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以南海西南巽他陆坡CG2岩心为材料,通过浮游有孔虫Globigerinoides ruber壳体的δ18O和Mg/Ca重建了近24ka以来的表层海水温度(SST)和盐度(SSS),结合浮游有孔虫定量统计数据分析了末次盛冰期(LGM)以来南海西南海区上部水体环境的演化特征。研究表明,在YD、H1、8.2ka冷事件期间,巽他陆架海区盐度变高,浮游有孔虫暖水种丰度减少,温跃层变浅。相比其他开放大洋站位末次冰消期的缓慢变暖,南海西南海区Bølling早期以及YD事件后期升温迅速,且H1期间具有明显的降温,是典型的"格陵兰式"升温,可能南海受东亚季风的影响强烈。东亚夏季风的强弱变化造成了海水盐度频繁的波动,在H1、YD期间,东亚夏季风突然减弱,盐度变高,B/A暖期夏季风增强,盐度变低,比较发现在这些气候事件期间,东、西太平洋站位的盐度变化特征几乎是一致的。LGM以来热带西太平洋海区的上层海水环境变化,与热带辐合带(ITCZ)的纬向移动及其相关的东亚季风异常有密切联系。  相似文献   
国外旅游规划研究进展及主要思想方法   总被引:26,自引:1,他引:26  
文章回顾了国外旅游规划发展的历程和新的动向,并针对不同时期的技术进步程度把它划分为开始、过渡、快速发展、深入发展4个阶段。阐述了各个阶段的规划技术革新及对旅游规划的新认识。并对5种比较有影响的规划思想和方法进行了介绍。  相似文献   
在精准温控动三轴试验系统上开展了不同温度及不同升温路径饱和黏土剪切试验研究,探讨了不同温度对饱和软黏土不排水剪切特性的影响,分析不同升温固结方式对饱和软黏土孔压发展、体变、强度以及模量的影响规律。试验结果显示:在4~76 ℃试验研究范围内,环境温度升高导致饱和软黏土的不排水剪切强度有所减少,但温度升高对土体模量增加影响明显,温度T和模量ET关系可用ET = 2.69T 0.3表达;升温变化时正常固结黏土产生超孔隙水压力并随着温度增大而增大,升温热固结后土的剪切强度将明显提高,且排水状态下升温固结对土剪切强度增长小于升温完成后再固结情况;土体从26 ℃分别升高20、40 ℃时,升温引起的超孔压比分别为0.41、0.61,剪切峰值强度分别增加8.23%、22.37%。研究表明:升温幅值增大会使土体热固结程度越大,升温分级越多,热固结也越充分,其对应的体变、强度增长率则越大;同时最终温度及热固结路径对其剪切相转换特征存在影响,升温越高、热固结路径越多其剪胀性越明显,但温度变化范围、固结分级、热固结路径总体上对孔隙水压力的发展基本不产生影响。  相似文献   
This article takes its point of departure in the assumption that values shape planning practices and that alternatively one can reconstruct such values from the way planning interventions are argued and evaluated. We contend that planners’ discourses involve implicit value commitments that are observable in their representations of public space and implicated in the results of public-space planning. The paper builds an empirical case from representations of public space elaborated in planning documents developed by planners in four medium-sized Nordic cities. We show how these planning representations form four thematic value clusters concerning urban public space, namely leisure-play, identity-unity, power-organization and unruliness-change. Together these clusters constitute a value framework which reveals a number of central tensions relating to the way that planners seek to balance order and spontaneity in public space. The paper concludes by outlining and discussing these values and the tensions they represent.  相似文献   
The recent identification of multiple strike‐parallel discontinuities within the exhumed Himalayan metamorphic core has helped revise the understanding of convergence accommodation processes within the former mid‐crust exposed in the Himalaya. Whilst the significance of these discontinuities to the overall development of the mountain belt is still being investigated, their identification and characterization has become important for potential correlations across regions, and for constraining the kinematic framework of the mid‐crust. The result of new phase equilibria modelling, trace element analysis and high‐precision Lu–Hf garnet dating of the metapelites from the Likhu Khola region in east central Nepal, combined with the previously published monazite petrochronology data confirms the presence of one of such cryptic thrust‐sense tectonometamorphic discontinuities within the lower portion of the exhumed metamorphic core and provides new constraints on the P–T estimates for that region. The location of the discontinuity is marked by an abrupt change in the nature of P–T–t paths of the rocks across it. The rocks in the footwall are characterized by a prograde burial P–T path with peak metamorphic conditions of ~660°C and ~9.5 kbar likely in the mid‐to‐late Miocene, which are overlain by the hanging wall rocks, that preserve retrograde P–T paths with P–T conditions of >700°C and ~7 kbar in the early Miocene. The occurrence of this thrust‐sense structure that separates rock units with unique metamorphic histories is compatible with orogenic models that identify a spatial and temporal transition from early midcrustal deformation and metamorphism in the deeper hinterland to later deformation and metamorphism towards the shallower foreland of the orogen. Moreover, these observations are comparable with those made across other discontinuities at similar structural levels along the Himalaya, confirming their importance as important orogen‐scale structures.  相似文献   
A low‐grade metamorphic “Coloured Mélange” in North Makran (SE Iran) contains lenses and a large klippe of low temperature, lawsonite‐bearing blueschists formed during the Cretaceous closure of the Tethys Ocean. The largest blueschist outcrop is a >1,000 m thick coherent unit with metagabbros overlain by interlayered metabasalts and metavolcanoclastic rocks. Blueschist metamorphism is only incipient in coarse‐grained rocks, whereas finer grained, foliated samples show thorough metamorphic recrystallization. The low‐variance blueschist peak assemblage is glaucophane, lawsonite, titanite, jadeite±phengitic mica. Investigated phase diagram sections of three blueschists with different protoliths yield peak conditions of ~300–380°C at 9–14 