数估计方法可能因为函数复杂而难以求导,法方程系数矩阵秩亏或呈病态矩阵时难以求解,非线性迭代解法有时对初始值的选择存在依赖性,不恰当的初始值会导致迭代无法收敛。针对这些问题,引入了模拟退火算法,介绍了该算法的基本原理、计算步骤和收敛性,并以3个控制网平差应用为例,说明该算法具有无需求导求逆,简洁实用,易于编程等优势,并能实现全局优化,获得高精度的平差结果。  相似文献   
The need to revise the current Indonesian Seismic Hazard Map contained in Indonesian Earthquake Resistant Building Code SNI 03-1726-2002 which partially adopts the concept of UBC 1997, was driven among others by the desire to better reflect the potential larger earthquake disasters faced by the nation in the future. The much larger than maximum predicted Aceh Earthquake (M w 9.0–9.3) of 2004, followed by the destruction observed during the 2005 Nias Earthquake (M w 8.7) urgently underline to need to consider the new conceptual approach and technological shift shown in the transition of UBC 1997 to IBC 2006. This paper presents research works for developing spectral hazard maps for Indonesia. Some improvements in seismic hazard analysis were implemented using recent seismic records. Seismic sources were modeled by background, fault, and subduction zones by considering a truncated exponential model, pure characteristic model or both models. A logic tree method was performed to account for the epistemic uncertainty and several attenuation functions were selected. Maps of PGA and spectral accelerations for a short period (0.2 s) and for a 1-s period were then developed using a probabilistic approach. The maps will be proposed as a revision for the current seismic hazard map in the Indonesian Seismic Building Code.  相似文献   
Land use and cover change(LUCC) is an important indicator of the human-earth system under climate/environmental change,which also serves as a key impact factor of carbon balance,and a major source/sink of soil carbon cycles.The Heihe River Basin(HRB) is known as a typical ecologically fragile area in the arid/semi-arid regions of northwestern China,which makes it more sensitive to the LUCC.However,its sensitivity varies in a broad range of controlling factors,such as soil layers,LUCCs and calculation methods(e.g.the fixed depth method,FD,and the equivalent mass method,ESM).In this study,we performed a meta-analysis to assess the response of soil organic carbon(SOC) and total nitrogen(TN) storage to the LUCC as well as method bias based on 383 sets of SOC data and 148 sets of TN data from the HRB.We first evaluated the calculation methods and found that based on the FD method,the LUCC caused SOC and TN storage to decrease by 17.39% and 14.27%,respectively;while the losses estimated using the ESM method were 19.31% and 18.52%,respectively.The deviations between two methods were mainly due to the fact that the FD method ignores the