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李敏  刁常宇  葛云飞  裘霖山  李丽 《遥感学报》2021,25(12):2351-2364
随着信息技术的飞速发展,石窟寺文物的数字化保护与利用引起了国内外的广泛关注.文章从石窟寺文物数字化采集、保护和利用等方面进行系统梳理,重点分析石窟寺文物数字化保护中三维信息获取、三维重建评价以及三维打印等相关前沿信息技术的应用现状.并针对石窟寺文物数字化保护和利用工程实践中的难点,给出采用激光脉冲三维采集细部结合多视图...  相似文献   
大兴迭隆起隐伏岩溶水资源评价及开采方案预测   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
大兴迭隆起地区隐伏岩溶地下水是北京市的重要水源,为保障水源地能持续为大兴、通州地区提供优质的城镇生活用水,需对研究区岩溶地下水进行水资源评价和开采规划预测分析。利用数值模拟法,应用GMS模拟软件对研究区岩溶水系统进行地下水流数值模拟及水位变化预测。建立的岩溶水系统模型分为5层,模拟验证期为12年9个月。由模型评价的岩溶水系统补给资源量为14 425.74×10^4m3/a,可开采资源量为14 310.52×10^4m3/a,其中岩溶含水层可开采量为2 309.36×10^4m3/a。在模型识别验证后,分4种开采方案对水源地进行开采预测,通过对典型观测孔水位过程线拟合和研究区水均衡分析可知,按2020年之前维持现状开采,2020年后停采念坛水源地,2025年后全区按可开采量进行开采的开采方案最为合理,可分批逐次实现水源地的采补平衡。  相似文献   
This paper studies dynamic crack propagation by employing the distinct lattice spring model (DLSM) and 3‐dimensional (3D) printing technique. A damage‐plasticity model was developed and implemented in a 2D DLSM. Applicability of the damage‐plasticity DLSM was verified against analytical elastic solutions and experimental results for crack propagation. As a physical analogy, dynamic fracturing tests were conducted on 3D printed specimens using the split Hopkinson pressure bar. The dynamic stress intensity factors were recorded, and crack paths were captured by a high‐speed camera. A parametric study was conducted to find the influences of the parameters on cracking behaviors, including initial and peak fracture toughness, crack speed, and crack patterns. Finally, selection of parameters for the damage‐plasticity model was determined through the comparison of numerical predictions and the experimentally observed cracking features.  相似文献   
A new method for spatio-temporal prediction of rainfall-induced landslide   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1 Introduction The landslides influences on the human society have become an environment difficult problem not able to be neglected, and according to the priority of harms, harms of landslides are only smaller than those from earthquakes in all sorts of natural hazards[1]. Landslide is part of rock mass, soil mass or their compound mass slides downward along a certain slid- ing surface under the actions of inner and external dy- namics, and it is one severe instability phenomenon of rock and s…  相似文献   
华北产生雷暴大风的动力热力综合指标分析及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用MICAPS重要天气报告数据,筛选出2005-2010年夏季华北地区26次典型雷暴大风过程。选取K指数、对流有效位能、大气可降水量、大风指数、中低层垂直速度、垂直螺旋度、垂直能量螺旋度等7个动力或热力指标,利用NCEP 1°×1°再分析资料计算和统计了槽前型和西北气流型雷暴大风发生时的指标阈值。基于统计结果,进一步设计了指标叠套技术,将其应用于2011年6月华北地区两次不同类型雷暴大风的潜势预报中。结果表明,雷暴大风实际发生区域与指标叠套区域一致性较好,验证了该方法对华北雷暴大风预报的有效性。  相似文献   
将多期切叠河道砂体归类合并,建立一个“垂向连续,横向联通的表外砂岩空间体”(其中砂岩间夹层厚度≤0.4 m)的自然层概念来控制多期河道复合切叠厚砂体。以北一匹断东萄一组1-4小层为例,利用自然层间砂体厚度、切叠程度、测井曲线形态、相叠加类型及砂体叠加期次将自然层分为5类;再依据砂体间切叠位置、切叠程度和切叠形态的差异建立自然层剖面表征方法;依据砂体叠加期次,建立自然层在平面上表征模式。  相似文献   
The influence of spring Arctic sea ice variability on the Pacific Decadal Oscillation(PDO) like sea surface temperature(SST) variability is established and investigated using an Atmosphere Ocean General Circulation Model(AOGCM) of the Bergen Climate Model version 2(BCM2). The spring Arctic sea ice variability affects the mid-latitudes and tropics through the propagation of the anomalous Eliassen-Palm(E-P) flux from the polar region to mid- and low-latitudes during boreal spring. The pathway includes anomalous upward wave activity, which propagates to the high troposphere from near the surface of the polar region, turns southward between 500 h Pa and 200 h Pa and extends downward between 50°N and 70°N, influencing the near surface atmospheric circulation. The alteration of the near surface atmospheric circulation then causes anomalous surface ocean circulation. These circulation changes consequently leads to the SST anomalies in the North Pacific which may persist until the following summer, named seasonal "foot printing" mechanism(SFPM).  相似文献   
兖滕两淮地区采煤塌陷地的动态演变规律与综合整治   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
兖滕两淮地区作为全国19个近期国土综合开发重点地区之一,是华东地区最大的能源基地,煤炭长期超强度开采对缓解华东地区能源供应紧张局面做出一不可磨灭的贡献,但由此引起的土地塌陷衍生出一系列生态环境问题及深层次经济社会矛盾,解决这些矛盾与问题的有效途径就是区域可持续发展的角度出发,依据开采沉陷理论和流体力学理论,在探讨采煤塌陷地动态演变规律基础上,实施限制性煤炭开战略和多元化协调开采方式,推行政府,企业  相似文献   
Hybrid simulation combines numerical and experimental methods for cost‐effective, large‐scale testing of structures under simulated dynamic earthquake loads. Particularly for experimental seismic collapse simulation of structures, hybrid testing can be an attractive alternative to earthquake simulators due to the limited capacity of most facilities and the difficulties and risks associated with a collapsing structure on a shaking table. The benefits of hybrid simulation through collapse can be further enhanced through accurate and practical substructuring techniques that do not require testing the entire structure. An innovative substructuring technique for hybrid simulation of structures subjected to large deformations is proposed to simplify the boundary conditions by overlapping the domains between the numerical and experimental subassemblies. The advantages of this substructuring technique are the following: it requires only critical components of the structure to be tested experimentally; it reduces the number of actuators at the interface of the experimental subassemblies; and it can be implemented using typically available equipment in laboratories. Compared with previous overlapping methods that have been applied in hybrid simulation, this approach requires additional sensing in the hybrid simulation feedback loop to obtain internal member forces, but provides significantly better accuracy in the highly nonlinear range. The proposed substructuring technique is verified numerically and validated experimentally, using the response of a four‐story moment‐resisting frame that was previously tested to collapse on an earthquake simulator. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
余协瑜  贾云  邱会东 《岩矿测试》2004,23(3):191-193
在稀H2SO4介质中,乳化剂OP存在下,Ti(Ⅳ)与偶氮氯膦-mK发生显色反应,可用波峰(672nm)波谷(550nm)双波长吸光度叠加的方法测定Ti(Ⅳ)。显色反应的表观摩尔吸光系数为4.7×104L·mol-1·cm-1,灵敏度较单波长测定提高1.1倍。0~1200μg/LTi(Ⅳ)符合比尔定律。测定了硅石、焦宝石等试样中的钛,结果与标准值符合,6次测定的RSD<5%。  相似文献   
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