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Located in the intertidal zone of the tropical and subtropical coasts, mangrove forests are an important ecosystem in the global carbon cycle and serve as a protector of local seashores. Under the double impacts of climate change,especially sea-level rise, and human activity, mangrove forests around the world have faced degradation, against which the reconstruction of the historical development of mangrove forests using an effective indicator has been regarded as a necessary strategy for designing a predictable model. As the primary product of mangrove forest, it is reasonable that the content of leaf fragments of mangrove(CLFM) buried in sediments in the form of sub-fossils potentially has the same indicative function for the development of mangrove forests as that of widely-used mangrove pollen. In this study, the leaf fragments of mangrove in two sediment cores(YLW02 and YLW03) drilled in the Yingluo Bay in Guangxi, Southwest China were picked out and weighted for calculation of CLFM, which was used as an indicator of mangrove development after examination of parallelism and a statistical correlation of the CLFM with the concentration of mangrove pollen. The results clearly show that the vertical distribution of the CLFM for the core taken from the landward margin of mangrove forests(YLW03) only parallels that of the local mangrove species(Rhizophora. stylosa) with a significantly positive correlation(R=0.56, P=0.05), while the vertical distribution of the CLFM for the core taken from the interface between seaward margin of mangrove forest and the trunk of tidal creeks of the bay(YLW02) parallels the summed concentration of mangrove pollen(SCMP) with a more positive correlation than that of YLW03(R=0.85, P=0.01), indicating that the trunk outlet of tidal creeks must have been the site where mangrove production gathered from the overall forest rather than from local production. The variations in the CLFM of both cores indicate that overall the mangrove forests in the Yingluo Bay have increasingly flourished over the last 130 years except for the interval of 1940–1950 AD in response to an increase in air temperature and decrease in rainfall, which would have resulted in an increase in seawater salinity;while the coupled extreme increases in air temperature and in rainfall in summer, which would have resulted in extreme decreases in seawater salinity, would be responsible for the relative degradation of mangrove forests in the interval of 1940–1950 AD.  相似文献   
Ziyong Sun  Xiang Long  Rui Ma 《水文研究》2016,30(9):1388-1402
There is considerable interest in naturalizing flow regime on managed rivers to slow the spread of saltcedar (Tamarix ramosissima) invasion in southwestern USA or to preserve riparian forests dominated by saltcedar and other species in northwestern China. However, little is known about the responses of established saltcedar in water sources to frequent intra‐annual fluctuation of water table resulting from this new, more dynamic flow regime. This study investigates how saltcedar at a riparian site in the middle reaches of the Heihe River, northwest