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金枪鱼类是我国远洋渔业重要的捕捞对象,其形态指标对研究金枪鱼类的生长、发育和生活史具有重要意义。人工测量形态指标是一种非常繁琐且低效率的测量方法,而计算机视觉是一种高效和客观的自动测量方法。因此,本文通过计算机视觉库OpenCV对3种金枪鱼类图像进行预处理,主要利用双边滤波、灰度变换、二值化处理和提取轮廓等图像处理技术得到金枪鱼类形态轮廓图像。根据预先选定的特征点,利用计算机视觉技术遍历轮廓图像上所有的像素点,并自动定位出每张轮廓图像的预选特征点共17个。利用计算机视觉技术遍历得到的特征点位置,自动测量出3种金枪鱼的形态指标像素长度,并计算出形态指标实际长度。还分析自动测量与人工测量形态指标的绝对误差和相对误差。研究结果表明,通过计算机视觉技术对3种金枪鱼的形态指标的自动测量效果较好,大眼金枪鱼、黄鳍金枪鱼和长鳍金枪鱼的12个形态指标的绝对误差范围分别为0~1.46 cm、0~1.73 cm、0~1.32 cm,其相对误差范围分别为0.01%~5.84%、0%~6.17%、0%~6.89%。本研究以期为金枪鱼类智能识别提供前期工作基础,也为其他鱼类自动测量研究提供基础参考。  相似文献   
李生清 《地质与勘探》2022,58(4):887-894
传统方法在选取潜在滑裂面关键点时,未综合考量剪切滑裂点、受拉滑裂点对搜索过程的影响程度,导致搜索过程易陷入局部最优,从而丢失其他同等级搜索数据。针对这一问题,本研究设计了基于GA-Sarma算法的边坡最不利滑裂面搜索方法。该方法通过计算边坡稳定性系数的实际值提取边坡潜在滑裂面,然后根据剪切滑裂点、受拉滑裂点的特性,选取潜在滑裂面关键点。进而,基于GA-Sarma算法建立目标函数和适应度函数,在考虑变异的前提下搜索边坡的最不利滑裂面。实验测试区域中包含3处最不利滑裂面、5处刚刚形成且危险程度偏低的滑裂面、14处潜在滑裂面。测试结果表明:在20轮测试中,本文方法与两组传统方法搜索到的最不利滑裂面个数平均值分别为3处、1.4处以及0.8处,从而验证了GA-Sarma算法强化了边坡最不利滑裂面搜索效果。该方法可为边坡支护、加固及改造等地质工作提供更加可靠的技术支持。  相似文献   
主干道、辅路的准确识别对于实现复杂交叉路口的自动综合至关重要。传统方法多依赖于路段的笔直程度和弯曲程度描述路口的主干道和辅路,然而复杂交叉路口结构错综复杂、形态变化多样,仅依赖这两种特征进行主辅路识别的准确度有限,且部分形态相似的主辅路无法识别。为此,本文提出了一种多特征约束下的复杂交叉路口主辅路识别方法。首先提取复杂交叉路口的特征点,根据特征点对弧段进行打断,依据路段的笔直程度识别出平行弧段;然后依据道路延展性、角度、距离等特征识别平行簇获取复杂交叉路口中的主干道;最后通过紧凑度和距离关系识别匝道获取复杂交叉路口中的辅路。以南京OSM城市路网为例的试验表明,本文方法能够准确识别出复杂交叉路口的主干道和辅助路段,识别精度分别达到93.60%和89.43%。  相似文献   
Cox回归模型能够对事件发生时间及其影响因素进行有效关联,是面向事件数据生存分析的重要方法。基础的Cox回归模型仅能对单次独特事件进行研究,通过事件分组、事件起始时间设置调整后的模型能够对重复事件进行解析,尽管现有的Cox模型能够处理时变解释变量,但仍不能考虑事件时空因素的综合影响。国家恐怖袭击事件的不同生存状态是重复出现的,因此,基于全球恐怖主义数据库,以国家恐怖袭击高风险状态再次发生的概率为研究对象,通过引入时间交互、空间滞后解释变量,提出一种顾及多种时空因素的重复事件Cox回归分析方法。结果表明,1995—2016年,相比于经济社会与地理类因素,政治、军事类因素对国家恐怖袭击高风险状态再次发生概率的影响程度更为明显。引入时间交互、空间滞后解释变量的Cox模型回归效果有所提高,空间滞后解释变量对国家高风险状态的发生概率作用显著,时空因素的引入具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Data on land use and land cover (LULC) are a vital input for policy-relevant research, such as modelling of the human population, socioeconomic activities, transportation, environment, and their interactions. In Europe, CORINE Land Cover has been the only data set covering the entire continent consistently, but with rather limited spatial detail. Other data sets have provided much better detail, but either have covered only a fraction of Europe (e.g. Urban Atlas) or have been thematically restricted (e.g. Copernicus High Resolution Layers). In this study, we processed and combined diverse LULC data to create a harmonised, ready-to-use map covering 41 countries. By doing so, we increased the spatial detail (from 25 to one hectare) and the thematic detail (by seven additional LULC classes) compared to the CORINE Land Cover. Importantly, we decomposed the class ‘Industrial and commercial units’ into ‘Production facilities’, ‘Commercial/service facilities’ and ‘Public facilities’ using machine learning to exploit a large database of points of interest. The overall accuracy of this thematic breakdown was 74%, despite the confusion between the production and commercial land uses, often attributable to noisy training data or mixed land uses. Lessons learnt from this exercise are discussed, and further research direction is proposed.  相似文献   
