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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of bus suspension systems on building vibrations and dynamic pavement loads. Building vibrations and pavement loads induced by two instrumented buses having different characteristics were measured simultaneously under controlled field conditions. Field tests were performed at several vehicle speeds, normal and reduced tire pressures, and with roads having good surface condition as well as abrupt surface irregularities. Tests were carried out at two vibration complaint sites in Montréal. The level and frequency content of vibrations and loads induced by the two buses were evaluated and compared. The results show that the dynamic component of pavement loads induced by the two buses were significantly different but the difference in building vibration levels was not as significant.  相似文献   
通过分析沥青路面的特性,本文提出了一种适用于沥青路面裂缝检测的图像处理算法。通过计算图像局部像素均值、横向与纵向相邻局部像素均值的均值以及两均值的标准差,结合滤波以及基于像片晒相原理的匀光操作来抑制图像背景的噪声出现,缓解灰度不均匀现象,突出沥青裂缝特征。采用分块图像处理方案,实现路面影像的裂缝提取。实验结果表明,本算法对裂缝线性特征敏感,检测效果较好。  相似文献   
Frost heave is an upward swelling of soil during cryogenic conditions in cold regions. It is caused by the accumulation of ice crystals in subgrade soil, which grow upwards when freezing temperatures penetrate into the subgrade. This study establishes the allowable soil subgrade frost heave based on the roughness standard of asphalt pavement in China, and aims to balance the pavement design and frost heave resistance of subgrades in cold regions. We formulated a mechanical model of pavement supported by the boundary conditions of differential frost heave, based on the elastic layered system theory. The differential soil subgrade frost heave was modeled as a sinusoidal function, and the allowable frost heave and the roughness index were modeled as the displacement boundaries for the top and bottom of the pavement structure. Then the allowable frost heave was back-calculated according to the roughness standard. Numerical results show that the allowable frost heave depends on the pavement structure, material properties, the highway grade, and other factors. In order to ensure that the actual soil subgrade frost heave is lower than the allowable frost heave, pavement structures and materials need to be selected and designed carefully. The numerical method proposed here can be applied to establish the frost heave resistance of subgrade when the pavement structure and materials are determined.  相似文献   
王路君  艾智勇 《岩土力学》2018,39(9):3139-3146
利用解析层元法推导温度荷载作用下非稳态热传导时层状路面体系的温度响应解答。从热弹性理论平面应变问题的控制方程出发,借助于Laplace-Fourier积分变换,推导出单层介质及下卧半平面的精确刚度矩阵即解析层元,结合有限层法原理及边界条件,组装并求解总刚度矩阵,得到其在变换域内的解答,最后通过相应的积分逆变换得到物理域内的真实解。由于该法刚度矩阵元素中不含正指数项,计算时不会出现溢出或病态矩阵的现象。编译了相应的计算程序,所得结果与有限元模拟结果吻合较好。在此基础上,对有限深度和半平面两种假定条件下的解答进行对比分析,并分析层状路面体系中位移和温度随时间的变化趋势及沿深度的分布规律。分析表明:温度场具有一定的影响深度,超过此深度,有限深度与半平面理论解答基本一致;温度荷载的影响深度与其强度有关,强度越大,其影响深度越深。  相似文献   
