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两种不同减排情景下21世纪气候变化的数值模拟   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
利用国家气候中心最新发展的气候系统模式BCC-CSM1.0模拟了相对于B1排放情景,两种不同减排情景(De90和De07,表示按照B1情景排放到2012年,之后线性递减,至2050年时CO_2排放水平分别达到1990和2007年排放水平一半的情景)对全球和中国区域气候变化的影响.结果表明:两种减排情景下模式模拟的全球平均地表气温在21世纪40年代以后明显低于Bl情景,比减排情景浓度低于B1的时间延迟了20年左右;尽管De90减排情景在2050年所达到的稳定排放水平低于De07情景,但De90情景下的全球增温在2070年以后才一致低于De07情景,这种滞后町能与耦合系统(主要足海洋)的惯性有关;至21世纪末,De90和De07情景下的全球增温幅度分别比B1情景降低了0.4和0.2℃;从全球分布来看,B1情景下21世纪后30年的增温幅度在北半球高纬度和极地地区最大,减排情景能够显著减少这些地区的增温幅度,减排程度越大,则减少越多;在中国区域,B1情景下21世纪末平均增温比全球平均高约1.2℃,减排情景De90和De07分别比B1情景降低了0.4和0.3℃,中国北方地区增温幅度高于南方及沿海地区,减排情景能够显著减小中国西部地区的增温幅度;B1情景下21世纪后30年伞球增温在冬季最高,De90和De07情景分别能够降低各个季节全球升温幅度的17%和10%左右.  相似文献   
Tectonic Evolution of the Himalayan Collision Belt   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This paper discusses the tectonic divisions of the Himalayan collision belt anddeals with the tectonic evolution of the collision belt in the context of crustal accretion in thefront of the collision belt, deep diapirism and thermal-uplift extension and deep material flow-ing of the lithosphere-backflowing. Finally it proposes a model of the tectonic evolution-progressive intracontinental deformation model-of the Himalayan belt.  相似文献   
Large-eddy simulation and Lagrangian stochastic dispersion models were used to study heavy particle dispersion in the convective boundary layer (CBL). The effects of various geostrophic winds, particle diameters, and subgrid-scale (SGS) turbulence were investigated. Results showed an obvious depression in the vertical dispersion of heavy particles in the CBL and major vertical stratification in the distribution of particle concentrations, relative to the passive dispersion. Stronger geostrophic winds tended to increase the dispersion of heavy particles in the lower CBL. The SGS turbulence, particularly near the surface, markedly influenced the dispersion of heavy particles in the CBL. For reference, simulations using passive particles were also conducted; these simulation results agreed well with results from previous convective tank experiments and numerical simulations.  相似文献   
云中积冰过程微物理参量演变规律的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
利用耦合Thompson参数化物理方案的WRF(weather research and forecasting)中尺度数值模式,对发生在2008/2009年和2009/2010年冬季恩施雷达站处三次积冰过程的边界层特征和云雾微物理量进行了模拟,并与实测结果进行了对比分析.模拟结果较好地反映了恩施雷达站上空多逆温影响的温度层结特征;云水质量浓度和云雾滴中值体积直径的模拟值与观测值的平均绝对误差分别为10-2g·m-3和3.8μm;恩施雷达站上空存在一个质量浓度为0.3g ·m-3左右的高值中心,其逐渐下移接地,给积冰过程带来充足水汽,且此时通常也有降雨出现.  相似文献   
采用审查回归模型,分别选取了中国东、中、西部的三个典型城市无锡、武汉和西安,计算了三城市受访者的支付意愿值,并对其影响因素进行了分析。结果表明:(1)支付意愿值与地区经济发展水平直接相关。无锡、武汉和西安受访者的支付意愿分别为21.68,17.15和10.07元/年;(2)年龄越长者,由于其天气知识更丰富、日常消费较节俭,对气象服务的支付意愿越低;(3)文化程度越高者,更能理解和支持气象服务事业,对气象服务的支付意愿越高;(4)月收入变量对气象服务的支付意愿有显著影响,但就不同城市的受访者而言,影响的方向并不一致。  相似文献   
采用RAMS/CFORS Ⅱ模式模拟了一次低空核试验烟云的传输和沉降过程。CFORS Ⅱ模式是在RAMS/CFORS模式的基础上开发的,可用于对核试验放射性烟云长距离输送和沉降过程的模拟研究。模拟表明:对流层中低层的低压槽系统对本次低空核试验烟云的水平传输和垂直扩散起着重要的影响作用;烟云的长距离传输速度呈现出随高度递减而减小的趋势,在6000m以上,烟云在爆后48h即东移入海,6000m以下,烟云在中国大陆的扩散和沉降维持了5d以上;爆后2天内以大粒子沉降为主,其后以小粒子沉降为主,小粒子的放射性远小于大粒子,在爆后第4天,放射性沉降就减小了3个量级,而小粒子的沉降范围是大粒子的5倍以上。通过模拟和观测对比表明,模拟结果基本符合实际烟云的传输和沉降态势。  相似文献   
