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The texture of digital rock images, as recorded, for instance, with borehole imaging devices, is shown to reflect different bedding types. Textural segmentation of borehole images, therefore, subdivides the recorded sequence into bedding units. We show that a textural segmentation algorithm based on the concept of texture energy achieves good results when compared with synthetic as well as real data in which petroleum geologists have performed zonations on cores. Texture energy involves filtering of the original image with a set of texture sensitive masks. The filtering is done as a finite convolution over the size of the masks. On the resulting images the variance is computed over a relatively large sliding window, which, in its practical implementation, covers the full width of the image. The resulting nine one-dimensional curves are then clustered hierarchically into a user-determined number of image texture or lithological bedding classes. Principal component analysis previous to clustering can be used to reduce redundancy in the data. A recurring and relatively ill-defined problem in this field are macro-textures, i.e., the cyclic interbedding of two or more bedding types. We show that sliding Fourier transforms and variable mask scale can successfully address the zonation of macro-textures. In general, the method gives best results with mask sizes equivalent to 2–4 centimeters, reflecting the length scale at which the investigated geological bedding seems to have its highest variation.  相似文献   
明冬萍  邱玉芳  周文 《测绘学报》2016,45(7):825-833
如何有效地从遥感图像中提取所需信息,是遥感图像处理和应用的关键,而尺度选择问题一直是影响遥感信息提取精度的关键问题之一。本文论述了利用空间统计学方法解决遥感影像模式分类中的尺度问题的理论基础。针对面向对象影像分析问题,将影响遥感影像多尺度分割的尺度分割参数概括为空间属性分割参数、光谱属性分割参数和影像对象面积阈值参数,并分别提出了基于统计学的尺度参数估计方法。以SPOT-5影像面向对象农田提取为例,基于变异函数方法进行了尺度优选试验,系列尺度分类试验结果表明基于空间统计学尺度估计得到的尺度分割结果进行分类能得到最高的精度,进而证明了基于空间统计学方法进行面向对象信息提取尺度估计的有效性。该方法是完全数据驱动的方法,基本不需要先验知识参与。不同于以往分割后评价的尺度选择方法会占用大量计算资源且耗费大量时间,本文提出的方法不仅能在一定程度上保证面向对象信息提取的精度,而且在一定程度上也提高了面向对象信息提取的效率和自动化程度。  相似文献   
一种提取遥感影像中道路信息的方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由于合理有效地选择分割阈值较难,因此基于阈值分割的道路信息提取方法对于遥感影像中含有多种类型道路、或非道路地物干扰比较明显的情况适用性不理想。为此,提出了一种将Mean Shift和阈值分割相结合的方法来提取道路信息。首先,采用Mean Shift方法对遥感影像进行平滑处理,在较好地保持道路边缘信息的同时使道路内部的纹理分布更加均匀;其次,对平滑处理后的影像进行Mean Shift分割处理,将具有相同或相似灰度值的道路用一种灰度值显示;然后,选择灰度直方图中像素数量值高的线所对应的灰度值作为分割区间边界点进行多阈值分割,得到初始道路信息;最后,对初始道路信息进行后处理,得到最终的道路信息。实验证明,该方法可以完成对遥感影像中道路信息的提取,拓宽了阈值分割方法提取道路信息的使用范围。  相似文献   
根据高分辨率遥感影像中城镇道路的特点,提出了一种基于特征点的道路信息提取方法。首先,对影像进行增强处理并选取感兴趣的子区域,利用改进的分水岭分割理论和阈值选择算法,结合八邻域检测方法得到道路的特征点;然后,利用回归分析方法在一定的坐标系统下得到每条道路的回归方程,根据端点坐标信息得到道路信息图;最后,利用数学形态学算法获取道路骨架图。结果表明,本方法能够精确有效地提取高分辨率遥感影像的城镇道路信息。  相似文献   
