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The Fahrenheit-to-Celsius temperature-conversion equation is a basic component of many introductory earth science courses. Despite its simplicity, it presents a challenge to students and instructors alike because residents of the United States are unfamiliar with the Celsius scale. By solving for the point at which these two temperature scales are equal, it is possible to use the equations for temperature conversion as a springboard to more advanced topics. It is demonstrated that temperature-conversion equations and chaotic equations can be solved using identical numerical and graphical techniques. As a result, the fundamental concepts of chaos theory and numerical methods can be introduced to students in the context of the simplest equations in the earth sciences. These solution methods are applied to the quantitative theory of the extratropical cyclone as an example of the utility and broad scope of this educational approach.  相似文献   
采用随机区组设计,以等价投入的常规化肥为对照,开展专用肥多点施肥试验研究.通过专用肥对林木生长量、林相特征的影响分析,结果表明:与等价投入(肥料成本)的常规化肥相比,施用系列专用肥的林分生长量均显著或极显著地高于常规化肥处理,且叶片浓绿、树势强壮,施后19个月内,树高、胸径、材积分别提高了7.8%~51.8%、9.8%~53.0%和30%以上,叶片叶绿素含量提高26.3%~94.2%,叶面积指数提高41.0%~172.8%.经对HA桉树专用肥的增产性、适应性和稳定性的综合分析与评定,选出基肥专用的优化配方为:有机质≥30.0%、N P2O5 K2O≥6.0%(2.5-2.0-1.5)、腐殖酸总量≥8.0%,并加上适量的"绿滴"复合微生物菌剂(于施用时和基肥按每50 kg∶1 kg的量掺入);追肥专用的优化配方为:有机质≥20.0%、N P2O5 K2O≥20.0%(9-8-3)、腐殖酸总量≥6.0%.  相似文献   
本研究利用浅层反射地震数据中的面波信息反演提取近地表横波速度结构,取得了较好的效果。该方法在一定程度上可弥补浅部反射资料的缺失,进而提高近地表结构探测的可靠性,同时也实现了对地震资料的充分利用。  相似文献   
The concept of planetary wave breaking (McIntyre andPalmer, 1983; 1984) is critically reviewed. It is concluded that the wave breaking signature is not unique to any particular dynamic event in the stratosphere. Therefore, the classification of stratospheric transport events, such as wave breaking, groups fundamentally different events together. Better qualification of the wave breaking signature and a more solid theoretical basis of planetary wave breaking must be presented if the concept is to be of significant utility in describing stratospheric tracer transport.  相似文献   
塔河油田3区石炭系超深薄层碎屑岩储层预测研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对塔河油田3区石炭系卡拉沙依组地震数据很难识别薄砂体的问题,对比分析了采用地震资料提频处理、分频处理、储层高分辨率敏感参数反演等不同手段得到的储层预测结果,筛选出高分辨率储层敏感参数反演作为卡拉沙依组砂泥岩段储层主要预测手段.通过探讨砂泥岩对声波时差的响应,以及对比分析自然电位、自然伽马以及补偿中子孔隙度与声波时差的关系,确定自然电位与声波时差的相关性最好,由此选取自然电位作为最佳电性敏感参数参与高分辨率敏感参数反演预测.从井点、剖面、平面等方面检验和评价高分辨率储层预测成果,结果表明其反演预测效果较好,符合塔河油田3区石炭系的储层预测要求,实现了对石炭系主力砂体空间展布的解释与描述,建立了塔河油田3区石炭系卡拉沙依组储层模型.  相似文献   
苏北滨海滩涂湿地位于现代长江口与废黄河口之间,是最典型的淤泥质平原海岸,其演变特征及空间格局具有鲜明的特征。本文选用1980年、1992年、2008年的TM 和ALOS影像为主要数据源,构建了基于空间分割和转移矩阵分析模型,研究了近30年来苏北滨海滩涂湿地的演变特征及其空间格局。结果表明: ①苏北滨海滩涂发生了巨大变化,近30年间滩涂总面积减少了1273.11 km2,平均每年减少45.47 km2;滩涂湿地侵蚀/淤积面积约965.14 km2,0 m等深线冲刷后退减少的面积约为307.97 km2。②苏北滨海滩涂湿地区域差异性明显。南北方向上可划分为6个自然地理单元,东西方向上可划分为3个区域。③苏北滨海滩涂湿地演变中,湿地转型、湿地丧失和湿地演替分别占总面积的38.39%、14.80%、20.51%;其中天然湿地减少354.1 km2,人工湿地增加1061.45 km2,非湿地增加253.09 km2。④滩涂湿地主要植被群落演替特征和空间分布也呈现出差异性。湿地演替主要发生在净变区,与对应岸段的海岸侵蚀/淤积类型基本吻合。  相似文献   
岩石受力状态对弹性波传播速度影响的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
岩石所受的三向应力状态对其弹性波传播性质有一定的影响,此认识为所做的以泥质砂岩、泥岩和硅质胶结的坚硬砂岩为试样的实验所证实。为保证岩石中存在微隙,对部分试样还作了高温预热处理。实验结果表明,泥质砂岩和泥岩的V_p/V_s值几乎保持不变,但坚硬砂岩的V_p/V_s值曲线却在应力达破坏荷载的90%左右时出现下凹现象,经热处理的硬砂岩的这一下凹现象则更突出。  相似文献   
The current storm wave hazard assessment tends to rely on a statistical method using wave models and fewer historical data which do not consider the effects of tidal and storm surge.In this paper,the wave-current coupled model ADCIRC+SWAN was used to hindcast storm events in the last 30 years.We simulated storm wave on the basis of a large set of historical storms in the North-West Pacific Basin between 1985 and 2015 in Houshui Bay using the wave-current coupled model ADCIRC+SWAN to obtain the storm wave level maps.The results were used for the statistical analysis of the maximum significant wave heights in Houshui Bay and the behavior of wave associated with storm track.Comparisons made between observations and simulated results during typhoon Rammasun(2014)indicate agreement.In addition,results demonstrate that significant wave height in Houshui Bay is dominated by the storm wind velocity and the storm track.Two groups of synthetic storm tracks were designed to further investigate the worst case of typhoon scenarios.The storm wave analysis method developed for the Houshui Bay is significant in assisting government's decision-making in rational planning of deep sea net-cage culture.The method can be applied to other bays in the Hainan Island as well.  相似文献   
The Boao coastal system along the eastern coast of Hainan Island is a dynamic delta-tidal inlet-barrier formed during the late Holocene. The delta developed inside a shallow lagoon barred by a sandy barrier with a narrow, shallow tidal inlet opening. Two major distributary channels separated by small islands characterize the delta. The lagoon is silting up receiving and trapping sediments from both the river and, in minor measure during storms, through the tidal inlet opening and barrier washovers. The barrier at the tidal inlet is highly dynamic and changes its form, accreting (migrating spit) against the inlet during fair-weather conditions and being eroded during storms and river floods.The delta has almost completely filled the lagoon and major concerns exist on the effect that ongoing large development plans may have on the environment. These concerns include the effect on floods and rate of siltation once banks of the islands have been stabilized and floodwater and sediment load are impeded from spreading over the lowlands, and the effect of increasing pollutant loads from the new facilities on the ecosystems of the increasingly restricting lagoon water and on the seashores.  相似文献   
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