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通过对苍梧县各个镇低温冷害的分析,找出影响苍梧县砂糖桔生产的4个气候关键因子,通过归一化方法和加权综合评价法分析,利用地理信息系统(GIS)绘制出苍梧县砂糖桔低温冷害风险区划专题图.区划图明确分出苍梧县低温冷害的低风险区、次低风险区、中等风险区、次高风险区和高风险区.在此基础上,针对各风险区域进行了分析与评述,特别指出了防御低温冷害的措施,为苍梧县砂糖桔生产趋利避害和优化布局提供科学决策依据.  相似文献   
以《上海市主体功能区划图集》的数据处理、内容结构设计、地图设计与制作工艺等不同阶段遇到的问题及解决方案为例,探讨了此类反映总体规划、区域划分类地图(集)的设计特点与关键技术。  相似文献   
东津河流域暴雨洪涝灾害风险区划   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
谢五三  吴蓉  田红  卢燕宇 《气象》2017,43(3):341-347
本文从暴雨致灾机理出发,以东津河流域为例,开展中小河流域暴雨洪涝灾害风险区划技术研究。根据气象资料、水文资料、地理信息资料、社会经济统计资料以及历史灾情资料等,运用TOPMODEL水文模型并结合统计法确定致洪临界面雨量,利用逐步回归法重建区域站资料序列,基于广义极值分布函数计算出不同重现期的致洪面雨量,根据流域内小时降水雨型分布,将不同重现期致洪面雨量以及叠加堤坝信息的DEM、manning系数等数据代人Flood Area模型进行洪水淹没模拟,得到不同重现期下洪水淹没图,再叠加流域内栅格化的人口、GDP以及土地利用信息,最终得到不同重现期下人口、GDP以及土地利用等风险区划图谱。建立的中小河流域暴雨洪涝灾害风险区划技术方法简便可行,区划结果精度高、实用性强,对于面向实时防灾减灾的动态灾害风险管理具有重要意义。  相似文献   
摘要:研究分析精河县枸杞种植的气候适宜性,为科学规划枸杞种植布局,充分合理地利用气候资源优势具有实际意义。利用精河县及周边范围内15个气象站1981-2020年逐日平均气温和最低气温资料,采用数理统计分析和GIS空间插值技术方法,在分析枸杞种植气候生态条件的基础上,筛选出≥10 ℃积温、≥10 ℃日数和≥10 ℃期间降水量作为枸杞气候适宜性区划指标,进而对气候要素指标进行栅格化。根据区划指标等级进行重分类,将各气候要素指标图层进行等权重叠加,获得精河县枸杞种植气候适宜性区划,结果表明,精河县枸杞种植区可分为最适宜区、适宜区、次适宜区和不适宜区4个分区,最适宜种植区分布在精河县中部海拔400~600 m的带状平原区,该区综合气候条件非常利于枸杞优质高产;适宜种植区分布在沿最适宜种植区两侧海拔250~400 m和海拔600~800 m的中部平原地带,综合气候条件稍逊于最适宜区。建议在最适宜区和适宜区内发展枸杞不但产量高而且品质好。。  相似文献   
安徽省文化景观地域差异明显,按文化景观差异的原则,以比较一致或相似的文化景观,相同或相似的语言(方言)类型,适当兼顾民俗信仰等因素,从形式文化区的角度将安徽省划分为皖北文化区、江淮文化区、江南文化区3个文化区和7个文化亚区;探讨了安徽省文化区划的特点,并指出了安徽省文化区的形成机制.  相似文献   
中国农业气候区划新论   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
作者1983年在本刊发表了“中国农业气候区划再论”以后,陆续出现了很多有关文献,主要的有:(1)国家气象局主持的中国农业气候区划协作组完成的一系列资料、图集和区划;(2)多数省、市、自治区在简明的农业气候区划的基础上又完成了详细的区划;  相似文献   
重庆市土地生态区划研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
文章从生态环境的角度,综合分析了重庆市土地的生态特点和存在问题,探讨了土地生态区划的原则和依据,并在此基础上对全市土地进行了生态区划,将土地划分成四大生态区:丘陵平坝农业生态环境区、中低山林牧业生态环境区、库区生态环境区和城市生态环境区,以便因地制宜地对各区土地进行生态治理和生态建设,为全市经济发展和环境保护政策的制订提供科学依据。  相似文献   
A decade of Predictions in Ungauged Basins (PUB)—a review   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

