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朱德辉  杜博  张良培 《遥感学报》2020,24(4):427-438
高光谱遥感影像具有光谱分辨率极高的特点,承载了大量可区分不同类型地物的诊断性光谱信息以及区分亚类相似地物之间细微差别的光谱信息,在目标探测领域具有独特的优势。与此同时,高光谱遥感影像也带来了数据维数高、邻近波段之间存在大量冗余信息的问题,高维度的数据结构往往使得高光谱影像异常目标类和背景类之间的可分性降低。为了缓解上述问题,本文提出了一种基于波段选择的协同表达高光谱异常探测算法。首先,使用最优聚类框架对高光谱波段进行选择,获得一组波段子集来表示原有的全部波段,使得高光谱影像异常目标类与背景类之间的可分性增强。然后使用协同表达对影像上的像元进行重建,由于异常目标类和背景类之间的可分性增强,对异常目标像元进行协同表达时将会得到更大的残差,异常目标像元的输出值增大,可以更好地实现异常目标和背景类的分离。本文使用了3组高光谱影像数据进行异常目标探测实验,实验结果表明,该方法与其他现有高光谱异常目标探测算法对比,曲线下面积AUC(Area Under Curve)值更高,可以更好地实现异常目标与背景分离,能够更有效地对高光谱影像进行异常目标探测。  相似文献   
To support the adoption of precision agricultural practices in horticultural tree crops, prior research has investigated the relationship between crop vigour (height, canopy density, health) as measured by remote sensing technologies, to fruit quality, yield and pruning requirements. However, few studies have compared the accuracy of different remote sensing technologies for the estimation of tree height. In this study, we evaluated the accuracy, flexibility, aerial coverage and limitations of five techniques to measure the height of two types of horticultural tree crops, mango and avocado trees. Canopy height estimates from Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) were used as a reference dataset against height estimates from Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS) data, WorldView-3 (WV-3) stereo imagery, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) based RGB and multi-spectral imagery, and field measurements. Overall, imagery obtained from the UAV platform were found to provide tree height measurement comparable to that from the TLS (R2 = 0.89, RMSE = 0.19 m and rRMSE = 5.37 % for mango trees; R2 = 0.81, RMSE = 0.42 m and rRMSE = 4.75 % for avocado trees), although coverage area is limited to 1–10 km2 due to battery life and line-of-sight flight regulations. The ALS data also achieved reasonable accuracy for both mango and avocado trees (R2 = 0.67, RMSE = 0.24 m and rRMSE = 7.39 % for mango trees; R2 = 0.63, RMSE = 0.43 m and rRMSE = 5.04 % for avocado trees), providing both optimal point density and flight altitude, and therefore offers an effective platform for large areas (10 km2–100 km2). However, cost and availability of ALS data is a consideration. WV-3 stereo imagery produced the lowest accuracies for both tree crops (R2 = 0.50, RMSE = 0.84 m and rRMSE = 32.64 % for mango trees; R2 = 0.45, RMSE = 0.74 m and rRMSE = 8.51 % for avocado trees) when compared to other remote sensing platforms, but may still present a viable option due to cost and commercial availability when large area coverage is required. This research provides industries and growers with valuable information on how to select the most appropriate approach and the optimal parameters for each remote sensing platform to assess canopy height for mango and avocado trees.  相似文献   