The relationship between potential evaporation and arealevaporation is assessed using a closed-box model of the convectiveboundary layer (CBL). Potential evaporation is defined as theevaporation that would occur from a hypothetical saturated surface,with radiative properties similar to those of the whole area, and smallenough that the excess moisture flux does not modify thecharacteristics of the CBL. It is shown that the equilibrium rate ofpotential evaporation is given by Ep0=E0,where E0 is the equilibrium evaporation (radiative termof the Penman formula), and is a coefficient similar to thePriestley-Taylor coefficient. Its expression is , where is the areal surface resistance, ra is the localaerodynamic resistance, and is the dimensionless slope of thesaturation specific humidity at the temperature of the air. Itscalculated value is around 1 for any saturated surface surrounded bywater, about 1.3 for saturated grass surrounded by well-watered grassand can be greater than 3 over saturated forest surrounded by forest.The formulation obtained provides a theoretical basis to the overallmean value of 1.26, empirically found by Priestley and Taylor for thecoefficient . Examining, at the light of this formulation, thecomplementary relationship between potential and actual evaporation(as proposed by Bouchet and Morton), it appears that the sum ofthese two magnitudes is not a constant at equilibrium, but depends onthe value of the areal surface resistance.  相似文献   
基于中尺度数值模式WRF,选取新疆两次强降水过程,设计3个试验方案,其中试验1为控制试验,试验2提高分辨率,试验3提高分辨率并调整物理参数化方案,初步评估不同分辨率和参数化方案对新疆区域2m温度、10m风速、降水预报的影响。结果表明:(1)提高分辨率对2m温度、10m风速模拟精度均有提高,2m温度预报精度提高约0.5℃,降低了日间温度模拟冷偏差;10m风速预报精度提高约0.5m/s,降低了风速模拟正偏差;但提高分辨率后,模式出现虚假降水预报的情况。(2)提高分辨率并调整物理参数化方案后,2m温度模拟误差略有减小,模拟偏差减小约0.2℃;10m风速模拟误差增大约0.5m/s,模拟偏差增大超过0.5m/s;对降水落区、量级的模拟精度显著提高,减小了降水中心的模拟强度,对虚假降水预报有一定修正。  相似文献   
A three-dimensional Lagrangian tropospheric chemistry modelis used toinvestigate the impact of human activities on the tropospheric distributionofozone and hydroxyl radicals. The model describes the behaviour of 50 speciesincluding methane, carbon monoxide, oxides of nitrogen, sulphur dioxide andnineorganic compounds emitted from human activities and a range of other sources.Thechemical mechanism involves about 100 chemical reactions of which 16 arephotochemical reactions whose diurnal dependence is treated in full. The modelutilises a five minute chemistry time step and a three hour advection timestepfor the 50,000 air parcels. Meteorological data for the winds, temperatures,clouds and so on are taken from the UK Meteorological Office global model for1994 onwards. The impacts of a 50% reduction in European NOXemissions onglobal ozone concentrations are assessed. Surface ozoneconcentrations decrease in summertime and rise in wintertime, but to differentextents.  相似文献   
利用NECP 1°×1°6 h再分析资料和WRF中尺度数值模式对2006年7月2-3日豫北区域性大暴雨过程进行数值模拟,并用模拟结果对该过程作中尺度分析.结果表明:暴雨中尺度系统发展和维持期间,基本上是强涡度区对应强辐合区,使得垂直对流运动发生发展,为强降水发生和持续提供了动力条件;θse值大小和实况降水强弱演变对应关系很好,θse值越大,实况降水越强,反之,实况降水越弱;豫北地区出现强降水时,水汽通量中心位于豫南且分布在西南急流轴上,豫中南部始终维持一条明显的水汽输送带,水汽被源源不断地输送到豫北地区;豫北地区处于明显的水汽辐合区,强辐合区有一自西向东的移动过程,与实况强降水过程演变趋势一致;大暴雨区域上空从低层到对流层顶层垂直螺旋度均为正值,且强降水时段与螺旋度最强时段对应关系很好,降水峰值与正螺旋度中心出现时间吻合.  相似文献   
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