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A simple procedure is proposed to simulate a smooth transition from elastic to elastoplastic behaviour in Cam-Clay models. The procedure consists of the definition of an external constitutive surface where full yield is assumed, and an internal one that allows the definition of the position in which plastic strains start to appear before the external yield surface is reached. The comparison of the model results with different laboratory tests shows the validity of the procedure. The method considers one additional parameter with regard to a “standard” critical state model, and it can easily be implemented in existing integration modules.  相似文献   
全球气候变暖问题是人类面临的最艰巨的挑战之一,通过先进的面向对象分类方法可以提高碳排放与碳汇能力的研究水平,对于控制区域气候变化具有推动作用。本文利用面向对象分类方法,以广西百色市右江区为研究区域,选取Landsat 8 OLI和Google Earth影像数据提取区域地物信息,并针对研究区地势复杂的特点,采用设置多种尺度参数的方法,选取最优尺度进行影像分割。同时,引入隶属度函数法、最邻近分类法和CART决策树分类器3种方法,基于影像光谱差异、几何形状、对象纹理等特征,逐层逐级地实施面向对象分类,随后加以针对性的精度评价分析并检验分类结果。通过总结分析前人的地物碳系数转换关系并结合高精度面向对象分类结果,构建了基于土地覆被类型的碳收支能力估算模型,并根据已有的基于CASA模型的碳收支能力估算方法加以精度校验,最终估算出右江区碳收支能力为-399.64万t。此外,本文结合右江区行政区划、人口分布、DEM等相关数据对区域碳收支能力进行了专题性剖析。结果表明,面向对象分类方法是研究小区域碳收支能力的有效途径,在区域碳循环评估中具有更好的准确性和预见性,有效促进碳收支平衡研究领域的发展。  相似文献   
A method is presented which makes a valuable contribution to automation in close range metrology. Successful identification of textcoded measurement targets has three essential characteristics: (1) large and easily expandable code depth; (2) robustness with respect to radiometric and geometric influences; and (3) rejection capability in case of low identification quality. The proposed method of text recognition of target labels is based on experience which has been gradually accumulated in the context of automated document analysis at the DaimlerChrysler Research Center.  相似文献   
Remote sensing image segmentation is the basis of image understanding and analysis. However, the precision and the speed of segmentation can not meet the need of image analysis, due to strong uncertainty and rich texture details of remote sensing images. We proposed a new segmentation method based on Adaptive Genetic Algorithm (AGA) and Alternative Fuzzy C-Means (AFCM). Segmentation thresholds were identified by AGA. Then the image was segmented by AFCM. The results indicate that the precision and the speed of segmentation have been greatly increased, and the accuracy of threshold selection is much higher compared with traditional Otsu and Fuzzy C-Means (FCM) segmentation methods. The segmentation results also show that multi-thresholds segmentation has been achieved by combining AGA with AFCM.  相似文献   
An innovative methodology for dual-polarized Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data segmentation is proposed. The methodology is based on the thresholding of the 1D-histograms of the two images produced by the dual polarimetric bands. Thresholding of the histograms is performed using a nonparametric algorithm. Histograms after thresholding are combined together in a two dimensional histogram-based space in order to define sub-spaces, which are used for image segmentation. Sub-spaces are further divided based on two criteria which lead to a multi-level segmentation approach. Dual-polarized TerraSAR-X data, both HH and VV, are used in a study area located in the southwestern United Kingdom.  相似文献   
通过对辜鸿铭所翻译的《中庸》、《论语》进行分析和研究 ,反映出社会背景对中国古典文化经典翻译的不同策略的影响。从而证明辜鸿铭译文的别出心裁出于强势语下的无奈。从翻译理论上揭示归化翻译的历史意义以及译品存在的价值。  相似文献   
以马来西亚雪兰莪州及首都吉隆坡为例,将Mean-shift算法的影像分割方法应用于研究区的TM影像分类中,较传统方法的分类精度更高,可满足应用需求.依据该分类结果对研究区的空间城市化特征进行分析.发现近期研究区一直处于高速扩展阶段,外延式扩展和填充式扩展并行发展成为该研究区城市扩展的主导模式.  相似文献   
地理要素变化检测已成为国家地理信息"十二五"规划和全国地理国情普查的重要组成部分。网页文本中蕴含海量的地理要素信息,尤其是新闻、政府、社交平台等网站的网页文本更新频繁,可为地理要素变化检测提供现势性的数据源。本文针对网页文本中地理要素变化的语言描述特点,构建了表达地理要素变化的语义知识库,设计了搜索引擎和通用主题相结合的网页爬虫,实现了相关网页文本的高效获取;采用规则模型和条件随机场模型,分别进行网页文本中地理要素变化信息抽取,包括地理要素名称、位置(地名)、时间和属性等。实验结果显示,本文设计的网页爬虫具有较高的相关网页文本获取能力,地理要素变化信息抽取的准确率能够达到70%以上,但是,语义知识库的完备程度对于信息抽取性能具有较大影响。研究成果表明,以网页文本为数据源的地理要素变化信息获取方法,能提供一种快速检测地理要素变化的新途径,与实地调绘和遥感影像检测等方法结合应用具有较好的优势互补性,可作为有力的辅助手段解决地理要素的持续更新和实时更新问题。  相似文献   
Life-history or personal narrative techniques have considerable potential as a way of recovering hidden histories, contesting academic androcentrism, and reinstating the marginalized and dispossessed as makers of their own past. Drawing on a large methodological literature on life-history collection, and applications of these techniques in Africa, we argue that geographers might explore these methodologies as a means of recovering lost geographies and venting alternative voices in academic texts. Drawing on our own project on Swazi migrant women, we suggest that life-histories cannot, however, be seen purely as vehicles for the delivery of uncontaminated fact about the past. Rather personal narratives should be viewed and interpreted as interactive texts. This leads us to a consideration of a number of methodological and interpretive issues surrounding life-history collection: the positional advantages of insider status, the “terrible assymetries” of the interview process, and the power (and pitfalls) of narrative forms of representation.  相似文献   
裂陷盆地中洼槽的演化规律对烃灶的分布及生烃能力具有明显控制作用。歧口凹陷在古近纪经历了两期两向的裂陷活动,洼槽结构较为复杂,裂陷Ⅰ幕,在NW-SE向伸展作用下,形成了多个NE-NNE向洼槽;至裂陷Ⅱ幕,受N-S向伸展作用,NE-NNE向断层活动性逐渐减弱,NE-NNE向洼槽开始萎缩。本文基于控洼断层的空间组合样式及传播方式、洼槽内层序界面的接触关系,建立洼槽演化的3种模式;结合典型地震剖面、地层厚度图、控洼断层断距—距离曲线等相关证据,识别出歧口凹陷洼槽的演化规律。其中,歧南洼槽属于“生长连接型洼槽演化模式”,板桥洼槽属于“固定长度型洼槽演化模式”,而歧北洼槽属于“侧列叠覆型洼槽演化模式”。  相似文献   
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