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 采用可以有效控制环境因子的室内土壤培养试验,初步研究了科尔沁沙地30种植物叶凋落物的CO2释放量及释放速率。结果表明:①在28 d培养期内,不同植物叶凋落物释放的CO2量差异很大,其中,多年生植物叶凋落物CO2释放量平均值大于一年生植物,但二者之间的差异不显著;禾本科植物叶凋落物CO2释放量平均值明显小于其他植物,二者之间呈显著差异。②在28 d培养期内,不同植物叶凋落物每四天CO2释放速率差异很大。一年生与多年生植物叶凋落物28 d内每四天释放CO2的速率无显著差异;禾本科与其他植物叶凋落物每四天释放CO2的速率在培养的前16 d差异呈显著,而后差异消失。③植物叶凋落物的全碳含量,氮含量,C/N,灰分/N及灰分含量不同造成CO2释放量及释放速率的差异。叶凋落物28 d释放CO2的量与叶凋落物初始碳含量及灰分含量均无相关关系,与叶凋落物初始氮含量呈显著正相关,与叶凋落物C/N及灰分/N呈显著负相关。叶凋落物培养期内每四天释放CO2的速率与叶凋落物初始碳含量无相关关系;叶凋落物0\_20天释放CO2的速率与叶凋落物初始氮含量呈显著正相关,与叶凋落物C/N呈显著负相关;叶凋落物9\_28天CO2释放速率与灰分/N呈显著负相关;培养后期(17\_28天)的CO2释放速率与灰分含量呈显著负相关。  相似文献   
Studies of evapotranspiration (ET) processes in forests often only measure one component of total ET, most commonly interception. This study examined all three components of annual ET (interception, evaporation from the forest floor and transpiration) and the correlations between them at 18 plantation forest sites in two species. All plantations had closed canopies, and sparse or no understorey. Single‐sided leaf area index averaged 3.5 (standard deviation ±0.5) in Eucalyptus globulus Labill. and 6.1 (±0.8) in Pinus radiata D.Don. Measurements included annual totals of rainfall in the open and under the canopy, stem flow (four sites only), evaporation from the forest floor and transpiration by the overstorey. Interception (I) averaged 19% (±4.9) of annual rainfall in E. globulus compared with 31% (±11.1) in P. radiata. However, higher annual interception in P. radiata did not result in higher total ET because annual evaporation from the forest floor (E) averaged 29% (±4.9) of rainfall in E. globulus but only 15% (±3.5) in P. radiata. Hence, the relative contribution of annual I plus E to ET did not differ significantly between the two species, averaging 48% (±7.3) of annual rainfall in E. globulus compared with 46% (±11.8) in P. radiata. As reported previously, transpiration did not differ significantly between the two species either, but was strongly related to depth‐to‐groundwater. In closed canopy plantations, mean annual ET did not differ between the two species. We conclude that when grown in plantations under similar soil and climatic conditions, conifer and broad‐leaved tree species can have similar annual ET, once the canopy of the plantation has closed. Lower average annual interception in broad‐leaved trees was offset by higher soil evaporation. These results highlight the importance of measuring all components of ET in studies of vegetation water use. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
