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Environmental tracers sampled from the carbonate Madison aquifer on the eastern flank of the Black Hills, South Dakota, USA indicated the approximate locations of four major karst conduits. Contamination issues are a major concern because these conduits are characterized by direct connections to sinking streams, high groundwater velocities, and proximity to public water supplies. Objectives of the study were to estimate approximate conduit locations and assess possible anthropogenic influences associated with conduits. Anomalies of young groundwater based on chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), tritium, and electrical conductivity (EC) indicated fast moving, focused flow and thus the likely presence of conduits. δ18O was useful for determining sources of recharge for each conduit, and nitrate was a useful tracer for assessing flow paths for anthropogenic influences. Two of the four conduits terminate at or near a large spring complex. CFC apparent ages ranged from 15 years near conduits to >50 years in other areas. Nitrate-N concentrations >0.4 mg/L in groundwater were associated with each of the four conduits compared with concentrations ranging from <0.1 to 0.4 mg/L in other areas. These higher nitrate-N concentrations probably do not result from sinking streams but rather from other areas of infiltration.  相似文献   
土体应力-应变关系转型问题分析   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
王成华  李广信 《岩土力学》2004,25(8):1185-1190
通过对土体应力应变试验结果的分析,明确指出了土体普遍存在的应力-应变关系转型现象。提出了按后破坏模量和临界围压两个参数判别土体应力-应变关系转型的方法,对影响土体应力-应变关系转型的因素包括土的类型、围压、初始密度或含水率、排水条件及应力路径等进行了简要分析。最后,对砂土初步提出了一个能反映转型现象的组合应力-应变关系模型的理论框架。  相似文献   
汾渭盆地是我国乃至世界上地裂缝最为发育,灾害最为严重的地区。考虑到地裂缝灾害对场地条件的影响,尤其是对场地土体的动力特性及动力响应的影响,本文在等压固结条件下,对西安地区地裂缝带黄土进行不同围压下的固结不排水(CU)动三轴试验,获取动力学参数,在此基础上分析了地裂缝带黄土动剪切模量随动剪应变变化特征曲线以及阻尼比随动剪应变变化特征曲线,并对所获得实验曲线进行回归拟合,进而建立了地裂缝带黄土的等效黏弹性动力本构模型,为进一步分析场地土体的动力响应奠定基础。  相似文献   
The main focus in this work is on modeling of mechanical response of granular materials that display inherent anisotropy. Both the experimental and numerical investigations are described. First, the results of direct shear as well as drained/undrained triaxial tests that involve crushed limestone with elongated angular‐shaped particles are reviewed. Afterward, a mathematical framework is presented for modeling of elastic/ inelastic deformation that incorporates the multi‐laminate approach. The deformation is monitored on a set of randomly oriented planes, and the formulation incorporates the thickness of the shear band that is associated with sliding/separation process. A systematic procedure for identification of material functions/ parameters is outlined that is based on the results of direct shear tests, and the framework is later applied to simulate the behavior under triaxial conditions. The results of numerical simulations are compared with the experimental data. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Ethnic coexistence in a pluralistic campus environment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In Malaysia, ethnic segregation seems to have grown more and more pronounced at all levels of education, which may have in the main contributed to increasing occupational segregation by ethnicity when the graduates left to join the job market. Such trends may be disturbing given the effort the country has put in to promote interethnic understanding and reduce interethnic economic disparity since 1970. By critically investigating the dynamics of ethnic coexistence in the microcosm of the university campus environment, this paper provides statistical evidence to show how far the country has progressed in terms of ethnic relations since the watershed events of May 13, 1969; to what extent Malaysian multiethnic society is different now compared to the unmistakable racial “corporateness” and interethnic “separateness” that Furnivall observed in his classic study of 1948; and in what ways ethnic relations have been reshaped by three decades of affirmative action policies and the form of ethnic democracy adapted for this unique society.