China, responds in water sources use to intra‐annual water table fluctuations. Stable oxygen isotope was employed to determine accurate depth at which saltcedar obtains its water supply, and soil moisture monitoring was used to determine sources of plant‐available soil water. We found that the primary zone of water uptake by saltcedar were stable at 25–60 cm depth, but the water sources used by saltcedar switched between groundwater and soil moisture with the water table fluctuations. Saltcedar derived its water from groundwater when water table was at depth less than 60 cm but switched to soil moisture at 25–60 cm depth when water table declined. It is supposed that the well‐developed clay layer at 60–80 cm depth constrained lateral roots of saltcedar to the soil layers above 60 cm, while the fine‐textured soils at this site, which were periodically resaturated by rising groundwater before the stored soil moisture had become depleted, provided an important water reservoir for saltcedar when groundwater dropped below the primary zone of fine roots. The root distribution of saltcedar may also be related to local groundwater history. The quick decline in water table in the early 1980s when the riparian saltcedar had established may strand its roots in the shallow unsaturated zone. We suggested that raising the water table periodically instead of maintaining it invariably above the rooting depth could sustain desired facultative phreatophytes while maximizing water deliveries. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
地面LiDAR数据模拟及单木LAI反演   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地面激光雷达Li DAR可以快速获取高精度、高密度的点云数据,在植被结构参数获取方面的应用越来越广泛。为了定量分析地面激光雷达点云数据获取单木结构参数的能力和精度,本文提出利用光线跟踪结合植被真实结构模拟地面3维激光扫描仪的单木点云数据(以RIEGL VZ-1000为例),并结合间隙率模型反演单木叶面积指数LAI。在点云模拟过程中,充分考虑了脉冲特性,包括光斑大小、波束发射角以及回波探测强度。重点分析了光斑大小和最小探测强度对LAI反演的影响,并采用根河实测单木数据进行了验证。结果表明,光斑大小和最小探测强度的设定对于LAI反演结果存在很大影响,该结论对于提高地面激光雷达点云数据反演植被结构参数精度具有重要意义。  相似文献   
3种不同生境芦苇叶表皮微形态和叶绿体结构特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 以生长于中国西北腾格里沙漠边缘的3种芦苇,沙丘芦苇(沙芦)、戈壁盐湖芦苇(盐芦)和水生芦苇(水芦)为材料,通过扫描电子显微镜、透射电子显微镜的观测,对3种生境芦苇叶片上表皮表面形态结构、叶肉细胞以及叶绿体结构进行了研究。结果发现,3种芦苇在其长期适应各自生境的过程中,其叶片表面形态结构和叶肉细胞均发生了适应性改变。与水生芦苇相比较,两种陆生型在适应各自极端生境的过程中,通过气孔下陷、减少气孔密度、缩小气孔口径、并在表面形成高密度的绒毛状蜡质晶体结构等途径减少蒸腾,提高植物对各自干旱或盐渍生境的适应。盐芦比沙芦这种适应性特征更加明显, 并在表面形成有类似于盐腺的特殊结构。同时,沙芦和盐芦叶绿体主要以长梭状而非水芦的圆形或椭圆状形态存在,并且叶绿体中淀粉粒数量增多(特别是盐芦)。这些不同生境中发生的可塑性适应调整可能通过感受环境条件的变化而参与了芦苇对长期干旱或盐渍生境的适应。  相似文献   
不同茶园茶叶氟含量及土壤氟的形态分布   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过对我国中西南产茶区12个茶园土壤样品和茶叶样品的采集,探讨了不同茶园茶叶氟含量和茶园土壤氟的形态分布规律。老叶和嫩叶氟含量分别为221~1 504 mg/kg和49.0~602 mg/kg,老叶氟含量是嫩叶的2.5~8.1倍。各形态氟含量随土壤层次加深没有统一变化规律,但各层土壤不同形态氟含量均为残渣态铁锰氧化物态>有机结合态>水溶态>交换态。土壤pH值、有机质含量和阳离子交换量对茶园土壤氟的形态分布有不同程度的影响。老叶和嫩叶氟含量随水溶态氟含量的增加均呈显著增加趋势,但与其他形态氟含量没有显著的相关关系。  相似文献   
叶面积密度可以表征冠层内部叶面积的垂直分布,是作物生长发育、营养诊断和育种研究的重要结构参数。激光雷达通过发射多脉冲和接收多回波信号可以探测到作物冠层内部信息。首先基于无人机激光雷达获取60个小区多航线的玉米点云数据,采用基于接触频率的体素法对叶面积密度进行估算,再对多个体素大小进行分析得到最优体素大小(0.2 m);其次对各航线以及航线叠加效果进行对比,得到无人机激光雷达获取点云数据的最优激光脉冲入射角(-30°~52°);然后结合玉米叶倾角和激光脉冲入射角对叶面积密度估算模型进行校正,从而提高叶面积密度估算精度;最后通过对不同种植密度和不同品种的玉米叶面积密度分布进行分析,得到不同品种玉米的发育快慢、株型特点以及最合理的种植密度。以上结果可为基于无人机激光雷达数据估算叶面积密度提供指导,并为玉米育种和科学管理提供参考。  相似文献   
