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本文通过实例介绍了矿井瞬变电磁法超前探测的基本原理及井下施工技术。实际应用表明,该方法对解决巷道掘进迎头方向的水害隐患及确保巷道安全是一种快捷、有效的勘查手段,可以为煤矿地质保障系统提供重要的技术依据。  相似文献   
GIS是一种特定而又十分重要的空间信息系统,空间分析是GIS多种功能中最具代表性的一种,也是最能体现GIS特点的主要部分。本文从数据组织、实现方法、辅助分析决策等几个方面讨论了空间分析功能在森林防火GIS中应用的一些实践和构想。  相似文献   
李红坡  梅国雄  肖涛  陈征 《岩土力学》2020,41(5):1560-1566
在软基处理工程中,经常出现竖井打设变密而地基固结效率降低的现象。鉴于此,建立了重叠涂抹区内土体水平向渗透系数的分布函数,给出了涂抹区重叠时竖井地基超静孔压和平均固结度的解析解。通过分析不同工况下竖井地基固结度随竖井间距的变化情况,探究了竖井间距减小而地基固结效率不增反减的成因。最后,探讨了涂抹作用和井阻作用对竖井最小临界间距的影响。结果表明:相邻竖井涂抹区重叠是竖井地基中出现竖井最小临界间距的根本原因。涂抹作用越大,则竖井最小临界间距越大;具体表现为当地基扰动程度增大时或涂抹区半径增大时,竖井最小临界间距随之增大。井阻作用越大,则竖井最小临界间距越小;具体表现为当竖井渗透系数减小时、竖井长度增大时或竖井半径减小时,竖井最小临界间距随之减小。  相似文献   
三维室内空间标注时易出现注记穿透墙体、注记密集以及视角变换导致的标注对象不明确、注记重叠等问题。然而,当前室内注记配置研究缺乏对标注对象不明确问题的解决。现有的注记重叠处理方法存在信息丢失或难以随视角变换进行快速动态调整等问题。针对上述问题,将三维模型与二维平面注记相结合,设计了指向式注记形式及其优化配置方法。该方法有效解决了标注对象不明确问题,支持重叠注记的快速检测,能随视角变换快速动态调整重叠注记位置,保持视域内所有注记信息的完整展示。通过对比多视角下的三维室内注记优化前后的实验结果,验证了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   
通过建立违法用地动态巡查轨迹数据与案件业务数据库,利用缓冲分析和擦除分析计算巡查盲区,并通过案件业务数据和巡查盲区叠置分析和网格化处理,分析案件巡查路线与案件业务数据的相关性,从而得出违法用地巡查路线优化建议,为自然资源执法工作提供决策支撑.  相似文献   
一种海底底质与地形的信息叠置可视化方法及应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
张立华  崔高嵩  张建军  刘雁春  朱庆 《测绘科学》2007,32(4):111-112,115
海底底质与地形对舰船航行、锚泊、登陆、海底管线铺设等海上活动具有重要的影响。此文提出了一种基于底质Voronoi多边形操作,并与地形信息进行叠置运算的可视化分析方法。通过构建底质Delaunay三角网,生成底质Voronoi图,合并同底质且相邻的Voronoi多边形,实现了海底底质分布的可视化。在此基础上,实现了底质与地形的信息叠置。通过试验数据验证了所提方法的有效性,并在路线选择和活动区域提取等应用中进行了尝试。  相似文献   
正断层位移长度关系是近年来研究正断层的一种常用方法 ,它将断层的研究从二维扩展到三维。研究正断层位移长度关系对于研究正断层演化、盆地演化以及油气勘探等方面具有重要意义。讨论了影响正断层位移距离剖面形态的主要因素 :断层端的脆韧性变形、围岩强度、远程应力以及断层之间的相互作用和连接等。根据正断层位移距离剖面的几何形态和断层发育阶段 ,可将断层的位移模式分为 3个类型 :(1)对称的椭圆状或钟状代表简单的单条断层 ;(2 )不对称的似椭圆状或钟状代表断层间的相互作用 ;(3)不规则的锯齿状代表由多条断层连接而成的断层。介绍了伴随正断层发育的传递斜坡、盆内高地等构造单元以及断层位移距离剖面的测量制作方法。测量时应注意恢复其剥蚀部分。  相似文献   

Book Reviewed in this article:

Latin America: Case Studies. Richard G. Boehm and Sent Visser

Locality and Rurality: Economy and Society in Rural Regions. Tony Bradley And Philip Lowe

The City and the Grassroots. Manuel Castells

Geopolitics and Conflict in South America. Quarrels among Neighbors. Jack Child

Post-Industrial America: A Geographical Perspective. David Clark

Coastal Research: UK Perspectives. Malcolm W. Clark

A Rural Policy for the EEC? Hugh Clout

Peasant Agriculture in Assam: A Structural Analysis. M. M. Das.

