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野外地质测量中手持GPS定位的误差分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
GPS在工程测量、导航定位等应用中所具有的优越性和方便性使其应用越来越广泛。在野外地质测量中小巧方便的手持GPS机能够起到辅助定点和导航的重要作用,是新时期实现现代化数字地质调查的基础设备之一。但由于野外地形、树木等多路径环境因素的影响,其测量精度和应用受到限制。针对手持机的特点,通过实际测点分类统计分析各方面因素对误差产生的影响程度,进而得出修正方案,提高测量精度和实用性。  相似文献   
Development of Geological Data Warehouse   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Data warehouse (DW), a new technology invented in 1990s, is more useful for integrating and analyzing massive data than traditional database. Its application in geology field can be divided into 3 phrases: 1992-1996, commercial data warehouse (CDW) appeared; 1996-1999, geological data warehouse (GDW) appeared and the geologists or geographers realized the importance of DW and began the studies on it, but the practical DW still followed the framework of DB; 2000 to present, geological data warehouse grows, and the theory of geo-spatial data warehouse (GSDW) has been developed but the research in geological area is still deficient except that in geography. Although some developments of GDW have been made, its core still follows the CDW-organizing data by time and brings about 3 problems: difficult to integrate the geological data, for the data feature more space than time; hard to store the massive data in fifferent levels due to the same reason; hardly support the spatial analysis if the data are organized by time as CDW does. So the GDW should be redesigned by organizing data by scale in order to store mass data in different levels and synthesize the data in different granularities, and choosing space control points to replace the former time control points so as to integrate different types of data by the method of storing one type data as one layer and then to superpose the layers. In addition, data cube, a wide used technology in CDW, will be no use in GDW, for the causality among the geological data is not so obvious as commercial data, as the data are the mixed result of many complex rules, and their analysis needs the special geological methods and software; on the other hand, data cube for mass and complex geo-data will devour too much store space to be practical. On this point, the main purpose of GDW may be fit for data integration unlike CDW for data analysis.  相似文献   
This paper presents an examination of the timescale of phase transition behaviour of a series of salts known to cause damage to wall paintings and other cultural property. The rate of deliquescence and crystallisation of single salts (nitromagnesite and halite) under different RH regimes, and the extent to which this was affected when mixed with other salts (niter, nitratite and gypsum), was investigated. The study was conducted using simple conventional techniques (mass measurements over time) and also using an innovative new method: timelapse video imaging with online data annotation. The results demonstrate the synergy gained from combining video imaging with environmental data in reference to time in the study of salt phase changes: where it revealed new information concerning the kinetics of deliquescence and crystallisation. The implications of these results for the implementation of environmental control measures within historic buildings are discussed.
Alison SawdyEmail:
乌干达Albert地堑中新—上新统沉积特征及控制因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
乌干达Albert地堑位于东非裂谷西支北段,是晚中新世开始发育的陆内裂谷盆地。盆地油气资源丰富,中新—上新统砂岩是盆地的主要储层。综合运用录井、测井、岩心、孢藻和地震等资料分析认为,该时期气候温湿,湖平面振荡式上升;盆地物源体系复杂,发育Victoria Nile、Albert Nile和Kafu等多条主水系;盆地构造分带差异明显,由北至南依次发育缓坡带、中部断阶带、南部陡断带、断阶带和高角度斜坡带。北部缓坡带发育沿盆地长轴方向的正常三角洲;中部断阶带、南部陡断带及南部断阶带发育一系列垂直于盆地轴向的扇三角洲及湖底扇;高角度斜坡带发育沿盆地长轴方向的扇三角洲及近岸水下扇。沉积体系的类型及展布特征与物源体系、构造分带、湖平面升降和气候特征密切相关。综合分析认为盆地北部区域、东部边界断层下降盘及盆地南部是良好的储盖组合发育区。  相似文献   
地震监测设施点多面广,被盗、被破坏的情况时有发生,直接和间接的经济损失十分严重。由此引起的仪器停记,造成资料中断的损失则无法用金钱计算、针对此问题,我们运用模糊控制技术技术,研制开发了FD-1型多功能防盗报警器。它通过检测来访者的文明程度,采取一系列相应的反击措施:即自动打开室内灯光、电视机、录音机等,造成室内有人的假象;对不知趣者给予警告、警铃……直至发出"有电危险,请勿靠近"的警告和电击(无生命危险),达到御敌于门外之目的。该报警器不仅适用于地震台站,也广泛用于各企业事业单位和家庭防盗等。  相似文献   
论文在提出海洋和“新海洋”广度、深度空间概念的基础上,进一步诠释了作为新的海洋权益的控制权,及其在未来政治、经济、外交、军事等领域的重要作用。由于海洋蕴藏着巨大的可再生能源,论文从能源开发利用的视角分析了开发利用海洋深度空间的重要战略意义,并对解决我国海洋争端,开发海洋新能源及综合践行海洋深度空间权战略提出了应对策略。  相似文献   
加快棚户区改造是落实国务院部署的一项政治任务,也是当前及今后一段时期内的最大民生工程。通过利用年度土地变更调查遥感影像对荣成市2015年度棚户区改造新开工项目进行甄别排查,经实地核查后获取不合格项目的具体范围和面积。研究结果表明,利用年度土地变更调查遥感影像可以有效地提高棚户区改造资金监管中对于项目定性效率,并推进资源共享共建,为政府决策提供科学依据。  相似文献   
自然资源督察工作中,为确定目标区域是否存在土地利用违法行为,需要利用ArcGIS软件对目标区域和地类图斑数据进行空间计算、汇总统计等套合工作,为督察工作实施提供数据支撑.目前,人工套合存在制作成本高、工作量大、准确性低、数据命名存储格式不一致等问题.为此,本文基于Python实现了地类图斑自动套合的方法,该方法可以自动...  相似文献   
胡杨沙堆是风沙流遇到胡杨干扰,沙物质堆积而形成的一种风积地貌类型。在风沙地貌领域,对胡杨沙堆的研究几乎空白。和田河西侧、麻扎塔格山以南的塔克拉玛干沙漠中分布有大量胡杨沙堆。基于野外RTK测量数据,利用GIS和统计手段,对胡杨沙堆进行信息提取与统计,定量分析了和田河西侧10个样方内胡杨沙堆的形态参数及沙堆空间分布格局。结果表明:1)沙堆形态不规则,形态参数空间差异显著,南北向形态参数均值变化较东西向稳定; 2)样方内沙堆形态参数间有良好的相关性,大部分沙堆处于发育阶段; 3)沙堆分布较稀疏,自西向东沙堆分布密度逐渐增大,从南到北为减小-增大-减小的变化趋势,总体上南部密度大于北部,东部密度大于西部; 4)10个样方沙堆与特定距离的随机分布差异性较小,整体上为离散分布,但东部较西部、北部较南部有小部分区域聚集分布。  相似文献   
近50 a渭河流域洪水成因分析及防治对策   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
张琼华  赵景波 《中国沙漠》2006,26(1):117-121
 通过对近50 a渭河流域洪水的年际变化、月际变化和潼关高程变化的综合分析得出,造成该流域洪水灾害的原因有降水量年内分配不均和年际变化大,滩面淤积加重,支流河口淤塞以及河势、流态的恶化等。针对这些原因,根据渭河流域洪水灾害的特点,提出了相应的防治措施,即降低下游高程,减少河道的淤积,增大河道泄洪能力;利用水库进行调水调沙,引进客水冲刷渭河下游;防洪工程要除险加固,提高防洪标准与抗洪能力;恢复林草植被,遏止水土流失,从源头上控制泥沙入河等。  相似文献   
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