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This is an invited essay by the Dooge Medallist of the 2017 International Hydrological Prize. The paper reflects a broad perspective on hydrology, as a result of the author’s long experience. It is suggested that transgressing the traditional hydrological perspective, by increasing the scale of research, as well as interdisciplinarization have been, and are likely to remain, key drivers of the development of hydrology. Gaps in knowledge and research challenges are reviewed, and the interlinked areas of stationarity, extremes and projections for the future are discussed. Finally, after reviewing the achievements of Jim Dooge, examples of others following in his footsteps are presented.  相似文献   
城市化水平预测与减缓及适应气候变化研究息息相关。基于国家统计局2005—2015年全国各省区城镇和乡村人口,以各省区2015年人均地区生产总值为指标进行分组,结合IPCC 5种共享社会经济路径(SSPs)的发展特征设置模型参数,运用Logistic模型预测了我国各省区2016—2050年城市化水平。结果表明,到2050年,各省区(除天津、北京、上海、西藏外)在5种典型SSPs下城市化水平收敛于75%左右。其中,SSP1、SSP3、SSP4、SSP5路径下,各省城市化水平比较趋同。而在SSP2路径下,全国总体上从东部到西部城市化程度逐渐降低,空间分布具有明显梯次递减性。5种SSPs路径下城市化速度方面,基本上呈现出中西部快而东部慢、西南快而东北慢的空间分布格局。同时,高收入省份不同路径下的城市化水平差别小,而中低收入省份的差别较大。  相似文献   
Reducing hunger while staying within planetary boundaries of pollution, land use and fresh water use is one of the most urgent sustainable development goals. It is imperative to understand future food demand, the agricultural system, and the interactions with other natural and human systems. Studying such interactions in the long-term future is often done with Integrated Assessment Modelling. In this paper we develop a new food demand model to make projections several decades ahead, having 46 detailed food categories and population segmented by income and urban vs rural. The core of our model is a set of relationships between income and dietary patterns, with differences between regions and income inequalities within a region. Hereby we take a different, more long-term-oriented approach than elasticity-based macro-economic models (Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) and Partial Equilibrium (PE) models). The physical and detailed nature of our model allows for fine-grained scenario exploration. We first apply the model to the newly developed Shared Socio-economic Pathways (SSP) scenarios, and then to additional sustainable development scenarios of food waste reduction and dietary change. We conclude that total demand for crops and grass could increase roughly 35–165% between 2010 and 2100, that this future demand growth can be tempered more effectively by replacing animal products than by reducing food waste, and that income-based consumption inequality persists and is a contributing factor to our estimate that 270 million people could still be undernourished in 2050.  相似文献   
在全球变暖背景下,极端降水正日益频繁、剧烈并影响更广泛的区域。特别是在气候变化的敏感区域——青藏高原(以下简称高原),这些现象的发生频率和强度均有显著增加,对当地乃至下游地区的生态环境和生产生活造成了重大影响。因此,对高原极端降水进行深入研究具有深远的科学意义和社会价值。本文从极端降水定义与指数、高原夏季极端降水特征、影响高原夏季极端降水的因素、高原夏季极端降水的灾害风险与未来预估四个方面,对近几十年来高原夏季极端降水的相关研究成果进行了回顾。通过梳理和分析相关领域的研究成果,以期为研究者提供清晰的研究脉络和前沿动态,促进学术交流与合作,共同推动高原极端降水领域的科学研究持续深入,为全球气候变化及极端天气气候事件研究和应对提供更加坚实和有力的科学支撑。  相似文献   

Trends in regional mean sea levels can be substantially different from the global mean trend. Here, we first use tide-gauge data and satellite altimetry measurements to examine trends in mean relative sea level (MRSL) for the coasts of Canada over approximately the past 50–100 years. We then combine model output and satellite observations to provide sea level projections for the twenty-first century. The MRSL trend based on historical tide-gauge data shows large regional variations, from 3?mm?y?1 (higher than the global mean MRSL rise rate of 1.7?mm?y?1 for 1900–2009) along the southeast Atlantic coast, close to or below the global mean along the Pacific and Arctic coasts, to –9?mm?y?1 in Hudson Bay, as indicated by the vertical land motion. The combination of altimeter-measured sea level change with Global Positioning System (GPS) data approximately accounts for tide-gauge measurements at most stations for the 1993–2011 period. The projected MRSL change between 1980 and 1999 and between 2090 and 2099 under a medium-high climate change emission scenario (A2) ranges from ?50?cm in northeastern Canada to 75?cm in southeastern Canada. Along the coast of the Beaufort Sea, the MRSL rise is as high as 70?cm. The MRSL change along the