The “scientisation” of climate change, which placed the issue beyond democratic debate by declaring it a matter for the scientific expertise of the IPCC, has not provoked the required political and economic action to resolve it. “Tipping point” rhetoric and apocalyptic fictions, conveying increased urgency and shaming the present‐day, appear also to yield diminishing returns. Instead of representing the present as a binary choice—catastrophe or salvation—a Humanities‐informed viewpoint would represent past, present, and future in terms of unknowability, frailty, unavoidable interpretation, and limited agency. This article is categorized under:
  • Trans‐Disciplinary Perspectives > Humanities and the Creative Arts
甘肃黑方台黄土经历长期的灌溉入渗破坏了其原生结构,改变了不同深度黄土的颗粒级配,影响了土体的力学性质。为研究反复灌溉入渗对坡体的影响,通过室内土柱渗透试验研究了反复入渗对甘肃黑方台黄土渗透特性的影响,并研究了渗透作用下黄土中细颗粒运移的规律与模式。研究表明:①水力梯度对渗透速率影响较小而干密度对渗透速率影响较大;随着入渗次数的增加,重塑黄土的渗透性能变弱;②黄土在渗流力的作用下,存在细颗粒沿渗流方向运移的现象,且细颗粒在土柱中上部聚集最多;③影响细颗粒运移的因素有:水力梯度、干密度和渗透次数;其中细颗粒的运移量与水力梯度、渗透次数呈正相关,与干密度呈负相关,且水力梯度是影响细颗粒运移的主要因素;④在渗透过程中,细颗粒运移堆积,最终填充土体内孔隙,导致黄土的渗透性下降。  相似文献   
A continuous time delay-diff erence model (CTDDM) has been established that considers continuous time delays of biological processes. The southern Atlantic albacore (Thunnus alalunga) stock is the one of the commercially important tuna population in the marine world. The age structured production model (ASPM) and the surplus production model (SPM) have already been used to assess the albacore stock. However, the ASPM requires detailed biological information and the SPM lacks the biological realism. In this study, we focus on applying a CTDDM to the southern Atlantic albacore (T. alalunga) species, which provides an alternative method to assess this fishery. It is the first time that CTDDM has been provided for assessing the Atlantic albacore (T. alalunga) fishery. CTDDM obtained the 80% confidence interval of MSY (maximum sustainable yield) of (21 510 t, 23 118t). The catch in 2011 (24 100 t) is higher than the MSY values and the relative fishing mortality ratio (F 2011/F MSY) is higher than 1.0. The results of CTDDM were analyzed to verify the proposed methodology and provide reference information for the sustainable management of the southern Atlantic albacore stock. The CTDDM treats the recruitment, the growth, and the mortality rates as all varying continuously over time and fills gaps between ASPM and SPM in this stock assessment.  相似文献   
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