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季劲钧  余莉 《大气科学》1999,23(4):439-448
利用大气—植被相互作用模式(AVIM)研究地表面物理过程与生物地球化学过程耦合的机理和实现方法,其基础是植物与非生物环境之间物质和能量交换等物理过程影响植物的生理生长过程,使得植被宏观形态和相应的地表的动力学参数上发生显著变化,又反过来作用于植被与大气、土壤之间的物理交换过程。这种气候与生物圈双向反馈过程是在季节和年际时间尺度上的主要相互作用机理。应用AVIM于内蒙古半干旱草原,模拟了在大气状况强迫下,草原生态系统初级生产力,植被与大气之间CO2、潜热和感热的交换,揭示了地表物理和生物学过程耦合反馈机理。  相似文献   
There is little information on the performance of vegetative filter strips (VFS) in filtering high‐concentration sediment from subcritical overland flow. Flume experiments on simulated grass strips were conducted using combinations of three slope gradients (3°, 9° and 15°), five 1‐m‐wide slope positions (from upslope to downslope), two flow rates (60 and 20 L min‐1 m‐1) and sediment concentrations of 100–300 kg m‐3 under simulated rainfall and non‐rainfall conditions. The results showed that sediment deposition efficiency increased with VFS width as a power function. Rainfall significantly reduced sediment deposited within VFS. Higher sediment concentration corresponded to a larger sediment deposition load but reduced deposition efficiency. Flow rate had a negative effect on deposition efficiency but no effect on deposition load. Sediments were more easily deposited at the upper slope position than downslope, and the upper slope position had a higher percentage of coarse sediments. The deposited sediment had significantly greater median diameters (D50) than the inflow sediment. A greater proportion of coarse sediments larger than 25 µm in diameter were deposited, and particles smaller than 1 µm and of 10–25 µm had a better deposition performance than particles of 1–10 µm. Rainfall reduced the deposited sediment D50 at a slope gradient of 3° and had no significant influence on it at 9° or 15°. A higher sediment concentration led to a smaller D50 of the deposited sediment. Rainfall had no significant effect on overland flow velocity. Both the deposited sediment load and D50 decreased with increasing flow velocity, and flow velocity was the most sensitive factor impacting sediment deposition. The results from this study should be useful to control sediment flowing into rivers in areas with serious soil erosion. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A distributed 1D rainfall–runoff model is presented. It consists of the Saint Venant continuity and momentum equations for overland flow and a modified Green-Ampt model for the infiltration on railway embankment steep slopes. The model is applied to adjacent 10-m-wide erosion control experimental plots with different percentages of grass cover. A relationship between the 2-day antecedent rainfall and initial moisture content was established and used to predict the saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks). Average values of Ks for 0, 50 and 100% grass cover were found to be 0.1, 1.19 and 2.56 mm/h, respectively. For the majority of cases, the model simulated runoff with acceptable accuracy, 68% having Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE) values above 0.50. The average NSE value varied between 0.60 and 0.80, with 0% grass-covered plots yielding the highest values. As expected, the runoff volume decreased with increasing percentage of grass cover.

Citation Sajjan, A.K., Gyasi-Agyei, Y., and Sharma, R.H., 2013. Rainfall–runoff modelling of railway embankment steep slopes. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58 (5), 1162–1176.

Editor D. Koutsoyiannis  相似文献   
甘肃省畜牧气候资源分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从甘肃省畜牧气候资源基本特点出发,着重分析了畜牧业界限温度指标、时空分布以及气候条件对牧草产量、家畜膘情变化、牧事活动的影响。  相似文献   
The effect of blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) presence in eelgrass (Zostera marina) beds was studied from June 2004 to July 2005 in Flensborg fjord, Denmark. The field experiments were conducted at two stations, one with only Z. marina (Eelgrass station) present and one where M. edulis were present in the Z. marina beds (Mixed station). Zostera marina parameters were measured (growth of leaves, shoot density, leaf length, and nutrient content) in combination with epiphyte cover and sediment parameters (sulphate reduction rates, sediment nutrient fluxes, organic content, C, N and P content) to examine possible positive and negative effects of the mussels on eelgrass performance. The fluxes of ammonium from the sediments were stimulated at all sampling dates at the Mixed station, and possibly stimulated epiphyte growth at this station. Further 15N signals in epiphytes from the Mixed station suggested that excretion products from the mussels were important nitrogen sources at this station. Sulphate reduction rates were enhanced at the Mixed station and also sediment sulphide concentrations increased under mussel influence, which may have resulted in sulphide toxicity and decreased growth of Z. marina at this station. The study indicates that for Z. marina beds in Flensborg Fjord the effects of M. edulis in seagrass beds are primarily negative, and raises the question whether this leads to negative effects on the stability and expansion of Z. marina beds.  相似文献   
