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利用2000~2006年MODIS(Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer)卫星遥感观测的植被叶面积指数月平均资料以及相应时段的月平均气温、降水的观测资料对贵州植被的时空变化进行了分析.结果表明贵州2000~2006年植被分布受水热条件控制表现出对气候因子不同的响应关系,其中对降水的响应关系比气温明显,特别是冬季和春季,而植被在夏季和秋季的分布主要受气温的制约,与降水的关系并不明显.从季节和年际尺度的时间变化角度而言,植被对气温的响应比对降水明显,季节变化和年际变化的相关系数分别为0.89和0.73(分别通过99.9%和95%信度检验).  相似文献   
无人机与卫星影像的叶面积指数遥感反演研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙越  顾祝军  李栋梁 《测绘科学》2021,46(2):106-112,145
针对卫星遥感影像获取的叶面积指数精度较低的问题,该文结合无人机低空航拍影像和卫星影像,基于最小二乘法建立了一种叶面积指数遥感反演方法,并与卫星影像像元二分模型进行了比较。结果表明:从单一植被类型到整体植被叶面积指数的反演,新方法均优于卫星影像的像元二分法,两者整体相对误差分别为27%和35%。4种植被类型中,草本植物对模型的反演精度影响较大,两者相对误差分别为32%和56%。使用该方法准确计算了长汀县相关区域叶面积指数分布,与他人结果一致。该方法提高了卫星遥感影像获取叶面积指数的精度,为大面积高精度估算区域植被提供了一种方法。  相似文献   
文章探讨了贡嘎山东坡不同海拔高度植物和土壤饱和脂肪酸的δDwax值,结果显示,土壤δDwax值与海拔显著负相关(R2=0.71),与前人报道的贡嘎山东坡土壤水、土壤正构烷烃δD值与海拔间的关系存在相同的趋势。植物δDwax值与海拔间的关系与土壤水及土壤相似,但相关性不明显(R2=0.11),然而,研究结果显示木本植物和草本植物的δDwax值随海拔变化存在明显的差异,总体上草本植物的氢同位素要更负。贡嘎山木本植物、草本植物和土壤的εwax-sw值随海拔的变化波动较小,但木本植物的加权平均δDwax值和εwax-sw值(土壤水和叶蜡之间的氢同位素分馏系数)比草本植物大约偏正38‰和43‰,表明它们各自对随海拔高度降水同位素变化有不同的响应。也即,沿海拔植物δDwax值同时受降水δD值和植物类型两个因素控制。因此,结果揭示土壤δDwax值随海拔的变化与木本植物和草本植物存在相同的趋势,木本植物的δD值比草本植物大约偏正了38‰,这个趋势显示植物类型的变化将不可避免的影响土壤饱和脂肪酸δDwax值与海拔间的关系。由于植物类型随海拔增加会有较大的变化,建议利用饱和脂肪酸δDwax值重建古海拔前需要对植物类型进行评估。  相似文献   
Hyperspectral remote sensing research was conducted to document the biophysical and biochemical characteristics of controlled forest plots subjected to various nutrient and irrigation treatments. The experimental plots were located on the Savannah River Site near Aiken, SC. AISA hyperspectral imagery were analysed using three approaches, including: (1) normalized difference vegetation index based simple linear regression (NSLR), (2) partial least squares regression (PLSR) and (3) machine-learning regression trees (MLRT) to predict the biophysical and biochemical characteristics of the crops (leaf area index, stem biomass and five leaf nutrients concentrations). The calibration and cross-validation results were compared between the three techniques. The PLSR approach generally resulted in good predictive performance. The MLRT approach appeared to be a useful method to predict characteristics in a complex environment (i.e. many tree species and numerous fertilization and/or irrigation treatments) due to its powerful adaptability.  相似文献   
Leaf fragments of Herbifolia antiqua A. Frolov et Enushchenko gen. et sp. nov. from the Middle Jurassic (Aalenian) of the Irkutsk Coal Basin (Eastern Siberia, Russia) are reported. The following features are characteristic of H. antiqua gen. et sp. nov.: the presence of leaf sheaths, linear smooth-edged leaves with parallel venation, anastomoses between the veins, anomocytic stomata, rhomb-shaped ordinary epidermal cells. Such a combination of characters is widespread in modern monocotyledonous plants and is absent in fossil and modern cryptogam and gymnosperms. Due to the lack of evidence of an enclosed ovule in H. antiqua gen. et sp. nov.we attribute it to a typological angiosperm, based on its unique leaf structure characteristic of monocotyledons. The leaf epidermal structure of Herbifolia gen. nov. is most similar to those of modern Asparagales and Liliales.  相似文献   
