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试图在遥感图像的连续制图方面做一些理论上的探讨,首次提出利用空间投影方法研究卫星遥感影像的连续制图问题。该方法的宗旨是利用空间投影坐标系来表示遥感图像坐标.利用邻带坐标的相互换算法来实现相邻轨道的图像坐标的统一,从而解决遥感图像的连续制图问题。文中同时研究了空间投影的分带投影方法,讨论了分带规定和邻带坐标换算等问题。  相似文献   
本文利用Gerritsma波浪阻力增加公式,导出一种基于切片理论的波浪漂移阻尼的计算方法。与现有理论和试验结果比较证实具有工程一致性。可以指出,这是一种简单使用,便于推广的应用的理论方法。  相似文献   
本文依据强度折减理论,利用MIDAS/GTS有限元软件,分析计算了高边坡结构的安全系数K,找到边坡滑裂带的位置。在此基础上,对有限元输入数据和输出结果进行二次处理,建立基本随机变量c,f与滑裂带中单元的最大(和最小)主应力1(和3)的拟合关系f1(和f3),将其代入高边坡结构的功能函数Z中,使Z由隐式形式变为显式。基于该显式表示的Z,利用Monte Carlo法计算滑裂带中所有失效单元的可靠指标1,并将其单元面积A1作为权重系数,经过加权平均得到边坡结构的整体可靠指标。上述方法使得结合有限元软件计算边坡结构的整体可靠度得以简化。经实例分析可知,本文提出的方法是合理可行的,可使边坡结构整体可靠性分析得以简化,也可为高边坡结构整体可靠性分析提供理论参考。  相似文献   
通过对银川-河套地震带发生5级以上地震的时空强特征分析,认为未来该区域发生5级以上地震的可能性很大,并分析了1970年以来5级以上地震前弱震活动规律,得到了该区域未来发生5级以上地震的可能地点。  相似文献   
带状图具有折点难处理、生成算法复杂等特点,是城市地下管线信息系统建设的难点之一。本文提出了一种通过计算带状图图幅顶点坐标以生成带状图的方法,并对折线、折点处理进行了重点阐述,简单介绍了带状图的打印出图,最后利用ArcGIS Object平台与C#编程实现了地下管线数据带状图生成的实验验证。  相似文献   
Uplift capacity of horizontal strip anchors in soil embedded under an inclined ground surface has been obtained under seismic conditions. Limit equilibrium approach with logspiral failure surface together with pseudo-static seismic forces has been adopted. The results have been presented in the form of seismic uplift capacity factors as functions of ground inclination, embedment ratio, angle of internal friction of the soil and seismic acceleration coefficients. The uplift capacity factors have been worked out separately for cohesion, surcharge and density components. Effect of the vertical seismic acceleration coefficient has been found to always reduce the uplift capacity whereas the effect of horizontal seismic acceleration coefficient has been found to reduce the uplift capacity in most of the cases. The obtained results of seismic uplift capacity factors are found to be the minimum when compared with the results available in literature on the basis of planar failure surface. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Abstract Assessment of the impacts of mining and reclamation, and design of management practices to reduce chemical loads in stream channels, require knowledge of changing hydrological conditions and of changing sources and rates of release of chemicals into stream waters. One simple method for evaluating these impacts is to combine flow duration curves with regression relations between surface-water chemical concentrations (C) and instantaneous discharge (Q). However, little is known regarding the drainage basin-scale effects of mining and reclaiming drainage basins on regression relations. These effects were assessed on three small experimental drainage basins in Ohio subjected to surface mining for coal. Comparisons were made between regression parameter changes for natural/undisturbed conditions, land disturbances caused by mining and reclamation, incomplete reclamation, and the final condition of the reclaimed drainage basins. Regression analysis used a total of 5047 laboratory analyses of 36 constituents. Of 429 regressions, 153 (36%) were statistically significant. Knowledge of changes in regression parameters is important because regressions supply information on the rate of release and supply of chemical constituents in mined and reclaimed drainage basins. Duration curves of concentration and loads can be constructed using these regressions with flow–duration curves to give estimates of the percentage of time that concentrations and loads are exceeded during different phases of disturbance. This study assessed the changes in regression relations due to mining coal seams and reclamation activities for 36 chemical constituents, two mining methods, three reclamation practices and three distinct geologic settings.  相似文献   
露天矿采场时空数据模型的构建与应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以地理信息系统技术为核心,建立露天矿采场时空数据库,通过构建采场的时空数据库,动态描述露天矿生产的剥、采、排过程,为露天开采的规划、设计、生产调度管理的优化预控决策提供全方位的空间信息支持。提出考虑台阶特征的不规则三角网(TIN)的露天矿采场三维建模理论与方法,采用基于基态修正和时间快照模型构建露天矿采场时空数据库,通过地理信息系统和虚拟现实技术,实现开采过程的回放和生产计划的超前演示,为数字露天矿建设构建基础的地理空间信息框架与平台。  相似文献   
近年来,条带法被用来作为承压水上采煤的主要采煤方法。针对承压水上采煤问题,应用流固耦合原理,将孔隙介质中孔隙压力与应力建构在统一的本构模型中,平行计算应力场与渗流场,其实质是煤岩体体积应变对孔隙的影响通过流动本构定律加以反映;反之孔隙压力的变化可引起煤岩体变形。应用FLAC有限差分软件对条带式和长壁式采煤方法的应力发展和岩体破坏情况进行模拟并进行比较分析,证明条带法在降低由采动引起的应力影响范围和程度,从而减小煤层底板破坏程度和范围(主要是深度)的有效性,为合理确定承压水上采煤的开采方案提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
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