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In 1903 the Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL started its first forest hydrology measurements with the aim to deliver a sound scientific basis for the implementation of new forest legislation introduced in Switzerland in 1876. This legislation was triggered by several large floods that occurred in Switzerland, for which a major cause was widely seen as the poor condition of forests at that time. Consequently, hydrologic research at WSL first focused on the influence of forests on floods. In the second half of the 20th century, other hydrological issues such as water quality, snow hydrology and sediment transport complemented the hydrologic research at WSL. Some recent results of this work are presented in three papers joining this introductory paper to mark the 100th anniversary of hydrologic research at WSL. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Based on analysis of the air pollution observational data at 8 observation sites in Beijing including outer suburbs during the period from September 2004 to March 2005, this paper reveals synchronal and in-phase characteristics in the spatial and temporal variation of air pollutants on a city-proper scale at deferent sites; describes seasonal differences of the pollutant emission influence between the heating and non-heating periods, also significantly local differences of the pollutant emission influence between the urban district and outer suburbs, i.e. the spatial and temporal distribution of air pollutant is closely related with that of the pollutant emission intensity. This study shows that due to complexity of the spatial and temporal distribution of pollution emission sources, the new generation Community Multi-scale Air Quality (CMAQ) model developed by the EPA of USA produced forecasts, as other models did, with a systematic error of significantly lower than observations, albeit the model has better capability than previous models had in predicting the spatial distribution and variation tendency of multi-sort pollutants. The reason might be that the CMAQ adopts average amount of pollutant emission inventory, so that the model is difficult to objectively and finely describe the distribution and variation of pollution emission sources intensity on different spatial and temporal scales in the areas, in which the pollution is to be forecast. In order to correct the systematic prediction error resulting from the average pollutant emission inventory in CMAQ, this study proposes a new way of combining dynamics and statistics and establishes a statistically correcting model CMAQ-MOS for forecasts of regional air quality by utilizing the relationship of CMAQ outputs with corresponding observations, and tests the forecast capability. The investigation of experiments presents that CMAQ-MOS reduces the systematic errors of CMAQ because of the uncertainty of pollution emission inventory and improves the forecast level of air quality. Also this work employed a way of combining point and area forecasting, i.e. taking the products of CMAQ for a center site to forecast air pollution for other sites in vicinity with the scheme of model products "reanalysis" and average over the "area".  相似文献   
张桂英 《测绘通报》2014,(10):89-91
通过对“辽宁省农村集体土地确权登记发证”项目0.2m分辨率航空遥感影像成果的检查验收,阐述了应用Leica ADS80系统生产航空遥感影像成果的检查内容、检查方法及质量控制的关键点,进而提出了航空遥感影像成果检查的技术核心。本文对于其它生产单位应用Leica ADS80系统生产的高分辨率航空遥感影像成果的检查验收提供了可以借鉴的经验。  相似文献   
根据长江路三期软土路基的工程地质条件及道路工程的施工特征,分析与探讨了适用于道路工程中深层搅拌桩质量的检测方法和桩身质量的综合评价方法,通过对此道路工程中深层搅拌桩质量的检测,总结出了适合道路工程的,轻便触探结合钻探取心的,快捷、方便、可靠、经济合理的较为理想的检测方法。  相似文献   
马中伟 《安徽地质》2012,(3):199-201
结合新发布的地质岩心钻探规程中的钻探工程质量要求,通过多年来的生产实践,就如何提高钻探质量指标问题进行探讨,并浅谈几点认识.  相似文献   
The control of polluted surface runoff and the assessment of possible impacts on groundwater is a concern at the local and regional scale. On this background, a study investigates possible impacts of organic and inorganic pollutants (including bacteria) originating from a permeable asphalt parking lot on the water quality immediately beneath it. The functioning of the permeable pavement, including clogging and restricted vertical percolation, was also evaluated. Four nested sample ports (shallow and deep) were installed below low- and high-traffic areas, including one port outside the parking lot. At least initially there was a good hydraulic connection between the parking surface and the shallow sample ports. The presence of a geotextile layer at the base of the parking lot structure, however, was identified in lab tests as one factor restricting vertical percolation to the deeper ports. Clogging of the permeable surface was most pronounced in heavy traffic areas and below snow pile storage areas. Corroborated by high electric conductivity and chloride measurements, sand brought in by cars during winter was the principal cause for clogging. No bacteria or BOD were found in percolating water. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) were present at concentrations near minimum detection limit. Nutrients (nitrate and phosphate) were being leached into the ground via the permeable parking lot surface at annual flux rates of 0.45–0.84 g/m2/year. A multi-species tracer test demonstrated a retention capacity of the permeable parking lot structure of >90% for metals and 27% for nutrients, respectively.  相似文献   
It is known that the increasing use of coal as an energy source led to the growing environmental and health problems. But comprehensive knowledge of coal quality parameters may help to reduce some of these problems. The Canakkale-Can coalfield is located in the western part of Turkey, whose reserves are estimated at 69.3 billion tons, mainly used in the industry in the neighboring areas, specifically for the Can Thermal Power Plant. The aim of this study is to determine the coal quality parameters and examine the origin and distributions of potentially toxic trace elements in lignite which may produce environmental and health hazards in the area. The coal samples were collected from different parts of the coalfield in Can. Proximate and ultimate analyses, sulfur form analyses, X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were performed on those samples to determine the geochemical profile of hazardous elements.  相似文献   
讲述了辽宁省1:10 000地形图更新与数据建库生产过程中引入了省级监理机制,对确保项目质量并按时完成起到了至关重要作用。本文介绍了引入监理机制的目的、作用,并说明了监理在本项目中的组织情况和承担的职责,对省级监理在项目中的12项具体监理内容进行了详细介绍,总结出监理是项目运行中的重要环节,作用非常突出,效果十分明显,测绘项目引进监理机制势在必行。  相似文献   
Analysis of reservoir water quality using fuzzy synthetic evaluation   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
A general methodology for fuzzy synthetic evaluation is developed and illustrated with a case study of trophic status assessment for Fei-Tsui Reservoir in Taiwan. The historical data base was collected from the management agency of Fei-Tsui Reservoir from 1987 to 1996. In fuzzy synthetic evaluation, the classification is determined by a matrix operation of the weighted vector with the fuzzy evaluation matrix. After all individual membership functions of evaluated factors have been determined, the fuzzy evaluation matrix can be established. The weighted vector is determined by the analytic hierarchy process method (AHP). The results of this investigation show that the long-term change of water quality and the overturn phenomena cannot be observed with the Carlson index from 1987 to 1992 but is expressed by fuzzy synthetic evaluation. Fuzzy synthetic evaluation is better suited than the Carlson index to rating the trophic status of self-sustaining lakes. Interpretation of the results can provide valuable information to decision makers and aid reservoir management.  相似文献   
测量学是一门技术性和实践性很强的专业基础课,实践教学是整个教学过程中的重要环节。近几年来,测绘工程系以土木工程等6个本科专业为试点,从更新实践教学内容和教学方法、加强实践教学基础条件建设、创新实践教学考核评价方法等方面进行了系统的研究和大胆的改革,建立与完善了一套完整的测量学实践教学体系,在培养学生的合作精神和动手能力方面收到了良好效果。  相似文献   
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