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Trend analyses of monthly, seasonal and annual rainfall, air temperature, and streamflow were performed using Mann‐Kendall test within the Langat River basin to identify gradual trends and abrupt shifts for 1980 − 2010. Annual rainfall showed an increasing trend in upstream flow, a combination of decreasing and increasing trends in middle stream flow, and a decreasing trend in downstream flow. Monthly rainfall in most months displayed an insignificant increasing trend upstream. Stations with significant increasing trends showed larger trends in summer than those of other seasons. However, they were similar to the trends observed in annual rainfall. Annual minimum air temperature showed a significant decreasing trend upstream and significant increasing trends in the middle stream and downstream areas. Annual maximum air temperature portrayed increasing trends in both upstream and middle stream areas, and a decreasing trend for the downstream area. Both monthly and seasonal maximum air temperatures exhibited an increasing trend midstream, whereas they demonstrated trends of both decreasing and/or increasing temperatures at upstream and downstream areas. Annual streamflow in upper, middle and lower catchment areas exhibited significant increasing trend at the rates of 0.036, 0.023 and 0.001 × 103 m3/y at α = 0.01, respectively. Seasonal streamflow in the upstream, midstream and downstream areas displayed an increasing trend for spring (0.55, 0.33 and 0.013 m3/y respectively) and summer (0.51, 0.37, 0.018 m3/y respectively). The greatest magnitude of increased streamflow occurred in the spring (0.54 m3/y). Significant increasing trends of monthly streamflow were noticed in January and August, but insignificant trends were found in May, September and November at all stations. Annual streamflow records at the outlet of the basin were positively correlated with the annual rainfall variable. This study concludes that the climate of the Langat River basin has been getting wetter and warmer during 1980‐2010.  相似文献   
青藏高原的水塔功能   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
青藏高原是维持我国乃至东亚地区生态系统的重要水塔。高原平均海拔在4000m以上,与周边地区形成了巨大的地势差。高原东南部不仅具有丰富的降水,而且在3500m以上以冰川雪被形态储存了巨大的水资源,因此,高原具有重要的水塔功能。基于高原潜在输出总水量和不同海拔区域水体所具有的势能两个方面,建立了高原水塔功能的模型,从而利用GIS方法,通过对我国1∶400万系列图和相关资料的统计分析,计算出高原不同高度带贮存的大气降水、冰川储水量、湖泊水量以及工农业用水量。计算结果表明,青藏高原冰川湖泊的淡水储量达39921×108m3,其中冰川储水量为39228×108m3,可利用湖泊储水量为693×108m3,平均每年由降水获得的水资源量为8495×108m3,高原工农业用水量为129×108m3。因此,高原的输出水量即出境河川径流量为6870×108m3。高原储水主要分布在海拔3000~5000m间,与高原周围相比,平均势差在2000~4000m间,最大的势差达5500m。水体具有巨大的势能,在势能的作用下,自然向周边区域输送汇集,维持着周边地区的生态过程和社会经济活动,因此,青藏高原的水塔功能对于周边地区的生态系统和社会经济系统是极其重要的。  相似文献   
南极乔治王岛环境质量现状调查   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
本文以1992/1993年度中国第九次南极考察期间对南极乔治王岛的表土、地衣、苔藓等样品的分析资料为基础,研究探讨了8种无机重金属元素、5种有机污染物的浓度水平。其结果表明,重金属在三种环境样品中的含量分布存在着明显的差异;地衣、苔藓两种植物呈现对不同重金属元素的不同富集能力;∑666、∑DDT和PCBs及油的沾污亦很明显。本文还对污染物质的来源、南极环境样品历次调查分析的结果以及世界部分地区的背景水平进行了讨论和比较  相似文献   