heterogeneity of soil bulk density(BD),which may underestimate the results subsequently.We then analyzed the response of SOC and TN storage to various types of the LUCC.In particular,when woodland and grassland were converted into cultivated land or other land types,SOC and TN suffered from heavy losses,while other LUCCs had minor influences.Finally,we showed that increasing the depth of the soil layers would reduce the losses of SOC and TN storage.In summary,we identified a series of controlling factors(e.g.soil layer,the LUCC and calculation method) to evaluate the impact of the LUCC on SOC and TN storage in the HRB,which should be considered in future research.  相似文献   
洱海叶绿素a浓度的季节动态和空间分布   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2010年5月至2011年4月,对洱海叶绿素a的季节动态、空间分布及其与环境因子的关系进行研究.结果表明,水体中叶绿素a浓度存在明显的季节变化,其变化范围为4.11~24.30μg/L,年平均值为10.4±6.5μg/L,最小值出现在2011年3月,最大值出现在2010年9月.叶绿素a浓度在夏、秋季较高,冬、春季较低.在空间变化上,叶绿素a浓度在南部湖区最大,其次是北部湖区,中部湖区最低.Pearson相关系数和主成分分析表明,洱海叶绿素a浓度在不同湖区中与水温和透明度均呈极显著相关.总氮在北部和南部湖区与叶绿素a浓度均存在一定的相关性,而总磷与叶绿素a浓度在南部湖区存在一定的相关性.根据修正的卡尔森营养状态指数,洱海综合TSI值为50.6,水质处于中营养状态.  相似文献   
土壤铅含量高光谱遥感反演中波段选择方法研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
利用高光谱遥感数据进行了南京郊外土壤重金属元素铅的含量反演,由于高光谱数据波段众多,波段选择或变换至关重要。比较了基于次贪婪的前向选择模型的最小角度拟合和基于遗传算法进行波段选择的最小二乘和偏最小二乘拟合,结果发现基于遗传算法的偏最小二乘反演结果优于全波段的偏最小二乘,表明波段选择在高光谱反演重金属中是有益的。尽管采取了波段选择后的各方法在反演时均能达到70%以上的训练精度,但因遗传算法搜索的解空间范围更宽广,使得基于遗传算法的偏最小二乘优于前向选择模型的最小角度拟合。最后还比较了基于遗传算法的普通最小二乘和偏最小二乘拟合,结果表明偏最小二乘更优,因此在高光谱反演重金属含量当中,偏最小二乘精度较高,而在波段选择方法中,遗传算法更优。  相似文献   
在工程实践应用中,为了有效利用GPS高程数据,减少对传统水准测量的依赖,提高GPS高程异常的拟合精度便显得十分重要。为此,本文在介绍二次曲面拟合和最小二乘配置拟合基本原理分析、算法过程推导的基础上,提出了一种新的高程异常拟合方法。首先在二次曲面拟合的基础上,计算得到原始观测数据与拟合数据之间的残差序列,然后采用最小二乘配置模型对包括二次曲面拟合模型误差的综合误差进行优化减弱,最后得到新的高程异常。通过实例,将二次曲面拟合法,最小二乘配置法与文中提出的新方法进行比较分析。结果表明:新的组合方法的拟合预测精度要明显优于最小二乘配置及二次曲面拟合。  相似文献   
利用98’TIPEX实验资料、1998年5-8月青藏高原6个自动热量平衡站(AWS)资料、青藏高原常规观测资料、中国300多个站的逐日降水资料、国家卫星中心接收的1998年5-8月OLR和日本GMS的TBB资料,研究了1998年5-8月青藏高原及其邻近地区逐日地面总热源的季节变化特征及其与西太平洋副热带地区对流的关系。结果表明:高原地面总热源与高原雨季开始有密切关系,高原雨季开始以后,高原平均的地面总热源明显减小;高原平均的地面总热源与20—30°N附近的西太平洋副热带地区的TBB有很好的负相关关系,表明高原地面总热源可以通过某种机制影响副热带地区的对流。  相似文献   
脐带缆在潜器下放过程中的运动建模与仿真   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
潜器在下放布置过程中需要考虑变长度的脐带缆对其运动的影响,在考虑流的情况下,对脐带缆的有限差分模型进行了改进,并采用最小二乘方法求解由时间和空间上的中心差分格式离散后的非线性方程组。为了验证模型改进的有效性,将潜器在均匀定常流中水平匀速直航时的数值解与该特殊情况下的解析解进行比较,两组解的吻合不仅证实了模型改进的有效性,而且表明上述数值计算方法是可靠且有效的。在潜器下放布置运动给定的情况下,脐带缆的运动仿真结果表明,潜器姿态角的调整会对拖曳点处的缆绳张力大小和变化趋势产生显著的影响,流在改变缆绳空间形状的同时引起了缆绳对潜器作用力和力矩的非线性和时变性,脐带缆总是阻止潜器自身动力对运动速度和姿态角的改变,且对纵荡运动的影响最大。  相似文献   
随着我国经济和科技的蓬勃发展,隧道工程建设也呈现出规模化和多元化的趋势。本文首先总结了我国公路隧道、铁路隧道和水下隧道的增长状况;然后归纳了隧道测量中平面控制网的布设方法;最后通过分析发现:通过陀螺全站仪加测陀螺边来传递方位基准,可有效提高隧道贯通精度。  相似文献   
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