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选取岭参数的一个新方法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
归庆明 《测绘工程》1997,6(1):14-19
当法方程的系数阵呈病态时,平差参数的最小二乘估计不再是一个良好好估计。为改进最小二乘估计,许多学者提出众多的有偏估计方法,其中影响最大的是岭估计和主要估计。  相似文献   
S. S. Schmidberger  D. Francis 《Lithos》1999,48(1-4):195-216
The recently discovered Nikos kimberlite on Somerset Island, in the Canadian Arctic, hosts an unusually well preserved suite of mantle xenoliths dominated by garnet–peridotite (lherzolite, harzburgite, dunite) showing coarse and porphyroclastic textures, with minor garnet–pyroxenite. The whole rock and mineral data for 54 Nikos xenoliths indicate a highly refractory underlying mantle with high olivine forsterite contents (ave. Fo=92.3) and moderate to high olivine abundances (ave. 80 wt.%). These characteristics are similar to those reported for peridotites from the Archean Kaapvaal and Siberian cratons (ave. olivine Fo=92.5), but are clearly distinct from the trend defined by oceanic peridotites and mantle xenoliths in alkaline basalts and kimberlites from post-Archean continental terranes (ave. olivine Fo=91.0). The Nikos xenoliths yield pressures and temperatures of last equilibration between 20 and 55 kb and 650 and 1300°C, and a number of the peridotite nodules appear to have equilibrated in the diamond stability field. The pressure and temperature data define a conductive paleogeotherm corresponding to a surface heat flow of 44 mW/m2. Paleogeotherms based on xenolith data from the central Slave province of the Canadian craton require a lower surface heat flow (40 mW/m2) indicating a cooler geothermal regime than that beneath the Canadian Arctic. A large number of kimberlite-hosted peridotites from the Kaapvaal craton in South Africa and parts of the Siberian craton are characterized by high orthopyroxene contents (ave. Kaapvaal 32 wt.%, Siberia 20 wt.%). The calculated modal mineral assemblages for the Nikos peridotites show moderate to low contents of orthopyroxene (ave. 12 wt.%), indicating that the orthopyroxene-rich mineralogy characteristic of the Kaapvaal and Siberian cratons is not a feature of the cratonic upper mantle beneath Somerset Island.  相似文献   
南海成因问题至今仍众说纷纭。作者以寻求南海形成演化的内因为着眼点,在大量地震剖面地质解释的基础上,运用构造解析法对南海南北陆缘前新生代基底地质构造变形形迹进行了系统的构造恢复和组合分析,发现了残存于南海南北陆缘中生代基底中的断层褶皱具有碰撞造山带特有的背冲断褶构造特征,指出该古造山带的中轴位置大致沿现今双峰笔架海山连线分布,并称之为古双峰笔架碰撞造山带。结合南海地区新生代岩浆岩地球化学特征分析和南北陆缘新生代伸展构造特征分析,提出该造山带在新生代发生了山根拆沉的解体过程,并明确提出了该“山根拆沉”机制是诱发南海形成的根本原因。  相似文献   
2.5-D直流电阻率有限元数值模拟中,模型的剖分及加密主要通过手动实现.另外,采用的单元类型比较规则如矩形单元等,不易实现复杂模型的模拟.为解决上述问题,文中提出了一种自适应有限元算法.算法中采用稳健的后验误差估计来自动预测下一次网格的单元尺寸,直到设定的迭代条件满足为止.另外,采用非结构化三角形单元实现了任意复杂模型的灵活剖分.基于此,利用垂直接触面模型分析和对比了不同自适应策略的效率.通过对比发现,点源附近的单元得到了加密以消除源的奇异性.另外,对于任意一种策略,有限元结果均能最终收敛到精确解.最后,模拟了两个模型:2-D单个异常体模型和2-D地形模型.  相似文献   
