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介绍体视化的基本流程,着重阐述两类不同的三维空间测量数据体视化原理与方法,并对体视化技术在三维空间测量数据可视化中的应用做了介绍,得出了一些有益的结论和建议。  相似文献   
为寻求评价日光模拟器的新方法 ,作者基于异谱同色指数和显色指数分析了 D65光谱的敏感性质 ,并讨论了其间的差异。基于异谱同色指数分析了 D65光谱上特殊波长间敏感性质的关联性 ,以期更全面、准确地了解光谱的敏感性质  相似文献   
??????????Geometry Clipmap??????????????????????飬??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Ч??????Ч????  相似文献   
3D scenes within all media indicate a societal preference shift toward 3D presentations. In spite of wide data availability and successful standardization efforts in 3D modeling, it is not a standard practice to offer large-scale topographic references to the end user in the form of 3D models. This motivates to propose automated strategies for the generation of closed 3D representations of a complete urban landscape, which at the same time account for capabilities of consumer-class devices. The campus of Dresden University of Technology served as a test case. The final appearance of the 3D model will be steered directly by the original geographic information system (GIS) data source. Such a “schematic model” displays source classes and attributes by nonphotorealistic rendering. A tested generic workflow can be presented, which programmatically integrates attributed 2D GIS entities and digital elevation model data, checks for compliancy with consistency rules and generates a slim geometric model. Only detailed GIS references can be considered to allow close-range visualization as needed in virtual walks. In delegating the geometric processing to automated workflows, playing room is gained for as well innovative as expressive texturing and, thus, design of the final 3D model.  相似文献   
阐述了网络统计专题符号的渲染模式,即服务器端模式、客户端模式和混合模式。通过服务器端统计专题符号的构建、符号化参数的组织与解析、基于canvas的统计专题符号渲染三个方面对混合渲染模式进行了详细介绍。最后,基于混合渲染模式实现了在线统计专题地图制图系统,验证了该统计专题符号渲染模式的可行性。  相似文献   
计算机仿真动画在道路工程上的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以前,制作3维模型和3维计算机动画是一项极复杂的工作,需要有昂贵及专门的计算机系统,在专业技术人士的操作下才能做到。随着科技的发展,计算机技术日新月异,各种具备不同功能的计算机动画操作系统被广泛采用。在2001年,香港特别行政区政府路政署,购入一套以数码摄影测量软件为主的计算机仿真动画系统(Photogrammetry-Based Computer Animation System),开始制作仿真道路工程的计算机漫游动画,协助工程师在多个大型道路工程开展前,利用3维空间资料和3维影像短片作出评估和审核,得到令人满意的效果。本论文主要探讨计算机动画在道路工程方面的各项应用,包括:地貌的检视;预视拟建的道路网络对环境及景观的影响;提供道路设施的形状、颜色和位置的分析;在宣传推广道路设计方面的用途。此外,本文还介绍了动画制作的技术和工作模式,以及在过程中遇到的困难和解决方法.  相似文献   
本文利用6例自愿者、2例上颌窦癌患者颌面部薄层 CT 扫描资料应用计算机技术进行立体三维图象重建。重建采用体元法和表面成形法。讨论了颌面部 CT 图像三维重建方式和临床应用价值。  相似文献   
随着基于OpenGL的各种三维渲染引擎的日趋成熟,如何更好地利用这些引擎已成为人们首先要解决的问题,而OpenSceneGraph作为一款高性能的、开源的渲染引擎也越来越受到人们的关注。系统地对OSG的结构和特性进行了分析,并对OSG中三维场景的构建过程以及其中的一些关键技术如三维场景的数据组织、场景的裁剪技术、渲染的流程等进行了研究。  相似文献   
Today parallel visualization of massive datasets from observation and numerical simulation of seismic waves is one of the major goals of geoscience community. A majority of these datasets are time-varying volume data (TVVD), also known as 4D field data. The difficulty of visualizing them on distributed parallel system mainly lies in the algorithm designing for distributed preprocessing of raw datasets, hierarchical point-to-point or collective communication implementation based on distributed data allocation, synchronous volume rendering techniques. In this work we present viable solutions for preprocessing of raw data sets, novel algorithms of parallel rendering and display matrix. Our main objective is focused on the parallel visualization of results coming from full 4D seismic wave propagation simulations.  相似文献   
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