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纳米颗粒与重金属元素相结合发生反应,可能产生一系列相互作用关系。这些作用过程是取决于多个环境条件共同作用的复杂过程,尤其是在土壤这种复杂的典型非均质环境介质中。这些作用关系可分为协同促进和拮抗抑制两大类关系。对于土壤中的重金属元素离子而言,纳米态粒子对其环境有效性究竟是协同促进还是拮抗抑制作用,关键取决于纳米粒子的表面修饰特性、二者间的界面反应以及反应后重金属元素的最终赋存状态这三个方面。协同促进或拮抗抑制作用与否则最终决定了这些污染重金属离子的生物可利用性和生态毒性响应。本文对近年来纳米颗粒-重金属共环境行为国内外研究现状进行综述讨论。纳米-重金属界面吸附解吸和土壤中迁移持留过程研究涉及多个热力学、动力学解析方法,科学家结合静态批实验和动态迁移实验等实验室模拟手段,对纳米颗粒、重金属离子、有机质三因子在土壤介质中的相互作用影响和共行为方式展开深入探讨。在重金属离子-纳米颗粒表面吸附机制、赋存形态以及重金属纳米吸附态土壤迁移固定机制研究中,多种定性表征方法的综合应用,如透射电镜(TEM)、X射线衍射(XRD)、X射线光电子能谱(XPS)、傅里叶变换红外光谱(FTIR)、X射线吸收近边结构光谱/扩展X射线吸收精细结构光谱(XANES/EXAFS)等方法相结合,被公认是揭示这一系列过程机制的重要技术手段。针对不同土壤环境中有机质存在条件,正确评价纳米态物质对重金属的迁移性及生物可利用性的影响作用,将为纳米环境效应评估和纳米修复技术等相关应用提供重要的数据支持和机理依据。  相似文献   
Using three methods from nonlinear dynamics, we contrast the level of organization inthe vertical wind velocity (w) time series collected in the atmospheric surface layer(ASL) and the canopy sublayer (CSL) for a wide range of atmospheric stability ()conditions. The nonlinear methods applied include a modified Shannon entropy, waveletthresholding, and mutual information content. Time series measurements collected overa pine forest, a hardwood forest, a grass-covered forest clearing, and a bare soil, desertsurface were used for this purpose. The results from applying all three nonlinear timeseries measures suggest that w in the CSL is more organized than that in the ASL, and that as the flows in both layers evolve from near-neutral to near-convective conditions, the level of organization increases. Furthermore, we found that the degree of organization in w associated with changes in is more significant than the transition from CSL to ASL.  相似文献   
库区塌岸空间信息管理系统构建   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
以ArcGIS为平台,扩展其专业功能,建立一套集库区塌岸预测与防治有关的基本信息采集、信息管理、预测评价,以及塌岸防治工程决策于一体的“库区塌岸信息管理系统及防治决策支持系统”。建立起库区各数据库和各库岸段的塌岸模式数据库,结合典型塌岸防治实例、专家经验、专家知识,建立塌岸防治决策支持系统,为库区塌岸防治工程的宏观决策提供技术支撑,同时也可对重大灾情进行及时预警预报提供数据支撑。  相似文献   
Despite significant progress in the development of quantitative geography techniques and methods and a general recognition of the need to improve the quality of geographic data, few studies have exploited the potential of geospatial tools to augment the quality of available data methods in developing countries. This paper uses data from an extensive deployment of geospatial technology in India to compare crop areas estimated using geospatial technology to crop areas estimated by conventional methods and assess the differences between the methods. The results presented here show that crop area estimates based on geospatial technology generally exceed the estimates obtained using conventional methods. This suggests that conventional methods are unable to respond quickly to changes in cropping patterns and therefore do not accurately record the area under high-value cash crops. This finding has wider implications for commercializing agriculture and the delivery of farm credit and insurance services in developing countries. Significant data errors found in the conventional methods could affect critical policy interventions such as planning for food security. Some research and policy implications are discussed.  相似文献   
地下管网空间数据模型的建立与应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
谭斌 《四川测绘》2001,24(1):16-19
城市综合地下管网系统作为城市地理信息系统的重要组成部分是城市科学规划,管理和辅助决策等工作的重要工具,本文结合昆明市综合地下管网信息系统设计和开发的实际工作,探讨了地下管网空间数据模型的建立和应用。  相似文献   
