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应用求解沿轨迹重力异常的垂线偏差法以及求解空间分辨率的交叉谱分析法,建立了高度计测距精度与沿轨迹重力异常反演精度以及空间分辨率的关联性模型。首先依据卫星测高原理,给出了沿轨迹重力异常的误差传播公式,然后以此为基础通过推导交叉谱分析中一致性系数与信噪比的数学表达式,建立了高度计测距精度与空间分辨率的解析关系。数值仿真结果表明:雷达高度计测距精度与沿轨迹重力异常反演精度成正比关系,与空间分辨率成幂函数关系,即高度计测距精度提高m倍,沿轨迹重力异常反演精度提高m倍,全球海域平均空间分辨率提高m0.464 4倍。将数值仿真结果与相关文献中对实际测高数据的处理结果进行比较,验证了理论分析及模型的正确性。 相似文献
GDAS数据和NOAH陆面模式在中国应用的精度检验 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
GDAS数据集中的大气强迫数据是目前使用最广的用于陆面模式模拟地表水热参数的输入数据集,除模型本身外,可以说这些输入数据决定了模型的模拟精度。虽然这类数据具有空间分辨率低、空间代表性和精度有限的缺点,但在没有更好办法的现实条件下,现阶段多数研究者还是以此为依据进行陆面过程的模拟分析。本文的目的就是对目前普遍使用的GDAS强迫数据和NOAH陆面模式在中国应用的模拟精度进行检验,是模型和数据不做任何改动条件下的检验结果,给出客观的评价,以作为数据和模型使用者的参考依据,引起研究者的重视。利用中国3种典型生态系统的地面实测数据进行检验的结果显示:@GDAS强迫数据中的短波净辐射数据和总净辐射数据质量非常好,可以作为重要的辐射数据源使用;(2)GDAS的降雨数据与地面雨量筒实测数据比较误差较大,但综合考虑降雨数据验证时的尺度效应问题和目前降雨空间数据资源十分有限,GDAS的降雨数据仍具有很高的实用价值;(3)NOAH模拟的地表潜热、显热通量和0-10cm表层土壤含水量数据在时间变化趋势上与地面观测结果较一致,说明模拟结果能够很好地反映地表真实的变化过程,但在具体量值上仍存在较大差异;(4)NOAH模拟对土壤热通量的模拟精度较差。 相似文献
收集江苏高分辨率InSAR地面沉降监测结果及兴化、淮安同期水准测量资料和基岩标同期监测资料,利用79个水准点测量数据、7个基岩标(分别选取不同时段)测量数据共98个数据样本,将InSAR技术与水准测量及基岩标测量技术的监测结果进行对比发现,监测结果一致性率为86.73%,平均差值为2.08 mm,标准差为2.50 mm,最大差值为18.64 mm,表明InSAR可进行半定量形变监测,但在高层建筑、排水管线、大坝、桥梁等需高精度形变监测的工程方面仍不能替代水准测量。 相似文献
The observation on the outcrop in the field is one of the most direct and efficient methods to obtain the underground formation information, which provides the most direct first-hand geological data for geological science research. However, the traditional outcrop investigation, especially for the outcrop with a large slope and unreachable area, mainly relies on the inspection, measurement of the slope bottom, and photos to record outcrop information, making it difficult to accurately characterize the whole geological body. Consumer unmanned aerial vehicle (UAVs) with the advantages of good mobility, strong adaptability and low cost, can obtain outcrop images from a short distance, multiple perspectives and varying heights. In this paper, the image acquisition method and model construction accuracy without control points available for the geological outcrop with a large slope are discussed. Consumer UAVs is used to capture images through vertical route and then the geological model is set up. The results show that oblique photogrammetry technology combined with consumer UAVs can effectively build a large slope geological outcrop model with millimeter resolution. The model has the characteristics of high resolution, uniform resolution and high measurement accuracy up to millimeter, which can effectively reduce the difficulty of field investigation and the personnel safety risk, thus it accurately reproduces the outcrop situation with large slope in the field, providing a real and reliable data basis for the section interpretation, analysis and measurement of large slope outcrop. 相似文献
台湾海峡海表面温度的遥感反演及精度检验 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
海表面温度(SST)是海洋-大气系统中一个十分关键的物理量。SST为海洋学课题的研究提供了一种直观的指示量[1],在海洋捕捞中SST是寻找中心渔场的指标之一,可为渔业部门提供鱼类的回游路线和渔场的位置信息[2]。SST制约着海面和大气的热量、动量和水汽交换,是研究大气环流和气候变化[3]甚至台风移动路径[4]等气象学课题的一个重要因子。因此,SST在海洋学和气象学研究中占有非常重要的地位,此外SST对海洋运输、海洋污染、海上油气资源开发、海滨核电站建设等方面的影响近年来也倍受关注。 相似文献