kbar. Magnesio‐hornblende and rutile cores indicate early amphibolite facies metamorphism at >460°C and 2–4 kbar. Later conditions at slightly higher pressures of 6–9 kbar at 350–450°C are recorded by barroisite, omphacite and rutile assemblages before entering into the blueschist facies and finally following a retrograde path through the pumpellyite–actinolite facies across the lawsonite stability field. Assuming that metamorphic pressure is lithostatic pressure, the corresponding counterclockwise P–T path is explained by burial along a warm geothermal gradient (~15°C/km) in a young subduction system, followed by exhumation along a cold gradient (~8°C/km); a specific setting that allows preservation of fresh undecomposed lawsonite in glaucophane‐bearing rocks.  相似文献   
Petrological investigations supported by multi‐scale structural analysis of eclogitized serpentinite in the Zermatt–Saas Zone of the Western Alps allows for the determination of mineral assemblages related to successive fabrics, upon which the P–T–d–t path of these hydrated mantle rocks can be inferred. Serpentinites of the upper Valtournanche, with lenses and dykes of metagabbro and meta‐rodingite, display an Alpine polyphase metamorphic evolution from eclogite to epidote‐amphibolite facies conditions associated with three successive foliations having different parageneses in these rocks. Serpentinite mainly consists of serpentine with minor magnetite; however, where S1 and S2 foliations are pervasive, metamorphic olivine, together with Ti‐clinohumite and clinopyroxene, are also found. The mineral assemblage associated with D1 includes serpentine1, clinopyroxene1, opaque minerals, titanite ± olivine1, Ti‐clinohumite1 and ilmenite; the D2 assemblage is the same (±chlorite) but minerals have different compositions. The assemblage associated with D3 comprises serpentine3, opaque minerals, ±chlorite3, ilmenite and amphibole3. Ti‐clinohumite is associated with veins that are older than D2 and pre‐date D3. Veins that post‐date D3 are characterized by amphibole + chlorite or by serpentine. PT conditions for S2 parageneses evaluated using two pseudosections for different bulk compositions suggest that these rocks experienced pressures >2.5 ± 0.3 GPa at temperatures slightly higher than 600 °C. The late epidote–amphibolite facies re‐equilibration associated with D3 and D4 developed during late syn‐exhumation deformation related to folding and testifies to a small temperature decrease. These results, which were integrated in the regional framework, suggest that different portions of the Zermatt–Saas Zone registered different PT peak conditions and underwent different exhumation paths. In addition, the inferred PTdt path suggests that the Valtournanche serpentinites re‐equilibrated close to the UHP conditions registered by the Cignana meta‐cherts. These results imply that tectonic slices exhumed after UHP metamorphism might be wider than previously reported or that small‐size UHP units, tectonically sampled during the Alpine convergence, are more abundant than those that have been detected to date.  相似文献   
Characteristics of large‐scale fluting and hummocky terrain on the Canadian Prairies test glacial and meltwater hypotheses for landform genesis. These tests defend the meltwater model. Neither sedimentary nor glaciotectonic processes can fully explain such erosional landforms. Province‐scale flow paths, which mark palaeo‐ice streams and subglacial flood routes, contain large‐scale fluting with flanking hummock terrain. Antecedent relief causes these paths to differ from other flood landscapes such as the Scablands. Proponents of the glacial hypothesis use an invalid analogy between Icelandic and Prairie landsystems. They suggest that groove‐ploughing formed large‐scale fluting, and that ice pushing created hummocky terrain. However, landform location, form, and extent, surface lags, truncated architecture, and landform associations favour the meltwater hypothesis. A simple thought experiment and clear understanding of the principle of least number of assumptions answer the criticisms that meltwater forms cannot cross‐cut and that the meltwater hypothesis disregards proper hypothesis testing. An example of cross‐cutting erosional marks supports this theory. No narrow tract of smoothed terrain with fluting terminates at the glacially thrust Neutral Hills, negating an important point in the glacial hypothesis. While neither the glacial hypothesis nor postglacial winnowing explain boulder and cobble lags with percussion marks, meltwater processes explain them well. