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Investigation of deposits for traditional extraction activities (metals and coal) has generally been based on determining grade, or content, of the required material. In order to apply the grade concept to an ornamental rock such as slate, it is first necessary to define the variables that determine both the geotechnical recovery rate for the rock mass — which conditions the size of the extracted blocks – and the aesthetic features of the slate — which define the quality of the slabs as potential roofing material.

For this research, geotechnical and aesthetic data for a slate deposit were collected from 16 continuous core borehole samples. A fuzzy expert system was then developed using this data, defining the rock mass recovery rate and slab quality in accordance with the criteria of a slate expert, producing as a final output a zonation of the deposit in terms of top quality slate, medium quality slate or waste.

A mathematical model based on fuzzy logic was chosen due to the fact that the boundaries between different quality groups in a deposit are not clearly distinguished. Moreover, quality also depends on a company's infrastructures for transformation of the blocks, and also on its commercial strategies.  相似文献   

The future availability and sustainability of fresh groundwater resources in the South West district of the national capital territory (NCT) Delhi, India, have been projected. Due to a rapid decline in groundwater level and quality, the district has been required by the Government of India to regulate development of groundwater resources. Shallow groundwater is mostly saline and water resources in the area are limited. The methodology applied here involves microzonation of the district in terms of thickness of fresh groundwater and then quantification of present and future availability of freshwater in different freshwater zones, including tentative timescales. The calculation method has been aided by data on historic trends in water level at representative groundwater monitoring stations, located either in fresh groundwater zones or near to them. It is estimated that the presently available 481 million m3 of resources will be reduced to 374 million m3 by year 2007 and to 303 million m3 by the year 2012, and by the year 2022 the district will have only 176 million m3 of available fresh groundwater resources.  相似文献   
A decision support system (DSS) has been developed to assist expert and non-expert users in the evaluation and selection of eco-engineering strategies for slope protection. This DSS combines a qualitative hazard assessment of erosion and mass movements with a detailed catalogue of eco-engineering strategies for slope protection of which the suitability is evaluated in relation to the data entered. The slope decision support system (SDSS) is a knowledge based DSS in which knowledge is stored in frames containing rules that can evaluate the available information for a project, stored as project specific information (PSI) in a data file. The advantages of such a system are that it accepts incomplete information and that the qualitative nature of the information does not instil the user with a sense of unjustified exactitude. By its multidisciplinary and progressive nature, the DSS will be of value during the initial stages of an eco-engineering project when data collection and the potential of different eco-engineering strategies are considered. The accent of the output of the DSS is on the application of eco-engineering strategies for slope protection as an environmentally-friendly solution aiding sustainable development. For its acceptance within the engineering community, the DSS needs to prove its predictive capacity. Therefore, its performance has been benchmarked against successful and unsuccessful cases of slope stabilisation using eco-engineering. The target audience and the areas of application of this DSS are reviewed and the strategies for further development in this area suggested.  相似文献   
