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泥沙颗粒形状对非均匀沙起动条件的影响   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
根据非均匀沙颗粒的不均匀性,引入颗粒形状系数,通过分析泥沙颗粒形状系数和相对暴露度的影响,建立了等效粒径表达式;并通过泥沙起动受力分析,推导得到泥沙起动临界条件表达式.实测资料验证表明,计算值与实测值符合较好.  相似文献   
A new method for deduction of the sensible heat flux is validated with three sets of published SODAR (sound detection and ranging) data. Although the related expressions have previously been confirmed by the author with surface layer data, they have not yet been validated with observations from the boundary layer before this work. In the study, selected SODAR data are used to test the method for the convective boundary layer. The sensible heat flux (SHF) retrieved from SODAR data is found to decrease linearly with height in the mixed layer. The surface sensible heat fluxes derived from the deduced sensible heat flux profiles under convective conditions agree well with those measured by the eddy correlation method. The characteristics of SHF profiles deduced from SODAR data in different places reflect the background meteorology and terrain. The upper part of the SHF profile (SHFP) for a complicated terrain is found to have a different slope from the lower part. It is suggested that the former reflects the advective characteristic of turbulence in upwind topography. A similarity relationship for the estimation of SHFP in a well mixed layer with surface SHF and zero-heat-flux layer height is presented.  相似文献   
隧道掘进面接近地质界面时围岩的应力特征研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
隧道开挖地层中往往呈现出明显的地质变异性,如软硬岩层的不均匀分布等,使隧道开挖后的力学行为十分复杂.本文采用FLAC3D初步分析了隧道掘进面接近地质界面时围岩的应力状态,并探讨侧向应力、纵向应力、断面形式对围岩应力的影响规律.分析结果表明:当隧道由硬岩往软岩或由软岩往硬岩向地质界面掘进时,掘进面前方围岩均有应力集中现象.隧道无论由硬岩往软岩还是由软岩往硬岩掘进至地质界面时,掘进面前方边墙位置围岩径向应力均随侧向应力的增大而增大,掘进面前方拱顶和边墙位置围岩纵向应力均随纵向应力的增大而增大.马蹄彤隧道开挖至硬岩与软岩的地质界面时,掘进面后方边墙位置围岩应力均小于圆形隧道相应位置的围岩应力.  相似文献   
位场解析信号振幅极值位置空间变化规律研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
王万银 《地球物理学报》2012,55(4):1288-1299
通过对单一边界、双边界、多边界以及点(线)质量模型重力异常解析信号振幅和重力异常垂向导数解析信号振幅的极值位置空间变化规律研究表明,重力异常垂向导数解析信号振幅和化极磁力异常解析信号振幅的极值位置相同,且与重力异常解析信号振幅的极值位置空间变化规律相似.利用位场解析信号振幅极大值位置能够准确识别单一直立边界地质体的边缘位置,但不能准确识别其它任何形体的边缘位置,其识别结果的偏移量大小随地质体的埋深、水平尺寸以及倾斜程度等变化.虽然重力异常垂向导数解析信号振幅比重力异常解析信号振幅的峰值更加尖锐、横向识别能力更强,其极大值位置更靠近地质体上顶面边缘位置,但均受地质体埋深的影响较大;随着埋深的增加,位场解析信号振幅的极大值位置会快速收敛到形体的"中心位置",其轨迹类似"叉子状";且对多边界模型会出现"极大值位置盲区"而无法识别其边缘位置.通过这些理论研究表明,位场解析信号振幅只能识别单一边界地质体的边缘位置;而不宜用来识别多边界地质体的边缘位置,但可以用来识别多边界地质体的"中心位置".  相似文献   
在大比例地图综合中,建筑多边形的形状化简占有很大的比重,本文用形状数来描述建筑多边形的形状,通过形状数间的最小编辑距离在动态模板库中匹配相似的模板,用匹配成功的模板来置换原要素而实现建筑多边形的化简。实验证明,基于形状数的建筑物形状相似性匹配结果与人的视觉感知基本一致;基于形状匹配的建筑物化简方法具有很强的实用性。  相似文献   
Spatial information on soil properties is an important input to hydrological models. In current hydrological modelling practices, soil property information is often derived from soil category maps by the linking method in which a representative soil property value is linked to each soil polygon. Limited by the area‐class nature of soil category maps, the derived soil property variation is discontinuous and less detailed than high resolution digital terrain or remote sensing data. This research proposed dmSoil, a data‐mining‐based approach to derive continuous and spatially detailed soil property information from soil category maps. First, the soil–environment relationships are extracted through data mining of a soil map. The similarity of the soil at each location to different soil types in the soil map is then estimated using the mined relationships. Prediction of soil property values at each location is made by combining the similarities of the soil at that location to different soil types and the representative soil property values of these soil types. The new approach was applied in the