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合成孔径雷达干涉测量(interferometric synthetic aperture radar, InSAR)的时序分析是监测大面积地表缓慢形变的重要手段,但对流层延迟相位大大影响了形变监测的精度。以青藏高原西北缘为研究区域,分析了经验模型线性改正、通用型 InSAR 大气校正在线服务(generic atmospheric correction online service for InSAR, GACOS)改正和欧洲中期天气预报中心(European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, ECMWF)最新发布的ERA5(ECMWF reanalysis v5) 数据集改正3种方法在时序InSAR反演形变速率中的改正效果。通过掩模技术计算非形变区的速率标准差,分析形变速率与地形的相关性,并与GPS数据进行比较分析后发现,自西向东的3个研究区域76.5°E~79.7°E(D136)、80.5°E~83.7°E(D165)、84.9°E~88.1°E(D19)范围内,其线性改正后标准差分别降低了41.05%、59.21%、25.13%,而GACOS改正后标准差分别降低了38.76%、55.97%、30.73%,ERA5改正后其标准差分别降低了10.05%、30.11%、20.15%。此外,InSAR与GPS站视线向形变速率比较显示线性改正、GACOS改正与ERA5改正后3个研究区域内其均方根误差分别降低了46.07%、51.28%和35.51%。对于青藏高原西北缘,3种方法均可削弱对流层延迟效应,其中线性改正和GACOS改正的效果好,适用性更高,ERA5受地面监测站点密度影响,在该区域改正效果稍差。  相似文献   
长期以来,中国四川省茂县地区受地质、地形条件和构造活动的影响,滑坡等地质灾害频发,给人民的生命财产和公路等基础设施安全带来了巨大的威胁,因此需要对滑坡隐患区域进行有效识别和监测。以时序哨兵1号A、B卫星(Sentinel-1A/1B)影像为数据源,利用时间序列合成孔径雷达干涉测量(interferometric synthetic aperture radar, InSAR)技术对茂县岷江河谷区段的潜在滑坡隐患开展识别监测,对重点区段进行了分析,同时分析探讨了InSAR滑坡监测中不同轨道数据的视线方向形变测量灵敏度差异。从实验结果中成功探测识别出了茂县岷江河谷沟口乡至石大关乡段的20余处滑坡隐患,现场实地考察验证了识别结果的准确性,证明了时序InSAR方法在高山河谷区滑坡隐患识别监测中的有效性。  相似文献   
Efforts to develop a procedurally robust method for automated classification of multibeam backscatter have taken a variety of approaches (e.g., image-based, textural, angular range analysis). For image-based classification, little research has focused on the roles of operational parameters of vessel and sonar system in affecting the final classification. Repeat multibeam surveys (2005 and 2006) conducted at the same area with different sounding densities were classified using QTC-Multiview. Comparison of class areas revealed 78% agreement between classifications derived from the two surveys. Cross-tabulation of ground truth video and class demonstrate 71% agreement in the low-density survey and 77% for the high-density. Differences between classifications are primarily attributed to variation in along track data density, errors in the compensation process, and/ or insufficient quality control of the input data. Natural change detection at the scales observed was determined not to be practically discernable from the errors associated with the classification process.  相似文献   
黄可  孟祥珍  杨刚  孙伟伟 《遥感学报》2022,26(6):1083-1095
红树林作为热带和亚热带海岸带上特有的森林群落,具有独特的生态功能以及重大的社会、经济价值。中国红树林经历了反复的破坏与保护,遥感监测手段可以为实施大规模的红树林生态系统保护和恢复行动提供科学技术支撑。本研究依托Google Earth Engine平台提出一种时空概率阈值法对中国红树林范围进行提取。研究选取2015年516景Landsat 8数据,首先使用非监督分类法进行水陆分离,其次通过生成缓冲区确定红树林潜在生长区,然后协同多种指数与光谱信息构建多特征决策树提取红树林粗略的生长范围,最后基于长时序的红树林粗略范围数据计算红树林生长概率,并通过实验确定概率阈值对红树林进行精细提取。通过实验对比发现时空概率阈值法的红树林生产者精度达90.36%,且能较好地提取幼小、分散的红树林。研究得到了2015年中国红树林分布结果,全国红树林面积为21932 ha,广西和广东两省红树林面积占中国红树林总面积的73.22%,为中国红树林主要分布区域。  相似文献   
Emission rates of sulfur dioxide (SO2) were measured at Erebus volcano, Antarctica in December between 1992 and 2005. Since 1992 SO2 emissions rates are normally distributed with a mean of 61 ± 27 Mg d− 1 (0.7 ± 0.3 kg s− 1) (n = 8064). The emission rates vary over minutes, hours, days and years. Hourly and daily variations often show systematic and cyclic trends. Long-wavelength, large amplitude trends appear related to lava lake area and both are likely controlled by processes occurring at depth. Time series analysis of continuous sequences of measurements obtained over periods of several hours reveals periodicity in SO2 output ranging from 10 to 360 min, with a 10 min cycle being the most dominant. Closed and open-system degassing models are considered to explain observed variable degassing rates. Closed-system degassing is possible as rheological stiffening and stick/slip may occur within the system. However, the timescales represented in these models do not fit observations made on Erebus. Open-system degassing and convection fits the observations collected as the presented models were developed for a system similar to Erebus in terms of degassing, eruptive activity and process repose time. We show that with the observed emission rate (0.71 kg s− 1) and a crystal content of 30%, magma will cool 65 °C to match observed heat fluxes; this cooling is sufficient enough to drive convection.  相似文献   