In Europe, fossil fruits and seeds of Rhodoleia (Hamamelidaceae) have been described from the Upper Cretaceous to the Miocene, whereas no fossil record of Rhodoleia has been reported in Asia, where the modern species occur. Herein, 21 fossil leaves identified as Rhodoleia tengchongensis sp. nov. are described from the Upper Pliocene of Tengchong County, Yunnan Province, Southwest China. The fossils exhibit elliptic lamina with entire margins, simple brochidodromous major secondary veins, mixed percurrent intercostal tertiary veins, and looped exterior tertiaries. The leaf cuticle is characterized by pentagonal or hexagonal cells, stellate multicellular trichomes, and paracytic stomata. The combination of leaf architecture and cuticular characteristics suggests that the fossil leaves should be classified into the genus Rhodoleia. The fossil distributions indicate that the genus Rhodoleia might originate from Central Europe, and that migrated to Asia prior to the Late Pliocene. Additionally, insect damage is investigated, and different types of damage, such as hole feeding, margin feeding, surface feeding, and galling, are observed on the thirteen fossil leaves. Based on the damage frequencies for the fossil and extant leaves, the specific feeding behavior of insects on Rhodoleia trees appears to have been established as early as the Late Pliocene. The high occurrence of Rhodoleia insect herbivory may attract the insect-foraging birds, thereby increasing the probability of pollination.  相似文献   
真实性检验是评价遥感反演产品质量和验证遥感应用产品是否准确、真实地反映实际情况的重要途径。叶面积指数(LAI)是表征陆地植被结构和长势的关键参数,全面准确评价和验证LAI产品是产品用于陆面过程模型的前提。本文以MODIS LAI与GLASS LAI产品为研究对象,在尺度效应和尺度转换的基础上,建立了针对非均匀像元的低分辨率LAI产品真实性检验方法。在考虑空间异质性和植被长势差异的情况下,借助中分辨率的遥感影像,分别利用1 km像元平均叶面积指数和反演表观叶面积指数实现了对LAI算法和产品的真实性检验。为了比较作物长势差异和地表非均匀度对产品的影响,本文选择有代表性的河南鹤壁和甘肃张掖两个地区进行两种LAI产品真实性检验研究。研究结果表明,GLASS LAI和MODIS LAI产品均存在明显的低估现象。这并不是产品算法的问题,而是由于地表异质性和非均匀度的影响。在异质性更显著的张掖盈科灌区,低估现象更明显。GLASS LAI产品是多种LAI产品的融合,它的平均LAI比MODIS更接近真实情况,但是LAI的动态范围比MODIS窄。  相似文献   
基于主成分分析的植被指数与叶面积指数相关性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综合分析了玉米叶面积指数与几种常见光谱植被指数相关性,确定主成分分析方法在反演叶面积指数中的作用。首先,借助MATLAB编程软件,以植被指数与玉米叶面积指数相关性最高为原则,选出遥感影像上各种植被指数,其波段组合为NDVI(752.4/701.5),RVI(752.4/701.5),MSR(752.4/701.5),SAVI(823.7/701.5),MSAVI(823.7/701.5),然后,对这5种植被指数进行主成分分析,建立LAI-VI多元逐步回归模型,并对模型精度进行验证,总体估测精度为96.237%。经实验验证,利用主成分分析方法在反演植被叶面积指数时能够起到较好的效果,具有广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   
微量元素在植物光谱中的响应机理研究   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
微量元素与植物光谱特征的研究是光学遥感定量化研究的重要内容之一。本研究利用高光谱地面光谱仪(GER)在湖南黔阳地区不同地质地球化学背景下的同一垂直剖面上分别测量了岩石、土壤植物(林灌草)的反射光谱曲线和植物叶片的8种微量元素含量。通过研究微量元素Fe,Mn,Cu,Zn,Co,Cr,Mo,B与植物(包括林灌草)反射光谱间的相关性研究发现Co的含量与植物光谱绿区(0.56μm附近)反射率存在强的负相关,Mn,B,Mo和Zn分别在可见光、近红外、短波红外存在较好的相关性和光谱响应。  相似文献   
杨盛昌  谢潮添  陈文列 《台湾海峡》2003,22(2):145-149,T001
用焦锑酸钙沉淀的电镜细胞化学方法,研究了白骨壤叶片衰老过程中叶肉细胞Ca^2 水平的变化.结果表明,在白骨壤幼叶和成熟叶叶肉细胞中,焦锑酸钙沉淀颗粒大量出现在液池和细胞间隙中,细胞壁中也可见少量沉淀,而细胞基质中则看不到焦锑酸钙沉淀.在衰老叶中,细胞基质和细胞膜上焦锑酸钙沉淀增加,而液泡和细胞间隙中的锑酸钙沉淀则显著减少,并且叶绿体外膜部分破损,结构破坏,核膜与液泡膜内部结构模糊,叶绿素含量、净光合速率、气扎手率和蒸腾速率显著下降.Ca^2 的区域性分布的变化与植物叶片衰老密切相关。  相似文献   
杨泽粟  张强  赵鸿 《中国沙漠》2014,34(4):1055-1063
