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Several remotely sensed sea surface salinity(SSS) retrievals with various resolutions from the soil moisture and ocean salinity(SMOS) and Aquarius/SAC-D missions are applied as inputs for retrieving salinity profiles(S) using multilinear regressions. The performance is evaluated using a total root mean square(RMS) error, different error sources, and the feature resolutions of the retrieved S fields. In the mixed layer of the salinity, the SSS-S regression coefficients are uniformly large. The SSS inputs yield smaller RMS errors in the retrieved S with respect to Argo profiles as their spatial or temporal resolution decreases. The projected SSS errors are dominant, and the retrieved S values are more accurate than those of climatology in the tropics except for the tropical Atlantic, where the regression errors are abnormally large. Below that level, because of the influence of a sea level anomaly, the areas of high-accuracy S values shift to higher latitudes except in the high-latitude southern oceans, where the projected SSS errors are abnormally large. A spectral analysis suggests that the CATDS-0.25° results are much noisier and that the BEC-L4-0.25° results are much smoother than those of the other retrievals. Aquarius-CAP-1° generates the smallest RMS errors, and Aquarius-V2-1° performs well in depicting large-scale phenomena. BEC-L3-0.25°,which has small RMS errors and remarkable mesoscale energy, is the best fit for portraying mesoscale features in the SSS and retrieved S fields. The current priority for retrieving S is to improve the reliability of satellite SSS especially at middle and high latitudes, by developing advanced algorithms, combining both sensors, or weighing between accuracy and resolutions.  相似文献   
设计出一种通用性信息检索系统,使其能广泛适用于市场经济信息、行政管理信息、人口(人事)、档案、科技文献等的检索及其信息交流。  相似文献   
丽江7.0级地震前形变场动态演化与孕震信息提取研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王双绪  江在森 《中国地震》1997,13(4):338-348
本文用分段速率整体动态平差法,处理了滇西水准监测网80年代以来的水准复测资料,并进行了形变速率多面函数拟合和垂直形变场信息分离。研究了1996年2月3日发生于滇西水准监测网北部的丽江70级地震前,形变场动态演化和信息分离得到的垂直形变剪切变形、扩张变形、体积变化及准加速度等信息指标分布变化特征。结果表明:80年代中前期,在滇西的丽江、永胜及其附近地区出现的大规模形变速率高梯度带和信息指标高值分布所反映的剧烈垂直差异运动,是丽江70级地震前10余年孕震应变能开始快速积累的显示;而1985~1992年形变场趋势转折与垂直差异运动显著减弱,可能意味着孕震能量积累到一定程度后,孕震区处于相对闭锁阶段。在此基础上,结合丽江70级地震前区域地震活动分析和不同地区强震孕震形变对比,进一步研究了强震前形变场非均匀态特征和孕震信息的识别提取,得出了一些用大地形变进行强震中期预测的有益结果。  相似文献   
李俊  曾庆存 《大气科学》1997,21(2):214-222
前文给出了卫星红外观测资料的反演处理方法,并对方法作了理论上的分析,在本文中,我们将此方法应用到TOVS、GOES-8实际资料及AIRS模拟观测资料处理中并重点对TOVS资料进行试验。在反演中,我们将大气温度廓线和水汽混合比(lnq)廓线用各自的经验正交函数(EOF)表示以提高反演的稳定性并缩短计算时间,同时采用一种过滤操作以加速迭代的收敛速度。除了用本文提出的方法对TOVS资料进行处理外,还用国际TOVS处理软件包(ITPP-4.0)对同样的资料进行反演。试验表明,本文方法的反演结果优于ITPP的结果。AIRS模拟反演结果表明,高分辨率红外垂直探测器的遥感精度能够达到温度1 K、水汽10%。  相似文献   
孙建华  周海光  赵思雄 《大气科学》2006,30(6):1103-1118
2003年淮河流域的大洪水主要是由3次集中的持续性大面积强暴雨过程引起, 其中7月3~5日从淮河上游向下游的移动性强降水, 使来自上游的洪水与下游暴雨 "遭遇", 加剧了淮河的洪水水情.作者主要采用探空、卫星和雷达资料, 对造成滁州和南京强暴雨的中尺度对流系统的结构和发生背景进行分析.结果表明: 低槽的东移造成了雨区从淮河上游向下游东移; 降雨前来自中纬度的中层干空气侵入加强了对流层中低层的对流不稳定; 7月4~5日的大范围降水主要由α中尺度对流系统的发生、发展引起, 但突发的局地强降雨是由较小的β中尺度, 甚至γ中尺度系统直接造成; 云顶温度低于-52℃的对流区虽然覆盖范围较大, 但其下部的雷达强回波带与其并不完全对应, 而是位于-52℃云区的中心偏南, 强回波的北侧有100~200 km宽的云砧; 双多普勒雷达反演资料较好地揭示出造成滁州强降雨的是中尺度辐合线及其上的中尺度对流线和对流单体, 辐合线随高度向北倾斜.  相似文献   
基于BP神经网络模型的太湖悬浮物浓度遥感定量提取研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
构建了含有一个隐含层的两层BP神经网络反演模型,以TM数据的前4个波段的反射率作为输入,以悬浮物浓度值作为输出,成功反演了太湖水体的悬浮物浓度。  相似文献   