VRS RTK在地籍测量中的应用与研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为了解决地籍测量外业要求时间短、精度较高等技术问题,在理论研究的基础上,在某市城区采用了VRS RTK技术建立测量控制网.通过成果分析得知.由于基于载波相位的GPS相对定位具有较高精度,只要控制网变形可以忽略或者进行建模,则不需要进行相邻控制点的联测,因此布设VRS RTK是非常适合的,减少了传统控制网埋石造标工作量.在RTK多测站解算中,建立了由电离层、对流层和卫星轨道引起的GPS观测误差在空间和时间的相关模型,得出在人口密集或重要经济地区布设局域GPS网的设计与测量模式. 相似文献
对流层延迟是全球导航卫星系统(GNSS)计算的主要误差之一,其模型精度对测站坐标解算有较大影响,在高程方向尤为明显。因此,有必要对不同的对流层延迟改正模型的适用性进行评估。采用SHA解算了中国陆态网GNSS跟踪站的对流层天顶延迟数据,对常用的对流层改正模型EGNOS/UNB3m/GPT/GPT2的天顶延迟量在中国不同区域、不同季节的适用性进行了分析。结果显示,4种模型的RMS均为4~5 cm,各模型RMS之差小于1 cm,其中GPT2模型的RMS最小;4种模型的平均偏差(BIAS)为1 cm左右,GPT2模型的BIAS最大,为1.5 cm;时间上,各个模型在夏季精度普遍较低,这是因为夏季水汽丰富,对流层湿延迟变化较大;空间上,各模型在东南沿海精度较低,因为东南沿海气候湿润,湿延迟变化较大;各模型精度对测站高程不敏感,精度在比较高的测站并无明显降低。通过对不同模型在中国区域的精度分析,验证该改正模型可以为中国区域用户的对流层模型的选择提供一定的参考。 相似文献
传统的缓存置换策略未充分考虑数据访问的空间特征,也不适用于基于矢量瓦片的替换。该文根据矢量瓦片的空间数据结构,提出一种适用于矢量瓦片缓存替换的视点相关预测区域算法:首先根据瓦片存储中多分辨率金字塔结构进行空间单元划分,并根据用户操作类型求解矢量瓦片及空间单元热度,从而构建用户视点位置相关的预测区域;然后综合考虑瓦片层级、空间单元热度及距离等因素进行预测区域分析,获得瓦片缓存价值并进行瓦片置换。通过与传统的FIFO、LRU和LFU缓存策略相比较,该算法的瓦片命中率比FIFO和LRU分别提高了近50%和20%,瓦片的请求耗时分别缩短了50%和30%左右,相比LFU也有明显优势。该研究为WebGIS提供了一种更具潜力的瓦片缓存方法。 相似文献
Improvement of the semi-Lagrangian advection scheme in the GRAPES model: Theoretical analysis and idealized tests 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
ABSTRACT The Global/Regional Assimilation and PrEdiction System (GRAPES) is the newgeneration numerical weather predic- tion (NWP) system developed by the China Meteorological Administration. It is a fully compressible non-hydrostatical global/regional unified model that uses a traditional semi-Lagrangian advection scheme with cubic Lagrangian interpola tion (referred to as the SL_CL scheme). The SL_CL scheme has been used in many operational NWP models, but there are still some deficiencies, such as the damping effects due to the interpolation and the relatively low accuracy. Based on Reich's semi-Lagrangian advection scheme (referred to as the R2007 scheme), the Re_R2007 scheme that uses the low- and high-order B-spline function for interpolation at the departure point, is developed in this paper. One- and two-dimensional idealized tests in the rectangular coordinate system with uniform grid cells were conducted to compare the Re..R2007 scheme and the SL_CL scheme. The numerical results showed that: (1) the damping effects were remarkably reduced with the Re_R2007 scheme; and (2) the normalized errors of the Re_R2007 scheme were about 7.5 and 3 times smaller than those of the SL_CL scheme in one- and two-dimensional tests, respectively, indicating the higher accuracy of the Re..R2007 scheme. Furthermore, two solid-body rotation tests were conducted in the latitude-longitude spherical coordinate system with non uniform grid cells, which also verified the Re_R2007 scheme's advantages. Finally, in comparison with other global advection schemes, the Re_R2007 scheme was competitive in terms of accuracy and flow independence. An encouraging possibility for the application of the Re_R2007 scheme to the GRAPES model is provided. 相似文献