于2011年在黄土高原半干旱地区以平地不覆膜为对照,研究了不同沟垄和覆膜方式对马铃薯叶片和土壤水势水势的影响。结果表明:不同沟垄和覆膜方式在不同土层和不同生育期对土壤和叶片水势的影响差异显著。(1)土壤水势日变化趋势:0~20 cm土层,土垄处理在开花期为先下降后上升型,土垄和覆膜垄处理在块茎膨大期为先下降后上升型,覆膜垄和全膜双垄沟播处理在成熟期为先下降后上升型,其余为逐渐下降型;20~40 cm土层,各处理土壤水势呈逐渐下降趋势。(2)叶片水势日变化趋势:开花期和块茎膨大期表现为双低谷型,双低谷分别在13:00和17:00,成熟期为“V”型,即单低谷型,低谷出现在17:00。各处理变化趋势相同,但水势存在差异。土垄处理在水分关键期(开花期和块茎膨大期)叶片水势显著高于其他处理,而全膜双垄沟播处理在成熟期最高。(3)生育期土壤水势和叶片水势均表现为先减小后增大的趋势。20~40 cm土层对叶片水势影响较大,土垄处理在该土层具有较好的水分状态,蒸腾作用较强加速了水分运移速率,是导致覆膜垄和全膜双垄沟播处理水势低于土垄的主要原因。在前期降雨较少的年份,由于较小的蒸腾作用,土垄处理可以保证马铃薯承受较小的水分胁迫;在前期降雨量较多的年份,覆膜垄和全膜双垄沟播处理则可以凭借其较大的蒸腾作用发挥较大的增产效果。  相似文献   
以CHRIS多角度数据为数据源,采用IDL语言,运用控件和类技术实现系统框架,设计模型对象管理器组织模型对象,设计数据的各项处理技术,完成叶面积指数(LAI)物理模型的参数反演与经验模型反演技术,实现近真实森林三维场景的显示。结果表明,利用IDL处理多角度遥感数据是一种可行的技术方案,并实现森林叶面积指数信息自动化提取与浏览。  相似文献   
Mountain snowpacks provide most of the annual discharge of western US rivers, but the future of water resources in the western USA is tenuous, as climatic changes have resulted in earlier spring melts that have exacerbated summer droughts. Compounding changes to the physical environment are biotic disturbances including that of the mountain pine beetle (MPB), which has decimated millions of acres of western North American forests. At the watershed scale, MPB disturbance increases the peak hydrograph, and at the stand scale, the ‘grey’ phase of MPB canopy disturbance decreases canopy snow interception, increases snow albedo, increases net shortwave radiation, and decreases net longwave radiation versus the ‘red’ phase. Fewer studies have been conducted on the red phase of MPB disturbance and in the mixed coniferous stands that may follow MPB‐damaged forests. We measured the energy balance of four snowpacks representing different stages of MPB damage, management, and recovery: a lodgepole pine stand, an MPB‐infested stand in the red phase, a mixed coniferous stand (representing one successional trajectory), and a clear‐cut (representing reactive management) in the Tenderfoot Creek Experimental Forest in Montana, USA. Net longwave radiation was lower in the MPB‐infested stand despite higher basal area and plant area index of the other forests, suggesting that the desiccated needles serve as a less effective thermal buffer against longwave radiative losses. Eddy covariance observations of sensible and latent heat flux indicate that they are of similar but opposite magnitude, on the order of 20 MJ m?2 during the melt period. Further analyses reveal that net turbulent energy fluxes were near zero because of the temperature and atmospheric vapour pressure encountered during the melt period. Future research should place snow science in the context of forest succession and management and address important uncertainties regarding the timing and magnitude of needlefall events. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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