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地下水位对定点形变观测干扰的抽水实验   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
抽水所造成的地下水位的变化会即时在局部范围内造成地表的形变,干扰定点地壳形变观测。在蓟县地震台进行的抽水实验表明:这种干扰的幅度与抽水水井到形变监测仪器的距离有关,也和抽水水井水位的最大降深有关。根据实验数据得到了抽水对定点形变观测的影响范围的经验公式。  相似文献   
Attractabilities of different diets and dietary selectivity of Chinese shrimp, Fenneropenaeus chinensis were studied through behavior observation and feeding experiment, respectively. The five diets used in the experiment are: Fish Flesh (FF), Shrimp Flesh (SF), Clam Foot (CF), Polychaete Worm (PW), and Formulated Diet (FD). No significant differences of attractability exist between any two different diets when every two natural diets or all five diets are provided simultaneously. On the other hand, significant differences of attractability exist between FD and every single natural diet when they are provided simultaneously. Results of behavioral observation indicate that natural diets are more attractive than FD. In feeding experiment, Chinese shrimp has distinct selectivity on different diets. It positively selects CF and PW, negatively selects FF and SF, and excludes FD absolutely. The results of the present studies indicate that the dietary selectivity of shrimp was based not only on the attractabilities of the diets, but also on the responses such as growth and food conversion.  相似文献   
由于观测条件的变化,观测值方差将产生随机波动。本文根据Bayes估计理论,推导了线性模型待估参数的分布函数及观测值方差估计公式,并将其用于位移检验。计算结果表明,在同样的置信度下,本方法更符合实际。文中还对参数估值的统计性质进行了讨论。  相似文献   
根据云南省楚雄、永胜台的倾斜矢量图在强震前正常年变化被破坏的事实,探讨了矢量图面积异常与地震的关系。认为矢量图所围面积的变化与地下水的作用固然有一定的关系,而起决定作用的是地震前应变积累的程度。倾斜矢量图面积的减小可以作为预报的一项参考指标。  相似文献   
向斜构造煤层开采地表移动规律研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
现行的地表移动预计方法,都是建立在开采工作面主断面为线性分布的基础上,因此,对于非线性分布煤层的预计将会产生较大的误差。本文以随机介质理论为基础,利用曲线积分的方法建立了地表移动与变形预计公式,并且利用数值积分法和叠加原理解算地表移动与变形值,扩大了地表移动预计理论的应用范围,同时也大大提高了预计值的精度  相似文献   
本文记述了在扶余油田采用井间电磁波和声波CT方法进行的试验。阐述了试验的意义、理论基础、计算方法、实施方案及成果几方面。试验结果表明电磁波的工作频率应降低到至少几百KHz以下才能适于油田应用。100m井间距的声波成像获得了成功,两个油层均有清晰显示。最后,对技术的发展提出了建议。  相似文献   
中国大陆地壳垂直运动梯度图的编绘   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了一种量化地壳垂直运动速度梯度的方法,并用此方法编绘了中国大陆现代地壳垂直运动速度梯度图。  相似文献   
This study is aimed at investigating the vertical velocity profile of flow passing over a vegetal area by an analytical approach. The soil ground is considered as pervious and thus non-zero velocity at the ground surface can be estimated. The soil and vegetation layers are regarded as homogeneous and isotropic porous media. Therefore the solution of the flow can be obtained by applying the theory of turbulent flow and Biot’s theory of poroelasticity after dividing the flow field into three layers: homogenous water, vegetation and pervious soil. The velocity distribution is compared with the experimental data of [Rowiński PM, Kubrak J. A mixing-length model for predicting vertical velocity distribution on flows through emergent vegetation. J Hydrol Sci 2002;47(6):893–904] to show its validity. In addition, five dimensionless parameters denoting the variation of slope, permeability of soil, Reynolds stress, density of vegetation, and relative height of vegetation are proposed to reveal their effects on the surface water flow. The analytical solutions of flow velocity can also be simplified into simpler expressions to describe the flow passing over a non-vegetated area.  相似文献   
Data on three recently discovered satellites of Uranus are used to determine basic evolutional parameters of their orbits: the extreme eccentricities and inclinations, as well as the circulation periods of the pericenter arguments and of the longitudes of the ascending nodes. The evolution is mainly investigated by analytically solving Hill’s double-averaged problem for the Uranus-Sun-satellite system, in which Uranus’s orbital eccentricity e U and inclination i U to the ecliptic are assumed to be zero. For the real model of Uranus’s evolving orbit with e U≠0 and i U≠0, we refine the evolutional parameters of the satellite orbits by numerically integrating the averaged system. Having analyzed the configuration and dynamics of the orbits of Uranus’s five outer satellites, we have revealed the possibility of their mutual crossings and obtained approximate temporal estimates.  相似文献   
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