Raffelson Watershed and Pleasant Valley in the Driftless Area of Wisconsin, United States to map soil A horizon texture (in both areas) and depth to soil C horizon (in Pleasant Valley). The property maps from the dmSoil approach capture the spatial gradation and details of soil properties better than those from the linking method. The new approach also shows consistent accuracy improvement at validation points. In addition to the improved performances, the inputs for the dmSoil approach are easy to prepare, and the approach itself is simple to deploy. It provides an effective way to derive better soil property information from soil category maps for hydrological modelling. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Groundwater storage, drainage, and interbasin water exchange are common hydrological processes but often difficult to quantify due to a lack of local observations. We present a study of three volcanic mountainous watersheds located in south‐central Chile (~36.9 ° S) in the Chillán volcanic complex (Chillán, Renegado, and Diguillín river basins). These are neighboring basins that are similar with respect to the metrics normally available for characterization everywhere (e.g., precipitation, temperature, and land cover). In a hydrological sense, similar (proportional) behavior would be expected if these catchments would be characterized with this general information. However, these watersheds show dissimilar behavior when analyzed in detail. The surface water balance does not fit for any of these watersheds individually; however, the water balance of the whole system can be explained by likely interbasin water exchanges. The Renegado river basin has an average annual runoff per unit of area on the order of 60–65% less than those of the Diguillín and Chillán rivers, which is contradictory to the hydrological similarity among the basins. To understand the main processes that control streamflow generation, two analyses were performed: (a) basin metrics (land cover, geologic, topographic, and climatological maps) and hydro‐meteorological data analyses and (b) a water balance model approach. The analyses contribute to a plausible explanation for the hydrogeological processes in the system. The soils, topography, and geology of the Chillán–Renegado–Diguillín system favor the infiltration and groundwater movements from the Renegado river basin, mainly to the neighboring Diguillín basin. The interbasin water exchanges affect hydrological similarity and explain the differences observed in the hydrological processes of these three apparently similar volcanic basins. The results highlight the complexity of hydrological processes in volcanic mountainous systems and suggest that a simple watershed classification approach based on widely available data is insufficient. Simple local analyses such as specific flow analysis with a review of the geology and morphology can contribute to a better understanding of the hydrology of volcanic mountainous areas.  相似文献   
双线道路识别与提取是城市路网综合的关键。提出了一种城市双线道路提取的方法。在构建好的道路网眼的基础上,综合考虑双线道路网眼形态特征以及构成网眼路段之间的语义相似度,设计了识别双线道路网眼的综合指标。通过判断网眼综合指标确定最终的双线道路网眼,最后根据识别出的双线道路网眼提取出双线道路。实验表明,该方法能有效提取出城市道路数据中的双线道路。  相似文献   
江苏一次锢囚状MCS和相关中涡旋MCV的观测分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
陈永林  俞小鼎  杨引明  王慧  刘红亚 《气象》2016,42(2):166-173
利用常规地面和高空气象观测资料,结合气象卫星云图和雷达回波,分析了2009年6月14日15—23时(北京时,下同),造成江苏强对流天气的一个中尺度对流系统(MCS)的锢囚状特征的形成过程及其垂直结构。地面中尺度分析表明,雷暴高压东侧在飑前倒槽北端发展的闭合低压环流的东南气流将暖湿空气输送到冷性雷暴高压的北侧形成东南一西北向的暖舌,从而形成锢囚状的结构。长三角探空网资料的垂直结构分析表明,在对流层下部地面到850 hPa为冷性的雷暴高压,在对流层中部700 hPa为冷性的α中尺度涡旋(MCV),而500 hPa已转变为暖性的MCV。静力学关系可以说明MCV仅仅存在于700~500 hPa的原因和MCS下冷上暖的热力结构密切相关。  相似文献   
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