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美国是全球最大的移民接收国,墨西哥是美国最大的移民来源国,特殊的地缘关系和巨大的发展差距使众多墨西哥人移民美国。墨裔移民为美国提供了充足的劳动力,在美墨边境地区,移民集聚带动了两国边境地区的发展。但族裔矛盾始终是美国主要社会问题之一,特别是“9·11”事件后,少数族裔和非法移民问题加剧美国社会分裂和对立,成为美国国内政治博弈的焦点。基于区域地缘关系的视角来看,美国与墨西哥之间长期不对等的国际关系决定了跨国移民的流入状态和生存境遇,也是美国族群矛盾的主要原因之一。移民问题政治化将持续强化墨裔移民政策的不确定性,使移民个人与家庭面临更大的融入困难。  相似文献   
渤海、黄海是高产二甲基硫(Dimethyl Sulfide, DMS)的大陆架海区。该海区DMS的现场调查研究有助于准确评估海洋DMS释放量及其对全球气候变化的负反馈作用。目前,无论是基于模型还是直接测量法的通量估算均以表层海水或低层大气DMS浓度为基础,因此,先进的检测技术对其通量估算的准确度具有决定性作用。气相色谱法、质谱法、化学发光法以及卫星遥感技术是现在常用的观测技术,而本文则基于苯辅助光电离离子迁移谱技术进一步提出了一种可在海域现场观测海水中DMS的方法。通过结合动态气提-Nafion管在线除水进样系统,消除环境水汽的干扰;在最优条件下,基于DMS两个产物离子峰,可以实现0.10~120 nmol/L之间DMS的定量分析,检测限低至0.065 nmol/L;然后将所建方法应用于2019年秋季渤海、北黄海海水中DMS的现场观测。结果表明,表层海水中DMS的浓度为0.080~0.96 nmol/L(平均值为(0.44±0.34)nmol/L),其海气通量为0.12~17.75 μmol/(m2·d)(平均值为( 3.23±4.02)μmol/(m2·d));通过结合实验室检测结果、环境因子和浮游植物群落结构讨论了海水样品低温储存条件下DMS的变化和影响因素,结果显示,营养盐成分及浮游植物群落结构是影响储存样品中DMS浓度显著增加的主要因素,进一步表明了现场观测方法的建立对海洋DMS释放量的准确评估具有重要意义。  相似文献   
沙丘移动的研究现状与未来研究思路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沙丘移动的研究经过数十年的发展与完善,基本上已自成体系。但是由于起步较晚,加之现象的复杂性,目前仍有很多重要的理论问题没能彻底解决,至少还未达成共识,成为学术界长期以来争论的焦点,从而影响了它的继续发展。本文在剖析沙丘移动研究现状的基础上,浅析其未来研究思路。重点对沙丘移动的判定指标进行了讨论,指出了Lancaste(r1988)提出的指标表达式不能够直接应用于我国,必须建立与我国国情相符合的指标体系。  相似文献   
Mercury accumulation in the food chain, as a consequence of gold recovery in Brazil, has been an issue of concern. Reactions of Hg in the environment are quite complex, and can involve various Hg chemical species. Laboratory experiments were carried out on Hg0 solubility, Hg complexation and sorption on river sediments from a gold mining region in Brazil. The reactivity and the mobility of Hg species were considered. Results indicate that methyl mercury is more mobile than ionic mercury, and that the presence of humic acid enhances drastically the solubility of Hg0. The soluble complex formed has a relatively lower interaction at the sediment/water interface and is more prone to spread through the aquatic environment.  相似文献   
转型期广州市居住迁移影响因素于户籍之间的比较   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
刘望保  闫小培 《地理研究》2007,26(5):1055-1066
住房制度改革以来,中国城市居住迁移率大规模增加,成为城市重构和社会空间分异的基础动力。利用生命历程理论,通过家庭问卷调查,本文使用事件史模型动态地模拟了居住迁移,并比较外来人口与本地人口居住迁移影响因素的差异。整体来看,1980年以来年均居住迁移率呈上升趋势,外来人口的年均居住迁移率要比本地人口高。住房性质、婚姻变化、工作变动、居住区位和年份等变量都显著影响居住迁移,反映了住房制度改革、住房市场和分配环境、家庭生命周期等因素对居住迁移的影响;但影响程度户籍间的差异明显,工作地区位的变动导致通勤成本的变化是外来人口居住迁移的最显著影响因子,而家庭生命周期和住房特征变量是本地人口居住迁移的最显著影响变量,反映了两者之间的本质差别。居住区位对本地人口的居住迁移影响显著,内圈层居民的迁移率相对较低,而居住区位变量对外来人口的影响相对较弱。  相似文献   
When sediment grains are transported as bed load in overland flow, there is a net transfer of momentum from the flow to the grains. When these grains collide with other grains, whether on the bed or in the flow, streamwise flow velocity decreases and resistance to flow increases. Resistance to flow generated in this manner is termed bed‐load transport resistance. Resistance to flow f over a plane bed may be partitioned into grain resistance fg and bed‐load transport resistance fbt. We use the symbols fbtf and fbtm to denote fbt for flows over fixed beds and over mobile beds, respectively, and we compute the effect of bed mobility on flow resistance fmob by subtracting fbtf from fbtm. The data for this study come from 54 flume experiments with fixed beds and 38 with mobile beds. On average fmob is approximately equal to half of fbtm, which is about one‐quarter