Emile Kok-Kheng YeohEmail:
The alluvial aquifer is the primary source of groundwater along the eastern Dead Sea shoreline, Jordan. Over the last 20 years, salinity has risen in some existing wells and several new wells have encountered brackish water in areas thought to contain fresh water. A good linear correlation exists between the water resistivity and the chloride concentration of groundwater and shows that the salinity is the most important factor controlling resistivity. Two-dimensional electrical tomography (ET) integrated with geoelectrical soundings were employed to delineate different water-bearing formations and the configuration of the interface between them. The present hydrological system and the related brines and interfaces are controlled by the Dead Sea base level, presently at 410 m b.s.l. Resistivity measurements show a dominant trend of decreasing resistivity (thus increasing salinity) with depth and westward towards the Dead Sea. Accordingly, three zones with different resistivity values were detected, corresponding to three different water-bearing formations: (1) strata saturated with fresh to slightly brackish groundwater; (2) a transition zone of brine mixed with fresh to brackish groundwater; (3) a water-bearing formation containing Dead Sea brine. In addition, a low resistivity unit containing brine was detected above the 1955 Dead Sea base level, which was interpreted as having remained unflushed by infiltrating rain.  相似文献   
Abstract The freshwater lens morphologies of the barrier islands Dog Island and St. George Island on the panhandle coast of Florida (FL), USA, are controlled to varying degrees by both natural and anthropogenic factors. Variable-density groundwater flow models confirm that spatial variability of recharge values can account for the observed lens asymmetry on these islands. The depth to the base of the lens does not vary significantly seasonally. Human development has altered recharge patterns in some areas, locally thinning the freshwater lens. Aqueduct water supply to St. George Island represents 7–25% of natural recharge; higher recharge rates are required to simulate the lens on St. George Island than on Dog Island. On both islands, coastal erosion rates are sufficiently rapid that the freshwater lens may not be in equilibrium with current boundary conditions.
Resumen Las morfologías de los lentes de agua dulce en las islas de barrera: Islas Dog y St. George, en la costa alargada y estrecha de Florida, EUA, están controladas en diferentes grados por factores antropogénicos y naturales. Los modelos de flujo con densidad variable del agua subterránea, confirman que la variabilidad espacial de los valores de recarga, pueden ser la causa de la asimetría observada en los lentes de estas islas. La profundidad hasta la base de los lentes no varía significativamente con las estaciones climáticas. El desarrollo humano ha alterado las tendencias de recarga en algunas áreas, causando adelgazamiento local de los lentes de agua dulce. El abastecimiento de agua del acueducto en la Isla St. George, representa entre 7% y 25% de la recarga natural; por otro lado se necesitan cantidades mayores de recarga para simular los lentes en la Isla St. George que en la Isla Dog. En ambas islas, las tasas de erosión costera son tan rápidas, que las lentes de agua dulce podrían no estar en equilibrio con las condiciones actuales de frontera.

Résumé La morphologie des lentilles deau douce des îles de Dog et de St. George, situés dans le district côtier de Florida-Etats Unis est contrôlé dans une mesure variable par des facteurs naturelles et humaines. Les modèles découlement à densité variable des eaux souterraines confirment que la variation spatiale de la recharge peut expliquer les asymétries observées des lentilles des cettes îles. La profondeur des lentilles ne présente pas des variations saisonnières importantes. Les activités humaines ont modifié la recharge dans certaines zones en amincissant localement les lentilles deau douce. Lalimentation en eaux de lîle de St. George représente 7–25% de la recharge naturelle; pour simuler les lentilles de lîle de Dog il a été nécessaire dintroduire des valeurs plus élevées de la recharge par rapport aux ceux utilisés pour lîle de St. George. Pour les deux îles lérosion côtière est assez rapide ainsi que les lentilles de eau douce ne sont pas en équilibre avec les conditions à la frontière.