杉木人工林细根寿命研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林木细根(≤2mm)是树木水分和养分吸收的主要器官,是陆地生态系统净生产力的重要组成部分,深入理解细根生长过程及其寿命是建立全球碳及养分循环模型的关键.本试验采用微根管技术对11年生杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)人工林细根生长、衰老、死亡的动态过程进行了为期1年半的监测,运用Kaplan—Meier方法估计细根存活率及中值寿命(Median root longevity,MRL),生成存活曲线(Survival curve).用对数秩检验(Log—rank test)比较不同直径、不同土层、不同季节出生的细根寿命差异程度.结果表明,细根主要出.现在雨季(3q月),以直径0~1mm的细根为主,并随观测期的延长,细根存活率下降,中值寿命为236d.直径0~1mm的细根累积存活率小于1~2mm的细根.土壤下层(20~40cm)的生存曲线在细根累积存活率达到50%以后始终高于上层(0~20cm),上下层中值寿命分别为236d和243d,这可能与土壤环境因素的垂直分布相关,下层土壤有利于延长细根寿命.不同出生时间的细根寿命不同,雨季与干季出生的细根中值寿命分别为86d和270d.  相似文献   
研究一般的回归模型中误差方差的二次型估计的容许性,研究方法是模型的整体转化和局部转化,结果有:(1)二次约束下的线性模型等价于相应的无约束的线性模型。(2)线性(齐次或非齐次)等式约束下的线性模型等价于某个无约束的线性模型。(3)单个非齐次不等式约束下的线性模型等价于某个无约束的线性模型。(4)通过例子证明了多个线性不等式约束的线性模型不能等价于某个无约束的线性模型。(5)某类非齐次二次型估计的容许性等价于相应的齐次二次型估计的容许性  相似文献   
对比两种计算RMS值的方法,结合误差概率统计给出结果的误差概率分布。在使用有限脉冲响应(FIR)带通滤波器进行滤波并计算RMS值的过程中,滤波器窗口函数和阶数是影响计算结果误差的主要因素,其中阶数的作用更大。通过计算功率谱密度(PSD)反算RMS值的误差主要受pwelch函数的窗口函数类型、窗口长度及重叠率等参数影响,其中窗口长度作用更大。从同等误差水平的概率分布看,在合理设置参数的前提下,使用PSD反算RMS值的方法更优。  相似文献   
西安地区全新世古土壤下部木本植物根孔的发现与研究   总被引:4,自引:5,他引:4  
在西安南郊和东郊全新世古土壤下部发现了许多木本根孔及充填物,根孔直径多为1~2cm,大者为5cm,分布深度达4m多。密集的木本根孔和其中乔木根孔的存在指示当时植被为繁茂的森林。根孔充填物的颜色、粒度和矿物组成均与全新世古土壤粘化层相同,表明充填物来自全新世古土壤。根孔以机械充填为主,后期有胶体化学充填。根孔的充填发生在全新世古土壤发育的中、后期,推测当时出现了气候突然变干的事件。根孔中分布深达2m左右的光性粘士胶膜指示全新世古土壤具森林土壤特征,当时年均降水量可达80.0mm左右。  相似文献   
为分析理解副高活动与其影响因子的关系,引入计量经济学非平稳性检验的思想和方法,对副高脊线、江淮梅雨活动、青藏高压活动及印度季风活动等特征指数序列进行了单位根检验与协整分析。单位根检验的结果表明,副高脊线指数及其3个影响因子均无单位根,具有非平稳性,且都为一阶单整;协整分析结果表明,副高脊线指数与该三个影响因子之间存在协整关系。分析结果有助于深化对气象要素时间序列非平稳性的认识,进而为构建副高特征指数和影响因子之间的内在关联模型提供依据。  相似文献   
Understanding soil water dynamics and the water balance of tropical coral islands is important for the utilization and management of their limited freshwater resources, which is only from rainfall. However, there is a significant knowledge gap in the influence of soil water on the water cycle of coral islands. Soil water dynamics and the water balance of Zhaoshu Island, Xisha Archipelago were thus investigated using soil moisture measurements and the Hydrus-1D model from October 2018 to September 2019. Over the study period, vegetation transpiration, soil evaporation, groundwater recharge and storage in the vadose zone were approximately 196, 330, 365 and 20 mm, occupying 22%, 36%, 40% and 2% of annual rainfall total (911 mm), respectively. For the wet season (from May to October) these values became 75, 202, 455 and 40 mm, occupying 10%, 26% and 59% and 5% of the seasonal rainfall total (772 mm), respectively. During the dry season (from November to April), a dry soil layer between 40 and 120 cm depth of the soil profile was identified that prevented water exchange between the upper soil layers and the groundwater resulting in the development of deep roots so that vegetation could extract groundwater to supplement their water requirements. Vegetation not only consumes all dry season rainfall (140 mm) but extracts water deeply from groundwater (90 mm) as well as from the vadose layer (20 mm). As such, the vegetation appears to be groundwater-dependent ecosystems. The research results aid us to better understand the process of water dynamics on coral islands and to protect coral island ecosystems.  相似文献   
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