The aim of this survey was to study the cover and the composition of macroepiphytic species on the leaves of Posidonia oceanica in the east of Tunisia. Surveys were conducted in December 2009 (winter period), March (spring period) and August 2010 (summer period) in a fringing reef located in Chebba. At each sampling date, 15 adult leaves were randomly collected and divided into basal and apical parts. The inner face of each part was examined with ocular glasses and microscope to estimate species cover by orthogonal projection. PERMANOVA and ANOSIM were used to test for differences of cover between sampling dates and leaf parts. SIMPER, cluster analysis, and PCA were used to ordinate species assemblages. Comparison of epiphytic cover along leaf blades showed significant differences for all groups, except cyanophycea, with high cover of hydrozoans and bryozoans in the basal part and high cover of algae in the apical part. The species composition and cover also vary with sampling date; minimum values were detected in December and the epiphytic community was composed of a few pioneer species, whereas maximum epiphytic cover values were registered in August, with the epiphytic community being composed of a more mature and more diverse community, termed ‘climax’. The main regulatory factors for this distribution are discussed.  相似文献   
西北地区陆地生态系统植被状态参数业务化遥感研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
植被指数(NDVI)和叶面积指数(LAI)是两个非常重要的陆地生态系统植被状态参数.我们首先利用最大值(MVC)合成方法使用先进遥感数据如MODIS、AVHRR3等得到旬合成植被指数(NDVI),然后利用最新的经验方法针对不同的陆地生态系统类型反演得到叶面积指数,重点研究了我国沙尘暴发生频率较高的我国西北地区植被覆被状态及其变化情况.植被指数能够反映区域,乃至全球范围植被年季状态,用于监测陆地生态系统植物光合作用活动及其变化.植被指数作为一个基础参数能够用于计算反演更高级别的陆地生态系统状态参数.叶面积指数直接影响植被的光合作用,蒸腾作用的变化和陆面过程的能量平衡状态.在沙尘暴预测研究中使用的起沙过程模型需要将叶面积指数作为一个关键输入变量,另外,绝大多数生态过程模型模拟碳、水循环时也都需要将叶面积指数作为一个非常重要的输入变量.我们总结了最新的叶面积指数经验反演方法,针对6钟不同的陆地生态系统类型应用不同经验模型计算得到了叶面积指数.  相似文献   
Tree-ring cores of thick leaf spruce (Picea crassifolia) taken from four sites at different elevations, in the middle of the Qilian Mountains, in the arid and semi-arid region of northwestern China, were used to develop four tree-ring width chronologies using standard dendrochronological methods. Results indicate that with increasing altitude the chronologies’ year-to-year variations decreased. Hence, the sensitivity of the tree-ring chronologies to climate decreases with altitude. Further analysis showed that the significant limiting factor on tree growth is spring precipitation. Measurements of stomata density and leaf dry weight suggest the species’ ecological adaptation strategy changes with elevation. At high elevation the metabolic rate of thick leaf spruce decreases, thus showing the effect of the climate.  相似文献   
To clarify the responses of plant functional traits to nitrogen(N) enrichment, we investigated the whole-plant traits(plant height and aboveground biomass), leaf morphological(specific leaf area(SLA) and leaf dry mass content(LDMC)) and chemical traits(leaf N concentration(LNC) and leaf phosphorus(P) concentration(LPC)) of Deyeuxia angustifolia and Glyceria spiculosa following seven consecutive years of N addition at four rates(0 g N/(m^2·yr), 6 g N/(m^2·yr), 12 g N/(m^2·yr) and 24 g N/(m^2·yr)) in a freshwater marsh in the Sanjiang Plain, Northeast China. The results showed that, for both D. angustifolia and G. spiculosa, N addition generally increased plant height, leaf, stem and total aboveground biomass, but did not cause changes in SLA and LDMC. Moreover, increased N availability caused an increase in LNC, and did not affect LPC. Thus, N addition decreased leaf C∶N ratio, but caused an increase in leaf N∶P ratio, and did not affect leaf C∶P ratio. Our results suggest that, in the mid-term, elevated N loading does not alter leaf morphological traits, but causes substantial changes in whole-plant traits and leaf chemical traits in temperate freshwater wetlands. These may help to better understand the effects of N enrichment on plant functional traits and thus ecosystem structure and functioning in freshwater wetlands.  相似文献   
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