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电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法同时测定铅锌矿中银铜铅锌   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
采用盐酸-硝酸-硫酸混合酸分解样品,全谱直读电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法同时测定铅锌矿石中的银、铜、铅和锌。基于改善和提高测定结果准确度和精密度的要求,分析了溶液稀释因子和酸度等实验条件对测定结果的影响。结果表明,当溶液的稀释因子为1000,盐酸的体积分数在5%~10%时,测定结果最佳。采用内标法,通过加入钴内标测量分析谱线的相对强度,抵消了由于实验条件的波动引起的影响。方法检出限银为1.96μg/g,铜为6.00μg/g,铅为9.00μg/g,锌为3.00μg/g,精密度(RSD,n=10)为1.41%~7.50%。方法经国家标准物质分析验证,测定值与标准值相符,结果准确可靠。  相似文献   
在应用MAPGIS软件进行线条矢量化时存在着常规输入线的耗时及自动矢量化效果太差问题,交互式矢量化利用图形分层、人工干预线条走向、线条抽稀、线条光滑等手段,可有效克服矢量过程中出现的线条重叠和偏离现象,保证图件矢量化的效果。合理使用功能键进行退点、转换线向及图层屏蔽等技巧,可方便、快捷、美观的完成图形矢量化。  相似文献   
The injection of water (or CO2) at high pressure is a common practice to enhance oil production. A crucial component of this activity is the estimation of the maximum pressure at which the fluids can be injected without inducing the reactivation of pre-existing faults that may exist in the formation. The damage zones typically formed around the geological faults are highly heterogeneous. The materials involved in the damage zones are characterized by the huge variation of their properties and high uncertainties associated with them. To estimate the maximum allowable injection pressure this paper presents a novel approach based on: a coupled hydro-mechanical formulation (for the numerical analyses); a criterion based on the total plastic work (for the fault reactivation); and the evidence theory (for uncertainty quantification). A case study based on information gathered from an actual field is presented to illustrate the capabilities of the proposed framework.  相似文献   
Geography,Race, and Quantification   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article reviews how race, quantification, and raced quantification have been used and written about in geography. Its two primary arguments are that race should be more central in the discipline and that a reluctance to address ontological and epistemological issues has left quantitative geography methodologically impoverished. These two issues merge in an examination of two cases where race is employed as a variable in quantitative models. The critique of these cases is not meant as a condemnation of quantitative geography but as an instructive example on which to construct a critical quantitative geography. The article ends by stressing the importance of quantification in geography and by presenting exemplars of race-critical quantification.  相似文献   
由于翡翠评估本身具有现实性、市场性、预测性等特性,传统的评估方法过于依赖评估人员的经验,主观随意性大,难以保证评估结果的客观、科学、公正。针对翡翠价格与其质量因素之间的复杂、不确定关系的特性,我们提出利用特尔斐法来判定各权重之间关系,从而利用数学模型计算出各质量因素之间的权重,以减少由于评估人员主观因素造成评估结果的偏差,使评估人员运用此方法能够迅速、准确、公正的对翡翠估价前期的数据进行量化处理。  相似文献   
刘善伟 《测绘通报》2017,(10):151-154
针对“地形测量实习”课程考核存在的问题,构建了“过程化、定量化”的考核体系,以考核学生的实践动手能力为重点优化考核内容,形成了贯穿于实践教学全过程的、多样化的考核方法,制定了定量化的成绩评定标准,课程考核由终结性评价向形成性评价转变。该考核体系引导学生由被动学习转变为主动学习,能够切实加强学生实践能力培养,进而完善测绘学科在工程教育专业认证环境下的人才培养模式。  相似文献   
中国早寒武世岩相古地理   总被引:13,自引:22,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