An increasing number of palaeo-climatic records have been reported to identify the Holocene climate history in the arid Xinjiang region of northwest China. However, few studies have fully considered the internal linkages within the regional climate system, which may limit our understanding of the forcing mechanisms of Holocene climate change in this region. Here, we systematically consider three major issues of the moisture/precipitation, temperature and near-surface wind relevant to the Holocene climate history of Xinjiang. First, despite there still has debated for the Holocene moisture evolution in this region, more climatic reconstructions from lake sediments, loess, sand-dunes and peats support a long-term regional wetting trend. Second, temperature records from ice cores, peats and stalagmites demonstrate a long-term winter warming trend during the Holocene in middle- to high-latitudes of Asia. Third, recent studies of aeolian sedimentary sequences reveal that the near-surface winds in winter gradually weakened during the Holocene, whereas the winter mid-latitude Westerlies strengthened in the Tienshan Mountains. Based on this evidence, in the arid Xinjiang region we propose an early to middle Holocene relatively cold and dry interval, with strong near-surface winds; and a warmer, wetter interval with weaker near-surface winds in the middle to late Holocene during winter. Additionally, we develop a conceptual model to explain the pattern of Holocene climate changes in this region. From the early to the late Holocene, the increasing atmospheric CO2 content and winter insolation, and the shrinking of high-latitude continental ice-sheets, resulted in increasing winter temperatures in middle to high latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere. Subsequently, the increased winter temperature strengthened the winter mid-latitude Westerlies and weakened the Siberian high-pressure system, which caused an increase in winter precipitation and a decrease in near-surface wind strength. This scenario is strongly supported by evidence from geological records, climate simulation results, and modern reanalysis data. Our hypothesis highlights the important contribution of winter temperature in driving the Holocene climatic evolution of the arid Xinjiang region, and it implies that the socio-economic development and water resources security of this region will face serious challenges presented by the increasing winter temperature in the future.  相似文献   
甘肃省玄武岩的研究地学界多年来主要以火山岩地质调查为主,重点是对岩石的时空分布、岩石学、岩石地球化学及其成因和形成时代等方面进行的研究,而对玄武岩的开发利用目前仍停留在粗加工和低附加值产品上。根据国内目前对玄武岩纤维的开发应用前景,通过收集、整理与分析省内玄武岩的岩石化学资料,与玄武岩纤维化学成分推荐指标及国内外典型地区制造玄武岩纤维岩石化学成分对比,从理论上认为省内一些地区的玄武岩具有制造玄武岩纤维这种高附加值产品的可能性,并对其应用前景进行了分析。  相似文献   
海拉尔盆地西部蚀源区岩石提供铀源能力的研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
夏毓亮  刘汉彬 《铀矿地质》2006,22(2):99-103
利用U-Pb同位素组成演化对海拉尔盆地西部西胡里吐盆地蚀源区火山岩类和克鲁伦凹陷蚀源区花岗岩类岩石的研究表明:蚀源区岩石原始铀含量(U0)较高,火山岩类平均U0为10.061×106,铀变化系数(ΔU)平均为49.57%;花岗岩类平均U0为18.381×106,ΔU平均为80%。这些结果显示了蚀源区岩石能为沉积砂体提供预富集的物质基础,也能提供成矿铀源。岩石的U-Ra平衡系数研究表明,火山岩类存在明显的U-Ra不平衡现象,而花岗岩提供成矿铀源应发生在16000a以前。  相似文献   
建筑垃圾是城市市政垃圾的重要组成部分,对其堆填处理可能造成场地及周围一定范围内的地下水污染。传统观念认为,建筑垃圾中多为惰性或无害成分,对地下水影响有限,缺乏关于建筑垃圾堆填对地下水水质造成影响的研究。选取2处建筑垃圾堆填场地,通过对场地周围地下水采样分析,得到场地周边地下水化学指标空间分布特征,并利用正定矩阵因子分解法(PMF)识别研究区地下水化学组分来源,从而定量评价建筑垃圾填埋对周边地下水水质变化的贡献。结果表明,建筑垃圾填埋会显著影响周边区域地下水组分的浓度和质量,尤其是TDS、TH、Ca2+、SO42-等组分显著受到影响,填埋时间越长、填埋体量越大,影响程度越深。两场地区域范围内Na+、Ca2+、Mg2+、SO42-和TDS 5个组分或指标的空间分布整体变化趋势较一致,均表现为垃圾填埋场附近沿地下水流下游方向的点位浓度较高,其他点位浓度较低,验证了建筑垃圾填埋对区域地下水质量的影响。PMF来源解析确定两场地周边地下水化学组分来源有建筑垃圾填埋、岩石风化溶解、水岩相互作用和农业活动,在场地一来源贡献占比分别为29.2%、21.6%、24.2%和15.1%,在场地二贡献占比分别为15.6%、23.2%、28.4%和18.2%。两场地周围地下水质量受人类活动影响程度较深,人为污染源正在成为地下水中离子组分的重要来源。  相似文献   
白垩纪地球表层系统重大地质事件与温室气候变化研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
国家重点基础研究发展计划(973)项目“白垩纪地球表层系统重大地质事件与温室气候变化”,将以白垩纪与碳循环相关的重大地质事件和温室气候变化的关系为主线,以大洋缺氧事件—富氧作用转变过程和机制研究为突破口,进行海陆相整合研究,重点追溯东特提斯洋和我国大陆地球表层系统重大地质事件的记录,探讨这些事件与碳循环、快速气候变化的正/负反馈机制。项目将充分利用中国大陆发育完好的白垩纪海相、陆相地层及古生物记录,通过松辽盆地白垩系科学钻探全岩芯取样和多学科综合研究的途径,着眼于厘定反映地质事件和气候变化的层位及标志和时间格架,解决高分辨率海、陆相沉积事件的精确对比,分析地层记录中气候标志和古生物类群的地理分布,集中研究陆地和海洋环境对同一事件的响应机制,重溯白垩纪地球表层系统重大地质事件过程及成因,探究陆相烃源岩大规模形成、陆地生物群更替与温室气候变化和碳循环之间的正/负反馈关系和机制等科学问题,为预测全球长时间尺度上的气候变化趋势提供科学依据。  相似文献   
刘昌明 《地球科学进展》2006,21(10):991-998
黄河是中国第二条大河,流域面积80万km2,它曾是中华民族文化的摇篮。当前在中国西部大开发中具有举足轻重的重要战略地位。但是黄河流域地处中国的半干旱与半湿润地带,流域的水资源量先天不足,流域内的人均水资源占有量很少,相当全国人均水资源占有量的1/3。由于气候的暖干变化与人类活动的影响,过去30年来,黄河下游与其主要支流频繁地发生了断流,这种发展的征兆不仅加剧了脆弱的水资源供应与需求的平衡,而且给流域上、中、下游原有生态系统与环境带来更大的冲击。黄河的治理终归是涉及国家稳定和国家安全的大事。因此,1999年科技部在“国家重点基础研究发展规划”中立项,启动了5年研究项目“黄河流域水资源演化规律与可再生性维持机理”。作者作为项目的首席科学家根据项目各课题已发表的近900篇论文与几十部专著等大量成果,简要概括了黄河水资源的基础性、技术性和应用性研究等三大方面的进展。  相似文献   
油气运聚及分布和地下水动力场的形成与演化密切相关,随着盆地的演化,地下水动力场也经历了形成、发展和消亡的过程.对水化学、水动力分布特征研究表明,玛湖-盆1井西复合含油气系统二叠系的现今水动力场由于达巴松凸起而呈现分割性,形成玛湖和盆1井西2个独立的水动力体系,欠压实的存在使凹陷内仍然保持离心流特征,而盆地西北缘则是大气水下渗向心流区.研究区二叠系的水动力场演化具有南移特征.  相似文献   
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