Environmental Change and Tropical Geomorphology. I. Douglas and T. Spencer

Advances in Abandoned Settlement Analysis: Application to Prehistoric Anthrosols in Colombia, South America. Robert C. Eidt

Measuring Culture. Jonathan L. Gross and Steve Rayner

North America: A Human Geography. Paul Guinness and Michael Bradshaw

A Geographical Bibliography for American Libraries. Chauncy D. Harris et al.

Geography and the Urban Environment: Progress in Research and Applications, Vol. VI. D. T. Herbert and R. J. Johnston

Changes in Global Climate: A Study of the Effect of Radiation and Other Factors During the Present Century. K. Ya. Kondrat'ev.

Rural Development and the State: Contradictions and Dilemmas in Developing Countries. David A. M. Lea and D. P. Chaudhri

The Martial Metropolis: U.S. Cities in War and Peace. Roger W. Lotchin

The Climate of the Earth. Paul E. Lydolph.

Weather and Climate. Paul E. Lydolph.

Spatial Divisions of Labor: Social Structures and the Geography of Production. Doreen Massey.

Panorama of the Soviet Union. N. Mikhailov.

Soviet Armenia. K. S. Demirchian.

USSR: Geography of the Eleventh Five-Year Plan Period. K. Spidchenko.

Planung und Verwirklichung der Wiener Ringstrassenzone (Planning and Materialization of the Ringstrasse-Zone of Vienna). Kurt Mollik, Hermann Reining, Rudolf Wurzer.

The American West Transformed: The Impact of the Second World War Gerald D. Nash.

An Overview of the Survey of Income and Program Participation. Dawn Nelson, David McMillen, and Daniel Kasprzyk.

Phenomenology, Science and Geography: Spatiality and the Human Sciences. John Pickles.

Biological Diversification in the Tropics. Ghillean T. Prance

Die Wanderviehwirtschaft im gebirgigen Westen der U.S.A. und ihre Auswirkungen im Naturraum. Gisbert Rinschede.

Social and Economic Aspects of Radioactive Waste Disposal: Considerations for Institutional Management

World-Wide Weather. K. Takahashi

Coastal Geomorphology in Australia. B. G. Thom

Settlement System in Rural India: A Case Study of the Lower Ganga-Yamuna Doab. Ram Chandra Tiwari.

Computer Programming for Geographers. David J. Unwin and John A. Dawson.

Late Quaternary Environments of the Soviet Union. A. A. Velichko, ed. H. E. Wright, Jr. and C. W. Barnosky

Ethics in Planning. Martin Wachs  相似文献   
本依据东濮凹陷趋深井深盆气层测井资料,提出了“以电法为主导,非电法作鉴别,电法与非电法综合解释”的快速直观判别思路;并依据地球物理测井原理,分析了深盆气层与石盐层、灰质致密层和多泥质致密层的测井差异;比较有效地应用了交会图技术作气显示,而其中特别是采用了声波、中了视孔隙度差值作交会参数。  相似文献   
Numerical simulations of a low-mass-damping circular cylinder which can oscillate freely at transverse and streamwise directions are presented in this work. The Navier-Stokes equations are solved with finite volume method, and large eddy simulation of vortex is also performed in the calculation. In order to implement dynamic mesh, overlapping grids are generated to lessen the computation for mesh field itself. Self-excited vibrations are firstly calculated to obtain the average amplitudes and frequencies of the target circular cylinder in the current flow situation, and then forced oscillations are implemented with parameters obtained in vortex-induced vibrations previously. With slight amplitude modulation, time series of displacements in vortex-induced vibrations are essentially harmonic. Regarding the fluid force, which are larger in forced oscillations than those in corresponding self-excited cases because the fluid subtracts energy from the forced cylinders. The phase angles between forces and displacements are 0o and 180o for self-excited case and forced case respectively. In vortex-induced vibrations, the interactions between fluid and structure produce some weakly energetic vortices which induce the modulations of amplitude and frequency.  相似文献   
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