壶穴差异风化或风蚀作用成因质疑   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
过去十年来发表了一系列关于中国东部第四纪冰川地貌的文章,而关于壶穴成因的争论也通过各种媒介报道出来。笔者等建议壶穴仅仅用于表示快速旋转水流在基岩表面形成的近圆筒形的凹坑,以口小肚大底平为典型形态特征,而冰川融水冲蚀形成的壶穴则叫做冰川壶穴。近年来,有些研究者将中国东部花岗岩山脊上的壶穴与差异风化和风蚀作用联系起来。笔者等分析了风化作用和风蚀作用的特点,明确指出:风化作用和风蚀作用并非壶穴形成的原因,唯一可能的成因是快速的河水或冰川融水的旋转水流。因此,在中国南方河床上发现的壶穴既可能是河流流水形成的,也可能是第四纪山谷冰川融水造成的;而中国北方花岗岩山脊上的壶穴只能是曾经覆盖其上的第四纪冰帽在冰川退缩期之冰川融水形成的。所以,花岗岩山脊上的壶穴为冰川壶穴(即冰臼),可以看作第四纪冰帽的标志。根据中国东部壶穴的分布特征推断:中国东部之北方在第四纪末次冰盛期至少曾经存在着许多冰帽甚至大陆冰川,而其南部边缘至少已经达到山东蒙山以南。  相似文献   
公路路面质量的好坏对行车安全性、舒适性、经济性有重要的影响,因此路面状况的监测对于公路交通的健康发展具有重要意义。遥感技术作为一种新兴的数据采集手段,具有图像覆盖范围大、时效性强、信息客观现实、可重复使用、便于计算机分析等优势,为解决大范围的路面监测问题提供了强有力的支持。本文综述了现有基于遥感技术的道路路面状况监测方法,对其中存在的问题进行了分析和探讨。遥感技术在路面状况监测中具有广泛的应用前景,部分技术已经成熟并在公路养护作业中广泛使用,例如路面监测管理系统、探地雷达等;但是仍有部分技术还存在着鲁棒性差、精度较低等问题,还需要进一步的研究探索,如路面光谱分析、基于机载和星载的路面状况遥感监测应用的适用性等。本文最后给出了一种基于多端元混合像元分解模型的沥青路面老化状况监测与评估方法的研究实例。实验结果证明该方法可有效区分沥青公路路面混合像元中不同老化状况的沥青路面,为大范围路面老化状况监测提供了一种技术途径。  相似文献   
杨林  朱金莲  焦厚滨 《冰川冻土》2015,37(4):1016-1022
为了进一步研究TG固化剂石灰土在冻融条件下的各项性能, 分别对TG固化剂石灰土进行冻融作用前后的无侧限抗压强度试验和劈裂试验以及干缩试验. 结果表明: 随着冻融循环次数的增加, 无侧限抗压强度以及劈裂强度逐渐减小, 经历8次冻融循环以后强度衰减达到最大值. 经过冻融循环作用后试件的无侧限抗压强度以及劈裂强度残留值随着含水率和压实度的增加而增加, 通过冻融试验得到的抗冻性能指标BDR值在51%以上, 与未饱水冻融循环得到的最终残留强度值保持一致. 经冻融循环作用后TG固化剂石灰土的干缩应变和干缩系数减小, 干缩性能有所提高. 冻融循环条件下TG固化剂石灰土抗冻性能良好, 可以应用于路面基层.  相似文献   
The paper deals with inferring the mechanical layer properties of pavement systems by way of inverse analysis. The proposed scheme is based on the availability of sensory gear embedded within the system ‐ collecting different types of response traces resulting from moving wheel loads. The inverse analysis task simultaneously exploits the readings from all available sensors and therefore formulated as a multicriterion optimization problem. Data from an experimental asphalt pavement are employed to demonstrate the scheme. A versatile and computationally efficient layered viscoelastic pavement model is offered and implemented as a forward solver. Recoverable layer properties, elastic and viscoelastic, are derived and also compared with laboratory values. Results and possible future uses of the work are discussed. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
卢正  姚海林  罗海宁  杨洋  杨明亮 《岩土力学》2008,29(8):2177-2182
以连续配筋混凝土路面(CRCP)近年来应用比较广泛的路面结构形式为研究对象,采用考虑地基压缩系数和水平剪切系数的双参数地基模型,建立了考虑地基土体滞回阻尼的黏弹性地基上CRCP的振动微分方程,运用三角级数和Fourier变换得到了简谐、矩形均布荷载作用下路面竖向位移的解答,并利用Fourier逆变换得到了数值结果,较为全面的分析了荷载速度、频率、路面配筋率、板厚以及地基参数对板的动力响应的影响。研究结果可为路面动力响应分析及连续配筋混凝土路面的质量评价提供参考。  相似文献   
卢正  姚海林  骆行文  胡梦玲 《岩土力学》2009,30(11):3493-3499
考虑路面和地基之间的相互作用,建立了路面-双层地基的三维模型,将车辆荷载模拟成矩形移动荷载,利用Fourier变换方法对车辆荷载作用下路面-双层地基系统的三维振动问题进行了研究。假设地基为上部弹性土体和下部为饱和土体组成的双层混合结构,整个系统置于刚性基岩上。通过引入势函数,利用Lame分解理论和积分变换方法分别对弹性土层和饱和土层进行求解。在Fourier变换域内,联立路面和下卧双层地基系统的的运动方程,获得了车辆荷载作用下路面-双层地基系统三维振动的位移和孔压响应的积分形式解,并利用IFFT算法和自适应数值积分算法得到了数值计算结果。研究结果可为路基动力响应分析提供参考。  相似文献   
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