The Prediction in Ungauged Basins (PUB) initiative of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS), launched in 2003 and concluded by the PUB Symposium 2012 held in Delft (23–25 October 2012), set out to shift the scientific culture of hydrology towards improved scientific understanding of hydrological processes, as well as associated uncertainties and the development of models with increasing realism and predictive power. This paper reviews the work that has been done under the six science themes of the PUB Decade and outlines the challenges ahead for the hydrological sciences community.

Editor D. Koutsoyiannis

Citation Hrachowitz, M., Savenije, H.H.G., Blöschl, G., McDonnell, J.J., Sivapalan, M., Pomeroy, J.W., Arheimer, B., Blume, T., Clark, M.P., Ehret, U., Fenicia, F., Freer, J.E., Gelfan, A., Gupta, H.V., Hughes, D.A., Hut, R.W., Montanari, A., Pande, S., Tetzlaff, D., Troch, P.A., Uhlenbrook, S., Wagener, T., Winsemius, H.C., Woods, R.A., Zehe, E., and Cudennec, C., 2013. A decade of Predictions in Ungauged Basins (PUB)—a review. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58 (6), 1198–1255.  相似文献   
The main objective of the present paper is to show a methodology for undertaking rainfall regionalization of a region taking into account the convective features of the precipitation, and useful for establishing homogeneous zones for improving the alert system. This methodology has been applied to a hydrographic region located in northeast Spain, with an area of 16000 km2 and characterized by a highly contrasted topography. Information provided by meteorological radar and 5-min precipitation data for 126 automatic raingauges has been used for the period 1996–2002. The previous analysis done on the basis of the 1927–1981 rainfall rate series for the Jardí raingauge, located in Barcelona, has also been considered. To that end, the first step was to draw up a proposal for classification of the pluviometric episodes. Recourse was had for this purpose to definition of the β parameter, related with the greater or lesser convective character of the event and calculated on the basis of the rainfall intensity at the surface (Llasat, 2001) and, when data are available, on the basis of radar reflectivity. Results show that the threshold of 35 mm/h to characterize convective episodes from raingauge data can be corroborated from the radar point of view when convective precipitation is identified using 2-D algorithms with a reflectivity threshold of 43 dBZ. Once the soundness of the β parameter had been corroborated, it was applied to more than 2900 precipitation episodes recorded in the region, in order to discriminate the features of the different subregions and their time and space distribution throughout the entire series of the samples. Using this definition, 92% of the precipitation events recorded in this region, with accumulated rainfall above 35 mm, are classified as convective ones, representing 95% of the precipitation amount. Application of the β parameter combined with monthly rainfall data allows differentiation of 8 regions with different convective precipitation features.  相似文献   
lintroductionPhysicalgeographers,ecologistSandotherresearchershavebeeninvolvedinanal}aingspahalchrenhationofvariousfactorsontheearthsurface,suchasbiome,close,andsoil,toexplainandunderstandthephysicogeographicalprocessesandtheirSPatialpatternssincetheestablislunentoftheacademicfieldsofgeogT'aphyandecology.Theynotedablythattheregional~onoffactorsonthe~~cewashelpfulnotonlytoimpellingthedevelopmentofgeographyandecology,butalsotobroadeningtheirapplicahons,andtheybeganclasssingfactorswithvallousmet…  相似文献   
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