在分析2008年我国稻纵卷叶螟时空发生规律特点的基础上,选取典型迁飞过程并对迁飞的大气背景进行分析,利用F LEXPART-WRF模式,对典型迁飞过程的路径进行逆推,以此明确大气背景对迁飞路径的影响。结果表明:(1)2008年稻纵卷叶螟发生峰型主要以双峰型为主,发生范围最广、程度最严重的北迁过程是7月15—18日过程。(2)通过FLEXPART计算逆推代表站,江苏淮阴的迁飞虫源来源于浙江中部至安徽中西部一线。(3)气压场上天气系统的分布、移动和强度变化对稻纵卷叶螟的迁飞和降落有重要作用;850 hPa风场上的盛行偏南风对稻纵卷叶螟的北迁有利;该高度上的反气旋环流对稻纵卷叶螟的迁入和降落十分有利;气旋性切变对稻纵卷叶螟的迁出有利。(4)稻纵卷叶螟迁飞路径上的降水对稻纵卷叶螟的降落有动力迫降作用。  相似文献   
Insect disturbance are important agents of change in forest ecosystems around the globe, yet their spatial and temporal distribution and dynamics are not well understood. Remote sensing has gained much attention in mapping and understanding insect outbreak dynamics. Consequently, we here review the current literature on the remote sensing of insect disturbances. We suggest to group studies into three insect types: bark beetles, broadleaved defoliators, and coniferous defoliators. By so doing, we systematically compare the sensors and methods used for mapping insect disturbances within and across insect types. Results suggest that there are substantial differences between methods used for mapping bark beetles and defoliators, and between methods used for mapping broadleaved and coniferous defoliators. Following from this, we highlight approaches that are particularly suited for each insect type. Finally, we conclude by highlighting future research directions for remote sensing of insect disturbances. In particular, we suggest to: 1) Separate insect disturbances from other agents; 2) Extend the spatial and temporal domain of analysis; 3) Make use of dense time series; 4) Operationalize near-real time monitoring of insect disturbances; 5) Identify insect disturbances in the context of coupled human-natural systems; and 6) Improve reference data for assessing insect disturbances. Since the remote sensing of insect disturbances has gained much interest beyond the remote sensing community recently, the future developments identified here will help integrating remote sensing products into operational forest management. Furthermore, an improved spatiotemporal quantification of insect disturbances will support an inclusion of these processes into regional to global ecosystem models.  相似文献   
设计与建立苹果冠层/叶片高光谱数据库,实现苹果冠层/叶片高光谱数据的获取、整理、存储与应用分析,可以为苹果养分含量的高光谱遥感反演提供数据服务和支持。利用ASD Field Spec 3地物光谱仪采集的苹果冠层/叶片高光谱数据,在Microsoft Visual Studio 2010开发环境下,基于C#语言与SQLServer 2008关系型数据库,采用C/S开发模式,设计与建立了苹果冠层/叶片高光谱数据库系统,完成了对高光谱数据批量录入、存储、导出与数据处理多项功能。  相似文献   
为探讨北方冬麦区节水灌溉的关键时期,借助干旱和灌溉对冬小麦冠层光分布,获取本地化参数,为华北农业干旱预报模型的修正提供依据。采用美国CID公司生产的CI-110型植物冠层分析仪,对干旱和灌溉条件下冬小麦冠层内光分布进行直接测定。结果表明,干旱和灌溉条件下,无论是高氮还是低氮、中氮,平均叶面倾角(MLA)都随生育期的延长呈现出先下降再上升的趋势。高氮和低氮时,随着生育期的延长,干旱处理和灌溉处理的冬小麦散射辐射透过系数(TCDP)都呈现先下降再上升的变化趋势;中氮时,干旱处理和灌溉处理的冬小麦TCDP在开花期和灌浆期都呈现一直上升的趋势。无论高氮还是中氮、低氮,冬小麦直接辐射透过系数(TCRP)的值都随着天顶角角度的增大而减小,冬小麦TCRP的值随着冬小麦生育期的推进,都呈现出先下降、后上升的变化趋势。高、中、低氮3种情况下,干旱和灌溉处理的冬小麦每个生育期均呈现随着天顶角角度的增加,消光系数K也增大;高氮时,多数情况下,冬小麦冠层的消光系数K干旱的大于灌溉的;中氮、低氮时,多数情况下,冬小麦冠层的消光系数K干旱的小于灌溉的。干旱和灌溉对冬小麦冠层光分布的影响:灌溉增加了冬小麦的平均叶面倾角(MLA);干旱和灌溉处理条件下冬小麦的TCDP差异较小,TCDP与MLA变化趋势相似,也都呈现出先下降、再上升的变化规律;干旱和灌溉处理冬小麦TCRP,无论高氮还是中氮、低氮,都随着天顶角角度的增大而减小,在7.5°、22.5°时干旱和灌溉对冬小麦TCRP的影响较大,而在37.5°、52.5°、67.5°时对冬小麦TCRP的值影响很小;每个生育期消光系数K均随着天顶角角度的增加而增大。  相似文献   
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