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新型节水灌溉控制原理的应用研究   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20       下载免费PDF全文
苏臣  孙一源 《水科学进展》1994,5(2):142-148
在土壤-植物-大气连续体系(SPAC)中,以植物茎、果微增长及其含水量变化作为植物需水信息建立的灌溉自动控制系统,可实现植物水分适度亏缺,有效调控其生长发育。实验结果表明,同充分供水的植株或树体相比,节水15.6%时,玉米长势良好,节水21.4%时,柑桔果实生长未受影响。  相似文献   
基于GIS的水资源管理信息系统   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
地理信息系统(GIS)因为其强大的空间数据处理能力,为水资源管理提供了一个新颖、高效的工具。本文深入GIS的功能和水资源管理的实际,通过山西汾阳县的应用实例,阐述了应用ArchInfo/ArcView构建水资源管理信息系统过程中的信息收集、储存、分析以及二次开发的方法和过程,分析了两者结合应用的可行性和优越性,并讨论了这种方法在水资源系统模拟、辅助决策支持等方面的广泛应用前景。  相似文献   
加强应急管理、有效应对突发事件是国家的一项重要工作,以地理空间信息技术为核心的应急管理地理信息平台建设,已成为目前国内省级应急平台建设的主要模式。本研究建立了应急联动一张图和地理信息应急服务总线,对省级应急资源多源、异构、动态、多时相信息整合技术难题进行探索,实现了地理信息服务与全市各级应急系统的业务融合。目前,研究成果已融入重庆市应急信息资源共享体系,在多个部门的应急业务系统中得到有效的集成应用,为形成全市应急资源全方面共享格局发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   
以遥感和GIS为技术支撑,基于1979~1988,1998~2008年遥感影像资料,对徐州市近30年城市扩展信息进行提取,并分析该时段城市空间扩展特征及其驱动因素。结果显示:自1979年至2008年,徐州市建成区面积以每年5.57km2高速扩展,其中1998~2008年的扩展强度最大。主要扩展方向为从西北到东南轴向,紧凑度与分形维数都有逐渐缩小的趋势。城市扩展弹性指数与合理值的差值有扩大趋势。经济因素、人口因素、交通因素是影响城市扩展的主要驱动因素。  相似文献   
This study applies a TuPu analysis to investigate ecological and environmental aspects of an Antarctic ice-free area, using Fildes Peninsula as an example. The TuPu unit was determined using a vector-grid mixed data model. Information from the eco-environment elements was effectively extracted, and was generalized into different classes by means of data mining technol- ogy. A series of single-factor thematic information TuPu models, such as topography, soil, animal and vegetation, and human activities for Fildes Peninsula were built in this study. The topography TuPu model contained information on elevation and slope. The soil TuPu model involved soil development stages and soil thickness information. The animal and vegetation TuPu model contained the distribution of animals, plant types, lichen cover and lichen height. The human activities TuPu model included popu- lation density and human disturbance index information. The landscape comprehensive information TuPu model of Fildes Penin- sula also was established, and contains twenty-nine landscape units and twelve types of combined environments. The study quan- titatively revealed the spatial morphology and correlation of the regional eco-environment based on the analysis of these TuPu models. From these models, we can draw the conclusion that there is a regular differentiation of eco-environment from the coastal bands to the central hills in Fildes Peninsula, and that the eco-environment condition of the eastern coasts is different from that of the western coasts. The eco-environmental spatial variation also differs greatly from north to south. Based on analysis of spatial correlation, the vegetation in Fildes Peninsula has the greatest correlation with human activity, and has a certain correlation with topography and soil. This research may provide a new technical approach and scientific basis for the in-depth study of Antarctic eco-environments.  相似文献   
The results of determining the relative number of recorded oscillograms for acoustic event intensities of up to 400 1/s in the four-channel Aline32D system for acoustic data reception and processing are presented. Since the internal characteristics of a computer determining the data processing performance are not always available, this problem is solved experimentally. Recommendations concerning the determined working parameters of the Aline32D system are given. This work may be used for the solution of geophysical applied problems.  相似文献   
王成金  孙东琪 《地理科学》2016,36(7):998-1007
经济发展速度一直是各国家经济发展水平的重要测度指标,但国家经济增速与国家竞争/影响力之间的关系及可能的阈值需要进行深入地研究,尤其是在中国经济增速下滑的背景下,迫切需要阐释经济增速下降是否影响国家竞争力/影响力。在评述既有研究进展的基础上,采用时空分析路径,探讨国家经济发展速度与国家竞争力/影响力的时空关系。首先,从历史的角度分析了15世纪以来世界权力中心的演变路径,考察了英国、美国等世界权力中心的国家经济增速变化,总结其发展规律,考察国家影响力与国家经济增速之间的对应关系。然后着眼于空间视角,考察目前国家经济增速与国家竞争力的空间分异,尤其是考察两者之间关系的分异关系,总结主要特征与规律。研究发现国家经济增速与国家影响力之间并非存在严格的线性关系,但国家影响力的培育与强化仍需要一定的经济增速进行支撑,而国家经济增速与国家竞争力之间呈现逆向的对应关系,经济高速增长的国家往往竞争力较低,竞争力较高的国家往往有较低的经济增速甚至负增长。  相似文献   
统计数据基于地理信息的集成,可以弥补传统的统计信息单一、不直观的表现形式,充分发挥其在政府管理决策中所起的重要作用以及对社会发展的导向作用。本文通过研究建立综合统计数据模型,阐述了数据来源、数据组织、空间数据模型建立及查询逻辑。以安徽省综合信息服务系统为例,在基于天地图·安徽的地图服务和Arc GIS API For Flex开发包的基础上,完成Flex框架下的客户端设计,采用Web Service数据通信技术来完成综合统计信息服务系统的设计与实现。  相似文献   
Since Berry argued in 1976 that counterurbanization had replaced urbanization in the U.S., a debate has ensued as to whether the phenomenon also exists in Western Europe. Proponents of a developmental theory of counterurbanization contend that the phenomenon should be evident in countries which have achieved a very high level of socioeconomic development, including the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG). Most of the German and English language literature on the topic suggests the contrary for the FRG. Here urbanization and counterurbanization are restricted to specific geographic meanings, i.e., spatial agglomeration and deglomeration. Results from four interrelated tests show a trend toward counterurbanization evident as early as the 1960s in the post-war regional demographic data of the FRG.  相似文献   
城市多媒体电子地图系统的研制与开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市多媒体电子地图系统的建立,可为政府机构、公司企业及社会公众提供信息丰富、图文并茂的可视化的信息服务平台,对城市的招商引资、城市旅游、企业宣传等均起到积极的作用。以吉林市多媒体电子地图系统的研制与开发为例,详细探讨了有关城市多媒体电子地图系统的研制与开发思路.  相似文献   
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