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由TIN生成规则格网DEM是基于TIN的离散点数据栅格化的重要一步,在基于一种数学原理的基础上运用逆向思维提出了TIN向规则格网DEM转换的新算法,不用传统的分块和建立索引,而是通过逐个遍历三角形来判断格网节点位于哪一个三角形中并实现格网节点的插值。通过编程实现、测试该算法,证明它具有非常高的插值效率。  相似文献   
对安庆沿江滩地杨树林地、江滩草地、芦苇丛等5个植被类型区的钉螺分布状况进行了调查,研究了不同植被类型区钉螺的形态指标和阳性率。结果表明:①成熟杨树林地、中龄杨树林地均无钉螺分布;杨树幼林地、江滩草地、芦苇丛螺口密度分别为4只/0.11m2、5只/0.11m2、7只/0.11m2。②杨树幼林地、江滩草地、芦苇丛所获钉螺样本的阴阳性检测,没有被血吸虫感染,均为阴性。③江滩营造抑螺防病林是改变钉螺孳生环境及人工控制钉螺种群密度的最有效途径之一。  相似文献   
罗布泊红柳沙包落叶阳离子含量及环境指示意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
 红柳沙包沉积纹层是恢复古环境序列的一种新方法。通过对罗布泊地区红柳沙包沉积纹层中红柳落叶阳离子含量以及与环境变化关系研究表明:K+、Na+、Ca2+、Mg2+等4种阳离子平均含量分别为3.70 mg/g、40.33 mg/g、13.67 mg/g和8.08 mg/g,变化幅度排序为Ca2+ > K+ > Mg2+ > Na+。4种阳离子含量年际变化都较为明显,且变化规律较为一致,4种阳离子含量变化间的相关系数为0.653 0 ~ 0.813 8,表现为良好的正相关关系;各种阳离子与4种阳离子总量变化的相关系数为0.814 4 ~ 0.959 9,其中Na+含量与4种阳离子总量变化的相关系数最高,表明可以用Na+含量的变化或阳离子总量的变化分析变化趋势。阳离子含量与气温变化呈良好的正相关、与年降水量和湖水面积变化呈负相关;地下水水位降低、水质变差时,土壤水质也变差,阳离子含量增加;反之,地下水水位升高、水质变好时,土壤水质变好,阳离子含量降低。红柳落叶有机质阳离子含量的变化进一步验证了利用红柳沙包沉积纹层计年的可靠性和对罗布泊环境变化的可行性。  相似文献   
This paper investigates possible warming effects of an E1 Nifio event on the sea surface temperature anomaly (SSTA) in the northwestern Indian Ocean. Most pure positive Indian Ocean dipole (IOD) events (without an E1 Nifio event co-occurring) have a maximum positive SSTA mainly in the central Indian Ocean south of the equator, while most co-occurrences with an E1 Nifio event exhibit a northwest-southeast typical dipole mode. It is therefore inferred that warming in the northwestern Indian Ocean is closely related to the E1 Nifio event. Based on the atmospheric bridge theory, warming in the northwestern Indian Ocean during co-occurring cases may be primarily caused by relatively less latent heat loss from the ocean due to reduced wind speed. The deepened thermocline also contributes to the warming along the east coast of Africa through the suppressed upwelling of the cold water. Therefore, the E1 Nifio event is suggested to have a modulating effect on the structure of the dipole mode in the tropical Indian Ocean.  相似文献   
广西上泥盆统F-F界线碳同位素的变化特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
许冰  顾兆炎  胡滨  李镇梁 《沉积学报》2004,22(4):603-608
发生在晚泥盆世弗拉期(Frasnian)-法门期(Famennian)之交的生物灭绝事件(简称F-F事件)是古生代以来五大生物集群灭绝事件之一,其原因仍含糊不清。碳同位素研究显示,伴随F-F事件全球碳循环发生了显著的变化。但对中国南方F-F事件地层碳同位素变化特征的认识不够,缺乏系统的研究。对广西桂林杨堤上泥盆统灰岩剖面的碳同位素的分析结果表明,在上泥盆统存在两次碳同位素正偏移,分别出现在下rhenana带和F-F的界线,其中,出现在F-F界线的碳同位素正偏移与广西垌村以及欧美和非洲等地的上泥盆统F-F界线附近的碳同位素记录一致,且具有相近的变化幅度。进一步对广西桂林附近的杨堤和垌村剖面F-F界线的碳同位素组成变化模式的分析发现,这次正偏移可能是由多次次级变化组成,与F-F事件中生物的灭绝步骤相似。  相似文献   
施瑞  徐震  刘德仁  蒋代军  王旭  胡渊  温智 《冰川冻土》2019,41(4):865-874
我国有多条油气管道位于多年冻土地区,工程问题层出不穷。因输送介质处于正温状态,其所释放热量对管道周围冻土冻融过程有极大影响。为阐明正温管道对多年冻土温度场及冻融特征的影响,基于西部某多年冻土区正温输气管道现场实验,对管道地基温度场进行了为期1年的现场实测。数据分析表明,多年冻土天然上限为1.5~2.0 m;土体融化期及冻结期分别为6-10月、11-次年5月;监测段多年冻土热量收支基本平衡,属于不稳定冻土,在外界热扰动下极易退化;正温输气管道的存在引起了多年冻土的退化且对其温度场有很大影响,水平方向影响范围约1.5 m,管下最大融深可达7.0 m。同时指出了针对处于临界状态的多年冻土,在基于对其全面、深入了解的基础上,越早考虑相关工程建设带来的热扰动对多年冻土的不利影响,则处置难度越低且损失越小。  相似文献   