One of the significant characteristics of the sky is the polarization of light,which is formedthrough the multi-scattering process of atmospheric molecules,aerosols and earth's surface,andthus contains information on these three factors.It has recently been paid more attentions toretrieve the characteristic parameters of the aerosol and surface of the earth from the skylightpolarization information.Observation of the skylight polarization over Beijing has been conductedwith a multi-wavelength polarimeter developed by LAGEO(Laboratory for Middle Atmosphereand Global Environment Observation),IAP(Institute of Atmospheric Physics)since November1995.With these observation data,both the seasonal variations of the maximum degree ofpolarization of the skylight and the effect of the surface situation are studied in this paper.AMonte Carlo code for the vector radiative transfer calculation is used to simulate and compare withobservation.  相似文献   
A collocated SSM/I and radiosonde measurement data set provided by the NASDA(Japan)was used to retrieve the total precipitable water(PW)over oceans.The retrieval results obtainedwith several regression algorithms were compared against the radiosonde measurements.It isshown that:(a)the routinely operational algorithm of Alishouse et al.(1990)yields significantunderestimation in high PW regime and overestimation in low PW regime;(b)a cubic correctionby Colton and Poe(1994)is not sufficient and globally improves slightly the retrieval results;and(c)the regression algorithm with the form of brightness temperature(T_b)function In (280-T_b)gives a little largely scattered retrievals in whole PW range but without considerable over-andunderestimates in low and high PW regimes.To improve the estimation of the oceanic precipitablewater from the SSM/I measurements,a composite algorithm with different forms of T_b function inlow.medium and high PW regimes is proposed and tested.  相似文献   
基于遥感影像的大气辐射校正和反射率反演方法   总被引:31,自引:2,他引:29       下载免费PDF全文
应用1995年7月在法国La Crau辐射校正场进行的遥感实验获得的SPOT HRV数据,在DOS方法的基础上,合理分析假设暗体反射率值,并结合Lowtran-7、6S、Modtran-3大气辐射传输模型进行大气模拟,研究并发展基于遥感影像信息的快速、经济、有效的大气辐射校正和反射率反演方法。通过La Crau场的反射率反演值与实时测量反射率值相比较,分析评价了该研究方法的有效性。  相似文献   
Synchronous retrieval of land surface temperature and emissivity   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
This is an old topic for more than ten years to retrieve land surface temperature (LST) from satellite data, but it has not been solved yet. At first, people tried to transplant traditional split window method of sea surface temperature (SST) to the retrieval of LST, but it was found that the emissivities of land surface (εi) must be involved in atmospheric correction. Then many different formulas appeared with assumption of emissivities known. In fact, emissivities of land surface with pixel size cannot be known beforehand because of various reasons, so in recent years the focus of attention has been transferred to retrieving emissivities (εi) and LST at the same time. Therefore, we have to solve missing equations problem. For this some people try to introduce middle infrared information, but new problems will be brought in which means that it is very difficult to describe middle infrared BRDF of targets with high accuracy and the scattering of atmospheric aerosol cannot be ignored. Therefore a different way is offered to solve this problem only using two thermo-infrared bands data based on three assumptions, constant emissivities in two measurements, and the same atmospheric parameters for neighbouring pixels and the difference of emissivity (Δε) of two channels can be known beforehand. Results of digital simulations show that it is possible to retrieve LST with its root mean square (RMS) of errors less than 1 K and RMS of relative error of ground radiance at 7% if the error of atmospheric temperature at ± 2°C and the relative error of atmospheric water vapor at ± 10% can be satisfied. Results have been confirmed by initial field test. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 49471056) and China’s National Key Basic Research Plan.  相似文献   
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