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俯冲带是地球上构造活动最复杂、最强烈的区域,也是地球物质循环系统的重要组成部分,对俯冲带的深入研究有助于加深我们对地球系统科学的认识。通过系统地梳理分析国内外相关文献,大洋岩石圈通过在汇聚板块边界的俯冲将大量水带入到地幔中,并对俯冲带地震的发生、地幔的熔融、岩浆的产生、陆壳的形成乃至矿产资源富集都起到了重要的控制作用。弧前隆起区的岩石圈地幔在顺断层渗透的深海水作用下发生强烈水化作用并形成水化地幔,是水富集在岩石圈的主要方式之一。随着俯冲板片深度的增加,在一定的温压条件下,水化地幔(蛇纹岩)发生脱水相变,引发俯冲带中源地震。脱出的水则由于运移的差异,既可以产生板内的水压致裂,也会影响俯冲界面的耦合,进而导致慢滑移地震区的形成。由此可见,俯冲带地区深海-岩石圈流体交换及其在深部的效应是一个包含化学反应-温度-流体流动-应力变形/破坏的多物理场耦合的复杂动力学系统。然而,目前的相关研究工作主要侧重于对其中某个因素、现象或者某个特定条件下具体过程的探索性观测分析研究。因此,我们需要从地球系统科学的角度出发,将流体运移、化学反应与传统的固体地球研究相结合,着眼于多学科交叉的多场耦合动力学综合研究,对俯冲带地区深海-岩石圈流体交换及其效应进行多时空尺度定量化表征和分析。  相似文献   
鸟嘌呤转移因子Vav2为Vav家族成员,其在Ras-related GTP酶活性调节过程中发挥重要作用。本文首次从七鳃鳗体内克隆并表达出七鳃鳗Vav2分子(Lj-Vav2)。系统发育分析结果阐明,Lj-Vav2为脊椎动物Vav2基因家族的直系同源基因。进化动力学分析指明,CH结构域、DH结构域、PH结构域、C1结构域、SH3结构域、SH2结构域贯穿于脊椎动物Vav2家族的进化历程。实时定量PCR结果表明,Lj-Vav2分布于七鳃鳗心脏、肾脏、髓样组织、肝脏、鳃以及类淋巴细胞中,同时经过LPS刺激后淋巴细胞中Lj-Vav2的表达水平呈现明显上调趋势。综上,Lj-Vav2在七鳃鳗体内免疫防御过程中发挥重要作用。此外,我们的研究将为今后更好地阐明Lj-Vav2生物学功能奠定坚实的物质基础。  相似文献   
The Egyptian black sands contain several economic minerals, especially ilmenite. Monazite can reach concentrations up to 0.6 wt.%. The majority of monazite grains have light to deep canary and lemon yellow colors, whereas enigmatic monazite grains have brown, red, resinous, yellow and colorless to pinkish colors. The behavior of monazite with the electrostatic field setting of the roll-type electrostatic separator was studied for the different variables of the separator. Most of the monazite grains are reversible negative and are attracted towards the positively charged static electrode. Using wet gravity concentration, both low and high intensity magnetic separation, and electrostatic separation techniques, a high grade concentrate assaying 97 wt. % monazite with a recovery of 76.8% can be obtained. The Egyptian beach monazite contains high concentrations of Ce, La and Nd in addition to minor amounts of Y, Pr, Sm, Gd, Dy and Eu. It is particularly rich in the lighter rare earth elements (cerium subgroup). By a new method of ion exchange technique after chemically dissolving the mineral with sulfuric acid, both of REEs, Th and U, could be individually separated. The efficiency of the separation has been tested with sulfuric acid concentration at 2M H2SO4 where the thorium and uranium could be obtained with a cation exchange synthetic resin column, while rare earth metal ions are adsorbed and then individually separated. A highly pure thorium product could be obtained by oxalate precipitation followed by uranium precipitation as diuranate using NaOH.  相似文献   
Global climate change is having marked influences on species distributions, phenology and ecosystem composition and raises questions as to the effectiveness of current conservation strategies. Conservation planning has only recently begun to adequately account for dynamic threats such as climate change. We propose a method to incorporate climate-dynamic environmental domains, identified using specific environmental correlates of floristic composition, into conservation strategies, using the province of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa as a case study. The environmental domains offer an approach to conservation that conserves diversity under current and future climates, recognising that the species constituting diversity may change through time. We mapped current locations of domains by identifying their positions in a multi-dimensional environmental space using a non-hierarchical iterative k-means clustering algorithm. Their future locations were explored using an ensemble of future climate scenarios. The HadCM2 and GFDL2.1 models represented the extreme ranges of the models. The magnitude of change in each environmental domain was calculated using Euclidean distances to