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幂次法则是一个普遍存在于自然科学与社会科学界的现象,在都市体系中亦可观察到此一现象。过去的文献仅仅对于幂次法则现象进行了观察和解释,并未能完整地解释其形成的机制。本研究尝试由复杂理论中“递增报酬”的观念来探讨幂次现象的成因,采用计算机程序来仿真都市聚落体系形成的过程,并观察递增报酬与幂次现象之关系。该仿真包含了3 种不同的区位发展吸引模式,分别为相邻关系、规模吸引以及同时考虑规模与相邻的混合模式。计算机仿真显示:① 规模吸引与混合两种模式比相邻吸引模式能够更好地解释都市聚落的成长;② 依照递增报酬法则而仿真形成的都市聚落,与幂次现象呈高度相关。随后的数理仿真演算显示,幂次法则为一统计上的普遍现象,但在递增报酬等经济因素驱动下的都市聚落体系结构与真实的状况较为吻合。因此我们推测,递增报酬极可能是形成真实世界幂次现象的机制之一。  相似文献   
基于GIS与CA的城市扩展研究——以洛阳市为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
元胞自动机(Cellular Automata,CA)是一种"自下而上"的动态模拟建模框架,具有模拟复杂系统时空演化过程的能力。CA模型的这些特点使得它在城市增长、扩展和土地利用演化模拟等方面较为合适,成为CA应用的热点。探讨利用GIS技术开发CA模型将会改善CA模拟城市扩展的环境,建立典型的城市CA模型也会发现新的参数和转换规则。基于CA原理,结合GIS与RS技术,在ArcGIS平台中进行二次开发,构建了GIS-CA模型系统。以洛阳市为研究区域,对其城市扩展进行了模拟和预测,结果表明,将人为的规划因素加入到CA模型中,打破了CA模型只能模拟城市受自然因素影响而进行的扩展。模拟结果比较真实可信,也为下一步城市规划提供决策支持。  相似文献   
蒙吉军  张彦儒  周平 《中国沙漠》2010,30(4):850-856
农牧交错带在我国区域生态安全建设中具有重要的生态地位。选择鄂尔多斯市作为研究区域,基于1988年和2000年自然和社会经济数据,通过对景观动态变化及生态脆弱性驱动因素的分析,确定脆弱性评价的指标体系,建立脆弱性评价模型,在GIS和SPSS软件支持下,运用空间主成分分析进行生态脆弱性评价。结果显示,鄂尔多斯大部分地区处于高度脆弱区和中度脆弱区,抵御外界干扰能力较差。生态脆弱性指数的空间分布有从东北、西部向中部逐渐增加的态势,生态脆弱性指数高的地区主要分布在人类活动比较频繁的城市区域、生态本底较为脆弱的库布齐沙漠和毛乌素沙地的西部地区。2000年与1988年相比,高度脆弱区分布范围有明显扩大、且连片趋势。其中,东胜区生态质量有所好转,准格尔旗没有较大变化,其他各旗都呈现恶化趋势,尤其以伊金霍洛旗为最。  相似文献   
根据法国特细青刀豆生长发育特性及其气象条件的要求,在不同的生育期,结合贵州特殊的山地立体气候,利用气候相似性原理,运用贵州省1:25万地形数据和84个台站30a的气候资料,以GIS为技术手段,划分出适宜区、次适宜区、不适宜区3种不同等级、不同时段的分布范围,得出每年4—6月贵州的适宜种植面积较为广泛,西部局地可以延续到8—10月;有7个月的采收加工期(4月中下旬-11月中下旬);3—10月,适宜区的分布由南部边缘的河谷地带向西部高海拔地区逐渐推移等结论,为法国特细青刀豆在贵州的种植提供科学依据。  相似文献   
尺度政治理论框架   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
王丰龙  刘云刚 《地理科学进展》2017,36(12):1500-1509
目前国内外对尺度及尺度政治的讨论十分热烈。本文在整合已有研究的基础上,基于主体与结构视角提出了一个三阶段的尺度政治理论框架,指出政治过程和权力结构的尺度化是尺度政治的前提,尺度重构是尺度政治的核心机制,权力关系重构是尺度政治的目的和结果。具体而言,尺度化涉及物质空间、组织空间和表达空间的大小、层级、范围等结构关系;尺度重构包含由尺度上推、下推、重组,以及上述不同尺度形式构成的3×3矩阵;不同政治主体会采用特定尺度重构策略改变权力关系,并造成一系列尺度关系和合法性的悖论。基于以上认识,本文进一步讨论了中西方关于尺度和尺度政治的认知差异和未来值得深入研究的课题。  相似文献   
Books reviewed in this article: Boundary Control and Legal Priniciples . Curtis M. Brown , Walter G. Robillard and Donald A. Wilson . Lost Initiatives: Canada's Forest Industries, Forest Policy, and Forest Conservation . R. Peter Gillis and Thomas R. Roach . The Navajo Atlas: Resources, People, and History of the Dine Bikeyah . James M. Goodman . The City and the Sign . M. Gottdiener AND Alexandros Ph . Lagopoulos , EDS. The Comfortable House: North American Suburban Architecture 1890–1930 . Alan Gowans . Arabic-Islamic Cities. Building and Planning Principles . Besim Salim Hakim . Contemporary Climatology . Ann Henderson -Sellers and Peter J. Robinson . A Trace of Desert Waters . Samuel G. Houghton . Geography, Resources and Environment. Vol. 1: Selected Writings of Gilbert F. White. Vol. 2: Themes from the Work of Gilbert F. White . Robert W. Kates AND Ian Burton , ED. Spatial Dimensions of Unemployment and Underemployment (A Case Study of Rural Punjab) . Gopal Krishan . Maps of the Holy Land: Cartobibliography of Printed Maps, 1475–1900 . Compiled by Eran Laor , assisted by Shoshana Klein . The Geography of Third World Cities . Stella Lowder . A Perspective on U.S. Farm Problems and Agricultural Policy . Lance Mc Kinzie , Timothy G. Baker AND Wallace E. Tyner . Soil Erosion and Its Control. R.P.C . Morgan , ED Geopolitics . Patrick O'Sullivan . Landscape, Meanings and Values . Edmund C. Penning -Rowsell AND David Lowenthal , EDS.  相似文献   