The structure of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 5°S was investigated during a recent cruise with the FS Meteor. A major dextral transform fault (hereafter the 5°S FZ) offsets the ridge left-laterally by 80 km. Just south of the transform and to the west of the median valley, the inside corner (IC – the region bounded by the ridge and the active transform) is marked by a major massif, characterized by a corrugated upper surface. Fossil IC massifs can also be identified further to the west. Unusually, a massif almost as high as the IC massif also characterizes the outside corner (OC) south of the inactive fracture zone and to the east of the median valley. This OC massif has axis-parallel dimensions identical to the IC massif and both are bounded on their sides closest to the spreading axis by abrupt, steep slopes. An axial volcanic ridge is well developed in the median valley both south of the IC/OC massifs and in an abandoned rift valley to the east of the OC massif, but is absent along the new ridge-axis segment between the IC and OC massifs. Wide-angle seismic data show that between the massifs, the crust of the median valley thins markedly towards the FZ. These observations are consistent with the formation of the OC massif by the rifting of an IC core complex and the development of a new spreading centre between the IC and OC massifs. The split IC massif presents an opportunity to study the internal structure of the footwall of a detachment fault, from the corrugated fault surface to deeper beneath the fault, without recourse to drilling. Preliminary dredging recovered gabbros from the scarp slope of the rifted IC massif, and serpentinites and gabbros from the intersection of this scarp with the corrugated surface. This is compatible with a concentration of serpentinites along the detachment surface, even where the massif internally is largely plutonic in nature.  相似文献   
库车前陆冲断带西部发育中国最好的地表盐构造,可作为盐构造研究的天然实验室。前人对本区盐构造的研究主要集中于地下,包括地下盐构造样式的识别、地下盐构造分段性研究及盐构造形成机制研究等,而对于地表盐构造的研究相对较少。文章在前人研究的基础上,通过详细的野外填图,并辅以地震解释、遥感解译等方法,对库车前陆冲断带西部却勒盐推覆体变形特征进行分析,认为却勒盐推覆体的发育受控于却勒逆冲断层,库姆格列木群盐岩随逆冲断层出露地表。盐推覆体在东西向上构造差异较大,具有明显的分段性,在推覆体的中、西部,推覆体上盘地层发育齐全,盐岩仅沿推覆体逆冲前缘出露地表,属于典型的露趾增生型盐席;而在推覆体东部的察尔汗盐席处,盐上地层被剥蚀,盐岩出露地表后在重力的驱动下向周缘流动,属于溢流增生型盐席。察尔汗盐席受地表径流和降水作用影响明显,发育大量溶洞和盐山构造,并以"脉动流"的形式向前增生。盐内能干层的变形特征是反映盐岩流动性强弱的指标,盐推覆体东部察尔汗盐席盐内能干层变形样式更复杂,盐岩的流变性更强。缺少厚层顶板的限制和受降水及地表径流的充分影响是察尔汗盐席盐岩流变性较强的原因。  相似文献   
库车前陆褶皱-冲断带前缘盐构造分段差异变形特征   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:7  
库车前陆褶皱-冲断带前缘秋里塔格构造带发育大量盐构造,其类型丰富多样。根据野外露头、钻井和地震资料识别出的盐构造样式主要有盐推覆、盐枕、盐墙、盐焊接、鱼尾构造、盐撤凹陷、突发构造、断层传播褶皱、断层转折褶皱和三角带构造等。秋里塔格构造带盐构造变形表现出明显的分段差异变形特征,其中西段却勒地区以古隆起(盐下)—盐枕(盐层)—逆冲推覆构造(盐上)为主;中段西秋地区以构造斜坡(盐下)—盐墙(盐层)—断层传播褶皱、向斜(盐上)为主;东段东秋地区则以断层转折褶皱(盐下)—盐推覆(盐层)—断层传播褶皱(盐上)为主。造成这种盐构造分段差异变形的主要控制因素包括基底断裂、含盐层系、构造转换带和变形空间等方面的差异性,其中基底构造和含盐层系的差异性起主导作用。  相似文献   
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新疆博格达山分段及深浅构造转换关系   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
研究表明 ,天山及邻区自中生代以来一直处于热衰减状态 ,博格达山新生代再造山具有“冷隆升”性 ,盆山边界断裂多限于上地壳内 ,而非直通中地壳低速体甚至上地幔的“深大断裂”。造山带内的韧性剪切带是在古生代形成的 ,而不是再造山期的断裂 ,它对造山带隆升及盆山耦合无贡献 ,博格达山的隆升为复式背斜构造所支持。博格达山与准东的关系为背斜北翼与盆地平缓基底构成的挠曲构造 ,而不是被深大断裂分隔的断块。博格达山具有独特鲜明的分段性 ,造山带的两个弧形构造与新生代再生前陆盆地构成独特的“斜方对称”分布样式。以板条观点为指导 ,从盆山单元的平面配置关系和深浅构造转换关系入手 ,探讨了博格达山板内造山阶段的几何学和运动学分段性的成因 ,构建了盆山耦合模式  相似文献   
针对应用传统GIS弧段-结点拓扑数据模型在建立线性要素的空间数据库中面临的问题,文中采用了应用动态分段技术构建城市公交系统数据库的技术方案,然后详细介绍了在动态分段思想指导下系统数据库的建立过程,并建立了芜湖市公交查询系统的数据库。实验表明应用动态分段技术来组织系统数据能够很好地实现在不增加系统数据物理存储容量的基础上可以很好地实现系统信息的按需分配。  相似文献   
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