determine areas of greatest and least stability for each future climate projection. Domains occurring in the savanna biome increase at the expense of domains occurring in the grassland biome, which has significant negative consequences for the species rich grasslands. The magnitude of change maps represents areas of changed climatic conditions or edaphic disjunctions. The HadCM2 model predicted the greatest overall magnitude of change across the province. Species with specific soil requirements may not be able to track changing climatic conditions. A vulnerability framework was developed that incorporated climatic stability and habitat intactness indices. The mean magnitude of change informed the potential speed of transition of domains between the vulnerability quadrants. The framework informs appropriate conservation actions to mitigate climate change impacts on biodiversity. The study explicitly links floristic pattern and climate variability and provides useful insights to facilitate conservation planning for climate change.  相似文献   
利用非Boussinesq近似下MOM4p1的全球大洋环流预后模式,采用真实地形,以静止状态为初始条件,进行了1 400a积分,以研究平衡状态下大洋环流的结构。模式由月平均气候态强迫场驱动,包括192×189个水平网格和压力坐标下的31个垂直层次。着重研究达到平衡状态后,各洋际通道处的质量、热量输运和补偿及其在全球大洋环流中的作用。根据动能演变特征表明,积分过程分为3个阶段:风海流的成长及准稳定状态;热盐环流的成长过程以及热盐环流的稳定状态;由静止状态冷启动达到热盐环流的稳定状态,积分过程必须在千年以上。模式结果再现了从白令海峡到格陵兰海的北冰洋贯穿流和印度尼西亚贯穿流,并用已有观测资料对它们进行对比。分析表明,海面的倾斜结构是形成太平洋-北冰洋-大西洋贯穿流和印尼贯穿流的主要动力机制。分析指出,尽管在北大西洋存在1.4×106 m3/s的南向体积输运,但其热量输运却是北向的并达到1015 W量级,其原因是北向的上层海流温度远高于北大西洋深层水向南的回流。文章分析了经向体积和热量输运对北大西洋深层水补偿来源及大西洋经向翻转环流的贡献。模拟所得洋际交换的量值可以由经向补偿予以合理解释,并得到以往实测与数模结果的支持。洋际通道处的体积和热量交换突出体现了其在大洋传送带系统中的枢纽作用。  相似文献   
The geochemical evolution of groundwater in the Ordovician-Cambrian aquifer system in the northern part of the Baltic Artesian Basin (BAB) illustrates how continental glaciations have influenced groundwater systems in proglacial areas. The aquifer system contains water that has originated from various end-members: recent meteoric water, glacial meltwater and relict Na-Cl brine. The saline formation water that occupied the aquifer system prior to the glacial meltwater intrusion has been diluted by meltwaters of advancing-retreating ice sheets. The diversity in the origin of groundwater in the aquifer system is illustrated by a wide variety in δ18O values that range from −11‰ to −22.5‰. These values are mostly depleted with respect to values found in modern precipitation in the area. The chemical and isotopic composition of groundwater has been influenced by mixing between waters originating from different end-members. In addition, the freshening of a previously saline water aquifer due to glacial meltwater intrusion has initiated various types of water-rock interaction (e.g. ion exchange, carbonate mineral dissolution).  相似文献   
海洋是地表环境中最重要的碳库,准确估算CO2在海洋与大气之间的交换对于进一步阐明其变化过程机理具有重要意义。利用南海2011—2020年的海温、风速、海平面气压等多种遥感反演数据,基于海-气分压差算法,构建了海-气CO2通量遥感估算模型,并分析其时空变化特征。结果表明:(1) 遥感估算模型在整个南海海域具有较好的通用性,对比实测区域数据,估算结果的平均绝对误差和均方根误差分别为1.04和1.37 mmol/(m2·d);对于源汇区的识别准确率达到90.63%。(2) 南海总体表现为弱碳源,CO2通量的季节变化呈现出夏秋季高、冬春季低的特征,夏季和冬季分别为全年最高和最低。空间分布特征为南北部差异大。碳汇高值区始终位于北部,且冬季为强碳汇,而碳源高值区夏季出现在中南半岛东南部,秋季则转移到南海东北部。(3) 南海三种典型区(北部陆架陆坡、中部海盆、南部陆坡)的CO2通量随时间推移均呈现降低的趋势,且北部下降速度最快。2011—2020年,南海年均向大气净释放碳1.51×107 t,但其碳释放量呈降低趋势,降低速度为2.03×106 t/a,南海总体的“碳源”强度有所减弱。研究结果可为制定碳排放及碳交易政策提供科学参考。  相似文献   
以厦门地震勘测研究中心信息节点为例,阐述福建省地震行业网内信息节点设备运行中存在的储多安全隐患,讲述如何应用信息节点设备中的交换安全技术来消除福建省地震行业网内的信息安全隐患,来提高地震信息节点设备的网络连通率及稳定性,保障地震行业网内观测数据的可靠与高效运行。  相似文献   
前陆盆地为汇聚板块边界的典型盆地代表,其沉降的动力机制主要有构造挠曲、俯冲动力以及各种重力负载。其盆山耦合可观测的表现是各种镜像或对应关系,包括造山带隆起与盆地沉降,造山带推进与前陆盆地迁移,造山作用终止与盆地消亡,幕式、韵律性的表浅层物质转移等,其根源是汇聚板块统一的区域地球动力学及运动学过程。盆山耦合过程中物质交换在表浅层完成从山到盆以碎屑物质为主的转移,在中深层表现为各种脆性断层及方式不一、方向各异的复杂的韧性流变。盆地与造山带是统一区域动力作用的不同产物,二者在形成、演化过程中表现出复杂的相互直接作用或间接影响。  相似文献   
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