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Urban sprawl has become a global phenomenon as an outcome of growing population and rapid urbanization. Previous studies have addressed the rising incidence of uncontrollable urban development, particularly in peri-urban areas of cities, leading to chronic urban sprawl. The city of Guwahati, a million city in north east India, has expanded significantly in recent years. In this article, the links between population and growth of built-up areas were examined using geo-spatial techniques and remotely sensed datasets. The results indicate that the sprawl has accentuated in recent years. The intensity of land use remained uneven due to marked variations in the distribution of built-up areas, plausibly an outcome of unplanned urban growth. If current trends are anything to go by, future urban sprawl could pose serious threats to the vulnerable eco-sensitive and peri-urban areas of Guwahati. Secondary cities have unfortunately received scant attention in urban policy research, and Guwahati, epitomizes urban woes in a developing country.  相似文献   
随着全球气候变化加剧,极端降雨增多,暴雨内涝灾害频发,严重威胁城市的可持续发展。快速掌握暴雨给城市交通及人群的影响,有助于提高灾害应急管理水平和事件响应能力。利用实时动态的交通路况信息和手机定位请求数据,通过一种融合STL时序分解技术与极端学生化偏差统计检验的时间序列异常探测方法,监测和分析暴雨内涝灾害事件中,城市道路交通和人群活动的时空响应特征,并以2018年7月16日发生在北京的极端暴雨事件为例开展实证研究。研究结果显示,在降雨集中的早、晚高峰两个时段(8—9时、18—19时),市区的拥堵道路数量超出往常水平最高可达150%,异常检测分析显示拥堵道路数量和交通拥堵指数均达到异常甚至极端水平。人群活动的异常响应分析结果显示,暴雨事件引起定位请求量异常升高、异常点增多,且异常点的空间分布与1 h前的降雨量分布存在较高相关性。以上结果不仅证明了大数据及异常检测方法对于快速洞察暴雨事件对城市交通及人群影响的有效性,也为城市暴雨内涝灾害的应急响应与管理提供了新的技术手段。  相似文献   
Changing urban landscape with multistoried high rises, roads and pavements is continuously reducing urban green space. These structures result in high surface temperature variation within cities. To explore the relationship between surface temperature and normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), this study estimates two models—geographically weighted regression (GWR) and a fixed effect panel data model in relation to the Guwahati Metropolitan Area (GMA), a secondary city in north east India. The results indicate the superiority of GWR regression in presence of spatial dependence. Panel data analysis shows that the densely populated urban areas in the GMA with less than 10 per cent greenery are 1°C warmer than the sub-urban areas with 50 per cent greenery.  相似文献   
基于多元要素流的珠三角城市群功能联系与空间格局分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以珠三角城市群9个地级市为研究对象,结合当前热点网络开放大数据,对珠三角城市群内各城市的经济流、交通流、人口流和信息流的联系强度和作用方向进行测算与评价。借助赋值法分别对四种要素流的总量进行打分,以各城市的综合得分作为空间层级划分依据,提出关于“点—线—面”的空间互动格局,进而探索珠三角城市群未来的发展规划。研究结果表明:①从各要素流的联系强度上看,城市间的等级划分具有较高的重合度,说明四种要素流彼此之间相互联系、相互作用。从各要素流的作用方向上看,广州和深圳多作为区域内其它城市的首位空间联系城市,说明各要素流通常指向经济发展水平较高、通达性较好的城市。②从整体来看,珠三角城市群内部功能互动表现极度不平衡,一是中心城市占据了要素流强度的绝大部分,其余城市仅占据极小部分流量,两极分化严重;二是东西两岸发展不平衡,东岸发展水平明显要强于西岸发展水平。③广州、深圳、东莞和佛山等城市虽然在区域内起到了一定的辐射和带动作用,但是针对江门、肇庆等周边城市的辐射和带动强度仍有待提升,说明还需进一步优化珠三角城市群功能分工与产业布局,推进区域经济一体化。  相似文献   
刘骁啸  吴康 《地理科学进展》2020,39(12):1972-1984
