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黔中—渝南地区于紫云运动初期的泥盆纪末已准平原化,在石炭纪铝土矿含矿岩系沉积过程中,含矿岩系下段(铁质-粘土岩段)主要为近海湖泊相,含矿岩系上段(铝质岩段)为近海平原相。在这种大环境前提下,经常会受到海泛与强风暴潮的影响与改造,使得主要是陆相环境沉积形成的铝土矿含矿岩系中,含有少量海相大化石(腕足类)和微体生物化石(疑源类和牙形石);另在下段和上段岩矿层间,时夹海相碳酸盐岩透镜体,具明显海相沉积特征。以上表明,黔中—渝南石炭系铝土矿含矿岩系形成环境具有显著的多样性和复杂性,而非单纯的陆相沉积环境所能概括的。  相似文献   
黑色岩系中铂族元素地质地球化学特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
含PGE黑色岩系可根据黑色岩系中有无火成岩,将其分为:(1)与火山作用或岩浆活动无关的黑色岩系;(2)与火山作用或岩浆活动有关的黑色岩系不同地质背景下,富金属黑色岩系的特征及其PGE的分布特征既有相似之处,又各具特点,反映出两者PGE的地球化学演化过程有所差别。有关PGE比值不仅可以反映出元素的地球化学行为,亦可区分或指示不同环境下PGE地球化学演化的规律性。  相似文献   
根据研究区成矿地质背景,分析了地层、构造、岩浆岩等因素对华北地块北缘Au、Ag、Cu、Pb、Zn成矿的控制作用,总结了矿床的时、空分布,共生组合特点,提出了成矿规律.  相似文献   
建立了DBC-偶氮氮膦-稀土元素显色体系,该体系的灵敏度高,摩尔吸光系数为(1.3×104~1.2×105)L@mol-1@cm-1,体系稳定,重现性好,并将偏最小二秉计算法用于数据处理中,较准确地预测出地质样品中15种稀土元素各自的含量,其标准偏差(S)为3.3×104~9.1 × 103,相对标准偏差为0.81%~5.0%;其相对误差一般都小于15%,结果满足微量稀土元素分析的要求.  相似文献   
利用前期提出的合成孔径雷达反演海面风场变分方法新解法,开展背景场对合成孔径雷达反演海面风场变分方法风速反演结果影响的模拟试验分析。模拟试验表明,变分方法有效解决了直接反演方法的两大缺陷:一是当背景场风速较大的时候,合成孔径雷达后向散射系数对风速不敏感,直接导致较大的风速反演误差;二是当背景场风向存在误差时,将导致后向散射系数更大的误差,进而导致风速反演结果更大的误差。进一步试验表明,当背景场风速较大时,变分方法风速误差低于直接反演方法风速误差。而当背景场风向误差较小时,直接反演方法风速误差比变分方法风速误差小。  相似文献   
This paper discusses the results of an investigation on the influence of rainfall intensity and duration on the suction distribution within a soil mass. A series of numerical analyses were conducted on an infinite slope model to simulate the responses of the slope consisting of typical soil types to various rainfall intensities and durations from selected locations in the Malaysian Peninsular. The study showed that the critical duration was governed by three major factors: the saturated permeability of the soil, the geographical location, and the depth of the slip plane. The critical rainfall duration for highly permeable soil was 1 day, while 30 days of antecedent rainfall were required for the stability analysis of a slope made of soil with low saturated permeability. The critical duration of antecedent rainfall in soils with intermediate saturated permeability was found to vary with the rainfall pattern. A chart is proposed to determine the critical duration, critical intensity and critical suction for each type of soil.  相似文献   
沙尘暴是一种危害严重的气象灾害,其形成依赖于大气环流和沙质地表两种不同密度的物理介质的相互作用,风力条件和下垫面的性质是影响沙尘暴强度和危害程度的两个重要因素。减轻沙尘暴危害的有效方法就是改善沙尘暴源地的下垫面状况,但这需要评估下垫面各因子在不同天气、气候背景条件下对沙尘暴发生的影响程度。从下垫面的角度出发,以内蒙古中西部地区为例,利用气象资料和实测数据,应用AHP方法对下垫面定性与定量因子进行综合分析,得出不同地区下垫面因子对沙尘暴发生作用的权重,为从下垫面角度研究沙尘暴危险度奠定基础。  相似文献   