本文中的中国主要指我国的大陆、海南岛及台湾等地区的陆地部分。本文由中国早寒武世早期及晚期的岩相古地理图2幅及相应的文字论述组成。这两幅岩相古地理图的最大特征是“两槽和三台相间分布”。两槽即天山北山蒙辽吉槽地和昆仑秦岭槽地,三台即准噶尔蒙兴槽地、塔里木柴达木华北台地和西藏华南台地。两个槽地与三个台地之间的界限是根据大地构造、地层、岩石、岩相等资料综合判断而定的,绝大部分是比较确切的,有的地方是推断的。天山北山槽地可分出次级岩相古地理单元,其他槽地的次级岩相古地理单元尚难以划分。在三个台地中,华南、华北和西北地区的研究程度较高,它们的次级岩相古地理单元的划分均有确切的定量资料和图件为依据,是定量的,而且还能把早寒武世早期和晚期的岩相古地理区分开;其他地区的研究程度较低,难以再划分次级古地理单元,其古地理图都只能是定性的。这种研究程度有差异的、定量和定性兼有的、全国范围的岩相古地理图,既反映笔者等的研究成果,也反映我国当前地质工作的研究程度,优缺兼有,实虚共存。敬请读者指教。  相似文献   
轮南低凸起气洗作用响应及定量评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自喜山期, 过量干气自东向西对轮南低凸起原始油藏的大规模侵入、冲刷, 诱发本区持续性气洗分馏作用的发生.在各组分气液溶解平衡的格架下, 气洗作用将导致残余油中正构烷烃的大量损失以及次生凝析气藏的形成.地球化学研究表明, 残余油与凝析油中轻烃组分(C6-C8) 的变化趋势具有典型的气洗分馏特征.同时, 基于气洗作用模型, 通过对各层系原油正构烷烃相对蒸发量(Q) 的计算, 定量描述了轮南地区气洗作用的强度.计算结果显示, 奥陶系的油气藏曾遭受强烈的气洗作用, 原油中正构烷烃的相对蒸发量由东向西表现出依次递减的特征.其中, 轮古东地区Q值高达97%;位于轮南低凸起中部的轮古2井以及轮古18井地区, 正构烷烃相对蒸发量较小(Q=20%~76%); 而在更加靠近西部的轮古17及轮古100井, 其原油中正构烷烃分布正常(Q=0), 并未发生气洗分馏作用.另一方面, 石炭系以及三叠系的油气藏均表现出未遭受气洗作用的特征, 证实了喜山期大量干气的优势运移通道被限制于海西早期运动所形成的奥陶系岩溶缝洞体系中的事实.因此, 奥陶系, 尤其是位于临近气源区的轮古东地区, 是轮南地区气藏的有利靶区.   相似文献   
Representing Spatial Uncertainty Using Distances and Kernels   总被引:1,自引:7,他引:1  
Assessing uncertainty of a spatial phenomenon requires the analysis of a large number of parameters which must be processed by a transfer function. To capture the possibly of a wide range of uncertainty in the transfer function response, a large set of geostatistical model realizations needs to be processed. Stochastic spatial simulation can rapidly provide multiple, equally probable realizations. However, since the transfer function is often computationally demanding, only a small number of models can be evaluated in practice, and are usually selected through a ranking procedure. Traditional ranking techniques for selection of probabilistic ranges of response (P10, P50 and P90) are highly dependent on the static property used. In this paper, we propose to parameterize the spatial uncertainty represented by a large set of geostatistical realizations through a distance function measuring “dissimilarity” between any two geostatistical realizations. The distance function allows a mapping of the space of uncertainty. The distance can be tailored to the particular problem. The multi-dimensional space of uncertainty can be modeled using kernel techniques, such as kernel principal component analysis (KPCA) or kernel clustering. These tools allow for the selection of a subset of representative realizations containing similar properties to the larger set. Without losing accuracy, decisions and strategies can then be performed applying a transfer function on the subset without the need to exhaustively evaluate each realization. This method is applied to a synthetic oil reservoir, where spatial uncertainty of channel facies is modeled through multiple realizations generated using a multi-point geostatistical algorithm and several training images.  相似文献   
首先将油气散失类型分为油气运移过程中的散失和油气成藏后的散失2大类,并分别进行了讨论.在详细分析研究资料的基础上,对油气散失的6种主要途径和机理进行了描述,建立了5种相关的油气散失地质模型和数学模型,介绍了准噶尔盆地油气散失的定量计算方法,其中对天然气扩散作用造成的散失量计算模型展开了深入的讨论.在此基础上,对准噶尔盆地油气散失的研究提出了相关建议.  相似文献   
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