Pacific coast varies from ?15 to 50?cm. The ocean steric and dynamical effects contribute to the rise in MRSL along Canadian coasts and are dominant on the southeast coast. Land-ice (glaciers and ice sheets) melt contributes 10–20?cm to the rise in MRSL, except in northeastern Canada. The effect of the vertical land uplift is large and centred near Hudson Bay, significantly reducing the rise in MRSL. The land-ice melt also causes a decrease in MRSL in northeastern Canada. The projected MRSL change under a high emission scenario (Representative Concentration Pathway 8.5) has a spatial pattern similar to that under A2, with a slightly greater rise in MRSL of 7?cm, on average, and some notable differences at specific sites.  相似文献   
Tissot’s indicatrix or ellipse of distortion is a diagram that is the projection of an infinitesimal circle on the original surface. It is normally an ellipse of which elongation depends on the amount of distortion caused by map projection. It provides a medium for analyzing existing projections and developing new ones. The ellipse can be scaled and depicted on the map for visualization purposes. This paper presents an alternative approach, in which the projection of a finite small circle on the sphere is used. Its projection is normally an ellipse that can be very close to Tissot’s indicatrix, and is called quasi indicatrix, here. Its parameters can be derived from the forward projection equations without using partial derivatives. Therefore, it is a useful and practical approach from a programmer’s point of view. The quasi indicatrix approach is also numerically tested on Aitoff–Hammer projection with a set of points. The indicatrix parameters obtained by using this approach deviate 0.5% from the ground truths at most, being the average less than 0.2%.  相似文献   
The A.M.Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics,Russian Academy of Sciences (IAP RAS) climate model (CM) of intermediate complexity is extended by a spatially explicit terrestrial carbon cycle module.Numerical experiments with the IAP RAS CM are performed forced by the reconstructions of anthropogenic and natural forcings for the 16th to the 20th centuries and by combined SRES (Special Report on Emission Scenarios) A2-LUH (Land Use Harmonization) anthropogenic scenarios for the 21st century.Hereby,the impact of uncertainty in land-use scenarios on results of simulations with a coupled climate-carbon cycle model is tested.The simulations of the model realistically reproduced historical changes in carbon cycle characteristics.In the IAP RAS CM,climate warming reproduced in the 20th and 21st centuries enhanced terrestrial net primary production but terrestrial carbon uptake was suppressed due to an overcompensating increase in soil respiration.Around year 2100,the simulations the model forced by different land use scenarios diverged markedly,by about 70 Pg (C) in terms of biomass and soil carbon stock but they differed only by about 10 ppmv in terms of atmospheric carbon dioxide content.  相似文献   
Development planners in arid areas face many difficulties in preparing appropriate strategies. Their task is made harder by the dearth of reliable demographic information. This paper presents population projections for the arid area of eastern Jordan covered by the Badia Research and Development Project and evaluates the economic and social implications of these projections over the next 20 years. The paper argues that conventional demographic forecasting methods are extremely problematic when applied to a population such as this. Furthermore, the pastoral economy, which has in the past been the main source of livelihood, cannot hope to sustain the region's future population. High fertility rates will continue to place great stress on the educational and health infrastructure. If appropriate planning responses are not achieved, the demographic regime of the Badia project area and the quality of life of the population may continue to diverge from the patterns found in other parts of Jordan.  相似文献   
21世纪西北太平洋台风变化预估   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
对近年多个气候模式考虑不同的人类排放情景作了总结,并对21世纪西北太平洋台风变化作了预估。研究表明,集成多个气候模式考虑人类排放情景,预估到21世纪后期,西北太平洋年总编号台风数可能减少,但强台风数及其降水和风速可能增强。需要强调的是,台风的长期预估是极其困难的,存在极大的不确定性,有待作更深入的研究。  相似文献   
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