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Using GIS for analysis of urban systems   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Guoqing Du 《GeoJournal》2000,52(3):213-221
It is recognized that the spatial organization of urban system can be abstracted as three main components: a set of points, which describes the structural characteristics such as social and economic properties of individual city; a set of lines, which indicates the patterns of interaction among the cities; a set of spheres, which indicates how and to which extent each city affects the area around it. Even if such substance of urban system coincides with the main purpose of GIS for spatial or geometric data types such as point, line and region, little attention has been given to this point. By an evidence analysis of China, the application of potential analytical capabilities of GIS for urban system is attempted in this study. We find GIS acts as an efficient tool not only for the spatial structure analysis of urban system, which including potential distribution of cities, extraction of principal linkages among cities, and delimitation of subsystems; but also for the verification of socio-economic attributes and dynamics of urban system. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
With the development of computer graphics, the three-dimensional (3D) visualization brings new technological revolution to the traditional cartography. Therefore, the topographic 3D-map emerges to adapt to this technological revolution, and the applications of topographic 3D-map are spread rapidly to other relevant fields due to its incomparable advantage. The researches on digital map and the construction of map database offer strong technical support and abundant data source for this new technology, so the research and development of topographic 3D-map will receive greater concern. The basic data of the topographic 3D-map are rooted mainly in digital map and its basic model is derived from digital elevation model (DEM) and 3D-models of other DEM-based geographic features. In view of the potential enormous data and the complexity of geographic features, the dynamic representation of geographic information becomes the focus of the research of topographic 3D-map and also the prerequisite condition of 3D query and analysis. In addition to the equipment of hardware that are restraining, to a certain extent, the 3D representation, the data organization structure of geographic information will be the core problem of research on 3D-map. Level of detail (LOD). space partitioning, dynamic object loading (DOL) and object culling are core technologies of the dynamic 3D representation. The objectselection, attribute-query and model-editing are important functions and interaction tools for users with 3D-maps provided by topographic 3D-map system, all of which are based on the data structure of the 3D-model. This paper discusses the basic theories, concepts and cardinal principles of topographic 3I)-map,expounds the basic way to organize the scene hierarchy of topographic 3D-map based on the node mechanism and studies the dynamic representation technologies of topographic 3D-map based on LOD, space partitioning, DOL and object culling. Moreover. such interactive operation functions are explored, in this paper, as spatial query, scene editing and management of topographic 3D-map. Finally, this paper describes briefly the applications of topographic 3D-map in its related fields.  相似文献   
针对洪水灾害分析在速度、准确性和及时性等方面的需求,该文在研究空间自相关分析的基础上,提出了一种基于局部自相关统计的洪水灾害影像分析方法。首先,对影像进行掩膜处理,去除云层干扰;其次,采用局部空间统计的方法对影像进行统计分析;然后,通过密度分割的方法提取水体,将影像分为水体和陆地两类;最后,将3幅影像分类的结果进行空间叠加分析,分析洪水灾害影响情况。以2013年嫩江流域3个时期的影像为实验数据,设计了仿真实验。实验结果表明,该方法可以较准确地对大面积洪水影响区域进行分析。  相似文献   
针对白沙河地下水含水层的内部结构和本区开采特点以及已出现的环境问题,建立了地下水资源管理模型,确定了优化开采方案。该管理模型针对本区每年2个管理时段的长度及其开采量均不同的特点,导出了新的响应矩阵的公式。管理模型的建立有助于对该区地下水的合理开采。  相似文献   
Space-time prisms envelop all spatio-temporal locations that moving objects may have visited between two of their known spatio-temporal locations, given a bound on their travel speed. In this context, the known locations are often the result of observations or measurements, and they are called ‘anchor points’. The classic space-time prism, in isotropic two-dimensional space, as well as in transportation networks, assumes that the measurements of these anchor points are exact. Whereas, in many applications, we can assume that time can be measured fairly precisely, this assumption is unrealistic for the spatial components of measured locations (we think of Global Positioning System (GPS) errors, for instance). In this paper, we extend the classical prism from anchor points to circular ‘anchor regions’ that capture the uncertainty or error on their measurement. We define the notion of a space-time prism with uncertain anchor points, called uncertain prism, for short. We study the geometry of uncertain prisms in an arbitrary metric space to make this concept as widely applicable as possible. We also focus on the rims of uncertain space-time prisms, which demarcate the area that a moving object can have visited between two anchor regions (given some local speed limitations).  相似文献   
空间目标的聚合模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李霖 《测绘学报》1997,26(4):337-343
本文定义了集合元素的聚合算子,简述其特性,以此聚合算子为基础,提出了空间目标的聚合模型。根据GIS空间目标的属性,分析了聚合算子的表现形式。由此模型的特点可以得出:聚合模型适合于GIS层次数据的组织,它能减少数据的冗余和维护数据的一致性。经概念及含义的比较,指出了面向对象的模型方法很适合此聚合模型的实施。  相似文献   
提出了一种适用于遥感影像局部兴趣目标授权使用的可逆信息隐藏算法。提取遥感影像上的局部兴趣目标作为待隐藏的信息,并在原始图像上对该目标进行变形处理,然后利用可逆整数线性变换实现待隐藏信息的调制嵌入,授权用户能够完全无损重建原始遥感影像。算法为盲算法,具有较大的嵌入容量,含隐藏信息图像的峰值信噪比较高,并且可以有效抵抗剪切及椒盐噪声等攻击。  相似文献   
利用共形几何代数的多维统一表达与分析优势,研究了集成多源数据的三维社区统一建模与分析方法.构建了基于多重向量存储结构的社区场景整体建模流程,实现了CityGML、DXF等多源数据的导入与集成,并设计了基于共形几何代数的对象运动表达与插值方法.以德国Waldbruecke村为例的验证结果显示,基于共形几何代数的三维社区建模可以较好地表达复杂社区对象,并可以有效支撑几何度量、动态对象跟踪、运动轨迹重建等功能实现.  相似文献   
建立合理水下小目标磁探测线间距需以定量分析各种因素对其影响为基础。将水下小目标的磁场模型视为磁偶极子,建立水下小目标的磁场空间衰减规律。根据水下目标磁探测的原理及其工作背景,对目标磁距大小、仪器信噪比、地磁变化、日变影响、测船的定位误差等因素进行综合分析,得出磁力仪在探测某一已知物时的测线间距计算公式。  相似文献   
多尺度地图数据更新的一个重要途径就是通过目标匹配技术获得已更新与待更新的不同比例尺地图之间表达同一地物的候选空间目标,并对候选匹配目标对进行比较,以便获得匹配目标间的差异以及发现未匹配的目标;进而,分析判断差异是否由该目标所表达的地理要素的实际变化所导致。该文以面目标匹配为例,对多尺度地图面目标匹配对的差异驱动因素和变化类型进行分析,针对不同模式的目标匹配对提出了利用长度差异、面积差异和重叠度指标进行差异驱动因素判别、变化探测和变化类型判定的方法,并验证了该方法的有效性和实用性。  相似文献   
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