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推求无资料地区设计洪水的一种方法   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
在地貌单位线、菲利浦下渗公式和暴雨特征频率分布的基础上,引用产流开始时刻和净雨量的概念,推求不同净雨情况下不产流暴雨事件的概率,从而求得洪峰流量小于和等于给定Qp值的理论频率分布及其相应的重现期。在贵州和山西应用结果表明,该方法更适用于半干旱地区。由模型验证实例分析了这种理论洪水频率分布模型的应用前景。  相似文献   
This paper deals with the problem of detecting and correcting cycle-slips in Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) phase data by exploiting the Bayesian theory. The method is here applied to undifferenced observations, because repairing cycle-slips already at this stage could be a useful pre-processing tool, especially for a network of permanent GNSS stations. If a dual frequency receiver is available, the cycle-slips can be easily detected by combining two phase observations or phase and range observations from a single satellite to a single receiver. These combinations, expressed in a distance unit form, are completely free from the geometry and depend only on the ionospheric effect, on the electronic biases and on the initial integer ambiguities; since these terms are expected to be smooth in time, at least in a short period, a cycle-slip in one or both the two carriers can be modelled as a discontinuity in a polynomial regression. The proposed method consists in applying the Bayesian theory to compute the marginal posterior distribution of the discontinuity epoch and to detect it as a maximum a posteriori (MAP) in a very accurate way. Concerning the cycle-slip correction, a couple of simultaneous integer slips in the two carriers is chosen by maximazing the conditional posterior distribution of the discontinuity amplitude given the detected epoch. Numerical experiments on simulated and real data show that the discontinuities with an amplitude 2 or 3 times larger than the noise standard deviation are successfully identified. This means that the Bayesian approach is able to detect and correct cycle-slips using undifferenced GNSS observations even if the slip occurs by one cycle. A comparison with the scientific software BERNESE 5.0 confirms the good performance of the proposed method, especially when data sampled at high frequency (e.g. every 1 s or every 5 s) are available.  相似文献   
长江流域可持续发展能力评价   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:8  
陈利顶  傅伯杰 《地理科学》2000,20(4):301-306
阐述了可持续发展能力的概念和特点,提出了可持续发展能力评价的指标体系和方法,并以长江流域7省1市人例,从自然和经济的角度评价了长江流域各省市90年代以来可持续发展能力的动态变化。评价结果表明:90年代以来,长江流域各省区人工资本积累能力、人力资源和科学技术资源支持能力总体上为持续上升趋势,但各省区增长的速度略有差异;而自然资源的支持能力为不断下降趋势,同时人口压力还在不断加大;环境资源支持能力各省  相似文献   
中国土地利用/土地覆盖的多尺度空间分布特征分析   总被引:86,自引:5,他引:81  
研究了我国土地利用影响因素及其空间规模相关性,采用数理统计与GIS手段从多个规模尺度上探讨了我国土地利用的空间分布特征。其结果对全国以及各级政府进行土地利用规划、制定相应的土地开发与利用政策等具有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   
A new phenomenological macroscopic constitutive model for the numerical simulation of quasi‐brittle fracture and ductile concrete behavior, under general triaxial stress conditions, is presented. The model is particularly addressed to simulate a wide range of confinement stress states, as also, to capture the strong influence of the mean stress value in the concrete failure mechanisms. The model is based on a two‐surface damage‐plastic formulation. The mechanical behavior in different domains of the stress space is separately described by means of a quasi‐brittle or ductile material response:
从语言与文化的关系入手,阐述在语言教学中文化学习不是可有可无的,它必须始终贯穿于外语教学中。教师应予以足够重视,成为外国文化的介绍者和教育改革的促进者。  相似文献   
介绍了公路放样中直接定线的几种方法,并给出了详细的实施步骤,供施工放样人员参考.  相似文献   
利用多个参考重力场模型分别对GRACE一个月的实测加速度计观测数据进行检校。数值计算结果的比较分析表明了利用参考重力场模型确定加速度计校准参数是有效的。  相似文献   
离水辐亮度Lw(Water-leaving radiance)是水色遥感现场观测中的关键物理量之一,由其计算获得的遥感反射率Rrs(Remote sensing reflectance)是水色遥感参数反演的最基本参数.天空光遮挡法SBA(Skylight-blocked approach)可以直接测量水体离水辐亮度,作...  相似文献   
非首都功能的疏解政策涉及城市化建设、经济、人口等多个方面,当前的预测研究多针对单一的空间要素进行模拟和预测,而未关注到城市发展中多个空间要素相互交织的影响。本文将北京市非中心城区作为研究区,以多年度土地利用数据、GDP格网数据和人口格网数据为基础,通过PLUS模型和SCS方法,以多要素协同模拟的方式模拟了规划情景下2030年的土地利用格局,以及2030年GDP-人口公里格网数据,并计算了时空与总量变化特征。结果显示:①在生态优先的政策情景下,北京市非中心城区的林草地及水体将会扩张但整体扩张趋势不明显;②政策指导下,2020—2030年研究区人口与GDP承载了中心区的外溢,经济与人口都实现了高质量发展。本文的研究为城市化建设、人口监控管理和资源优化配置提供了科学参考。  相似文献   
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