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云中积冰过程微物理参量演变规律的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
利用耦合Thompson参数化物理方案的WRF(weather research and forecasting)中尺度数值模式,对发生在2008/2009年和2009/2010年冬季恩施雷达站处三次积冰过程的边界层特征和云雾微物理量进行了模拟,并与实测结果进行了对比分析.模拟结果较好地反映了恩施雷达站上空多逆温影响的温度层结特征;云水质量浓度和云雾滴中值体积直径的模拟值与观测值的平均绝对误差分别为10-2g·m-3和3.8μm;恩施雷达站上空存在一个质量浓度为0.3g ·m-3左右的高值中心,其逐渐下移接地,给积冰过程带来充足水汽,且此时通常也有降雨出现.  相似文献   
液态水含量和冰晶浓度对闪电频数影响的数值模拟研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
假定在软雹和冰晶碰撞的非感应起电机制为主要的起电机制成立的条件下,数值模拟研究了国际上公认的Fletcher和H—M冰晶产生机制以及云中的液态水含量对雷暴云放电过程(区分了云闪和地闪)的影响。结果表明,随着气压和温度的变化,在两种冰晶产生机制假定下,冰晶浓度分布有很大差异,这直接导致了雷暴云内电活动的差异。液态水含量的增加将使得首次放电时间延迟,同时将引起放电位置的下降和闪电频数的减少。  相似文献   
兰州市空中水汽含量和水汽通量变化研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用历年的高空和地面资料,深入分析了兰州市空中水汽含量和水汽通量的变化特征。结果表明:(1)夏季空中水汽含量和水汽输送相对较多,冬季相对较少;2~7月是水汽含量的增长期,9~1月是递减期,8月与7月持平;97%的水汽集中在400 hPa以下;(2)兰州市空中水汽变化与降水量、降水日数、气温的变化有明显的一致性,也存在一定的差别;(3)兰州市空中水汽输送强度中心接近500hPa高度;冬季水汽日变化最大层位于700~600 hPa,这与我国东部地区空中水汽输送高度和边界层水汽日变化特征有明显的区别。  相似文献   
利用2001年1月至2010年12月内蒙古地区12个探空站的资料,求算全区空中水汽含量,对其时空分布特征及变化趋势进行分析.分析结果表明,近10a来,1月份内蒙古地区月平均空中水汽含量最低只有0.303cm;7月份月平均空中水汽含量最大达到3.106cm;空中水汽含量高值区在河套地区有西凸的倾向;空中水汽含量和降水量分布有正相关关系;逐年平均空中水汽含量处于缓慢的减少过程中.  相似文献   
针对测量仪器不断发展和革新的实际情况,总结了近5年来"测量仪器学"课程开设的效果和社会评价。基于测量仪器已全面进入电子智能时代,提出了针对理论和实践两个方面教学内容的改革,改进得到了优化新颖的教学方法,对于课程考核提出了合理的评判方法,并对课程配套相关条件提出了合理的建议,最后对改革后的课程教学效果进行了论述和分析。  相似文献   
随着煤层气勘探的不断深入,对煤层含气量预测精度提出了更高的要求。基于煤层含气量测井响应特征,分析测井参数与含气量的相关性,提出MIV(Mean Impact Value)技术与LSSVM(Least Squares Support Vector Machine)结合的测井参数优选策略,优选最优测井参数作为网络建模的输入自变量组合,通过粒子群算法优化LSSVM网络核心参数,最后构建一套适用于煤层含气量预测的MIV-PSO-LSSVM模型。在此基础上,分别对比分析LSSVM、PSO-LSSVM、MIV-LSSVM和MIV-PSO-LSSVM模型对煤层含气量的预测性能,并与传统多元回归方法进行了对比,利用拟合优度和均方根误差对此5类模型进行评价。结果表明:PSO优化下的LSSVM模型预测精度得到有效提升,结合MIV方法优选测井参数可大幅度改善神经网络建模性能,MIV-PSO-LSSVM模型可实现煤层含气量高精度预测,为煤层气勘探及其储层评价提供新的技术支撑,且本研究的建模策略及思想可广泛应用于其他机器学习建模研究领域。  相似文献   
针对广西荔玉高速路基沿线产生的大量高液限土弃方问题,采用生石灰对高液限土进行改良处理。选取弃土场的高液限土,分别配制不同初始含水率、不同石灰掺量的试样进行侧限压缩试验和快剪试验,采用基本初等数学函数模型拟合不同饱和状态、不同初始含水率下石灰掺量对试件压缩特性和抗剪强度影响。结果表明:(1)高液限土的压缩系数随石灰掺量增加呈指数形式减小;(2)不同饱和状态试件的黏聚力和内摩擦角随石灰掺量增加呈二次函数形式变化;(3)高液限土具有水敏性,饱和素土试件最大抗剪强度对应的含水率较击实试验最大干密度对应的含水率高3%~6%;(4)当初始含水率不高于26.73%时,建议石灰掺量不低于6%,否则改良高液限土的石灰掺量不低于8%,可在满足经济性的前提下达到较好的改良效果。  相似文献   
韩颖 《中国岩溶》2002,21(4):283-289
本文通过晋陕蒙接壤地区岩溶地下水与黄河水环境同位素特征的分析、研究,得出由补给区→迳流区→排泄区,岩溶水氚值由高变低, 14C年龄具有由低逐渐升高的变化规律;利用同位素的高程效应,计算得到岩溶水补给区的补给高程为1500~1600m;利用氚值的衰变估算,岩溶地下水的运移速度为3. 8~2. 1km /a,反映出岩溶水由补给→排泄区由快到慢的运动过程。文中还利用黄河水与岩溶水的氚值,估算了黄河西岸岩溶水中有25%来自黄河水入渗,75%来自东部岩溶水的补给。  相似文献   