The El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phase state is reported to drive interannual variability in sea temperatures along South Africa’s south coast through its influence on wind-induced upwelling processes. Whether ENSO drives the intensity of localised, abrupt, intermittent upwelling is less well known. To explore this relationship, we used an index of localised, extreme (>2 °C anomaly), intermittent upwelling intensity, derived from in situ sea temperature data within the Tsitsikamma National Park Marine Protected Area, and quantified the relationship between annual cumulative upwelling intensities (1991–2013) with an annual ENSO index, namely the Southern Oscillation Index. We found that ENSO phase state modulates the cumulative intensity of extreme intermittent upwelling events during an annual period, with more and greater events during La Niña phases compared with El Niño phases. Furthermore, these extreme upwelling events have increased with time along South Africa’s south coast as ENSO phase state becomes more intense and variable. Our findings support the emerging notion that the biological effects of climate change may be manifested through increased environmental variability rather than long-term mean environmental changes as ENSO is predicted to remain the dominant driver of local climate patterns in the future.  相似文献   
基于小波消噪的时序分析改进法在GPS变形监测中的应用   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
田鹏  杨松林  王成龙 《测绘科学》2005,30(6):55-56,66
考虑到小波技术在粗差探测、消噪方面有特殊的作用,本文结合实际算例,把小波分析与传统数据处理技术结合作为研究对象,提出一种基于小波消噪的时序分析改进法。并对这种处理方法在GPS监测中的应用作了充分地论证。结果表明,经过小波处理后,时序分析法在预报方面有明显的进步,小波处理后的时序分析法比小波处理前的精度高,从而说明了这种改进方法的可行性。  相似文献   
鉴于使用确定性模型预测隧道涌水量时存在难以准确获取水文地质参数等诸多不便,本文将地下水系统视为"黑箱"模型,通过提取隧道涌水量历史观测数据本身蕴涵的趋势、周期和随机变化规律,建立了隧道涌水的时间序列预测模型。经用于铜锣山隧道实例,反演系列的平均绝对误差为14.67%,预测序列的平均绝对误差为14.34%,表明模型的整体预测精度较高。  相似文献   
A nocturnal demersal nekton assemblage was sampled fortnightly for two years at five sites in the Labu estuary using a 3 m beam trawl with a 3·2 cm mesh net. Forty-eight species were caught, totalling 31 458 individuals with the five most abundant species comprising over 95% of the catch. Using multiple regression techniques with Fourier transformations, the mean number of species, S, the mean abundance, N, and mean weight, W, were found to conform to a regular annual cycle with maxima in April and May. Seven of the 11 most abundant species demonstrated regular annual cycles of abundance. S, N and W were greatest in the wider, middle sites and lowest in a shallow, stagnant side branch of the estuary. Catch weights and abundances were significantly correlated with physical data.Salinity and temperature values in the estuary exhibited an annual cycle with maxima occurring in February/March. The annual thermal variation of surface water outside the estuary followed a similar cycle. The salinity at the mouth of the Markham River is lowest during January/February, which corresponds with the rainy season in the Markham River catchment. Significant annual variation existed between years in estuarine bottom salinity and salinity values in Labu Bay.Several species exhibited a greater variation in abundance and mass between years than within years. This supports the hypothesis that in the tropics between-year variation in coastal marine biotic communities is greater than within-year variation.  相似文献   
采用S-G滤波方法对MOD13A2-EVI自2001~2007年间数据进行时间序列重构,以达到去云、消除离异值的目的,从而提高数据质量及可信度。对比重构前后数据发现,重构后的EVI数据在空间上更加一致,在时间维度上时序数据年间变化更加稳定。  相似文献   
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