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Medium‐temperature ultrahigh pressure (MT‐UHP) eclogites from the south Dabie orogen, as represented by samples from the Jinheqiao, Shuanghe and Bixiling areas, consist of garnet, omphacite, phengite, epidote, hornblendic amphibole, quartz/coesite and rutile with or without kyanite and talc. Garnet is mostly anhedral and unzoned, but a few porphyroblasts are weakly zoned with core–mantle increasing grossular (Xgr) and decreasing pyrope (Xpy) contents. Garnet compositions are closely correlated with the bulk compositions. For instance, the Xpy and Xgr contents are positively correlated with the bulk MgO and CaO contents. Phengite is occasionally zoned with core–rim deceasing Si content, and phengite grains as inclusions in garnet show higher Si than in the matrix, suggesting differently resetting during post‐peak stages. The maximum Si contents are mostly 3.60–3.63 p.f.u. for the three areas. Pseudosections calculated using THERMOCALC suggest that the MT‐UHP eclogites should have a peak assemblage of garnet + omphacite + lawsonite + phengite + coesite in most rocks of higher MgO content. In this assemblage, the Xpy in garnet mostly depends on bulk compositions, whereas the Xgr in garnet and the Si contents in phengite regularly increase, respectively, as temperature and as pressure rise, and thus, can provide robust thermobarometric constraints. Using the Xgr and Si isopleths in pseudosections, the peak P–T conditions were estimated to be 40 kbar/730 °C for the Jinheqiao, 41 kbar/726 °C for the Shuanghe, and 37–52 kbar and 700–830 °C for the Bixiling eclogites. Some eclogites with higher FeO are predicted to have a peak assemblage of garnet + omphacite + coesite ± phengite without lawsonite, where the garnet and phengite compositions highly depend on bulk compositions and generally cannot give available thermobarometric constraints. Decompression of the eclogites with lawsonite in the peak stage is inferred to be accompanied with cooling and involves two stages: an early‐stage decompression is dominated by lawsonite dehydration, resulting in increase in the mode of anhydrous minerals, or further eclogitization, and formation of epidote porphyroblasts and kyanite‐bearing quartz veins in eclogite. As lawsonite dehydration can facilitate evolution of assemblages under fluid‐present conditions, it is difficult to recover real peak P–T conditions for UHP eclogites with lawsonite. This may be a reason why the P–T conditions estimated for eclogites using thermobarometers are mostly lower than those estimated for the coherent ultramafic rocks, and lower than those suggested from the inclusion assemblages in zircon from marble. A late‐stage decompression is dominated by formation of hornblendic amphibole and plagioclase with fluid infiltration. The lawsonite‐absent MT‐UHP eclogites have only experienced a decompression metamorphism corresponding to the later stage and generally lack the epidote overprinting.  相似文献   
Thermobarometric data and compositional zoning of garnet show the discontinuities of both metamorphic pressure conditions at peak‐T and P–T paths across the Main Central Thrust (MCT), which juxtaposes the high‐grade Higher Himalayan Crystalline Sequences (HHCS) over the low‐grade Lesser Himalaya Sequences (LHS) in far‐eastern Nepal. Maximum recorded pressure conditions occur just above the MCT (~11 kbar), and decrease southward to ~6 kbar in the garnet zone and northward to ~7 kbar in the kyanite ± staurolite zone. The inferred nearly isothermal loading path for the LHS in the staurolite zone may have resulted from the underthrusting of the LHS beneath the HHCS. In contrast, the increasing temperature path during both loading and decompression (i.e. clockwise path) from the lowermost HHCS in the staurolite to kyanite ± staurolite transitional zone indicates that the rocks were fairly rapidly buried and exhumed. Exhumation of the lowermost HHCS from deeper crustal depths than the flanking regions, recording a high field pressure gradient (~1.2–1.6 kbar km?1) near the MCT, is perhaps caused by ductile extrusion along the MCT, not the emplacement along a single thrust, resulting in the P–T path discontinuities. These observations are consistent with the overall scheme of the model of channel flow, in which the outward flowing ‘HHCS’ and inward flowing ‘LHS’ are juxtaposed against each other and are rapidly extruded together along the ‘MCT’. A rapid exhumation by channel flow in this area is also suggested by a nearly isothermal decompression path inferred from cordierite corona surrounding garnet in gneiss of the upper HHCS. However, peak metamorphic temperatures show a progressive increase of temperature structurally upward (~570–740 °C) near the MCT and roughly isothermal conditions (~710–810 °C) in the upper structural levels of the HHCS. The observed field temperature gradient is much lower than those predicted in channel flow models. However, the discrepancy could be resolved by taking into account heat advection by melt and/or fluid migration, as these can produce low or nearly no field temperature gradient in the exhumed midcrust, as observed in nature.  相似文献   
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