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In this response to Nigel Thrift’s ‘The future of geography’, I highlight the performative qualities of academic response. As a counter to Thrift’s optimism, I argue that such debate is inevitably parochial and imperialist. I question the validity of such ‘discipline games’ in a post-disciplinary world, emphasise the importance of a performative reading of academic futures and highlight that geographical journal space remains worryingly within-discipline, rather than post-disciplinary. More generally, I suggest that there are clear material risks to continuing to play discipline games in a post-disciplinary world.  相似文献   
为进一步深化教学改革,加强实践教学,改善学生的知识结构,山东科技大学《古生物地史学》课程教研组充分利用山旺的地质资源优势,在山东山旺国家地质公园建立教学实习基地,实习基地的建设可以使学生将古生物、地层、古地理、构造等知识融会贯通,锻炼了学生分析问题、解决问题的实践能力,从而也提高了教师的教学科研水平。  相似文献   
The year was particularly eventful in terms of the recognition of improved technologies impinging on the duties of the Engineering Geologist. National economies were strained to the limit under the pressure of the new world terrorist attacks and burgeoning populations. much of which stemmed from escapes from oppressive national regimes to the free world. The impacts of terrorism range from increased danger and costs of field work, to special design considerations and postponed and delayed project work.On the positive side, continued progress has been made in the means of recognition and professional development of our practitioners and in the general call for their work. Competent engineering geologists are in consistent demand, but the working conditions are not improved. A general deterioration of university funding, aggravated by bureaucratic excesses among administrators, have tended to make life miserable for dedicated faculty and a general move is afoot to cut back on the number of funded geology departments in North America and Europe. This situation has also been worsened by the general withdrawal of the mineral industries and by retraction of the petroleum companies from all but their most favored campuses.  相似文献   
为满足中国企业的国际化人才需求,推动中国工程教育学位国际认可,国内高校陆续开展工程教育专业认证工作。良好的英语沟通能力是国际化工程专业人才必备的素质,通过专业英语学习掌握必要的专业词汇、文献阅读和编写工程报告的能力,是达成专业认证毕业要求的重要途径。文中在分析现有测绘工程专业英语教学现状的基础上,探讨专业认证背景下的测绘工程专业英语课程的教学实践改革方法,并提出一系列具体改革措施。  相似文献   
土地储备制度起源于欧洲,发展于欧美地区。我国自20世纪90年代末,在借鉴国外发展经验的基础上,相继成立了土地储备机构,建立了土地储备制度。经过二十多年的发展,土地储备有效解决了土地无偿使用制度下产生的诸多历史遗留问题,为培育和规范土地市场、有效配置土地资源、优化城市空间布局、促进城市经济以及社会发展发挥了重要作用。十九大后,中国特色社会主义步入新时代。土地储备工作要深入贯彻新发展理念,积极应对新情况新问题新挑战,强化政府主导和公益性定位,适应土地市场发展改革需求,寻找新的转型发展之路。  相似文献   
吴正  王为 《地理研究》2007,26(6):1069-1076
本文为缅怀我国著名地理学家、地貌学家和教育家曾昭璇先生的纪念论文,阐述了他的学术思想及其贡献。曾昭璇教授学识渊博,在自然地理、地貌、历史地理、人类地理、方志学以及民族学和民俗学等诸多学科领域,都卓有建树。他先后开创"岩石地貌学"、"历史地貌学","人类地理学"三个新领域,填补了学科的空白。曾昭璇先生始终坚持"实践第一"的思想,提倡"地理科学乃经世致用之学",主张科研与生产相结合,科研为国家经济建设服务。曾昭璇先生除科研外,一生以教书为业,致力于地理人材的培养。他非常重视教材的建设,认为教材决定着学生的知识水平和科学素质。提出高等师范的地貌学教材要在"浅、广、新"三方面下功夫。这不仅是编写地貌学教材的要求,更是一种独特的高校地貌教学理念。  相似文献   
Given the implications of global climate change, including higher likelihood of extreme weather events, and the increasing urban density coupled with reduction in permeable surfaces in the Global South, Sustainable Urban Water Management (SUWM) has emerged as a preferred paradigm for stormwater management. However, the implementation of SUWM, which is premised on using vegetation or engineered capture technologies to control runoff at its source in an effort to replicate natural hydrology, is limited by a lack of institutional integration, not merely between administrative organs with responsibility for stormwater management but also between infrastructure departments, planning institutions, communities, and civil society organizations. This is particularly true in informal settlements in the humid tropics, where excessive impermeable surfaces and a lack of adequate solid waste collection exacerbate municipal limitations in stormwater management. This article discusses an effort to integrate local communities, civil society organizations, and local and regional authorities to improve drainage services within the framework of integrated development in the informal settlement of Los Platanitos, Santo Domingo Norte, Dominican Republic. In order to address the drainage and flooding issues in Los Platanitos while also fostering economic development, representatives of community groups, NGOs, local government, and state agencies have developed a participatory planning structure known as a mesa de concertación, or “cooperating table.” The mesa, which was established in 2014, has succeeded in bringing neighborhood, civil society, and government actors to the same “table” as a mechanism for addressing the community’s drainage challenges within the broader context of integrated community development.  相似文献   
位于贵州省松桃县乌罗镇高地村的高地锰矿床,是贵州省地质矿产勘查开发局103地质大队应用南华纪锰矿裂谷盆地古天然气渗漏成矿理论和方法,在贵州铜仁松桃国家锰矿整装勘查区找矿实践检验中,继近年新发现普觉、道坨、桃子坪等三个隐伏超大型锰矿床之后,又新发现的隐伏超大型锰矿床。该矿床属于典型的古天然气渗漏沉积型锰矿床,地处李家湾-高地-道坨南华纪地堑盆地中心区域,位于古天然气渗漏喷溢成矿系统的中心相区,以致该矿床的矿体平均厚度、锰矿平均品位是目前该地区该类型所有锰矿床之最。地表发育成矿后期(燕山期)以冷水溪断层(F_3)为代表的犁式正断层,目前控制的隐伏菱锰矿体均分布在其下盘,由于地表相关系列断层均未穿过F_3断层,故深部隐伏锰矿体保存完好,尚未圈边,深部仍有较大找矿潜力。  相似文献   
浙江江山岩石地层单位的厘定及应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
深部热能聚敛及富集过程研究是地热资源探测评价的重要基础。地热壳构热控理论是以地球动力学理论为基础,以构造控热作用研究为主线,通过大地构造学、构造地质学、地热地质学等学科理论和方法,研究深部热能聚敛过程及热异常分布规律,分析各种构造要素间的相互作用及控热机制,探讨地热资源靶区预测方法,从而指导地热勘查的科学。本文系统论述了地热壳构热控理论的内涵与外延,提出了我国不同类型地热资源“同源共生-壳幔生热-构造聚热”的客观自然规律,分析了我国陆区壳幔尺度热流配分格局与不同地质背景条件下影响浅地表温度场的主要控热构造,并以渤海湾盆地、青藏高原、东南沿海等我国主要地热系统为研究对象,以壳构热控理论为指导,以勘查区找热为出发点,以控热作用内生因素(壳幔生热)和外生因素(构造聚热)为切入点,通过研究影响壳幔生热、壳内传热、勘查靶区聚热这一地球物理过程,确定了不同构造背景下地热系统的主要控热构造。从传统的经验式找热到建立构造控热预测标志,再到水热型地热资源-干热型地热资源共生富集认知,理论认识的创新发展,将引领和支撑我国地热资源不断实现高效勘探和开发利用。  相似文献   
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