Geographic information systems (GIS) are fundamental information technologies. The capabilities and applications of GIS continue to rapidly expand, requiring practitioners to have new skills and competencies, especially in computer science. There is little research, however, about how best to prepare the next generation of GIScientists with adequate computer science skills. This article explores how U.S. geography departments are introducing and developing computer science and programming skills in their geography and GIS degree programs. We review the degree requirements in fifty-five geography departments and discover that forty-four of them offer some kind of GIS programming course. Of the 210 separate degree options identified, however, only 22 require one of these courses for a degree. There is little consistency or emphasis on computer science and programming skills in geography or GIS degrees, despite the immense importance of these components in geography and GIS careers. We propose future research along distinct investigative tracks to build a research-based understanding of the educational interactions among GIS, computer science, programming, and geography.  相似文献   
An agent-integrated irregular automata model of urban land-use dynamics   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Urban growth models are useful tools to understand the patterns and processes of urbanization. In recent years, the bottom-up approach of geo-computation, such as cellular automata and agent-based modeling, is commonly used to simulate urban land-use dynamics. This study has developed an integrated model of urban growth called agent-integrated irregular automata (AIIA) by using vector geographic information system environment (i.e. both the data model and operations). The model was tested for the city of San Marcos, Texas to simulate two scenarios of urban growth. Specifically, the study aimed to answer whether incorporating commercial, industrial and institutional agents in the model and using social theories (e.g. utility functions) improves the conventional urban growth modeling. By validating against empirical land-use data, the results suggest that a holistic framework such as AIIA performs better than the existing irregular-automata-based urban growth modeling.  相似文献   
邹君  郑文武  杨玉蓉 《地理科学》2014,34(8):1010-1017
采用GIS/RS的方法,以衡阳盆地为研究对象,构建由年降水量,少雨期干旱指数,坡度指数,土壤蓄水能力指数,植被覆盖指数,土地利用指数,水源可获得性指数和人类活动指数8个具体指标组成的基于GIS/RS方法的水资源脆弱性评价指标体系,对衡阳盆地农村水资源脆弱性进行定量评价。结果表明,衡阳盆地农村水资源系统脆弱度的空间分布总体表现为“南北低、中间高”的分布态势,北部的衡阳县、西部的祁东县和中部的衡南县是全区水资源脆弱性最高区域,而南部的常宁、耒阳和东北的衡东县是全区水资源脆弱性低值区。基于GIS/RS的水资源脆弱性评价方法与传统研究方法所得结果具有较好的相似性,但是,相对于传统的评价方法,GIS方法的评价结果更为细致和精确。  相似文献   
Geospatial data and tools are key in locating lost or missing persons in as short a time as possible. In this study, we used a geographic information system (GIS) to analyze four years of search and rescue (SAR) mission data from Colorado to determine the appropriate use of GIS for volunteer-based SAR organizations with limited resources and GIS expertise. GIS can provide more sophisticated analyses of geospatial data than simple mapping technologies, but our findings indicated that complex spatial analysis might not be required on all missions, because the majority of missions were completed within six to ten hours. Instead, new technologies such as tablets with mapping software and online GIS systems that provide quick and easy access to up-to-date geospatial data such as imagery offer capabilities that could improve mission planning. Here we provide a framework in which SAR missions can apply geospatial technologies to aid with missions, identify critical “hotspots,” and enhance postanalysis and training. The work here is highly applicable for nonprofit SAR groups when deciding on what GIS technologies to consider for their areas.  相似文献   
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