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利用实测重力垂直梯度反演长白山地区一剖面的深部构造   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对重力梯度高分辨率的特点,利用在长白山地区实测的重力垂直梯度数据,采用梯度空间参量图反演其深部构造。台阶模型试验表明: 重力梯度空间参量图能给出构造倾角和倾面的信息,结合重力梯度剖面和梯度空间参量图可以构建出地下构造的几何模型,进而对一些复杂构造进行解释。通过对比实测布格重力异常和实测重力梯度异常,重力梯度比重力异常的分辨率更高; 将梯度法应用到实测重力梯度数据的处理中,结果表明: 该方法对确定密度变化界面的水平位置和深度具有非常好的效果。  相似文献   
李家斌  郑飞  敖怀欢 《贵州地质》2009,26(2):133-135
Excel被认为是当前功能强大、使用方便的电子表格软件。从1993年起,Excel就开始支持Visual Basic for Applications(VBA).VBA是一款功能强大的工具,它使Excel形成了独立的编程环境。重力固体潮校正的计算改进前,重力计算中都是通过basic语言的程序设计在dos环境下来完成的。在大量应用windows的今天,dos的应用已经没有象windows那样普及。如果不能了解dos环境下的命令语句,根本就不能完成重力的计算工作。为此作者等对固体潮校正的计算进行改进,改进后达到了简单、高效的效果。  相似文献   
鄂尔多斯晚三叠世湖盆异重流沉积新发现   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:11  
水下重力流沉积作为重要的油气储层,已成为当前学术研究和油气工业共同关注的焦点.在鄂尔多斯盆地南部延长组长7~长6油层组深湖相沉积中,发现一种不同于砂质碎屑流沉积和滑塌浊积岩的重力流成因砂岩.其沉积特征为一系列向上变粗的单元(逆粒序层)和向上变细的单元(正粒序层)成对出现;每一个粒序层组合内部的泥质含量变化(高-低-高)与粒度变化一致;上部正粒序层与下部逆粒序层之间可见层内微侵蚀界面;砂岩与灰黑色纯泥岩、深灰色粉砂质泥岩互层;粉砂质泥岩层内也表现出类似的粒度变化特征.通过岩芯观察和薄片鉴定,认为该岩石组合形成于晚三叠世深湖背景下的异重流(hyperpycnal flow)沉积.其沉积产物--hyperpycnite(异重岩?)以发育逆粒序和层内微侵蚀面而区别于其它浊积岩,逆粒序代表洪水增强期的产物,上部的正粒序层为洪水衰退期的沉积,逆粒序-正粒序的成对出现代表一次洪水异重流事件沉积旋回;层内微侵蚀面是洪峰期流速足以对同期先沉淀的逆粒序沉积层侵蚀造成的.鄂尔多斯盆地延长组异重岩的发现,不仅为探索陆相湖盆环境下的异重流沉积提供了一个范例,而且对于深水砂体成因研究、储层预测和油气勘探具有理论和现实意义.  相似文献   
刘涛  赵松壮  孙付峰 《岩土力学》2014,35(Z1):306-310
对于复合式衬砌隧道,初支受力最危险的时期就是为保证二次衬砌的完整性而分段拆除临时支撑的阶段。依托青岛地铁某暗挖车站,采用现场实测数据分析和数值模拟相结合的方法,对比拆撑前后围岩与初支变形情况,进而对6 m范围内交替拆撑,并以6 m为工作单元间隔拆撑的拆撑方案安全性进行分析。实测数据表明,地表沉降、拱顶沉降及净空收敛在拆撑前后增长量及影响均较小,数值计算结果与实测数据吻合较好,可知初支的安全性受支撑拆除的影响较小。研究结论为实现信息化施工提供了依据,也为今后类似工程积累了相关经验。  相似文献   
In this paper, with the spatial analysis functions in ArcGIS and the county-level census data of 2000 in China, the population density map was divided and shown by classes, meanwhile, the map system of population distribution and a curve of population centers were formed; in accordance with the geographical proximity principle, the classes of population densities were reclassified and a population density map was obtained which had the spatial clustering characteristic. The multi-layer superposition based on the population density classification shows that the population densities become denser from the Northwest to the Southeast; the multi-layer clustering phenomenon of the Chinese population distribution is obvious, the populations have a water-based characteristic gathering towards the rivers and coastlines. The curve of population centers shows the population densities transit from the high density region to the low one on the whole, while in low-density areas there are relatively dense areas, and in high-density areas there are relatively sparse areas. The reclassification research on the population density map based on the curve of population centers shows that the Chinese population densities can be divided into 9 classes, hereby, the geographical distribution of Chinese population can be divided into 9 type regions: the concentration core zone, high concentration zone, moderate concentration zone, low concentration zone, general transitional zone, relatively sparse area, absolute sparse area, extreme sparse area, and basic no-man's land. More than 3/4 of the population of China is concentrated in less than 1/5 of the land area, and more than half of the land area is inhabited by less than 2% of the population, the result reveals a better space law of China’s population distribution.  相似文献   
肯尼亚Anza盆地东南部地处东非裂谷系,发育了巨厚的中—新生界沉积盖层。然而,该区域勘探程度较低,制约了对其构造体系的认识及油气勘探潜力的评价。文章基于研究区的重力异常数据,针对其构造特征的认识进行了数据处理及解释。研究结果表明,受中非剪切带右旋剪切应力的影响,研究区发育规模较大的北西向基底断裂和规模较小的北东向盖层断裂,且北东向断裂切断北西向断裂;基底深度差异大,总体呈"两凹夹一隆"的特征,凹陷区沉积了巨厚的中—新生界盖层;受北西向拉张断裂和沿构造软弱带发育的北东向断裂的控制,研究区划分为东部凹陷、中部凸起、南部隆起和西部凹陷4个构造单元,呈现"东西分带、南北分块"的构造格局。   相似文献   