The morphology of a rectangular, pillow-shaped, centric diatom from the surf zone in False Bay and Algoa Bay was studied with the light microscope and by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Acid-cleaned (i.e. free of organic material), and critical-point- and freeze-dried material was used. Certain important features were seen. There was a large variation in cell size and shape. Threads connecting the cells in chains, an external organic layer covering the cell, and chromatophore colour, number and shape are reported for the species, probably for the first time. Valve, girdle and areolar structure was studied in detail, and the notch seen with the light microscope in the middle part of the valve was identified with the electron microscope as a labiate process, the off-centre position of this process being distinctive of the species. The geographical distribution of the species, as described in available literature, is discussed.  相似文献   
胶州湾悬浮颗粒现场剖面测量与结果分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
应用LISST-100现场激光粒度仪于2003年3月在胶州湾首次进行了悬浮颗粒剖面测量,获得了2个剖面的悬浮颗粒现场粒度分布光衰减资料。2个剖面的悬浮颗粒分布自上而下非常相似,颗粒平均大小多为38~74μm,其中1~20μm细颗粒组分所占的比重高。水柱表层悬浮颗粒略粗于底部悬浮颗粒,而且内湾悬浮颗粒比外湾粗。水柱近底层悬浮颗粒粒径同底质浮泥颗粒粒径大小相近,颗粒组成也非常相似。悬浮颗粒浓度自上而下逐渐增大,接近底部颗粒浓度急剧增高。根据现场测量数据可以马上对悬浮颗粒有效密度、颗粒沉降速率和通量做粗略估算。分析结果表明,光衰减系数同颗粒浓度显著相关,推断光衰减主要是由1~250μm悬浮颗粒的散射作用引起的,而<20μm的悬浮粒子对光衰减作用起着主要控制作用。光衰减系数与颗粒投影面积显著相关,表明颗粒投影面积可以作为遥感离水反射率的替代指标。  相似文献   
A postbuckling analysis is presented for a shear deformable anisotropic laminated cylindrical shell with stiffener of finite length subjected to axial compression. The material of each layer of the shell is assumed to be linearly elastic, anisotropic and fiber-reinforced. The governing equations are based on a higher order shear deformation shell theory with von Kármán-Donnell-type of kinematic nonlinearity and including the extension/twist, extension/flexural and flexural/twist couplings. The ‘smeared stiffener’ approach is adopted for the beam stiffeners. This arrangement allows the beam stiffeners to be assembled directly into the global stiffness matrix. The nonlinear prebuckling deformations and initial geometric imperfections of the shell are both taken into account. A singular perturbation technique is employed to determine the buckling loads and postbuckling equilibrium paths. The numerical illustrations concern the postbuckling response of perfect and imperfect, grid, axial, ring stiffened, and unstiffened shells. The results confirm that there exists a compressive stress along with an associate shear stress and twisting when the anisotropic shell is subjected to axial compression. The postbuckling equilibrium path is unstable for the moderately thick cylindrical shell under axial compression and the stiffened shell structure is imperfection-sensitive.  相似文献   
The data of SeaWiFS (Sea-Viewing Wide Field-of-View Sensor), installed on SeaStar, has been used to generate SSC (suspended sediment concentration) of complex and turbid coastal waters in China. In view of the problems of the SeaDAS (SeaWiFS Data Analysis System) algorithm applied to China coastal waters, a new atmospheric correction algorithm is discussed, developed, and used for the SSC of East China coastal waters. The advantages of the new algorithm are described through the comparison of the restdts from different algorithms.  相似文献   
2004年7~8月在台湾浅滩周边水域进行了两个断面的水体悬浮物浊度、叶绿素a荧光调查,通过对该区域悬浮物质浊度、叶绿素a荧光的夏季分布变化特征研究,结合水文相关要素分析,初步揭示了区域海洋沉积和再悬浮过程对悬浮体浊度、叶绿素a荧光分布的影响。指出悬浮物质浊度在近岸与陆架外缘主要受再悬浮作用影响,而浅滩区再悬浮作用不明显:在陆架外缘区浮游植物的聚集作用对浊度有一定的贡献作用,而近岸区则不明显。  相似文献   
我们利用自.行研制的“光学悬浮沙粒径谱仪”对长江口悬沙颗粒进行了现场测量,同时作了现场采样,经华东师范大学河口海岸国家重点实验室分析,分析结果与仪器现场测量结果进行了对比,结果表明,两种方法得到的平均粒径和悬沙浓度基本一致。  相似文献   
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