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目前国内外对水下地形三维建模一般采用Surfer软件,MATLAB在图像处理方面功能强大,在很多专业领域得到广泛应用。本文利用MATLAB进行水下地形三维建模,并与Surfer绘制效果进行比较,显示MATLAB三维建模较Surfer透彻,可展现Surfer建模成果,更可反映清晰的横断面效果,可为岸带调查研究提供技术支持。  相似文献   
BIM作为工程建设领域的热门新兴技术,包含建筑物全生命周期内的各种数字化信息,但其对要素间空间关系的描述限于建筑领域的专业性表达,以及建模过程中的预定义。基于BIM数据的几何-语义特点,提出一种自动化构建BIM建筑要素拓扑关系的方法,并以此为基础搜索室内封闭空间的边界建筑要素,得到以建筑要素为单元的室内空间划分;以整层建筑物空间作为实验数据,通过实验结果验证了算法的准确性,实现BIM室内三维空间分割,为基于BIM的空间分析提供数据支撑。  相似文献   
以体积分方程法模拟三维电磁正演问题的原理为基础,利用数值滤波方法实现了时间域水平长导线源的瞬变电磁三维问题的模拟,对电阻率、极化率、时间常数和频率相关系数的变化分别进行了三维数值模拟。为了提高计算的精度,变换过程中采用双精度数值滤波方法。利用偶极源的解析解和数值解的对比来检验数值滤波方法的可靠性。数值模拟结果表明,此种数值滤波方法精度高,结果稳定。高精度数值滤波结果为瞬变电磁法在石油、矿产、地热以及其他方面的应用提供了理论指导。  相似文献   
多点地质统计学建模研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
从精细油藏描述中地质建模的意义和现状入手,介绍了多点地质统计学建模研究现状及其与传统地质建模方法的差 异。以辽河盆地西部凹陷某蒸汽驱试验区为例,分析了多点地质统计学建模中建模的基础、训练图像的建立、多点地质统计学 建模与传统地质建模相比所具有的优势等内容。指出多点地质统计学在井间预测方面具有明显优于其他传统建模方法的特 点。在文献调研基础上,结合自身工作实践,探讨了多点地质统计学建模目前存在的问题和未来的发展方向。指出未来多点 地质统计学建模的发展方向主要包括多信息综合地质成因分析基础上的训练图像获取、多点地质统计学算法进行改进和完善 和多点地质统计学建模方法应用领域的扩大等。  相似文献   
袁勇  王胜辉 《岩土力学》2008,29(1):240-244
为适应日益增长的经济和交通发展需求,修建以4车道公路隧道为代表的超大断面低扁平率公路隧洞的需求初露端倪,这类隧道的低扁平率特征使传统的隧道支护体系面临许多困难,急待开发新型的隧洞支护体系。采用FLAC数值模拟平台研究了基于隧洞“先成结构法”支护理念的“先成预应力结构”新型支护体系在提高超大断面低扁平率公路隧洞洞室稳定性方面的效果,为“先成结构法”支护理念在超大断面低扁平率公路隧洞中的应用实施提供了有力的支持。  相似文献   
The 3-D seismic tomographic data are used together with field, core and well log structural information to determine the detailed 3-D architecture of fault zones in a granitic massif of volume 500×575×168 m at Mina Ratones area in the Albalá Granitic Pluton. To facilitate the integration of the different data, geostatistical simulation algorithms are applied to interpolate the relatively sparse structural (hard) control data conditioned to abundant but indirect 3-D (soft) seismic tomographic data. To effectively integrate geologic and tomographic data, 3-D migration of the velocity model from the time domain into the depth domain was essential. The resulting 3-D model constitutes an image of the fault zone architecture within the granitic massif that honours hard and soft data and provides an evaluation of the spatial variability of structural heterogeneities based on the computation of 3-D experimental variograms of Fracture Index (fault intensity) data. This probabilistic quantitative 3-D model of spatially heterogeneous fault zones is suitable for subsequent fluid flow simulations. The modeled image of the 3-D fault distribution is consistent with the fault architecture in the Mina Ratones area, which basically consists of two families of subvertical structures with NNE–SSW and ENE–WSW trends that displaces the surfaces of low-angle faults (North Fault) and follows their seismically detected staircase geometry. These brittle structures cut two subvertical dykes (27 and 27′ Dykes) with a NNE–SSW to N–S trend. The faults present high FI (FI>12) adjacent bands of irregular geometry in detail that intersect in space delimiting rhombohedral blocks of relatively less fractured granite (FI<6). Both structural domains likely correspond with the protolith and the damaged zone/fault core in the widely accepted model for fault zone architecture. Therefore, the construction of 3-D grids of the FI in granitic areas affected by brittle tectonics permits the quantitative structural characterization of the rock massif.  相似文献   
This study evaluates the dependence of simulated surface air temperatures on model resolution and orography for the mid-Holocene. Sensitivity experiments with the atmospheric general circulation model ECHAM5 are performed with low (∼3.75°, 19 vertical levels) and high (∼1.1°, 31 vertical levels) resolution. Results are compared to the respective preindustrial runs. It is found that the large-scale temperature anomalies for the mid-Holocene (compared to preindustrial) are significantly different in the low- and high-resolution versions. For boreal winter, differences are mainly related to circulation changes caused by the response to thermal forcing in conjunction with orographic resolution. For summer, shortwave cloud radiative forcing emerges as an important factor. The anomaly differences (low minus high resolution version) in the Northern Hemisphere are regionally as large as the anomalous mid-Holocene temperature signals. Furthermore, they depend on the applied surface boundary conditions. We conclude that the resolution matters for the Northern Hemisphere response in mid-Holocene simulations, which should be taken into account in model-model and data-model comparisons.  相似文献   
根据地层分层数据和古热流分析,对塔里木盆地玉北地区的5口代表性钻井进行了埋藏史、热史的模拟与分析,探讨了研究区烃源岩的热演化成熟过程,初步划分了烃源岩的成熟阶段和生烃期次。研究结果认为:玉北地区寒武系-泥盆系沉积时期,具有多次沉积埋藏和隆升剥蚀的交替;泥盆系沉积之后,石炭-二叠系呈现沉积埋藏的特征;中生代在玉北地区东部少量沉积三叠系,随后被剥蚀,而在中西部发生沉积间断;进入新生代,地层持续沉积,且沉积速率呈现增大趋势。研究区寒武系烃源岩自沉积以来成熟度演化相对连续,奥陶纪时进入生烃门限,成熟时期较早;志留-泥盆纪,受海西早期运动的影响,发生隆升剥蚀作用,烃源岩演化变缓;石炭-二叠纪受控于区域上持续稳定的地层沉积与广泛发育的火山活动,研究区寒武系烃源岩进入中高成熟阶段;由于喜马拉雅造山运动的远程效应,新生代研究区持续沉降,形成巨厚沉积,烃源岩成熟度达到高-过成熟,为天然气生成阶段  相似文献   
海洋沉积物粒度分布曲线往往同时具有多个峰,而且同一类型沉积物因时间和空间上的不同其粒度分布曲线峰的位置也不同,沉积物粒度分布多峰的特点反映了沉积物不同的输运形式和沉降过程[1,2].因此,在沉积物的粒度分布数据中保存了有关沉积物输运和沉降的信息,而获得这些信息对于揭示沉积区域水动力特性、沉积物输运和沉降规律具有重要的意义.  相似文献   
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