重力流是自然界中广泛存在的一种流体形式,不同学者基于不同切入点往往会提出多种重力流的划分方案。采用浊流和碎屑流的二分方案,对浊积岩和砂质碎屑流岩的沉积特征展开综述和探讨,旨在进一步概括这2类岩石的沉积特征,明确具有指示意义的最典型相标志。研究表明,在野外露头和钻井岩心中,可以通过以下典型特征鉴别浊积岩和砂质碎屑流岩: 砂岩内若发育以正粒序为特征的递变层理,则应该将其认定为浊积岩;若砂岩内发育泥岩撕裂屑、漂浮状泥砾或不含任何层理构造(块状砂岩),则应该将其认定为砂质碎屑流岩。这些特征是鉴别浊积岩和砂质碎屑流岩最可靠的标志。此外,变形层理、爬升波纹交错层理、波状层理、平行纹层、冲刷侵蚀界面、岩性突变界面和槽模等沉积构造也具有一定指示意义,出现这些特征时需要结合沉积背景、岩相的垂向组合关系和地球物理等资料进行综合判断。  相似文献   
雨海盆地是月球正面最大、月球上研究程度最高的多环结构撞击盆地,已有很多学者对其多环结构的边界进行恢复研究,但在多环结构最初始形状、多环位置/数量、盆地大小等方面,至今未能达成共识。本文利用GRAIL自由空气重力异常数据、LOLA激光测高数据进行了多源数据的融合,结果表明,雨海盆地是具有偏心圆的三环结构特点,其直径从外到内分别为1 500 km、1 100 km、665 km。基于欧拉反演结果研究表明,在雨海撞击盆地中部存在两种不同深度、构造运动性质及方向的断裂构造,即:(1)深度大于40 km,向下逐渐向内倾斜、延伸的深部断裂构造;(2)深度在40 km以内,由月表向下逐渐向外倾斜、延伸的浅部断裂构造。结合物质成分及地球物理特征的研究,雨海地区的地质构造演化过程可分为两个阶段:(1)在月球早期阶段(45~38.5亿年),主要以内动力地质作用即岩浆洋冷凝过程为主,形成了雨海盆地深度在40 km以下逐渐向内倾斜、延伸的构造断裂,其为本区在月球早期深部岩浆洋产生、分异及运移提供了通道,该构造断裂代表了雨海盆地撞击前的月球早期深部岩浆洋的构造地质演化阶段;(2)在月球晚期阶段(≤38.5亿年),主要以内、外动力地质作用并重,形成了雨海盆地深度在40 km以内逐渐向外倾斜、延伸的构造断裂,其应为本区不同期次的玄武质岩浆喷出或溢流到月表提供了运移通道,该构造断裂代表了雨海盆地撞击后的月球晚期不同期次玄武质岩浆喷发、充填溢流的月海岩浆活动作用的构造地质演化阶段。  相似文献   
中国畜禽养殖的空间分析及分区研究(英文)   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
The capacity of livestock breeding in China has increased rapidly since 1949, and the total output of meat, poultry and eggs maintains the world’s top first in recent 20 years. Livestock emissions and pollution is closely associated with its population and spatial distribution. This paper aims to investigate the spatial patterns of livestock and poultry breeding in China. Using statistical yearbook and agricultural survey in 2007, the county-level populations of livestock and poultry are estimated as equivalent standardized pig index (ESP), per cultivated land pig index (PCLP) and per capita pig index (PCP). With the help of spatial data analysis (ESDA) tools in Geoda and ArcGIS software, especially the Moran’s I and LISA statistics, the nationwide global and local clustering trends of the three indicators are examined respectively. The Moran’s I and LISA analysis shows that ESP and PCP are significantly clustering both globally and locally. However, PCLP is clustering locally but not significant globally. Furthermore, the thematic map series (TMS) and related gravity centers curve (GCC) are introduced to explore the spatial patterns of livestock and poultry in China. The indicators are classified into 16 levels, and the GCCs for the three indicators from level 1 to 16 are discussed in detail. For districting purpose, each interval between gravity centers of near levels for all the three indicators is calculated, and the districting types of each indicator are obtained by merging adjacent levels. The districting analysis for the three indicators shows that there exists a potential uniform districting scheme for China’s livestock and poultry breeding. As a result, the China’s livestock and poultry breeding would be classified into eight types: extremely sparse region, sparse region, relatively sparse region, normally sparse region, normal region, relatively concentrated region, concentrated region and highly concentrated region. It is also found that there exists a clear demarcation line between the concentrated and the sparse regions. The line starts from the county boundary between Xin Barag Left Banner and Xin Barag Right Banner, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region to the west coast of Dongfang County, Hainan Province.  相似文献   
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