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为探究黄河流域大气污染的时空演变特征,本文从城市群角度出发,选取HCHO、NO2及SO2为诊断指标,对比分析2005—2019年七大城市群OMI观测对流层HCHO、NO2及边界层SO2柱浓度的年、季、月变化。研究揭示,流域内:①HCHO、NO2及SO2柱浓度高值区均集中在山东半岛城市群、中原城市群、晋中城市群南部和关中平原城市群东部。②HCHO柱浓度在2005—2019年呈波动上升趋势,七大城市群的月变化均呈单峰结构,且夏季高、冬季低、春季和秋季相当。③NO2柱浓度在2005—2011年呈上升趋势,仅2008年出现短暂小幅下降。2011年执行《火电厂大气污染物排放标准》(GB 13223—2011)后,呼包鄂榆、宁夏沿黄和晋中城市群开始大幅下降,山东半岛(2012年有小幅下降)、中原和关中平原城市群则在2013年《大气污染防治行动计划》实施后才开始大幅下降。月变化呈开口向上抛物线形态,浓度越高单峰结构越明显,且冬季高、夏季低、春季和秋季相当。④SO2柱浓度在2007年达到顶峰,2008年开始大幅下降,2010年后呈波动下降趋势,月变化、季变化均与NO2相似。黄河流域上游的兰西和宁夏沿黄城市群、上中游交界处的呼包鄂榆城市群空气质量较好,中游的关中平原和晋中城市群次之,中下游交界处的中原城市群和下游山东半岛城市群则较差。  相似文献   
环境中的有机污染物对生态系统和人类健康产生严重威胁。有机污染物在全球海域鱼体内普遍检出,且长期食用会对人类造成一定的健康风险。为研究中国西沙海域鱼体内有机污染物污染情况、来源及生态风险,本文利用气相色谱-质谱法(GC-MS)分析测定了永兴岛和七连屿鱼体内有机氯农药(OCPs)、多环芳烃(PAHs)和多氯联苯(PCBs)的含量,采集了包括蜂巢石斑鱼、红裸颊鲷、黑身蓝子鱼在内的17种鱼类共50条。结果表明:鱼体内OCPs、PAHs和PCBs的总含量均值范围分别为2.23~91.57ng/g ww、2.11~31.70ng/g ww和1.55~54.04ng/g ww,平均值分别为32.50ng/g ww、17.29ng/g ww和18.79ng/g ww,中位数分别为16.92ng/g ww、13.34ng/g ww和7.61ng/g ww。双对氯苯基三氯乙烷(DDTs)类农药在美欧沿海鱼体内的含量分别为0.65~107.6ng/g ww和763~5357ng/g lw,中国浙江沿海水域鱼体内PAHs含量为10.4~140ng/g ww,地中海、意大利沿海和美国查尔斯顿港口采集的鱼体内PCBs含量分别为1234~12327ng/g lw、56.8~4791ng/g lw和5.02~232.20ng/g ww,研究区DDTs和PAHs含量水平处于全球海域的低端,推测由于研究区远离污染源。利用DDTs/[双对氯苯基二氯乙烯(DDE)+双对氯苯基二氯乙烷(DDD)]比值来判断DDTs的来源,研究区50%鱼体内DDTs/(DDE+DDD)>1,表明中国西沙海域有部分新近输入的DDTs,研究区沉积物来源为陆源,推测中国西沙海域DDTs为陆源DDTs和永兴岛农业活动的综合作用。利用蒽(ANT)/[ANT+菲(PHE)]比值>0.1或该比值<0.1来判断PAHs的来源是燃烧源还是石油源,研究区88%鱼体内ANT/(ANT+PHE)>0.1,表明PAHs来源于化石燃料燃烧。风险评价结果显示,鱼体内OCPs和PCBs生态风险低。  相似文献   
人类活动和社会经济迅速发展导致大量化学品排放进入地表水环境,对水生生态系统和人类健康产生诸多不利影响,如何从众多的化学品中筛选识别出具有潜在危害的优先污染物是水污染治理和管控的关键.本研究基于污染物环境暴露水平、持久性、生物累积性、生态风险和人体健康风险5个评价参数,构建多指标综合评分法定量筛选识别地表水环境优先污染物类别,并应用于涨渡湖水体中优先污染物清单的建立.污染物环境暴露水平基于靶向分析综合考虑了污染物环境实测浓度和检出频率.目标污染物持久性和生物累积性毒害性参数分别采用生物降解系数和正辛醇-水分配系数来表征.此外在物种敏感度分布法和评估因子法的基础上计算生态风险熵以定量表征生态风险,人体健康风险则由终生致癌风险指数或危害指数来表征.基于该多指标综合评分法可于涨渡湖水体7类151种特征污染物中筛查出41种优先污染物,主要包括11种多氯联苯、8种有机氯农药、6种多环芳烃、4种邻苯二甲酸酯、4种挥发性有机物和8种金属元素.鉴于不同地表水环境污染状况不同,通过多指标综合评分法可建立因地制宜的优先污染物清单,从而有利于形成以保护水生生物和人类健康为最终目标的优先污染物水质基准,为地表水环境污染物管控及治理提供方法学支撑和科学依据.  相似文献   
Factors controlling the groundwater transport of U, Th, Ra, and Rn   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A model for the groundwater transport of naturally occurring U, Th, Ra, and Rn nuclides in the238U and232Th decay series is discussed. The model developed here takes into account transport by advection and the physico-chemical processes of weathering, decay, α-recoil, and sorption at the water-rock interface. It describes the evolution along a flowline of the activities of the238U and232Th decay series nuclides in groundwater. Simple sets of relationships governing the activities of the various species in solution are derived, and these can be used both to calculate effective retardation factors and to interpret groundwater data. For the activities of each nuclide, a general solution to the transport equation has been obtained, which shows that the activities reach a constant value after a distance ϰi, characteristic of each nuclide. Where ϰi is much longer than the aquifer length, (for238U,234U, and232Th), the activities grow linearly with distance. Where gKi is short compared to the aquifer length, (for234Th,230Th,228Th,228Ra, and224Ra), the activities rapidly reach a constant or quasi-constant activity value. For226Ra and222Rn, the limiting activity is reached after 1 km. High δ234U values (proportional to the ratioɛ234Th/W238U) can be obtained through high recoil fraction and/or low weathering rates. The activity ratios230Th/232Th,228Ra/226Ra and224Ra/226Ra have been considered in the cases where either weathering or recoil is the predominant process of input from the mineral grain. Typical values for weathering rates and recoil fractions for a sandy aquifer indicate that recoil is the dominant process for Th isotopic ratios in the water. Measured data for Ra isotope activity ratios indicate that recoil is the process generally controlling the Ra isotopic composition in water. Higher isotopic ratios can be explained by different desorption kinetics of Ra. However, the model does not provide an explanation for228Ra/226Ra and224Ra/226Ra activity ratios less than unity. From the model, the highest222Rn emanation equals 2ɛ. This is in agreement with the hypothesis that222Rn activity can be used as a first approximation for input by recoil (Krishnaswamiet al 1982). However, high222Rn emanation cannot be explained by production from the surface layer as formulated in the model. Other possibilities involve models including surface precipitation, where the surface layer is not in steady-state.  