Temporary removal of aquatic plants in Lake Parkinson, a small, eutrophic dune lake, resulted in a number of changes to the population of stocked rainbow trout (Salmo gairdnerii). During each summer the lake stratified and low oxygen levels limited the distribution of trout to shallow (0–4 m) surface waters. In the first summer following weed removal the numbers of black shags (Phallacrocorax carbo) counted at the lake increased, and their predation resulted in a decline in trout density. However, the growth rate and condition of the trout population then exceeded that of trout present before weed removal. During the second summer after weed removal a cladoceran bloom was followed by low phytoplankton levels and high ammonia concentrations. A prolonged calm compounded this situation with the result that oxygen levels in bottom and surface waters dropped below 2 ppm. These low oxygen levels eliminated the trout population, but other fish species present survived. Elimination of aquatic plants affected the population dynamics of other fish species in the lake with potential implications for the trout. The experiment demonstrated the importance of weed beds in maintaining a stable fish community in lakes such as Lake Parkinson.  相似文献   
Seagrass beds have higher biomass, abundance, diversity and productivity of benthic organisms than unvegetated sediments. However, to date most studies have analysed only the macrofaunal component and ignored the abundant meiofauna present in seagrass meadows. This study was designed to test if meiobenthic communities, especially the free-living nematodes, differed between seagrass beds and unvegetated sediments. Sediment samples from beds of the eelgrass Zostera capricorni and nearby unvegetated sediments were collected in three estuaries along the coast of New South Wales, Australia. Results showed that sediments below the seagrass were finer, with a higher content of organic material and were less oxygenated than sediments without seagrass. Univariate measures of the fauna (i.e. abundance, diversity and taxa richness of total meiofauna and nematode assemblages) did not differ between vegetated and unvegetated sediments. However multivariate analysis of meiofaunal higher taxa showed significant differences between the two habitats, largely due to the presence and absence of certain taxa. Amphipods, tanaidacea, ostracods, hydrozoans and isopods occurred mainly in unvegetated sediments, while kinorhyncs, polychaetes, gastrotrichs and turbellarians were more abundant in vegetated sediments. Regarding the nematode assemblages, 32.4% of the species were restricted to Z. capricorni and 25% only occurred in unvegetated sediments, this suggests that each habitat is characterized by a particular suite of species. Epistrate feeding nematodes were more abundant in seagrass beds, and it is suggested that they graze on the microphytobenthos which accumulates underneath the seagrass. Most of the genera that characterized these estuarine unvegetated sediments are also commonly found on exposed sandy beaches. This may be explained by the fact that Australian estuaries have very little input of freshwater and experience marine conditions for most of the year. This study demonstrates that the seagrass and unvegetated sediments have discrete meiofaunal communities, with little overlap in species composition.  相似文献   
Sea dikes are of crucial importance for the defense systems of low-lying coastal areas in countries such as Germany, The Netherlands, Denmark, etc. As sea dike breaching induced by storm surges is regarded as one of the main causes of coastal flood disasters, reliable predictions of both the breach initiation, formation and breach development is urgently needed. Although a simple preliminary model for the simulation of sea dike breaching initiated from the seaside was developed (Stanczak et al., 2006), its limitations showed the necessity for further research and for the development of a more detailed model. This paper therefore provides a summary of the results of laboratory experiments on the erosion of grass and clay revetment of a sea dike induced by breaking wave impact and describes the new detailed computational model, including an uncertainty analysis.  相似文献   
于2009年6~10月采集草鱼(Ctenopharyngodon idellus)不同养殖模式围隔底泥的样品,对上覆水和间隙水中营养盐形态与含量进行分析,探讨间隙水和上覆水中营养盐浓度间的相关关系。结果表明:草鱼不同养殖模式围隔大部分间隙水中营养盐浓度要高于上覆水,上覆水与间隙水中PO43--P浓度呈极显著的正相关性(P<0.01)。上覆水和间隙水中的NO2--N和NO3--N浓度垂直分布特征随月变化规律较一致。养殖期间,间隙水溶解态无机氮(DIN)中NH4+-N比例最高,占95%以上。间隙水中NH4+-N浓度随深度增加而逐渐升高(0~10cm),而NO2--N和NO3--N浓度则随深度增加而减小(0~4cm)。表层底泥在0→1cm方向PO43--P浓度明显增加,从2~3cm层后多数养殖模式下浓度缓慢下降,而4→10cm方向上浓度会随深度增加而明显下降。总体而言,三元混养组中(GSL2)上覆水中营养盐的浓度一般要低于GSL1组和GSL3组,且养殖期间该组底层水DO浓度要高于GSL1组和GSL3组,初步认为是一种较为优化的草鱼混养模式。  相似文献   
After reviewing the past 60 years of research into the desiccation of clay soils by grass, bushes and trees as it affects shallow building foundations and roads pavements, it was concluded that most past research has been opportunistic and unplanned. Also, no attempt has been made to relate changes of soil water content to rainfall and rates of evapotranspiration. The paper reports the second stage of a sustained programme to observe and understand seasonal and annual changes of soil water content under grass and adjacent to bushes and trees. A 12 months set of two-monthly soil water content contours is presented together with the associated soil water balance, and a method is described for assessing evapotranspiration by bushes and trees by means of a solar energy balance.  相似文献   
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