To monitor chalk cliff face along the Normandy coast (NW France) which is prone to erosion, we tested the potential of cliff face 3D reconstruction using pairs of images with high angle of incidence at different dates from the agile Pléiades satellites. The verticality aspect of the cliff face brings difficulties in the 3D reconstruction process. Furthermore, the studied area is challenging mainly because the cliff face is north-oriented (shadow). Pléiades images were acquired over several days (multi-date stereoscopic method) with requested incidence angles until 40°. 3D reconstructions of the cliff face were compared using two software: ASP® and ERDAS IMAGINE®. Our results are twofold. Firstly, despite ASP® provides denser point clouds than ERDAS IMAGINE® (an average of 1.60 points/m² from 40° incidence angle stereoscopic pairs on the whole cliff face of Varengeville-sur-Mer against 0.77 points/m² respectively), ERDAS IMAGINE® provides more reliable point clouds than ASP® (precision assessment on the Varengeville-sur-Mer cliff face of 0.31 m ± 2.53 and 0.39 m ± 4.24 respectively), with a better spatial distribution over the cliff face and a better representation of the cliff face shape. Secondly, the quality of 3D reconstructions depends mostly on the amount of noise from raw images and on the shadow intensity on the cliff face (radiometric quality of images).  相似文献   
近年来国产卫星传感器类型日益丰富,使用自主可控的国产卫星影像进行生产和研究的需求越来越大,多源国产卫星影像联合平差的精度分析显得尤为重要。本文针对在立体测图生产中,资源三号卫星影像在时相较旧、噪声较大、云覆盖和摄影漏洞等特殊困难的条件下,利用天绘一号卫星影像进行补漏生产的情况,最终分析并验证了两者无控联合平差的可行性和成果精度。  相似文献   
浙江省人口健康脆弱性评估及影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
童磊  郑珂  苏飞  汤青  曹轶蓉  郑艳艳 《地理科学》2020,40(8):1293-1299
运用集对分析法从敏感性和应对性2个方面对浙江省11个地市的人口健康脆弱性进行评估。研究表明:①从敏感性和应对性2个维度对城市人口健康脆弱性进行评估的方法具有一定可靠性,但在突发大型流行性病毒感染疫情的情境下仍需进一步完善;②各地市脆弱性指数排名与敏感性指数保持较高一致性,而与应对性指数则表现出异质性和随机性,认为降低敏感性是降低城市人口健康脆弱性指数的关键;③城市人口健康脆弱性评价还应该增加城市对大型突发公共卫生事件的敏感性和应对能力的考量,相应的评估方法和模型仍有待进一步研究。  相似文献   
《The Journal of geography》2012,111(4):143-155
This article examines possibilities associated with the cultivation of balanced regional images via the use of simple methods. Two experiments based on the primacy effect and the painting picture rule, or visual depiction of regions, were conducted. The results show significant differences in the formation of regional images. More specifically, the presentation of positive prior knowledge and the depiction of regional aspects with strong visual cues led to the formation of regional images that were more balanced. In conclusion, these simple teaching methods are effective for cultivating balanced regional images, an important element of geography education.  相似文献   
全息地形立体图是将传统的光学机械立体投影术与全息术相结合,用航摄像对合成为一张具有一定焦深的近像面全息图。它既具有像面全息图衍射效率高,可以用扩展的白光光源再现的优点,也具有体全息图一定的波长和角度选择性。本文介绍了拍摄这种立体图的装置和方法,并从理论上对实验结果进行了一些分析,最后指出了它的应用前景。  相似文献   
集对分析在西安市地下水污染动态评价的应用   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
冯煜  孙根年 《地下水》2006,28(3):50-53
选取总固体、总硬度、硝酸盐、氯化物、氟化物、六价铬等六种主要污染物,利用集对分析的方法,将超标率、污染指数和超标面积指数综合起来,对 1985-2003 年西安建成区地下水进行了动态评价.该方法既克服了依靠某年监测值对地下水质的静态空间评价,又可将超标率、污染指数和超标面积综合起来,完成地下水水质的动态评价.  相似文献   
在 L i Br与水的物质量比分别为 1∶ 64、1∶ 32、1∶ 16、1∶ 8、1∶ 4和 1∶ 3的情况下 ,对 L i Br溶液从低温到高温的分子动力学模拟进行了研究。随浓度增加 ,锂离子的水合数量呈减少趋势但同时又从 L i+- Br-接触离子对的数量增加中得到补偿 ,而 L i离子的第一配位壳层的配位数量保持不变。在高浓度 Li Br溶液中 ,Br- O之间的距离有所增加 ,Br-- O的径向分布的形状更趋于非对称 ,从而很好地确定了 Br离子水合壳层 L i+- Br-接触离子对可以在更稀的溶液中产生 ,但随浓度增加而增加。L i+- Br-距离明显短于溶液中 Li离子与 Br离子的离子半径之和 ,也短于 L i Br晶体中两者离子半径之和。高浓度溶液中水分子的结构几乎被破坏 ,水分子间的氢键明显增加 ,但没有消失。对 L i+、Br-和水的扩数系数计算值与实验值进行了比较  相似文献   
虚拟现实技术在虚拟旅游中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文简要介绍了虚拟现实技术 ,通过对旅游电子商务的分析 ,讨论了虚拟旅游中的虚拟现实技术 ,提出基于WebGIS电子地图、全景图像生成和网络全景图像浏览组成的虚拟旅游系统技术方案 ,并展望了该项技术的广阔的市场前景  相似文献   
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