This paper presents a general modeling strategy for ambiguity resolution (AR) and position estimation (PE) using three or more phase-based ranging signals from a global navigation satellite system (GNSS). The proposed strategy will identify three best “virtual” signals to allow for more reliable AR under certain observational conditions characterized by ionospheric and tropospheric delay variability, level of phase noise and orbit accuracy. The selected virtual signals suffer from minimal or relatively low ionospheric effects, and thus are known as ionosphere-reduced virtual signals. As a result, the ionospheric parameters in the geometry-based observational models can be eliminated for long baselines, typically those of length tens to hundreds of kilometres. The proposed modeling comprises three major steps. Step 1 is the geometry-free determination of the extra-widelane (EWL) formed between the two closest L-band carrier measurements, directly from the two corresponding code measurements. Step 2 forms the second EWL signal and resolves the integer ambiguity with a geometry-based estimator alone or together with the first EWL. This is followed by a procedure to correct for the first-order ionospheric delay using the two ambiguity-fixed widelane (WL) signals derived from the integer-fixed EWL signals. Step 3 finds an independent narrow-lane (NL) signal, which is used together with a refined WL to resolve NL ambiguity with geometry-based integer estimation and search algorithms. As a result, the above two AR processes performed with WL/NL and EWL/WL signals respectively, either in sequence or in parallel, can support real time kinematic (RTK) positioning over baselines of tens to hundreds of kilometres, thus enabling centimetre-to-decimentre positioning at the local, regional and even global scales in the future.  相似文献   
冀东太平寨-娄子山太古宙麻粒岩相变质峰期流体研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
冀东太平寨-娄子山地区太古宙麻粒岩系变质峰期流体包裹体首次见于夕线石中,按形 态 和产状可分三类,均形成于峰期至其稍后阶段。它们成分相似。特征是:①富碳质,XC O2+C H4=0.64~0.93; ②含少量H2O,XH 2O=0~0.22,且与峰期矿物 组合平衡热力学计算的水活度(aH2O=0.04~0.31)和含量( XH2O=0.03~0.22)完全吻合; ③有时含一定量H2S和SO2; ④盐水溶液 中阴离子总量极低(0.12~0.61mol/L)。石英和石榴石中也有特征相同的这期包裹体。峰 期包裹体中C O 2均一温度多数 为-28℃~-22℃,密度为0.96~1.06g/cm3,包裹体整体密度应稍高,相应的压力为0.60 ~0.70G Pa。流体的氧逸度lgfO2在-17~-15之间。峰期流体上述各种特征在空间上较 均匀,相邻的不同岩石类型中aH2O值相似,结合地质和原岩特 征分析,认为流体中C O2可能为深部地幔来源,其成因与基性岩浆底侵及其结晶作 用有关。  相似文献   
月面环境与月壤特性研究的主要问题探讨   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
月面环境与月壤特性是月球探测和月球科学研究的重要基础,对它们的研究一直在不断加深,本文对月球表面地形地貌、热环境以及月壤特性三个方面的研究现状进行了总结,初步分析了这三个方面研究目前存在的一些主要问题:(1)地形地貌对月球定量遥感的影响以及南极艾特肯(SPA)盆地等地貌单元的年代学划分和成因演化;(2)月面热辐射、月表物理温度和热流等月面热环境特征的进一步探测和全面分析,以及其对地球反照率变化的响应;(3)月壤形成演化过程及空间风化作用,月球极区氢富集机制和水冰探测,以及月球资源开发利用。  相似文献   
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