There have been significant recent advances in understanding the ecohydrology of deep soil. However, the links between root development and water usage in the deep critical zone remains poorly understood. To clarify the interaction between water use and root development in deep soil, we investigated soil water and root profiles beyond maximum rooting depth in five apple orchards planted on farmland with stand ages of 8, 11, 15, 18, and 22 years in a subhumid region on the Chinese Loess Plateau. Apple trees rooted progressively deeper for water with increasing stand age and reached 23.2 ± 0.8 m for the 22‐year‐old trees. Soil water deficit in deep soil increased with tree age and was 1,530 ± 43 mm for a stand age of 22 years. Measured root deepening rate was far great than the reported pore water velocity, which demonstrated that trees are mining resident old water. The deficits are not replenished during the life‐span of the orchard, showing a one‐way mining of the critical zone water. The one‐way root water mining may have changed the fine root profile from an exponential pattern in the 8‐year‐old orchard to a relative uniform distribution in older orchards. Our findings enhance our understanding of water‐root interaction in deep soil and reveal the unintended consequences of critical zone dewatering during the lifespan of apple trees.  相似文献   
The ability to model and predict the formation of desiccation cracks is potentially beneficial in many applications such as clay liner design, earth dam construction, and crop science, etc. However, most studies have focused on statistical analysis of crack patterns and qualitative study of contributing factors to crack development rather than prediction. Because it is exceedingly difficult to capture the nonlinear processes during desiccation in analytical modelling, most such models handle crack formation without considering variation of material properties with time, and are unattractive to use in realistic modelling. The data obtained from laboratory experiments on clay soil desiccating in moulds were used as a basis to develop a more refined model of desiccation cracking. In this study, the properties, such as matric suction, stiffness and tensile strength of soil, and base adhesion, could be expressed approximately as functions of moisture content. The initial conditions and the development of suction due to desiccation and the varying material properties were inputted to UDEC, a distinct element code, using its internal programming language FISH. The model was able to capture some essential physical aspects of crack evolution in soil contained in moulds with varying lengths, heights, and materials of construction. Extension of this methodology is potentially beneficial not only for modelling desiccation cracking in clay, but also in other systems with evolving material properties such as concrete structures and road pavements. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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