New activity–composition (ax) relations for minerals commonly occurring in metapelites are presented for use with the internally consistent thermodynamic dataset of Holland & Powell ( 2011 , Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 29 , 333–383). The ax relations include a broader consideration of Fe2O3 in minerals, changes to the formalism of several phases and order–disorder in all ferromagnesian minerals where Fe–Mg mixing occurs on multiple sites. The ax relations for chlorite, biotite, garnet, chloritoid, staurolite, cordierite, orthopyroxene, muscovite, paragonite and margarite have been substantially reparameterized using the approach outlined in the companion paper in this issue. For the first time, the entire set of ax relations for the common ferromagnesian minerals in metapelitic rocks is parameterized simultaneously, with attention paid to ensuring that they can be used together to calculate phase diagrams of geologically appropriate topology. The ax relations developed are for use in the Na2O–CaO–K2O–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O–TiO2–O2 (NCKFMASHTO) system for both subsolidus and suprasolidus conditions. Petrogenetic grids in KFMASH and KFMASHTO are similar in topology to those produced with earlier end‐member datasets and ax relations, but with some notable differences. In particular, in subsolidus equilibria, the FeO/(FeO + MgO) of garnet is now greater than in coexisting staurolite, bringing a number of key staurolite‐bearing equilibria into better agreement with inferences from field and petrographic observations. Furthermore, the addition of Fe3+ and Ti to a number of silicate phases allows more plausible equilibria to be calculated in relevant systems. Pseudosections calculated with the new ax relations are also topologically similar to equivalent diagrams using earlier ax relations, although with many low variance fields shifting in PT space to somewhat lower pressure conditions.  相似文献   
Relation of streams, lakes, and wetlands to groundwater flow systems   总被引:14,自引:10,他引:14  
 Surface-water bodies are integral parts of groundwater flow systems. Groundwater interacts with surface water in nearly all landscapes, ranging from small streams, lakes, and wetlands in headwater areas to major river valleys and seacoasts. Although it generally is assumed that topographically high areas are groundwater recharge areas and topographically low areas are groundwater discharge areas, this is true primarily for regional flow systems. The superposition of local flow systems associated with surface-water bodies on this regional framework results in complex interactions between groundwater and surface water in all landscapes, regardless of regional topographic position. Hydrologic processes associated with the surface-water bodies themselves, such as seasonally high surface-water levels and evaporation and transpiration of groundwater from around the perimeter of surface-water bodies, are a major cause of the complex and seasonally dynamic groundwater flow fields associated with surface water. These processes have been documented at research sites in glacial, dune, coastal, mantled karst, and riverine terrains. Received, April 1998 · Revised, July 1998, August 1998 · Accepted, September 1998  相似文献   
Agricultural practices, hydrology, and water quality of the 267-km2 Big Spring groundwater drainage basin in Clayton County, Iowa, have been monitored since 1981. Land use is agricultural; nitrate-nitrogen (-N) and herbicides are the resulting contaminants in groundwater and surface water. Ordovician Galena Group carbonate rocks comprise the main aquifer in the basin. Recharge to this karstic aquifer is by infiltration, augmented by sinkhole-captured runoff. Groundwater is discharged at Big Spring, where quantity and quality of the discharge are monitored. Monitoring has shown a threefold increase in groundwater nitrate-N concentrations from the 1960s to the early 1980s. The nitrate-N discharged from the basin typically is equivalent to over one-third of the nitrogen fertilizer applied, with larger losses during wetter years. Atrazine is present in groundwater all year; however, contaminant concentrations in the groundwater respond directly to recharge events, and unique chemical signatures of infiltration versus runoff recharge are detectable in the discharge from Big Spring. Education and demonstration efforts have reduced nitrogen fertilizer application rates by one-third since 1981. Relating declines in nitrate and pesticide concentrations to inputs of nitrogen fertilizer and pesticides at Big Spring is problematic. Annual recharge has varied five-fold during monitoring, overshadowing any water-quality improvements resulting from incrementally decreased inputs. Electronic Publication  相似文献   
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