非首都功能疏解作为京津冀协同发展战略的核心,对解决北京大城市病、实现京津冀可持续发展具有重要意义。论文构建了一个“四位一体”的产业投资网络演化分析框架,以京津冀中部核心区为研究对象,利用工商企业投资大数据测度了非首都功能的3类重点行业在2010、2014、2018年的资本流动特征,并从“节点—路径—格局”3个层面分析了功能疏解背景下产业投资网络演化过程。研究结果表明,非首都功能疏解背景下,北京市各行业对外投资增强,投资集聚中心逐渐向外围转移,但不同行业演化格局存在差异。制造业呈现由邻近扩散向等级扩散转变的演化路径,并向着多中心格局发展;批发零售业在资本净流动层面显示出扩散特征,在骨干路径层面呈现集聚现象,分布格局由北京单极放射状向京津双核联动演化;交通运输仓储和物流业向郊区物流园区所在地集聚,但网络整体发育滞后。研究结果能够为科学认识首都功能疏解情况、了解中部核心区产业结构及产业发展的变动态势提供参考。  相似文献   
Most studies have the achieved rapid and accurate determination of soil organic carbon (SOC) using laboratory spectroscopy; however, it remains difficult to map the spatial distribution of SOC. To predict and map SOC at a regional scale, we obtained fourteen hyperspectral images from the Gaofen-5 (GF-5) satellite and decomposed and reconstructed the original reflectance (OR) and the first derivative reflectance (FDR) using discrete wavelet transform (DWT) at different scales. At these different scales, as inputs, we selected the 3 optimal bands with the highest weight coefficient using principal component analysis and chose the normalized difference index (NDI), ratio index (RI) and difference index (DI) with the strongest correlation with the SOC content using a contour map method. These inputs were then used to build regional-scale SOC prediction models using random forest (RF), support vector machine (SVM) and back-propagation neural network (BPNN) algorithms. The results indicated that: 1) at a low decomposition scale, DWT can effectively eliminate the noise in satellite hyperspectral data, and the FDR combined with DWT can improve the SOC prediction accuracy significantly; 2) the method of selecting inputs using principal component analysis and a contour map can eliminate the redundancy of hyperspectral data while retaining the physical meaning of the inputs. For the model with the highest prediction accuracy, the inputs were all derived from the wavelength range of SOC variations; 3) the differences in prediction accuracy among the different prediction models are small; and 4) the SOC prediction accuracy using hyperspectral satellite data is greatly improved compared with that of previous SOC prediction studies using multispectral satellite data. This study provides a highly robust and accurate method for predicting and mapping regional SOC contents.  相似文献   
在大数据的背景下,充分利用北斗卫星导航系统(BDS)的定位功能,以无人船作为用户端,在水质数据采集和污染源位置的问题中积极探索新的实践方案,迅速、准确地找到污染源,减少河流污染物污染的时间,且无人船上装有净化模块,在发现污染时可作简易处理。在无人船上安装水质分析仪,水质分析仪的传输模块中安装经给防水处理的北斗卫星定位芯片和WiFi数据传输器,进而对河流的污染物种类及浓度进行分析,并采用大数据的计算方法,计算出污染源位置,向云平台反映污染源位置分析结果与污染物处理方法。通过BDS,将数据按照位置区域划分,并将能到达污染源的最短路径发送到处理人的移动设备上。本文通过对基于BDS定位的水质污染监测可视化系统进行分析,以期迅速找出污染源,减少水质污染现象的发生。  相似文献   
赵晓旭 《测绘通报》2020,(5):101-106
城市层面的火灾风险评估主要包括火灾危险性、危害性及救援能力等方面。本文选取火灾危险性评估进行针对性研究,在大数据思维的指导下,以相关关系代替因果关系,采用多源数据对评估指标权重、分值进行率定,得出福州市城区火灾危险性时空分布图。首先利用高德地图API对消防历史出警记录进行地址解析,将近万条火灾出警地址空间落点,获得福州市历史火灾空间分布;然后综合城市用地性质现状、用地开发性质、人口分布热力图等多源异构数据,探索其与历史火灾空间分布的相关性;最后以福州城区为例,初步实现具有充分数理支撑的火灾危险性评估方法,形成火灾危险性动态评估成果,为城市消防规划等提供支撑和依据。  相似文献   
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