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 About 50 million tonnes/year of waste rock from coal-mining is generated in the limited area of the thickly populated Upper Silesian Coal Basin (USCB) in Poland. There are 380 coal-mining waste dumps, including 76 active dump sites covering over 2,000 ha. About 15-16 million tonnes/year of waste rock is being reused for civil engineering purposes in the same area. This brings about a problem of ground water deterioration by constituents leached from waste rock exposed to atmospheric conditions. The major factors determining the ground water contamination potential from waste rock are chloride salinity, sulfur content and acid generation potential. The concept behind the presented studies was to provide data for correct evaluation and prediction of contaminant release from the waste rock, based on the characterization of coal-mining waste properties, as well as on long-term laboratory, lysimetric and field studies. The results show that coal-mining waste dumps can be a long-term source of ground water contamination, lasting for decades and increasing with time. Ground water down-gradient from the disused 15–30-years-old part of the studied dump displays high and increasing acidification, high TDS, SO4, and the highest, still increasing concentrations of Mn, Fe and Zn. Cost-effective and efficient pollution control measures, similar to the presented design and construction elements of the dump site, can mitigate the negative environmental impacts. Received: 3 July 1997 · Accepted: 9 September 1998  相似文献   
针对煤炭国家规划矿区与煤炭矿区易混淆不清问题,基于相关标准和通知,详细解读了煤炭国家规划矿区和煤炭矿区的定义,梳理了第一、二批煤炭国家规划矿区和《全国矿产资源规划(2016-2020年)》划定的煤炭国家规划矿区基本情况,并从划定目的、划定依据和形成时段等方面详细阐述了二者的区别。指明煤炭国家规划矿区划定主管部门是自然资源部,划定主要目的是控制矿权设置,规范矿业权管理;煤炭矿区划定主管部门是国家发展改革委,划定目的主要是为生产开发做准备。在未来煤炭国家规划矿区管理工作中,建议加强煤炭规划矿区基本理论、划定标准及规划矿区内矿产资源与环境影响等方面的研究。  相似文献   
普通克里金法是构建矿区三维地形模型并揭示地表沉陷形变场动态变化规律的有效方法。但普通克里金法存在平滑效应的问题,导致估计值的空间变异程度小于实际,无法真实反映矿区复杂地表形态的空间变化特征。本文结合矿区实际地形采样数据,提出了一种空间变异修正的普通克里金法,并将其应用于矿区复杂地形的高精度建模,并与已有方法在建模精度和空间变异性复现方面进行了对比分析。研究结果表明,空间变异修正的普通克里金法能够很好地处理平滑效应对建模的影响,具有更高的建模精度和空间变异性复现能力,在矿区复杂地形高精度建模应用中具有较强的适用性,可以作为一种可靠的建模工具用于矿区复杂地形沉陷形变场动态变化规律分析。  相似文献   
This paper presents the failure process of the external waste dump of the South Field Mine, the major open pit mine in Greece. The waste materials of the mine were deposited in three phases, forming an average inclination slope 10% and a total height of 110 m from the ground surface. The failure occurred when the third phase of the deposit was initiated. The high moisture content of the waste materials and their deposition over a spring, choking its flow, had as a result the development of high pore water pressure in clayey and marly materials in the base of the deposit. As a consequence, a large scale slope failure incident occurred. The landslide involved the mobilization of waste material in the order of 40 Mm3, while the material that moved outside the boundaries of the waste dump was in the order of 2.5 Mm3. The stability of the waste dump was investigated using the limit equilibrium analysis and different types of models.Limit equilibrium analyses were performed using different methods and considering the clay layer of small shear resistance that exists in the base of the deposit. They do not indicate activation of failure mechanism, only that there is a combination of high pore water pressure that developed in the deposit because the covering of the spring with the clayey materials of the dump.  相似文献   
肥城煤田作为国家重要能源基地,开发历史悠久,为我国高速发展的国民经济做出了巨大贡献。但长期开采导致塌陷范围广、深度大、积水严重,生态环境遭受严重破坏,给矿区群众的生产生活带来严重影响。该文总结了目前普及化程度较高的采煤塌陷区治理模式,以此为基础,对肥城市采煤塌陷区按照因地制宜的原则,通过分析研究、归纳得出适应于肥城市采煤塌陷区四种不同的治理模式,分别为:土地复垦治理模式、“渔业+农业”治理模式、生态修复治理模式、综合治理模式,并对四种治理模式进行了阐述分析,对今后肥城市采煤塌陷区治理起到借鉴和指导作用。  相似文献   
泰安市有很多历史形成、责任灭失的铁矿、石膏矿、金矿、长石矿、萤石矿、岩盐矿等非煤矿山。该文阐述了各矿山的采空区位置、分布范围、危险性及废弃矿井的位置、类型,分析了地表变形及其对建(构)筑物及基础设施的潜在影响,采用赋值打分法和规范评价法对采空区稳定性进行评价,对废弃矿井危害程度进行定性分析评价。在调查与评价的基础上,对泰安市历史形成、责任灭失非煤矿山采空区及废弃矿井提出针对性的防治措施,为开展防治工作提供参考和依据。  相似文献   
基于IC卡综合换乘信息的公交乘客上车站点推算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现有研究在缺少公交车运营信息的情况下,利用公交线间正交换乘信息的方法来识别公交车持卡乘客的上车站点,但在实际运用中很多班次无正交换乘的乘客,容易导致公交乘客上车站点匹配困难。因此,本文提出了一种基于IC卡综合换乘信息的公交乘客上车站点推算方法,该方法充分利用IC卡数据中的综合换乘信息(公交线间的正交和非正交换乘信息、地铁和公交线间的换乘信息)与公交网数据确定班次行驶方向,对班次内的乘客进行分组,充分利用综合换乘信息确定基准组及其对应的上车站点;然后,通过最小偏差规则匹配待定组的上车站点,实现公交乘客上车站点的推估。利用换乘信息确定班次行驶方向弥补了现有研究无法确定班次行驶方向的不足,使公交乘客上车站点推算方法更科学;最后,基于2011年8月的“深圳通”IC卡数据进行实例分析,对比只利用正交换乘信息确定的基准组数量和利用综合换乘信息确定的基准组数量,结果表明:该方法可使确定上车站点的组数占总组数的比值提高,克服了只利用正交换乘信息推算上车站点方法中存在的单个班次无基准组从而无法进行站点匹配的困难。本文方法比只利用正交换乘信息匹配站点,具有更高的可行性与准确率。  相似文献   
地理信息系统(GIS)在国土及矿政管理中进行了广泛的应用,取得了很好的效果。本文研究利用GIS空间分析功能在矿业权范围内分析涉及国家出资地质勘查项目情况,统计矿业权范围内占国家出资地质勘查面积,依据相关的法律和法规进行价款计算,为矿业权登记、转让等环节中价款评估提供科学依据。  相似文献   
通过研究深冲铀矿区γ能谱铀异常、氡浓度异常特征和激电异常特征,探索矿区范围岩体、断裂构造和蚀变带与物化探信息显示特征的关系。据此,结合矿区地质特征,总结物化探方法应用效果,矿致异常综合特征。  相似文献   
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