Markov models based on various data screening hypotheses are often used because they reduce the statistical inference burden. In the case of co-located cokriging, the commonly used Markov model results in the cross-covariance being proportional to the primary covariance. Such model is inappropriate in the presence of a smoothly varying secondary variable defined on a much larger volume support than the primary variable. For such cases, an alternative Markov screening hypothesis is proposed that results in a more continuous cross-covariance proportional to the secondary covariance model. A parallel development of both Markov models is presented. A companion paper provides a comparative application to a real data set.  相似文献   
初始场估计共轭同化方法的精确化   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
通过例子,说明对偏微分方程模型使用共轭同化方法时,同周期性条件的重要性,提出尽可能精确地使用共轭同化方法于偏微分方程模型的办法及对有些方程不含e↓u/e↓项时,其相应差分方程模型精确共轭同化方法。  相似文献   
The coarse grain braided river delta in Jurassic Sangonghe Formation of Junggar Basin formed the main Mesozoic reservoir system. At present,there are obvious different opinions on the sedimentary cycle characteristics of Jurassic Sangonghe Formation,and there is a lack of research on the driving mechanisms of sedimentary cyclicity,which leads to a great dispute on the stacked style of sand-bodies. Using 38 wells coring and logging data in the belly of Junggar Basin,based on principles and methods of sedimentology and sedimentary basin analysis,the characteristics of sedimentary cycle in Sangonghe Formation are systematically analyzed. The stacked style and combination rule of sand-bodies are studied in detail within sedimentary cyclic framework. The characteristics of basement subsidence and multi-stage uplifting during the Early Jurassic of Junggar Basin are discussed,so as to clear the driving mechanisms of positive sedimentary cycle. The Sangonghe Formation in the study area is divided into four system tract level positive cycles with no reverse cycle deposition,which reflects the sedimentary characteristics of slow lacustrine transgress and fast lacustrine retrogress. The sand-bodies in the braided river delta front of the Sangonghe Formation show five stacking patterns: Strong erosion of superimposed sand-body by subaqueous distributary channel,weak erosion of superimposed sand-body by subaqueous distributary channel,superimposed river-mouth bar on subaqueous distributary channel,distal bar-blanket sand assemblage,beach bar sand-body. The first cycle is the intermittent distribution of beach bar sand-bodies. The second cycle includes continuous distribution of strong erosion of superimposed sand-body by subaqueous distributary channel,weak erosion of superimposed sand-body by subaqueous distributary channel,and superimposed river-mouth bar on subaqueous distributary channel. The third cycle is composed of relatively continuous distribution of weak erosion of superimposed sand-body by subaqueous distributary channel and distal bar-blanket sand assemblage. The fourth cycle is scattered distribution of beach bar sand-body. It is possible because of the slow subsidence and intermittent rapid uplift of the basement of Junggar Basin that regressive superposition and the scour interface between each sedimentary cycle are formed.  相似文献   
朱德明  李洁 《湖泊科学》2004,16(Z1):182-187
根据江苏省太湖流域水环境与社会经济特征,建立主要污染物排污权交易优化目标模型;以重点工业污染企业为样本,对排污权交易初始方案实施的预期效果进行定量分析,提出开展排污权交易制度的政策建议.  相似文献   
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