of f. Hence, fmob is about one‐tenth of f. Predictive equations are developed for fbtf, fbtm and fmob using dimensional analysis to identify the relevant independent variables and regression analysis to evaluate the coefficients associated with these variables. Values of fmob are always positive which implies that mobile beds offer greater resistance to flow than do fixed beds. Evidently bed‐load grains colliding with mobile beds lose more momentum to the bed than do grains colliding with fixed beds. In other words, grain collisions with mobile beds are less elastic than those with fixed beds. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
G. R. Ravindra Kumar   《Lithos》2004,75(3-4):331-358
The formation of arrested charnockite is an excellent example of structurally controlled channellised fluid flow along specific sites accompanied by selective elemental mobility and mineralogical changes. The present paper recognises and focuses study on three types of arrested charnockite formation from Palghat region, namely, shear-controlled, foliation parallel and boudin-neck types, and address their spatio-temporal relations to regional-scale charnoenderbite. The shear-controlled and foliation parallel types post-date deformation and migmatisation. The boudin-neck type, on the contrary, is coeval with partial melting and followed the path of cooling and decreasing water activity in the gneiss. K-feldspar veining around plagioclase and quartz, symplectitic intergrowth of biotite+quartz after orthopyroxene and K-feldspar, and fluid inclusion data suggests the presence of alkalic supercritical brine and low-density CO2-rich fluid during charnockite formation. Charnockite domains developed following the breakdown of hornblende, biotite and quartz are characterised by a more or less pronounced depletion of Fe, Ca, Mg and Ti and trace elements Y and Zr, compared to their counterpart gneiss. REE spectra indicate a subtle depletion in the HREE near the centre of the charnockite domain. Although close-pair samples of gneiss–charnockite are isochemical, on a scale of a few millimetres, bi-directional element movement, related to the formation of new mineral was noted. It is postulated that arrested charnockite formation developed in situ on local scale within the granitic domains of the hornblende-biotite gneiss, in the presence of CO2-rich fluids and alkalic supercritical saline brine. This process post-dated the time of regional granulite (charnoenderbite) and large regional scale retrogression and migmatisation.  相似文献   
当前采用交通流数据量化城市人群活动模式研究已经取得了丰硕的研究成果,但是对于同一区域、同一时段不同类型交通流数据反映城市人群活动模式的共性与差异性仍然知之甚少,直接影响了城市人群活动模式挖掘结果的可解释性与实际应用效果。为此,本文旨在对目前广泛采用的智能卡数据(公交和地铁刷卡)和出租车轨迹数据2种重要的交通流数据,从时空分布模式的差异性、行程距离及距离衰减效应的差异性、空间社团结构的差异性3个方面,探索二者反映城市人群活动模式的差异性:① 采用北京市六环以内区域2016年5月9日至15日的智能卡和出租车轨迹数据进行实验分析,研究发现:① 2种交通流反映出行需求的空间分布呈现出高度相关性,但是在同一空间单元上,2种交通流反映出行需求的时间相关性较低;② 2种交通流的使用率在不同空间位置存在明显差异,仅在城市中心区域使用率较为均衡;③ 2种交通流反映人群行程距离的空间分布、距离衰减效应存在明显差异,公共交通对于促进长距离出行更为重要;④ 从2种交通流发现的空间社团结构都显示了城市的多中心结构特征,但是二者发现社团结构存在的差异性表明两种交通方式对城市空间交互起着不同的作用。本研究有助于深入理解多源交通流反映城市人群活动的内在机理,提升城市人群活动模式在城市规划、交通管理等领域的应用效果。  相似文献   
由于劳动力的异质性,不同技能劳动力之间的合作和互补可以获得递增收益。客观存在的技能互补性导致技能劳动力迁入与迁入地技能劳动力需求之间的正反馈关系,从而引发了劳动力区际流动与人力资本地区集中之间的累积循环。该文基于Giannetti提出的技能互补性假说,从一个新的角度对劳动力区际流动的动因进行理论与实证分析,并揭示该假说的区域经济学含义。  相似文献   
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