This paper is mainly concentrated on the geochemical characteristics and origin of gas of Kekeya field in the Tarim basin, NW China. This study shows that Permian mudstone is the main source rock of oil and gas. Based on the carbon isotopes of C1--C4, the carbon isotope of gas in Kekeya field is a little heavier than that in the typical marine-derived gas. The relationship between carbon isotopes of methane and ethane is coincident with Faber equation of gas derived from organic matter Ⅰ/Ⅱ. The majority of gas maturity is estimated, based on the formula, at 1.8%-2.2% besides K2 and K18 wells. In addition, the gas derived from 0.9%-1.2% Ro source rocks may also bemixture. ^40Ar/^36Ar and ^3He/^4He ratios from the gas samples also support the mixing process. Moreover, the gas in this region is mainly generated from more mature source rocks although the low mature gas exists.  相似文献   
卢波  丁秀丽  邬爱清 《岩土力学》2007,28(Z1):295-299
对h型自适应自然单元法的自适应细化方案进行了初步研究。在ZZ误差分析的基础上实现了节点的自动加密,使得随着自适应细化的进行,求解误差减小,而且误差分布趋于均匀。在数值分析中,主要有两种误差来源--插值误差和积分误差。随着节点的加密,Delaunay三角形的尺寸随之减小,三角形内的应力场趋于线性分布,那么插值误差和积分误差也都会随之减小。因而,h型自适应分析可以同时减小上述两种误差而达到不断提高求解精度的目的。由于自然单元法求解依赖于求解域内离散节点的Voronoi结构,建议的细化方案中新节点的引入只需局部调整Delaunay结构,算法的实现极为容易,程序实现简单、高效。研究表明,建议的自适应方案是可行的,自然单元法特别适合进行h型自适应分析。  相似文献   
在氧化沉淀法去除铁的过程中,氧化反应分别在自然曝气、充气和除钙的条件下进行,对照结果进行分析,得出最佳的除铁配方,同时还着重对氧化反应速率及其影响因素(pH,Eh等)进行了探索性研究,为以后试验提供了一定的依据。  相似文献   

The agricultural system in West Pakistan is largely subsistence-oriented, and extensive areas are devoted to produce the low-value crops. Only a small portion of the total cropped area is used to raise cash crops. However, there are regional differences in cropland use in the province. The study focuses on regional variations in the cropping patterns in West Pakistan by establishing the crop combination areas. The crop combination areas also point out a land-use distinction between the areas. Also, the changes in some of the important crops in terms of their land occupancy in the area during the fifteen-year period have been analyzed.  相似文献   
The accurate detection of heavy metal-induced stress on crop growth is important for food security and agricultural, ecological and environmental protection. Spectral sensing offers an efficient and undamaged observation tool to monitor soil and vegetation contamination. This study proposed a methodology for dynamically estimating the total cadmium (Cd) accumulation in rice tissues by assimilating spectral information into WOFOST (World Food Study) model. Based on the differences among ground hyperspectral data of rice in three experiments fields under different Cd concentration levels, the spectral indices MCARI1, NREP and RH were selected to reflect the rice stress condition and dry matter production of rice. With assimilating these sensitive spectral indices into the WOFOST + PROSPECT + SAIL model to optimize the Cd pollution stress factor fwi, the dynamic dry matter production processes of rice were adjusted. Based on the relation between dry matter production and Cd accumulation, we dynamically simulating the Cd accumulation in rice tissues. The results showed that the method performed well in dynamically estimating the total amount of Cd accumulation in rice tissues with R2 over 85%. This study suggests that the proposed method of integrating the spectral information and the crop growth model could successfully dynamically simulate the Cd accumulation in rice tissues.  相似文献   
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