相似文献   
该文就总量控制工作进行理论探讨,提出控制平均浓度的排污等效模型,同时对计算区段控制浓度的确定进行定量化模型研究。该模型简便、易操作、实用性强,具有一定的理论意义和实用价值。  相似文献   
厦门酸雨与气象要素的关系及污染源的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据厦门市1983-1991年9年春雨,梅雨及台风雨酸度的观测结果,结合各场雨水同步观测的气象要素资料,分析各类型雨水酸度与气象要素的关系。同时依降水的酸化原理估计了外来源及局的地源对厦门酸雨形成的贡献。  相似文献   
对2000至2006年的南宁市能见度资料进行统计分析。分析表明,南宁市近7a能见度年均值在13~17km之间,总体呈下降趋势。一年之中,能见度最小值主要出现在1至3月,最大值出现在6至7月,汛期能见度明显好于非汛期。一日之中,能见度的日变化为:08时<02时<20时<14时。能见度与气象因子的相关分析表明,能见度与温度、风速成正比,与压强、降水、湿度成反比。与污染物的相关分析表明,能见度与PM10浓度的相关性较强,达到-0.58。  相似文献   
Five marine fish species were collected from the Natuna Island, South China Sea to investigate the occurrence of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane and its metabolites (DDTs). Concentrations of PBDEs, PCBs, and DDTs in marine fish ranged from 2.85 to 7.82, 14.3 to 48.1, and 7.99 to 40.3 ng/g lipid weight, respectively. Higher concentrations of PBDEs, PCBs, and DDTs were observed in Snakefish (Trachinocephalus myops), which might be attributed to their different feeding and living habits. PCBs were the predominant POPs in all marine fish, followed by DDTs and PBDEs. BDE 47 and PCB 153 were the predominant congener of PBDEs and PCBs, respectively. Compositional distribution of DDTs indicated the possible presence of fresh input sources around the Natuna Island. The ratios of o,p′-DDT/p,p′-DDT being less than 1 in fish samples suggested that DDT contributions from dicofol seemed considerably low. New input sources of DDT in South China Sea are worth further research.  相似文献   
Multiple cities in a diveloped economic area may consist of a city cluster,and the difusion and mixing of its pollutants result in the effect of pollutants plume between cities and the large-scale regional pollution diffusion phenomenon.The distant transfer and diffusion of pollutants occurs when massive aerosols are affected by the dynamic porcess of large-scale circulations.Research suggesten that the life span of aerosol particles whose diameters are about 1 um is the longest.The longevity …  相似文献   
Conversion of waste biomass into valuable functional materials accomplishes the concept of circular economy in the development of sustainable waste management, and also recovery of such resources possibly reduces the requirement of feedstocks. In this scenario, the development of methodologies toward the direct conversion of the raw biomass into solid adsorbent materials without the use of any templates is highly desirable, but exceptionally challenging due to the complexity of the process. Here the direct synthesis of 3D porous carbon traps by a simple, cost-effective, and template-free process starting from a kitchen-based recipe and fermented food waste is described. Precisely, a robust carbon trap is formed with a spongy structure and highly interconnected hierarchical pores after the pyrolysis of a rice-based foam in the air. The developed materials float on water and interact efficiently with cationic dyes at static conditions. Importantly, such performance of the 3D carbon traps is not affected in the presence of anionic dyes, indicating the excellent selectivity towards the adsorption of cationic dyes. The adsorbent can be easily recovered and reused for up to 3 cycles without releasing any byproducts, thus, without causing hazardous risk of any secondary pollution to the environment.  相似文献   
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